# open the serial port between odroid and zibgee
myserial = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 115200, timeout=0.5)  # read timeout is 0.5s
print myserial.portstr

if myserial.isOpen():

    '''initialise datas'''
    receivedDatas = ""
	delt_T = 1.0  #1.0s
	lastRecord = current_milli_time()
	loop_cnt = 1
	CONST_VX0 = 0.0
	CONST_VY0 = 0.0
	CONST_D12 = pow(0.1111, 2)
	#leader object 
	leader = leaderControl(CONST_VX0, CONST_VY0, CONST_D12, vehicle.location.lat, vehicle.location.lon)  #vx0 = 0.5, vy0 = 0.5, x0 = vehicle.location.lat, y0 = vehicle.location.lon

    '''control loop'''
    while not api.exit:
    	if v.mode.name != "GUIDED":
			print "User has changed fight mode, aborting loop!"
    	if current_milli_time() - lastRecord >= 1000:  #1000ms
    		lastRecord = current_milli_time()
    		print "[%s] current time is: %f" % (loop_cnt, lastRecord)
    		loop_cnt += 1

    		# read
    	    receivedDatas = myserial.readline()
    	    neighbourLon, neighbourLat = decode_position(receivedDatas)
    	    print "neighbourLat: " + neighbourLat
	tempos2 = positionList[1]
	print "waiting for connecting..."
	if tempos1 != 255.0 and tempos2 != 255.0:
		print "connecting ok!"
    After the vehicle reaches a target height, do other things

    ''' main thread'''
    #leader object 
    leader = leaderControl(CONST_VX0, CONST_VY0, CONST_D12, float(math.pi / 180)*R*vehicle.location.lat, float(math.pi / 180)*R*vehicle.location.lon)  #vx0 = 0.5, vy0 = 0.5, x0 = vehicle.location.lat, y0 = vehicle.location.lon

    '''control loop'''
    while not api.exit:
    	not_received_flag = 0
    	if vehicle.mode.name != "GUIDED":
    		print "User has changed fight mode, aborting loop!"

    	if current_milli_time() - lastRecord >= delt_T:  #500ms
    		lastRecord = current_milli_time()
    		print "[%s] current time is: %f" % (loop_cnt, lastRecord)
    		loop_cnt += 1

    		myserial.write('o'+str("%.8f" % vehicle.location.lon))
After the vehicle reaches a target height, do other things

# open the serial port between odroid and zibgee
myserial = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 115200, timeout=0.5)  # read timeout is 0.5s
print myserial.portstr

if myserial.isOpen():

    '''initialise datas'''
    receivedDatas = ""
	delt_T = 1.0  #1.0s
	lastRecord = current_milli_time()
	#leader object 
	leader = leaderControl(0.5, 0.5, vehicle.location.lat, vehicle.location.lon)  #vx0 = 0.5, vy0 = 0.5, x0 = vehicle.location.lat, y0 = vehicle.location.lon
	loop_cnt = 1

    '''control loop'''
    while not api.exit:
    	if v.mode.name != "GUIDED":
			print "User has changed fight mode, aborting loop!"
    	if current_milli_time() - lastRecord >= 1000:  #1000ms
    		lastRecord = current_milli_time()
    		print "[%s] current time is: %f" % (loop_cnt, lastRecord)
    		loop_cnt += 1

    		# read
    	    receivedDatas = myserial.readline()
    	    neighbourLat, neighbourLon = decode_position(receivedDatas)