def test_koza_maximization():
        Tests the koza_parsimony() function for maximization problems
    problem = SpheroidProblem(maximize=True)

    pop = []

    # We set up three individuals in ascending order of fitness of
    # [0, 1, 2]
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([0]), problem=problem))
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([1]), problem=problem))
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]), problem=problem))

    pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)

    # Now truncate down to the "best" that should be the third one
    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1)
    assert np.all(best[0].genome == [0, 0, 1, 1])

    # This is just to look at the influence of the parsimony pressure on
    # the order of the individual.  You should observe that the order is now
    # ([0,0,1,1], [0], [1]) because now their biased fitnesses are respectively
    # (-2, -1, 0)

    # Ok, now we want to turn on parsimony pressure, which should knock the
    # really really really long genome out of the running for "best"
    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1, key=koza_parsimony(penalty=1))

    assert np.all(best[0].genome == [1])
def test_koza_minimization():
        Tests the koza_parsimony() function for _minimization_ problems.
    problem = SpheroidProblem(maximize=False)

    pop = []

    # First individual has a fitness of three but len(genome) of 4
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([0, 1, 1, 1]), problem=problem))

    # Second has a fitness of 4, but len(genome) of 1
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([2]), problem=problem))

    pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)

    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1, key=koza_parsimony(penalty=1))

    assert np.all(best[0].genome == [2])
def test_lexical_minimization():
        Tests lexical_parsimony() for minimization problems
    problem = SpheroidProblem(maximize=False)

    pop = []

    # fitness=4, len(genome)=1
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([2]), problem=problem))

    # fitness=4, len(genome)=4
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]), problem=problem))

    pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)

    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1, key=lexical_parsimony)

    # prefers the shorter of the genomes with equivalent fitness
    assert np.all(best[0].genome == [2])
def test_truncation_selection_with_nan2():
    """If truncation selection encounters a NaN and non-NaN fitness
    while minimizing, the non-NaN wins.
    problem = SpheroidProblem(maximize=False)

    pop = []

    pop.append(Individual(np.array([0]), problem=problem))
    pop.append(Individual(np.array([1]), problem=problem))

    pop = Individual.evaluate_population(pop)

    # First *normal* selection should yield the 0 as the "best"
    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1)
    assert pop[0] == best[0]

    # But now let's set that best to a NaN, which *should* force the other
    # individual to be selected.
    pop[0].fitness = nan

    best = ops.truncation_selection(pop, size=1)
    assert pop[1] == best[0]
    # Handbook of EC, B1.3:2
    context['leap']['std'] *= .85

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Define the real value bounds for initializing the population. In this case,
    # we define a genome of four bounds.

    # the (-5.12,5.12) was what was originally used for this problem in
    # Ken De Jong's 1975 dissertation, so was used for historical reasons.
    bounds = [(-5.12, 5.12), (-5.12, 5.12), (-5.12, 5.12), (-5.12, 5.12)]
    parents = Individual.create_population(

    # Evaluate initial population
    parents = Individual.evaluate_population(parents)

    context['leap']['std'] = 2

    # We use the provided context, but we could roll our own if we
    # wanted to keep separate contexts.  E.g., island models may want to have
    # their own contexts.
    generation_counter = util.inc_generation(context=context,
                                             callbacks=(anneal_std, ))

    # print initial, random population
    print_population(parents, generation=0)
# main
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # file_probe = probe.AttributesCSVProbe(context, stream=sys.stdout, do_fitness=True, do_genome=True)

    topology = nx.complete_graph(3)

    l = 2
    bounds = (0, 1)

    def transform(problem):
        return TranslatedProblem.random(ScaledProblem(problem, new_bounds=bounds), (-0.5, 0.5), l)

    # Island-specific fitness functions
    problems = [ transform(SpheroidProblem(maximize=False)),
    # Probes and visualization
    genotype_probes, fitness_probes = viz_plots(problems, modulo=10)
    subpop_probes = list(zip(genotype_probes, fitness_probes))

    def get_island(context):
        """Closure that returns a callback for retrieving the current island
        ID during logging."""
        return lambda _: context['leap']['current_subpopulation']

    pop_size = 10
    ea = multi_population_ea(generations=1000,