def fitness(self, net, proc, id_for_printing=-1): total_weights = net.num_edges() total_delays = net.num_edges() total_thresholds = net.num_nodes() dec = [8] * total_weights + [4] * total_delays + [7] * total_thresholds leap_decoder = BinaryToIntDecoder(*dec) problem = NetworkProblem(net, proc, self) genome_len = 8 * total_weights + 4 * total_delays + 7 * total_thresholds parents = Individual.create_population( 10, initialize=create_binary_sequence(genome_len), decoder=leap_decoder, problem=problem) parents = Individual.evaluate_population(parents) max_generation = 10 #stdout_probe = probe.FitnessStatsCSVProbe(context, stream=sys.stdout) generation_counter = util.inc_generation(context=context) while generation_counter.generation() < max_generation: offspring = pipe( parents, ops.tournament_selection, ops.clone, mutate_bitflip, ops.uniform_crossover, ops.evaluate, ops.pool(size=len(parents))) #, # accumulate offspring #stdout_probe) parents = offspring generation_counter() # increment to the next generation best = probe.best_of_gen(parents).decode() set_weights(best, net) return self.get_fitness_score(net, proc, id_for_printing)
""" from toolz import pipe from leap_ec.individual import Individual from leap_ec.decoder import IdentityDecoder from leap_ec.global_vars import context import leap_ec.ops as ops from leap_ec.binary_rep.problems import MaxOnes from leap_ec.binary_rep.initializers import create_binary_sequence from leap_ec.binary_rep.ops import mutate_bitflip from leap_ec import util # create initial rand population of 5 individuals parents = Individual.create_population(5, initialize=create_binary_sequence(4), decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=MaxOnes()) # Evaluate initial population parents = Individual.evaluate_population(parents) # print initial, random population util.print_population(parents, generation=0) # generation_counter is an optional convenience for generation tracking generation_counter = util.inc_generation(context=context) while generation_counter.generation() < 6: offspring = pipe(parents, ops.tournament_selection, ops.clone, mutate_bitflip(expected_num_mutations=1), ops.uniform_crossover(p_swap=0.2), ops.evaluate,
from leap_ec.binary_rep.ops import mutate_bitflip if __name__ == '__main__': pop_size = 5 with open('./coop_stats.csv', 'w') as log_stream: ea = multi_population_ea(generations=1000, pop_size=pop_size, num_populations=9, problem=MaxOnes(), # Fitness function init_evaluate=ops.const_evaluate(value=-100), representation=Representation( individual_cls=Individual, initialize=create_binary_sequence( length=1), decoder=IdentityDecoder() ), # Operator pipeline shared_pipeline=[ ops.tournament_selection, ops.clone, mutate_bitflip(expected_num_mutations=1), ops.CooperativeEvaluate( context=context, num_trials=1, collaborator_selector=ops.random_selection, log_stream=log_stream), ops.pool(size=pop_size) ])
if args.track_workers_file: track_workers_stream = open(args.track_workers_file, 'w') track_workers_func = log_worker_location(track_workers_stream) if args.track_pop_file is not None: track_pop_stream = open(args.track_pop_file, 'w') track_pop_func = log_pop(args.update_interval, track_pop_stream) final_pop = asynchronous.steady_state( client, births=args.max_births, init_pop_size=args.init_pop_size, pop_size=args.pop_size, representation=Representation( initialize=create_binary_sequence(args.length), individual_cls=DistributedIndividual), problem=MaxOnes(), offspring_pipeline=[ ops.random_selection, ops.clone, mutate_bitflip(expected_num_mutations=1), ops.pool(size=1) ], evaluated_probe=track_workers_func, pop_probe=track_pop_func)'Final pop: \n%s', pformat(final_pop)) except Exception as e: logger.critical(str(e)) raise e finally:
# will take snapshots of the offspring before culling. That way we can # compare the before and after to see what specific individuals were culled. offspring_probe = AttributesCSVProbe(attributes=['hostname', 'pid', 'uuid', 'birth_id', 'start_eval_time', 'stop_eval_time'], do_fitness=True, stream=open('simple_sync_distributed_offspring.csv', 'w')) with Client() as client: # create an initial population of 5 parents of 4 bits each for the # MAX ONES problem parents = DistributedIndividual.create_population(5, # make five individuals initialize=create_binary_sequence( 4), # with four bits decoder=IdentityDecoder(), problem=MaxOnes()) # Scatter the initial parents to dask workers for evaluation parents = synchronous.eval_population(parents, client=client) # probes rely on this information for printing CSV 'step' column context['leap']['generation'] = 0 probe(parents) # generation 0 is initial population offspring_probe(parents) # generation 0 is initial population # When running the test harness, just run for two generations # (we use this to quickly ensure our examples don't get bitrot) if os.environ.get(test_env_var, False) == 'True':
from leap_ec.binary_rep import initializers from leap_ec.binary_rep import problems from leap_ec.binary_rep.ops import mutate_bitflip pop_size = 5 ea = generational_ea( generations=10, pop_size=pop_size, # Solve a MaxOnes Boolean optimization problem problem=problems.MaxOnes(), representation=representation.Representation( # Genotype and phenotype are the same for this task decoder=decoder.IdentityDecoder(), # Initial genomes are random binary sequences initialize=initializers.create_binary_sequence(length=10)), # The operator pipeline pipeline=[ ops.tournament_selection, # Select parents via tournament_selection selection ops.clone, # Copy them (just to be safe) # Basic mutation: defaults to a 1/L mutation rate mutate_bitflip, # Crossover with a 40% chance of swapping each gene ops.uniform_crossover(p_swap=0.4), ops.evaluate, # Evaluate fitness # Collect offspring into a new population ops.pool(size=pop_size) ])