def plot_roc(l, d): mkdir(OUT_ROOT) top_n_root = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'top_n') checkpoints = \ [ # Trained on cold 'triplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', # Trained on small oxford 'triplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', # Trained on large oxford 'ha0_lotriplet_vl64' # Treined on Pittsburgh 'pittsnetvlad', # Image-net 'offtheshelf' # III with hard postitives 'ha6_loevil_triplet_muTrue_vl64' ] queries = [ 'oxford_night', 'freiburg_cloudy', 'oxford_overcast', 'freiburg_sunny', 'oxford_snow', 'pittsburgh_query', 'oxford_sunny', ] titles = [ 'Oxford RobotCar, night', 'Cold Freiburg, cloudy', 'Oxford RobotCar, overcast', 'Cold Freiburg, sunny', 'Oxford RobotCar, snow', 'Pittsburgh', 'Oxford RobotCar, sunny', ] losses = [ 'I Cold Freiburg', 'II Oxford (small)', 'III Oxford (large)', 'IV Pittsburgh', 'V ImageNet (off-the-shelf)', '\\textit{III Oxford (large) + HP}', ] fill_styles = [ 'none', 'none', 'none', 'full', 'none', 'full', ] markers = [ '|', '.', 'o', '*', '', 'o', ] lines = [ '--', '-', '-', '-.', ':', '-' ] colors = [ '#1cad62', '#00BFFF', '#1E90FF', # Triplet '#8c0054', '#000000', '#1934e6', # Triplet HP ] rows = 2 cols = 4 f, axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, constrained_layout=False) if rows == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 0) if cols == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 1) f.tight_layout() f.set_figheight(4.5) # 8.875in textheight f.set_figwidth(8.5) # 6.875in textwidth for i, query in enumerate(queries): print(query) print_gt = True if query.startswith('freiburg'): t = 1.5 else: t = 15.0 setting = 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d) min_y = 1000 max_y = 0 for j, (cp_name, m, line, color) in enumerate( zip(checkpoints, cycle(markers), cycle(lines), cycle(colors))): t_n_file = os.path.join(top_n_root, setting, '{}_{}.pickle'.format(query, cp_name)) if not os.path.exists(t_n_file): print('Missing: {}'.format(t_n_file)) continue print(t_n_file) [top_i, top_g_dists, top_f_dists, gt_i, gt_g_dist, ref_idx] = load_pickle(t_n_file) top_g_dists = np.array(top_g_dists) if print_gt: print_gt = False X = np.linspace(0, t, num=50) Y = [float(sum(gt_g_dist < x)) / float(len(gt_g_dist)) * 100 for x in X] ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] width = 0.75 ax.plot(X, Y, label='Upper bound', linewidth=width, c='#000000') ax.plot([0], [0], linewidth=0, label=' ') ax.plot([0], [0], linewidth=0, label='\\textbf{Training datasets:}') ax.title.set_text(titles[i]) ax.set_xlim([0, t]) ax.grid(True) if 'ha6_loevil_triplet_muTrue_vl64' in cp_name: ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] ax.plot([0], [0], linewidth=0, label=' ') ax.plot([0], [0], linewidth=0, label='\\textbf{With our mining:}') t_1_d = np.array([td[0] for td in top_g_dists]) X = np.linspace(0, t, num=50) Y = [float(sum(t_1_d < x)) / float(len(t_1_d)) * 100 for x in X] min_y = min(np.min(np.array(Y)), min_y) max_y = max(np.max(np.array(Y)), max_y) ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] width = 0.75 ax.plot(X, Y, label=losses[j], linestyle=line, marker=m, linewidth=width, markevery=j % rows + cols, c=color, markersize=3, fillstyle=fill_styles[j]) ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] ax.set_xlim([0, t]) ax.set_ylim([min_y, min(max_y + 5, 99)]) # Major ticks every 20, minor ticks every 5 major_ticks_x = np.arange(0, t, t / 3) minor_ticks_x = np.arange(0, t, t / 3 / 4) y_step = 20 if 'night' in query: y_step /= 2 major_ticks_y = np.arange(min_y, min(max_y + 5, 99), y_step) minor_ticks_y = np.arange(min_y, min(max_y + 5, 99), 5) ax.set_xticks(major_ticks_x) ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks_x, minor=True) ax.set_yticks(major_ticks_y) ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks_y, minor=True) # And a corresponding grid ax.grid(which='both') # Or if you want different settings for the grids: ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5) out_name = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, '{}_training_region_roc.pdf'.format(setting)) axs[-1, -1].axis('off') for i in range(cols): axs[-1, i].set_xlabel('Distance threshold $d$ [m]') for i in range(rows): axs[i, 0].set_ylabel('Correctly localized [\%]') left = 0.0 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 1.0 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.0 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 1.0 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for space between subplots, # expressed as a fraction of the average axis width hspace = 0.25 # the amount of height reserved for space between subplots, # expressed as a fraction of the average axis height # space = 0.2 plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top) handles, labels = axs[0, 0].get_legend_handles_labels() axs[-1, -1].legend(handles, labels, loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.075, 0.0), ncol=1, frameon=True, borderaxespad=0.0) plt.savefig(out_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.savefig(out_name.replace('.pdf', '.png'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def compile(l, d, code): mkdir(OUT_ROOT) top_n_root = os.path.join(srv_root(), 'neurips/top_n') queries = [ 'oxford_night', 'oxford_overcast', 'oxford_snow', 'oxford_sunny', 'pittsburgh_query', ] min_ys = [0, 40, 50, 50, 10] major_s = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10] minor_s = [2.5 if m == 10 else 1.0 for m in major_s] titles = [ 'Oxford RobotCar, night', 'Oxford RobotCar, overcast', 'Oxford RobotCar, snow', 'Oxford RobotCar, sunny', 'Pittsburgh', ] checkpoints = [ '/scratch_net/tellur_third/user/efs/data/checkpoints/offtheshelf/offtheshelf/offtheshelf', '/scratch_net/tellur_third/user/efs/data/checkpoints/pittsburgh30/pittsnetvlad/vd16_pitts30k_conv5_3_vlad_preL2_intra_white', '/scratch_net/tellur_third/user/efs/cvpr_aws_logs/learnlarge/triplet_xy_000/epoch-checkpoint-2', '/scratch_net/tellur_third/user/efs/cvpr_aws_logs/learnlarge/quadruplet_xy_000/epoch-checkpoint-2', '/srv/beegfs02/scratch/toploc/data/mai_2020_logs/ha0_lolazy_triplet_muTrue_renone_vl64_pca_neurips_002/epoch-checkpoint-2', '/srv/beegfs02/scratch/toploc/data/mai_2020_logs/ha0_lolazy_quadruplet_muTrue_renone_vl64_pca_neurips_002/epoch-checkpoint-2', '/scratch_net/tellur_third/user/efs/home_logs/learnlarge_ral/huber_distance_triplet_xy_000/epoch-checkpoint-2', '/srv/beegfs02/scratch/toploc/data/mai_2020_logs/ha0_lologratio_ma15_mi15_muTrue_renone_tu1_vl64_pca_neurips_002/epoch-checkpoint-1', '/srv/beegfs02/scratch/toploc/data/mai_2020_logs/ha0_loms_loss_msTrue_muTrue_renone_tu1_vl64_pca_neurips_001/epoch-checkpoint-0', '/srv/beegfs02/scratch/toploc/data/mai_2020_logs/al0.8_be15_ha0_lowms_ma15_mi15_msTrue_muTrue_renone_tu1_vl64_pca_neurips_000/epoch-checkpoint-0', ] fill_styles = [ 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'full', ] markers = [ '', "^", "^", "s", "^", "s", "^", 'v', "o", "d", ] losses = [ 'Off-the-shelf \\cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Triplet trained on Pittsburgh \\cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Triplet \\cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Quadruplet \\cite{chen2017beyond}', 'Lazy triplet \\cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Lazy quadruplet \\cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Trip.~+ Huber dist. \\cite{thoma2020geometrically}', 'Log-ratio \\cite{kim2019deep}', 'Multi-similarity \\cite{wang2019multi}', 'Ours', ] lines = [ ':', ':', '--', '--', '-.', '-.', '--', '-.', '--', '-', ] colors = [ '#000000', '#ff6b1c', '#f03577', '#5f396b', '#1934e6', '#0e6606', '#B0C4DE', '#990000', '#663300', '#11d194', ] setting = 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d) print(setting) rows = 2 cols = 3 f, axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, constrained_layout=False) if rows == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 0) if cols == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 1) f.tight_layout() f.set_figheight(8) # 8.875in textheight f.set_figwidth(10) # 6.875in textwidth for i, query in enumerate(queries): print(query) print_gt = True t = 25.0 l = 0.0 out_setting = 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d) setting = 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d) min_y = 1000 max_y = 0 for j, (checkpoint, loss, m, line, color) in enumerate( zip(checkpoints, losses, cycle(markers), cycle(lines), cycle(colors))): cp_name = checkpoint.split('/')[-2] cp_name = ''.join( os.path.basename(cp_name).split('.')) # Removing '.' cp_name += '_e{}'.format(checkpoint[-1]) t_n_file = os.path.join(top_n_root, setting, '{}_{}.pickle'.format(query, cp_name)) if not os.path.exists(t_n_file): print('Missing: {}'.format(t_n_file)) continue print(t_n_file) [top_i, top_g_dists, top_f_dists, gt_i, gt_g_dist, ref_idx] = load_pickle(t_n_file) top_g_dists = np.array(top_g_dists) if print_gt: print_gt = False X = np.linspace(0, t, num=50) Y = [ float(sum(gt_g_dist < x)) / float(len(gt_g_dist)) * 100 for x in X ] ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] # ax = axs width = 0.75 ax.plot(X, Y, label='Upper bound', linewidth=width, c='#000000') ax.title.set_text(titles[i]) ax.set_xlim([0, t]) ax.grid(True) x_min = X[bisect.bisect(Y, min_ys[i])] t_1_d = np.array([td[0] for td in top_g_dists]) X = np.linspace(0, t, num=50) Y = [float(sum(t_1_d < x)) / float(len(t_1_d)) * 100 for x in X] min_y = min(np.min(np.array(Y)), min_y) max_y = max(np.max(np.array(Y)), max_y) ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] width = 0.75 ax.plot(X, Y, label=loss, linestyle=line, marker=m, linewidth=width, markevery=j % rows + cols, c=color, markersize=3, fillstyle=fill_styles[j % len(fill_styles)]) #ax.plot(X, Y, label=cp_name) ax = axs[i % rows, i // rows] ax.set_xlim([x_min, t]) ax.set_ylim([min_ys[i], min(max_y + 5, 100)]) # Major ticks every 20, minor ticks every 5 major_ticks_x = np.arange(x_min // (t / 5) * (t / 5), t, t / 5)[1:] minor_ticks_x = np.arange(x_min // (t / 5 / 4) * (t / 5 / 4), t, t / 5 / 4)[1:] y_step = 10 major_ticks_y = np.arange(min_ys[i], min(max_y + 5, 100), major_s[i]) minor_ticks_y = np.arange(min_ys[i], min(max_y + 5, 100), minor_s[i]) ax.set_xticks(major_ticks_x) ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks_x, minor=True) ax.set_yticks(major_ticks_y) ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks_y, minor=True) # And a corresponding grid ax.grid(which='both') # Or if you want different settings for the grids: ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5) out_setting = out_setting.replace('.', '') out_name = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, '{}_neurips_roc.pdf'.format(out_setting)) axs[-1, -1].axis('off') for i in range(cols): axs[-1, i].set_xlabel('Distance threshold $d$ [m]') for i in range(rows): axs[i, 0].set_ylabel('Correctly localized [\%]') handles, labels = axs[0, 0].get_legend_handles_labels() left = 0.0 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 1.0 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.23 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 1.0 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for space between subplots, # expressed as a fraction of the average axis width hspace = 0.2 # the amount of height reserved for space between subplots, # expressed as a fraction of the average axis height # space = 0.2 plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top) axs[-1, -1].legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 0.5), loc='center left', ncol=1, borderaxespad=0., frameon=True, fontsize='medium') # mode="expand", plt.savefig(out_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.savefig(out_name.replace('.pdf', '.pgf'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Test
CHECKPOINT = FLAGS.checkpoint IMG_ROOT = FLAGS.img_root LARGE_SIDE = FLAGS.large_side LOG_DIR = FLAGS.log_dir OUT_ROOT = FLAGS.out_root QUERY_CSV = FLAGS.query_csv REF_CSV = FLAGS.ref_csv RESCALE = FLAGS.rescale SMALL_SIDE = FLAGS.small_side TOP_N_PICKLE = FLAGS.top_n_pickle VLAD_CORES = FLAGS.vlad_cores OUT_FOLDER = os.path.join( OUT_ROOT, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(TOP_N_PICKLE))[0]) mkdir(OUT_FOLDER) TUPLES_PER_BATCH = 1 # Don't change this, save thread does not handle larger sizes CPU_IN_QUEUE = Queue(maxsize=0) GPU_IN_QUEUE = Queue(maxsize=10) GPU_OUT_QUEUE = Queue(maxsize=0) if not os.path.exists(LOG_DIR): os.makedirs(LOG_DIR) if not os.path.exists(OUT_ROOT): os.makedirs(OUT_ROOT) LOG = open(os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'train_log.txt'), 'a') log('Running {} at {}.'.format(
import os import numpy as np from distloss.cold_helper import get_recursive_file_list, parse_file_list from learnlarge.util.helper import mkdir, fs_root from import load_csv from import save_csv out_root = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'lists') N_SAMPLES = 5000 mkdir(out_root) # Oxford place = 'oxford' def img_path(info): date = info[0] folder = info[1] t = info[2] return os.path.join('datasets/oxford_512', '{}_stereo_centre_{:02d}'.format(date, int(folder)), '{}.png'.format(t)) # Preselected reference preselected_ref = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'data/learnlarge/shuffled/train_ref_000.csv') p_meta = load_csv(preselected_ref) p_meta['path'] = [img_path((d, f, t)) for d, f, t in zip(p_meta['date'], p_meta['folder'], p_meta['t'])] idxs_to_keep = np.linspace(0, len(p_meta['path']), num=N_SAMPLES, endpoint=False, dtype=int)
def get_top_n(): # check if complete: ld_checkpoints = get_checkpoints('obm') ld_cp_names = [] for cp in ld_checkpoints: cp_name = cp.split('/')[-2] cp_name = ''.join(os.path.basename(cp_name).split('.')) # Removing '.' cp_name += '_e{}'.format(cp[-1]) ld_cp_names.append(cp_name) if any([x in QUERY_LV_PICKLE for x in ld_cp_names]): L = [0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 5.0] D = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096] else: L = [0.0] D = [256] complete = True for l in L: for d in D: out_folder = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d)) name = ''.join(os.path.basename(QUERY_LV_PICKLE).split('.')[:-1]) out_pickle = os.path.join(out_folder, '{}.pickle'.format(name)) if not os.path.exists(out_pickle): complete = False break if not complete: break if complete: print('Skipping complete {}'.format(QUERY_LV_PICKLE)) return ref_meta = load_csv(REF_CSV) query_meta = load_csv(QUERY_CSV) full_ref_xy = get_xy(ref_meta) full_query_xy = get_xy(query_meta) num_q = full_query_xy.shape[0] pca_f = np.array(load_pickle(PCA_LV_PICKLE)) full_ref_f = np.array(load_pickle(REF_LV_PICKLE)) full_query_f = np.array(load_pickle(QUERY_LV_PICKLE)) full_xy_dists = pairwise_distances(full_query_xy, full_ref_xy, metric='euclidean') for d in D: print(d) pca = PCA(whiten=True, n_components=d) pca = pca_ref_f = pca.transform(full_ref_f) pca_query_f = pca.transform(full_query_f) for l in L: print(l) out_folder = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d)) mkdir(out_folder) name = ''.join(os.path.basename(QUERY_LV_PICKLE).split('.')[:-1]) out_pickle = os.path.join(out_folder, '{}.pickle'.format(name)) if os.path.exists(out_pickle): print('{} already exists. Skipping.'.format(out_pickle)) continue ref_idx = [0] for i in range(len(full_ref_xy)): if sum((full_ref_xy[i, :] - full_ref_xy[ref_idx[-1], :])** 2) >= l**2: ref_idx.append(i) if len(ref_idx) < N: continue ref_f = np.array([pca_ref_f[i, :] for i in ref_idx]) xy_dists = np.array([full_xy_dists[:, i] for i in ref_idx]).transpose() print('Building tree') ref_tree = KDTree(ref_f) print('Retrieving') top_f_dists, top_i = np.array( ref_tree.query(pca_query_f, k=N, return_distance=True, sort_results=True)) top_f_dists = np.array(top_f_dists) top_i = np.array(top_i, dtype=int) top_g_dists = [[xy_dists[q, r] for r in top_i[q, :]] for q in range(num_q)] gt_i = np.argmin(xy_dists, axis=1) gt_g_dist = np.min(xy_dists, axis=1) # Translate to original indices top_i = [[ref_idx[r] for r in top_i[q, :]] for q in range(num_q)] gt_i = [ref_idx[r] for r in gt_i] save_pickle( [top_i, top_g_dists, top_f_dists, gt_i, gt_g_dist, ref_idx], out_pickle)
def get_top_n(): ref_meta = load_csv(REF_CSV) query_meta = load_csv(QUERY_CSV) full_ref_xy = get_xy(ref_meta) full_query_xy = get_xy(query_meta) num_q = full_query_xy.shape[0] pca_f = np.array(load_pickle(PCA_LV_PICKLE)) full_ref_f = np.array(load_pickle(REF_LV_PICKLE)) full_query_f = np.array(load_pickle(QUERY_LV_PICKLE)) full_xy_dists = pairwise_distances(full_query_xy, full_ref_xy, metric='euclidean') for d in DIMS: print(d) pca = PCA(whiten=True, n_components=d) pca = pca_ref_f = pca.transform(full_ref_f) pca_query_f = pca.transform(full_query_f) for l in L: print(l) out_folder = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d)) mkdir(out_folder) name = ''.join(os.path.basename(QUERY_LV_PICKLE).split('.')[:-1]) out_pickle = os.path.join(out_folder, '{}.pickle'.format(name)) if os.path.exists(out_pickle): print('{} already exists. Skipping.'.format(out_pickle)) continue ref_idx = [0] for i in range(len(full_ref_xy)): if sum((full_ref_xy[i, :] - full_ref_xy[ref_idx[-1], :])** 2) >= l**2: ref_idx.append(i) if len(ref_idx) < N: continue ref_f = np.array([pca_ref_f[i, :] for i in ref_idx]) xy_dists = np.array([full_xy_dists[:, i] for i in ref_idx]).transpose() print('Building tree') ref_tree = KDTree(ref_f) print('Retrieving') top_f_dists, top_i = np.array( ref_tree.query(pca_query_f, k=N, return_distance=True, sort_results=True)) top_f_dists = np.array(top_f_dists) top_i = np.array(top_i, dtype=int) top_g_dists = [[xy_dists[q, r] for r in top_i[q, :]] for q in range(num_q)] gt_i = np.argmin(xy_dists, axis=1) gt_g_dist = np.min(xy_dists, axis=1) # Translate to original indices top_i = [[ref_idx[r] for r in top_i[q, :]] for q in range(num_q)] gt_i = [ref_idx[r] for r in gt_i] save_pickle( [top_i, top_g_dists, top_f_dists, gt_i, gt_g_dist, ref_idx], out_pickle)
import os import cv2 import numpy as np from learnlarge.util.helper import mkdir, fs_root from import load_txt base_path = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'grad_cam') out_path = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'video_frames') mkdir(out_path) checkpoints = os.listdir(os.path.join(fs_root(), 'checkpoints')) cp_keys = list() for cp in checkpoints: c_name = cp.split('/')[-2] c_name = ''.join(os.path.basename(c_name).split('.')) # Removing '.' c_name += '_e{}'.format(cp[-1]) cp_keys.append(c_name) print(cp_keys) names = { 'ha6_loresidual_det_muTrue_vl64': 'III', 'offtheshelf': 'V', 'pittsnetvlad': 'IV', 'quadruplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD09-5_noPCA_lam05_me0_e1': 'I', 'triplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD09-5_noPCA_lam05_me0_e3': 'II'
from learnlarge.util.meta import get_xy matplotlib.use("pgf") matplotlib.rcParams.update({ "pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex", '': 'serif', 'text.usetex': True, 'pgf.rcfonts': False, }) np.random.RandomState(seed=42) out_root = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'list_plots') list_out_root = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'lists') mkdir(out_root) mkdir(list_out_root) rows = 1 cols = 4 f, axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, constrained_layout=False) if rows == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 0) if cols == 1: axs = np.expand_dims(axs, 1) f.tight_layout() f.set_figheight(2.5) # 8.875in textheight f.set_figwidth(13) # 6.875in textwidth # ------------------------------------- Pittsburgh -------------------------------------
def compile_table(l, d): mkdir(OUT_ROOT) top_n_root = os.path.join(fs_root(), 'top_n') queries = [ 'oxford_night', 'oxford_overcast', 'oxford_snow', 'oxford_sunny', 'freiburg_cloudy', 'freiburg_sunny', 'pittsburgh_query' ] checkpoints = [ # Trained on cold 'triplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'quadruplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'lazy_triplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'lazy_quadruplet_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'sum_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'h_sum_5e-6_all_conditions_angle_1-4_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', # Trained on small oxford 'triplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'quadruplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'lazy_triplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'lazy_quadruplet_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', 'h_sum_5e-6_full-10-25_cu_LRD0.9-5_noPCA_lam0.5_me0', # Trained on large oxford 'ha0_lotriplet_vl64' 'ha0_loquadruplet_vl64' 'ha0_lolazy_triplet_vl64' 'ha0_lolazy_quadruplet_vl64' 'ha0_lodistance_triplet_vl64' 'ha0_lohuber_distance_triplet_vl64' 'ha6_loevil_triplet_muTrue_vl64' 'ha6_loevil_quadruplet_muTrue_vl64' 'ha6_loresidual_det_muTrue_vl64' 'ha0_lotriplet_vl0' 'ha0_loquadruplet_vl0' 'ha6_loevil_quadruplet_muTrue_vl0' 'ha6_loresidual_det_muTrue_vl0' 'ha0_lotriplet_muTrue_vl64' 'ha0_lotriplet_muFalse_vl64' 'ha6_lotriplet_muTrue_vl64' 'ha6_lotriplet_muFalse_vl64' # Treined on Pittsburgh 'pittsnetvlad', # Image-net 'offtheshelf' ] losses = [ 'GT', 'Triplet \cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Quadruplet \cite{chen2017beyond}', 'Lazy triplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Lazy quadruplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Triplet + distance \cite{thoma2020geometrically}', 'Triplet + Huber dist.~\cite{thoma2020geometrically}', 'Triplet \cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Quadruplet \cite{chen2017beyond}', 'Lazy triplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Lazy quadruplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Triplet + Huber dist.~\cite{thoma2020geometrically}', 'Triplet \cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Quadruplet \cite{chen2017beyond}', 'Lazy triplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Lazy quadruplet \cite{angelina2018pointnetvlad}', 'Triplet + distance \cite{thoma2020geometrically}', 'Triplet + Huber dist.~\cite{thoma2020geometrically}', '\\textit{Triplet + HP}', '\\textit{Quadruplet + HP}', '\\textit{Volume}', '$\\mathit{Volume}^*$', 'Triplet \cite{arandjelovic2016netvlad}', 'Off-the-shelf \cite{deng2009imagenet}' ] setting = 'l{}_dim{}'.format(l, d) print(setting) table = defaultdict(list) table['Loss'] = losses for_mean = defaultdict(list) for i, query in enumerate(queries): print(query) print_gt = True if query.startswith('freiburg'): T = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5] else: T = [5.0, 10.0, 15.0] for j, checkpoint in enumerate(checkpoints): cp_name = checkpoint t_n_file = os.path.join(top_n_root, setting, '{}_{}.pickle'.format(query, cp_name)) if not os.path.exists(t_n_file): print('Missing: {}'.format(t_n_file)) table[query].append('-') for_mean[query].append([-1, -1, -1]) continue print(t_n_file) [top_i, top_g_dists, top_f_dists, gt_i, gt_g_dist, ref_idx] = load_pickle(t_n_file) top_g_dists = np.array(top_g_dists) if print_gt: print_gt = False Y = [float(sum(gt_g_dist < x)) / float(len(gt_g_dist)) * 100 for x in T] table[query].append(['{:.1f}'.format(y) for y in Y]) for_mean[query].append(Y) t_1_d = np.array([td[0] for td in top_g_dists]) Y = [float(sum(t_1_d < x)) / float(len(t_1_d)) * 100 for x in T] table[query].append(['{:.1f}'.format(y) for y in Y]) for_mean[query].append(Y) # Highlight best values: b = np.argmax(np.array(for_mean[query])[1:], axis=0) b = b + 1 for ii, ib in enumerate(b): table[query][ib][ii] = '\\textbf{' + table[query][ib][ii] + '}' for ii in range(len(losses)): table[query][ii] = '/'.join(table[query][ii]) for i in range(len(losses)): all = np.array([for_mean[query][i] for query in queries if for_mean[query][i][0] > -1]) Y = np.mean(all, axis=0) table['mean'].append(['{:.1f}'.format(y) for y in Y]) for_mean['mean'].append(Y) # Highlight best values: b = np.argmax(np.array(for_mean['mean'])[1:], axis=0) b = b + 1 for ii, ib in enumerate(b): table['mean'][ib][ii] = '\\textbf{' + table['mean'][ib][ii] + '}' for ii in range(len(losses)): table['mean'][ii] = '/'.join(table['mean'][ii]) out_name = os.path.join(OUT_ROOT, 'accuracy_table.csv') save_csv(table, out_name)