def main(): from legacypipe.runbrick import run_brick, get_parser, get_runbrick_kwargs parser = get_parser() #parser.add_argument('--subset', type=int, help='COSMOS subset number [0 to 4, 10 to 12]', default=0) opt = parser.parse_args() if opt.brick is None and opt.radec is None: parser.print_help() return -1 optdict = vars(opt) verbose = optdict.pop('verbose') survey, kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(**optdict) if kwargs in [-1,0]: return kwargs #kwargs.update(prereqs_update={'detect': 'mask_junk', # 'galdetect': 'mask_junk'}) kwargs.update(prereqs_update={'detect': 'tims'}) stagefunc = CallGlobalTime('stage_%s', globals()) kwargs.update(stagefunc=stagefunc) #kwargs.update(stages=['image_coadds', 'detect']) #kwargs.update(stages=['galdetect']) #kwargs.update(stages=['detect',]) # 'srcs']) # with early_coadds, srcs:image_coadds #kwargs.update(stages=['srcs']) run_brick(opt.brick, survey, **kwargs) return 0
def main(): from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table, merge_tables from legacypipe.survey import exposure_metadata # Fake up a survey-ccds.fits table from MzLS_CP from glob import glob #fns = glob('/project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/mosaicz/MZLS_CP/CP20160202/k4m_160203_*oki*') fns = glob('/project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/mosaicz/MZLS_CP/CP20160202/k4m_160203_08*oki*') print('Filenames:', fns) T = exposure_metadata(fns) # HACK T.fwhm = T.seeing / 0.262 # FAKE T.ccdnmatch = np.zeros(len(T), np.int32) + 50 T.zpt = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) + 26.518 T.ccdzpt = T.zpt.copy() T.ccdraoff = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) T.ccddecoff = np.zeros(len(T), np.float32) fmap = {'zd':'z'} T.filter = np.array([fmap[f] for f in T.filter]) T.writeto('mzls-ccds.fits') os.system('cp mzls-ccds.fits ~/legacypipe-dir/survey-ccds.fits') os.system('gzip -f ~/legacypipe-dir/survey-ccds.fits') import sys sys.exit(0) import logging import sys from legacypipe.runbrick import run_brick, get_runbrick_kwargs, get_parser parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() if opt.brick is None and opt.radec is None: parser.print_help() return -1 survey, kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(opt) if kwargs in [-1, 0]: return kwargs if opt.verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) kwargs.update(splinesky=True, pixPsf=True) run_brick(opt.brick, survey, **kwargs)
def main(): import logging import sys from legacypipe.runbrick import run_brick, get_runbrick_kwargs, get_parser parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() if opt.brick is None and opt.radec is None: parser.print_help() return -1 kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(opt) if kwargs in [-1, 0]: return kwargs if opt.verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) kwargs.update(splinesky=True, pixPsf=True) run_brick(opt.brick, **kwargs)
def main(args=None): import os import datetime import logging import numpy as np from legacypipe.survey import get_git_version from legacypipe.runbrick import (get_parser, get_runbrick_kwargs, run_brick, NothingToDoError, RunbrickError) print() print(' starting at', print('legacypipe git version:', get_git_version()) if args is None: print('Command-line args:', sys.argv) cmd = 'python' for vv in sys.argv: cmd += ' {}'.format(vv) print(cmd) else: print('Args:', args) print() parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args(args=args) if opt.brick is None and opt.radec is None: parser.print_help() return -1 optdict = vars(opt) verbose = optdict.pop('verbose') survey, kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(**optdict) if kwargs in [-1, 0]: return kwargs kwargs.update(command_line=' '.join(sys.argv)) if verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG global_init(lvl) # matplotlib config directory, when running in shifter... for tag in ['CACHE', 'CONFIG']: if not 'XDG_%s_HOME' % tag in os.environ: src = os.path.expanduser('~/.%s' % (tag.lower())) # Read-only? if os.path.isdir(src) and not (os.access(src, os.W_OK)): import shutil import tempfile tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s-' % tag.lower()) os.rmdir(tempdir) shutil.copytree(src, tempdir, symlinks=True) #dirs_exist_ok=True) # astropy config file: if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, # expect to find $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/astropy, not # ~/.astropy. if tag == 'CONFIG': shutil.copytree(os.path.expanduser('~/.astropy'), os.path.join(tempdir, 'astropy'), symlinks=True) #dirs_exist_ok=True) os.environ['XDG_%s_HOME' % tag] = tempdir if opt.plots: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab as plt plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.99, bottom=0.07, top=0.93, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.05) # The "initializer" arg is only available in mpi4py master pool = MyMPIPool(initializer=global_init, initargs=(lvl, )) u = int(os.environ.get('OMPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE', '0')) if u == 0: u = int(os.environ.get('MPICH_UNIVERSE_SIZE', '0')) if u == 0: from mpi4py import MPI u = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() print('Booting up MPI pool with', u, 'workers...') pool.bootup() print('Booted up MPI pool.') pool._processes = u kwargs.update(pool=pool), np.arange(128)) rtn = -1 try: run_brick(opt.brick, survey, **kwargs) rtn = 0 except NothingToDoError as e: print() if hasattr(e, 'message'): print(e.message) else: print(e) print() rtn = 0 except RunbrickError as e: print() if hasattr(e, 'message'): print(e.message) else: print(e) print() rtn = -1 print('Shutting down MPI pool...') pool.shutdown() print('Shut down MPI pool') return rtn
def main(): from astrometry.util.ttime import Time t0 = Time() parser = get_parser() parser.set_defaults(wise=False) parser.add_argument('expnum', type=int, help='Exposure number') parser.add_argument('ccdname', help='CCD name (eg: "N4")') opt = parser.parse_args() optdict = vars(opt) verbose = optdict.pop('verbose') import logging import sys if verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # tractor logging is *soooo* chatty logging.getLogger('tractor.engine').setLevel(lvl + 10) expnum = optdict.pop('expnum') ccdname = optdict.pop('ccdname') survey = FakeLegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.survey_dir, output_dir=opt.output_dir, cache_dir=opt.cache_dir) survey.no_kd = False ccds = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) if len(ccds) == 0: print('Did not find EXPNUM', expnum, 'CCDNAME', ccdname) return -1 # Force the CCDs survey.ccds = ccds survey.no_kd = True ccd = ccds[0] print('Found CCD', ccd) awcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) ra,dec = awcs.radec_center() h,w = awcs.shape rr,dd = awcs.pixelxy2radec([1,1,w,w], [1,h,h,1]) # Rotate RAs to be around RA=180 to avoid wrap-around rotra = np.fmod((rr - ra + 180) + 360, 360.) # assume default pixscale pixscale = 0.262 / 3600 W = int(np.ceil((rotra.max() - rotra.min()) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) / pixscale)) H = int(np.ceil((dd.max() - dd.min()) / pixscale)) print('W, H', W, H) optdict.update(survey=survey) survey, kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(**optdict) # Only set W,H if they were not specified (to other than default values) on the command-line if opt.width == 3600 and opt.height == 3600: kwargs.update(width=W, height=H) if opt.radec is None and opt.brick is None: kwargs.update(radec=(ra,dec)) kwargs.update(bands=[ccd.filter]) print('kwargs:', kwargs) run_brick(None, survey, **kwargs) print('Finished:', Time()-t0)
def main(): from astrometry.util.ttime import Time t0 = Time() parser = get_parser() parser.set_defaults(wise=False) #hybridPsf=True, normalizePsf=True, rex=True, splinesky=True, #gaia_stars=True, wise=False, ceres=False, parser.add_argument('expnum', type=int, help='Exposure number') parser.add_argument('ccdname', help='CCD name (eg: "N4")') opt = parser.parse_args() optdict = vars(opt) verbose = optdict.pop('verbose') expnum = optdict.pop('expnum') ccdname = optdict.pop('ccdname') #print('optdict:', optdict) survey = FakeLegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.survey_dir, output_dir=opt.output_dir, cache_dir=opt.cache_dir) survey.no_kd = False ccds = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) if len(ccds) == 0: print('Did not find EXPNUM', expnum, 'CCDNAME', ccdname) return -1 # Force the CCDs survey.ccds = ccds survey.no_kd = True ccd = ccds[0] print('Found CCD', ccd) awcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) ra, dec = awcs.radec_center() h, w = awcs.shape rr, dd = awcs.pixelxy2radec([1, 1, w, w], [1, h, h, 1]) # Rotate RAs to be around RA=180 to avoid wrap-around rotra = np.fmod((rr - ra + 180) + 360, 360.) # assume default pixscale pixscale = 0.262 / 3600 W = int( np.ceil( (rotra.max() - rotra.min()) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec)) / pixscale)) H = int(np.ceil((dd.max() - dd.min()) / pixscale)) print('W, H', W, H) optdict.update(survey=survey) survey, kwargs = get_runbrick_kwargs(**optdict) kwargs.update(radec=(ra, dec), width=W, height=H, bands=[ccd.filter]) #if opt.brick is None and opt.radec is None: run_brick(None, survey, **kwargs) #hybridPsf=True, normalizePsf=True, rex=True, splinesky=True, #gaia_stars=True, wise=False, ceres=False, print('Finished:', Time() - t0)