    def resolve_sid(self, sid):
		Two cases:
			* the SID is a WELL KNOWN SID and a local SID, the name of the corresponding account is returned;
			* else, the SID is search through the LDAP and the corresponding record is returned.

		@sid: the sid to search for.

		@throw ActiveDirectoryInvalidSID if the SID is not a valid SID.
		@return the record corresponding to the SID queried.
        if sid in WELL_KNOWN_SIDs:
            return WELL_KNOWN_SIDs[sid]
        elif validate_sid(sid):
            results = self.query(f"(&(ObjectSid={sid}))")
            if results:
                return results
        raise self.ActiveDirectoryInvalidSID(f"SID: {sid}")
    def resolve_sid(self, sid):
		Two cases:
			* the SID is a WELL KNOWN SID and a local SID, the name of the corresponding account is returned;
			* else, the SID is search through the cache and the corresponding record is returned.

		@sid: the sid to search for.
		@throw ActiveDirectoryInvalidSID if the SID is not a valid SID.
		@return the record corresponding to the SID queried.
        if sid in WELL_KNOWN_SIDs:
            return WELL_KNOWN_SIDs[sid]
        elif validate_sid(sid):
            results = self.query({
                "fmt": "json",
                "files": ["users_all", "groups", "machines"],
                "filter": lambda x: x["objectSid"] == sid
            if results:
                return results
        raise self.ActiveDirectoryInvalidSID(f"SID: {sid}")