    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        images_np = standardize_image(images_np_pure)
        image_fpv = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([images_np]))
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))
        # Add the batch dimension

        first_step = True
        if instruction == self.prev_instruction:
            first_step = False
        self.prev_instruction = instruction

        img_in_t = image_fpv
        img_in_t.volatile = True

        instr_len = [len(instruction)] if instruction is not None else None
        instruction = torch.LongTensor(instruction).unsqueeze(0)
        instruction = cuda_var(instruction, self.is_cuda, self.cuda_device)

        state.volatile = True

        if self.is_cuda:
            if img_in_t is not None:
                img_in_t = img_in_t.cuda(self.cuda_device)
            state = state.cuda(self.cuda_device)

        step_enc = None
        plan_now = None

        self.seq_step += 1

        action = self(img_in_t, state, instruction, instr_len, plan=plan_now, pos_enc=step_enc)

        # Save materials for paper and presentation
        if False:

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        output_stop = 1 if stop_prob > 0.5 else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        return output_action
    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        images_np = standardize_image(images_np_pure)
        image_fpv = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([images_np]))
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))
        # Add the batch dimension

        first_step = True
        if instruction == self.prev_instruction:
            first_step = False
        self.prev_instruction = instruction

        img_in_t = image_fpv
        img_in_t.volatile = True

        instr_len = [len(instruction)] if instruction is not None else None
        for tok in instruction:
            if tok >= self.params["vocab_size"] or tok < 0:
                raise Exception("Word embeddings out of bounds")
        instruction = torch.LongTensor(instruction).unsqueeze(0)
        instruction = cuda_var(instruction, self.is_cuda, self.cuda_device)

        state.volatile = True

        if self.is_cuda:
            img_in_t = img_in_t.cuda(self.cuda_device)

        self.seq_step += 1

        action = self(img_in_t, instruction, instr_len)

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        output_stop = 1 if (stop_prob > 0.5
                            or self.seq_step >= self.trajectory_len - 5) else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        #print("action: ", output_action)

        return output_action
    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        images_np = standardize_image(images_np_pure)
        image_fpv = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([images_np]))
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))
        self.prev_instruction = instruction

        img_in_t = image_fpv
        img_in_t.volatile = True

        instr_len = [len(instruction)] if instruction is not None else None
        instruction = torch.LongTensor(instruction).unsqueeze(0)
        instruction = cuda_var(instruction, self.is_cuda, self.cuda_device)

        state.volatile = True

        if self.is_cuda:
            img_in_t = img_in_t.cuda(self.cuda_device)
            state = state.cuda(self.cuda_device)

        self.seq_step += 1

        action = self(img_in_t, state, instruction, instr_len)

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
        print("action: ", output_action)

        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        output_stop = 1 if stop_prob > self.params["stop_threshold"] else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        return output_action
    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        prof = SimpleProfiler(print=True)
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        # Add the batch dimension

        first_step = True
        if instruction == self.prev_instruction:
            first_step = False
        self.prev_instruction = instruction
        if first_step:
            self.get_act_start_pose = self.cam_poses_from_states(state[0:1])

        self.seq_step += 1

        # This is for training the policy to mimic the ground-truth state distribution with oracle actions
        # b_traj_gt_w_select = b_traj_ground_truth[b_plan_mask_t[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis].expand_as(b_traj_ground_truth)].view([-1] + gtsize)
        traj_gt_w = Variable(self.gt_labels)
        b_poses = self.cam_poses_from_states(state)
        # TODO: These source and dest should go as arguments to get_maps (in forward pass not params)
        transformer = MapTransformerBase(
        transformer.set_maps(traj_gt_w, None)
        traj_gt_r, _ = transformer.get_maps(b_poses)
        self.keep_inputs("traj_gt_r_select", traj_gt_r)
        self.keep_inputs("traj_gt_w_select", traj_gt_w)

        action = self(traj_gt_r, firstseg=[self.seq_step == 1])

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()

        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        output_stop = 1 if stop_prob > self.params["stop_threshold"] else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        return output_action
    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        images_np = standardize_image(images_np_pure)
        image_fpv = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([images_np]))
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))
        # Add the batch dimension

        first_step = True
        if instruction == self.prev_instruction:
            first_step = False
        self.prev_instruction = instruction
        instruction_str = debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction)

        # TODO: Move this to PomdpInterface (for now it's here because this is already visualizing the maps)
        if first_step:
            if self.rviz is not None:
                    "instruction", debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        img_in_t = image_fpv
        img_in_t.volatile = True

        instr_len = [len(instruction)] if instruction is not None else None
        instruction = torch.LongTensor(instruction).unsqueeze(0)
        instruction = cuda_var(instruction, self.is_cuda, self.cuda_device)

        state.volatile = True

        if self.is_cuda:
            if img_in_t is not None:
                img_in_t = img_in_t.cuda(self.cuda_device)
            state = state.cuda(self.cuda_device)

        step_enc = None
        plan_now = None

        self.seq_step += 1

        action = self(img_in_t,

        passive_mode_debug_projections = True
        if passive_mode_debug_projections:
            self.show_landmark_locations(loop=False, states=state)

        # Run auxiliary objectives for debugging purposes (e.g. to compute classification predictions)
        if self.params.get("run_auxiliaries_at_test_time"):
            _, _ = self.aux_losses.calculate_aux_loss(self.tensor_store,
            overlaid = self.get_overlaid_classification_results(

        # Save materials for analysis and presentation
        if self.params["write_figures"]:
            self.save_viz(images_np_pure, instruction_str)

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        output_stop = 1 if stop_prob > self.params["stop_p"] else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        return output_action
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # If data is already loaded, use it
        if self.data is not None:
            seg_data = self.data[idx]
            raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented and tested")
            if type(seg_data) is int:
                raise NotImplementedError("Mixing dynamically loaded envs with training data is no longer supported.")
            dataset_name, env_id, seg_idx = self.sample_ids[idx]
            env_data = self.load_env_data(dataset_name, env_id)

            if self.segment_level:
                seg_data = []
                segs_in_data = set()
                for sample in env_data:
                    # This is a hack around the dataset format change - some stuff used to be inside the metadata dict,
                    # but is now moved into the root level
                    if "metadata" not in sample:
                        sample["metadata"] = sample
                    # TODO: Set this at rollout time - we know which domain we're rolling out, but this can potentially be mixed up
                    sample["metadata"]["domain"] = self.domain

                # Keep the segments for which we have instructions
                segs_in_data_and_instructions = set()
                for _seg_idx in segs_in_data:
                    if get_instruction_segment(env_id, 0, _seg_idx, all_instr=self.all_instr_full) is not None:

                if seg_idx not in segs_in_data_and_instructions:
                    if DEBUG: print(f"Segment {env_id}::{seg_idx} not in (data)and(instructions)")
                    # If there's a single segment in this entire dataset, just return that segment even if it's not a match.
                    if len(segs_in_data) == 1:
                        seg_data = env_data
                        if DEBUG: print(f"  Only one seg in data ({segs_in_data}): returning that")
                    # Otherwise return a random segment instead
                    elif len(segs_in_data_and_instructions) > 0:
                        seg_idx = random.choice(list(segs_in_data_and_instructions))
                        if DEBUG: print(f"  Returning a random segment from (data)and(instructions): {seg_idx}")
                    elif dataset_name == "real" and len(segs_in_data) > 0:
                        seg_idx = random.choice(list(segs_in_data))
                        if DEBUG: print(f"  REAL dataset. Returning a random seg from data: {seg_idx}")
                        seg_idx = -1
                        if DEBUG: print(f"  No segment found. Skipping example")

                if len(seg_data) == 0:
                    if DEBUG: print(f"   Grabing segment: {seg_idx}")
                    for sample in env_data:
                        if sample["metadata"]["seg_idx"] == seg_idx:
                if DEBUG: print(f"   Returning segment data of length: {len(seg_data)}")
                seg_data = env_data
        # I get a lot of Nones here in RL training because the dataset index is created based on different data than available!
        # TODO: in RL training, treat entire environment as a single segment and don't distinguish.
        # How? Check above
        if len(seg_data) < self.min_seg_len:
            print(f"   None reason: len:{len(seg_data)} in {dataset_name}, env:{env_id}, seg:{seg_idx}")
            return None

        if len(seg_data) > self.traj_len:
            seg_data = seg_data[:self.traj_len]

        seg_idx = seg_data[0]["metadata"]["seg_idx"]
        set_idx = seg_data[0]["metadata"]["set_idx"]
        env_id = seg_data[0]["metadata"]["env_id"]
        instr = get_instruction_segment(env_id, set_idx, seg_idx, all_instr=self.all_instr)
        if instr is None and dataset_name != "real":
            #print(f"{dataset_name} Seg {env_id}:{set_idx}:{seg_idx} not present in instruction data")
            return None

        instr = get_instruction_segment(env_id, set_idx, seg_idx, all_instr=self.all_instr_full)
        if instr is None:
            print(f"{dataset_name} Seg {env_id}:{set_idx}:{seg_idx} not present in FULL instruction data. WTF?")
            return None

        # Convert to tensors, replacing Nones with zero's
        images_in = [seg_data[i]["state"].image if i < len(seg_data) else None for i in range(len(seg_data))]
        states = [seg_data[i]["state"].state if i < len(seg_data) else None for i in range(len(seg_data))]

        images_np = standardize_images(images_in)
        images = none_padded_seq_to_tensor(images_np)

        #depth_images_np = standardize_depth_images(images_in)
        #depth_images = none_padded_seq_to_tensor(depth_images_np)

        states = none_padded_seq_to_tensor(states)

        actions = [s["ref_action"] for s in seg_data]
        actions = none_padded_seq_to_tensor(actions)
        stops = [1.0 if s["done"] else 0.0 for s in seg_data]

        # e.g. [1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 .. 0] for segment with 6 samples
        mask = [1.0 if s["ref_action"] is not None else 0.0 for s in seg_data]

        stops = torch.FloatTensor(stops)
        mask = torch.FloatTensor(mask)

        # This is a list, converted to tensor in collate_fn
        #    tok_instructions = [tokenize_instruction(load_instruction(md["env_id"], md["set_idx"], md["seg_idx"]), self.word2token) if s["md"] is not None else None for s in seg_data]
        tok_instructions = [tokenize_instruction(s["instruction"], self.word2token) if s["instruction"] is not None else None for s in seg_data]

        md = [seg_data[i]["metadata"] for i in range(len(seg_data))]
        flag = md[0]["flag"] if "flag" in md[0] else None

        data = {
            "instr": tok_instructions,
            "images": images,
            #"depth_images": depth_images,
            "states": states,
            "actions": actions,
            "stops": stops,
            "masks": mask,
            "flags": flag,
            "md": md

        for aux_provider_name in self.aux_provider_names:
            aux_datas = resolve_data_provider(aux_provider_name)(seg_data, data)
            for d in aux_datas:
                data[d[0]] = d[1]
            self.prof.tick("getitem_" + aux_provider_name)

        return data
    def get_action(self, state, instruction):
        Given a DroneState (from PomdpInterface) and instruction, produce a numpy 4D action (x, y, theta, pstop)
        :param state: DroneState object with the raw image from the simulator
        :param instruction: Tokenized instruction given the corpus
        #TODO: Absorb corpus within model
        # TODO: Simplify this
        images_np_pure = state.image
        state_np = state.state

        #print("Act: " + debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        images_np = standardize_image(images_np_pure)
        image_fpv = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([images_np]))
        state = Variable(none_padded_seq_to_tensor([state_np]))
        # Add the batch dimension

        first_step = True
        if instruction == self.prev_instruction:
            first_step = False
        self.prev_instruction = instruction
        instruction_str = debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction)

        # TODO: Move this to PomdpInterface (for now it's here because this is already visualizing the maps)
        if first_step:
            if self.rviz is not None:
                    "instruction", debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))
        #if first_step:
        #    say(debug_untokenize_instruction(instruction))

        img_in_t = image_fpv
        img_in_t.volatile = True

        instr_len = [len(instruction)] if instruction is not None else None
        instruction = torch.LongTensor(instruction).unsqueeze(0)
        instruction = cuda_var(instruction, self.is_cuda, self.cuda_device)

        state.volatile = True

        if self.is_cuda:
            if img_in_t is not None:
                img_in_t = img_in_t.cuda(self.cuda_device)
            state = state.cuda(self.cuda_device)

        step_enc = None
        plan_now = None

        self.seq_step += 1

        action = self(img_in_t,

        # Save materials for analysis and presentation
        if self.params["write_figures"]:
            self.save_viz(images_np_pure, instruction_str)

        output_action = action.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
        stop_prob = output_action[3]
        print(f"P(STOP): {stop_prob}")
        output_stop = 1 if stop_prob > self.params["stop_p"] else 0
        output_action[3] = output_stop

        return output_action