def get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=None, resolve_dec=None, margin=20): TT = [] surveys = [(catsurvey_north, True)] if catsurvey_south is not None: surveys.append((catsurvey_south, False)) for catsurvey, north in surveys: bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) if resolve_dec is not None: from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectolb bricks.gal_l, bricks.gal_b = radectolb(bricks.ra, bricks.dec) for b in bricks: # Skip bricks that are entirely on the wrong side of the resolve line (NGC only) if resolve_dec is not None and b.gal_b > 0: if north and b.dec2 <= resolve_dec: continue if not (north) and b.dec1 >= resolve_dec: continue # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn, columns=[ 'ra', 'dec', 'brick_primary', 'type', 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'fracdev', 'flux_r', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e2', 'ref_epoch', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax' ]) if resolve_dec is not None and b.gal_b > 0: if north: T.cut(T.dec >= resolve_dec) print('Cut to', len(T), 'north of the resolve line') else: T.cut(T.dec < resolve_dec) print('Cut to', len(T), 'south of the resolve line') ok, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I, = np.nonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W + margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H + margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') for col in ['out_of_bounds', 'left_blob']: if col in T.get_columns(): T.cut(T.get(col) == False) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on', col) # drop DUP sources I, = np.nonzero([t.strip() != 'DUP' for t in T.type]) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'after removing DUP') if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: return None T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I, = np.nonzero([ t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t, r in zip(T.type, T.shapedev_r) ]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I, = np.nonzero([ t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t, r in zip(T.type, T.shapeexp_r) ]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' return T
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, resolve_dec, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): tlast = Time() im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True) print('Got tim:', tim, 'x0,y0', tim.x0, tim.y0) tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow # Apply outlier masks if True: # Outliers masks are computed within a survey (north/south for dr8), and are stored # in a brick-oriented way, in the results directories. north_ccd = ( != 'decam') catsurvey = catsurvey_north if not north_ccd and catsurvey_south is not None: catsurvey = catsurvey_south chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: from legacypipe.outliers import read_outlier_mask_file print('Reading outlier mask for brick', b.brickname) ok = read_outlier_mask_file(catsurvey, [tim], b.brickname, subimage=False, output=False, ps=ps) if not ok: print('WARNING: failed to read outliers mask file for brick', b.brickname) if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: chipwcs = tim.subwcs T = get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=catsurvey_south, resolve_dec=resolve_dec) if T is None: print('No sources to photometer.') return None if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): from legacypipe.survey import radec_at_mjd print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra, dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra[I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r') # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps, timing=True, ceres_threads=opt.ceres_threads) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F, model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int64) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F)).astype( np.float32) F.ccd_cuts = np.array([ccd.ccd_cuts] * len(F)) F.airmass = np.array([ccd.airmass] * len(F)) ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.psfdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.galdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # super units questions here if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape F.dqmask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h - 1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w - 1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 8002 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLPROCID', value=ccd.plprocid, comment='CP pipeline id')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow - tlast) return F, version_hdr
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, resolve_dec, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): from functools import reduce from legacypipe.bits import DQ_BITS tlast = Time() #print('Opt:', opt) im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) print('Run_one_ccd: checking cache', survey.cache_dir) if survey.cache_dir is not None: im.check_for_cached_files(survey) if opt.do_calib: im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True, trim_edges=False) print('Got tim:', tim) #, 'x0,y0', tim.x0, tim.y0) chipwcs = tim.subwcs H, W = tim.shape tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow if == 'decam': # Halo subtraction from legacypipe.halos import subtract_one from legacypipe.reference import mask_radius_for_mag, read_gaia ref_margin = mask_radius_for_mag(0.) mpix = int(np.ceil(ref_margin * 3600. / chipwcs.pixel_scale())) marginwcs = chipwcs.get_subimage(-mpix, -mpix, W + 2 * mpix, H + 2 * mpix) gaia = read_gaia(marginwcs, None) keeprad = np.ceil(gaia.keep_radius * 3600. / chipwcs.pixel_scale()).astype(int) _, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(gaia.ra, gaia.dec) # cut to those touching the chip gaia.cut((xx > -keeprad) * (xx < W + keeprad) * (yy > -keeprad) * (yy < H + keeprad)) Igaia, = np.nonzero(gaia.isgaia * gaia.pointsource) halostars = gaia[Igaia] print('Got', len(gaia), 'Gaia stars,', len(halostars), 'for halo subtraction') moffat = True halos = subtract_one((tim, halostars, moffat)) -= halos # The "north" and "south" directories often don't have # 'survey-bricks" files of their own -- use the 'survey' one # instead. if catsurvey_south is not None: try: catsurvey_south.get_bricks_readonly() except: catsurvey_south.bricks = survey.get_bricks_readonly() if catsurvey_north is not None: try: catsurvey_north.get_bricks_readonly() except: catsurvey_north.bricks = survey.get_bricks_readonly() # Apply outlier masks outlier_header = None outlier_mask = None posneg_mask = None if opt.outlier_mask is not None: posneg_mask = np.zeros(tim.shape, np.uint8) # Outliers masks are computed within a survey (north/south for dr9), and are stored # in a brick-oriented way, in the results directories. north_ccd = ( != 'decam') catsurvey = catsurvey_north if not north_ccd and catsurvey_south is not None: catsurvey = catsurvey_south bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: print( 'Reading outlier mask for brick', b.brickname, ':', catsurvey.find_file('outliers_mask', brick=b.brickname, output=False)) ok = read_outlier_mask_file(catsurvey, [tim], b.brickname, pos_neg_mask=posneg_mask, subimage=False, output=False, ps=ps) if not ok: print('WARNING: failed to read outliers mask file for brick', b.brickname) if opt.outlier_mask is not None: outlier_mask = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.uint8) outlier_mask[tim.y0:tim.y0 + H, tim.x0:tim.x0 + W] = posneg_mask del posneg_mask # Grab original image headers (including WCS) im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) imhdr = im.read_image_header() imhdr['CAMERA'] = imhdr['EXPNUM'] = ccd.expnum imhdr['CCDNAME'] = ccd.ccdname imhdr['IMGFILE'] = ccd.image_filename.strip() outlier_header = imhdr if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: chipwcs = tim.subwcs T = get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=catsurvey_south, resolve_dec=resolve_dec) if T is None: print('No sources to photometer.') return None if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra, dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra[I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow # Find SGA galaxies outside this chip and subtract them before we begin. chipwcs = tim.subwcs _, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() sga_out = (T.ref_cat == 'L3') * np.logical_not( (xx >= 1) * (xx <= W) * (yy >= 1) * (yy <= H)) I = np.flatnonzero(sga_out) if len(I): print(len(I), 'SGA galaxies are outside the image. Subtracting...') cat = read_fits_catalog(T[I], bands=[]) tr = Tractor([tim], cat) mod = tr.getModelImage(0) -= mod I = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(sga_out)) T.cut(I) cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r') # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps, timing=True, ceres_threads=opt.ceres_threads) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F, model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F), dtype=np.int64) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccd_cuts = np.array([ccd.ccd_cuts] * len(F)) F.airmass = np.array([ccd.airmass] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.fwhm = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.skyrms = np.array([ccd.skyrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdzpt = np.array([ccd.ccdzpt] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdrarms = np.array([ccd.ccdrarms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccddecrms = np.array([ccd.ccddecrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdphrms = np.array([ccd.ccdphrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra[F.flux == 0] = 0. F.ddec[F.flux == 0] = 0. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec _, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape ix = np.round(F.x).astype(int) iy = np.round(F.y).astype(int) F.dqmask = tim.dq[np.clip(iy, 0, h - 1), np.clip(ix, 0, w - 1)] # Set an OUT-OF-BOUNDS bit. F.dqmask[reduce(np.logical_or, [ix < 0, ix >= w, iy < 0, iy >= h])] |= DQ_BITS['edge2'] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 9999 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLPROCID', value=ccd.plprocid, comment='CP pipeline id')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow - tlast) return F, version_hdr, outlier_mask, outlier_header
def get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=None, resolve_dec=None, margin=20): TT = [] surveys = [(catsurvey_north, True)] if catsurvey_south is not None: surveys.append((catsurvey_south, False)) columns = [ 'ra', 'dec', 'brick_primary', 'type', 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'flux_g', 'flux_r', 'flux_z', 'sersic', 'shape_r', 'shape_e1', 'shape_e2', 'ref_epoch', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax', 'ref_cat', 'ref_id', ] for catsurvey, north in surveys: bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) if resolve_dec is not None: from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import radectolb bricks.gal_l, bricks.gal_b = radectolb(bricks.ra, bricks.dec) for b in bricks: # Skip bricks that are entirely on the wrong side of the resolve line (NGC only) if resolve_dec is not None: # Northern survey, brick too far south (max dec is below the resolve line) if north and b.dec2 <= resolve_dec: continue # Southern survey, brick too far north (min dec is above the resolve line), but only in the North Galactic Cap if not (north) and b.dec1 >= resolve_dec and b.gal_b > 0: continue # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn, columns=columns) if resolve_dec is not None: if north: T.cut(T.dec >= resolve_dec) print('Cut to', len(T), 'north of the resolve line') elif b.gal_b > 0: # Northern galactic cap only: cut Southern survey T.cut(T.dec < resolve_dec) print('Cut to', len(T), 'south of the resolve line') _, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() # Cut to sources that are inside the image+margin T.cut((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W + margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H + margin))) T.cut(T.brick_primary) #print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') # drop DUP sources I, = np.nonzero([t.strip() != 'DUP' for t in T.type]) T.cut(I) #print('Cut to', len(T), 'after removing DUP') if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: return None T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT SGA = find_missing_sga(T, chipwcs, survey, surveys, columns) if SGA is not None: ## Add 'em in! T = merge_tables([T, SGA], columns='fillzero') print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') return T
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): tlast = Time() im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: #from legacypipe.survey import run_calibs #kwa = dict(splinesky=True) #run_calibs((im, kwa)) im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True) print('Got tim:', tim) tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn, columns=[ 'ra', 'dec', 'brick_primary', 'type', 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'fracdev', 'flux_r', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e2', 'ref_epoch', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax' ]) ok,xx,yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W,H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W+margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H+margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') for col in ['out_of_bounds', 'left_blob']: if col in T.get_columns(): T.cut(T.get(col) == False) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on', col) if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: print('No sources to photometer.') return None T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I, = np.nonzero([t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t,r in zip(T.type, T.shapedev_r)]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I, = np.nonzero([t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t,r in zip(T.type, T.shapeexp_r)]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): from legacypipe.survey import radec_at_mjd print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra,dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra [I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec kwargs = {} cols = T.get_columns() if 'flux_r' in cols and not 'decam_flux_r' in cols: kwargs.update(fluxPrefix='') tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r', **kwargs) # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F,model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int32) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) #### FIXME -- units? ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.psfdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.galdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # super units questions here if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok,x,y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x-1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y-1).astype(np.float32) ## FIXME -- read outlier_masks? h,w = tim.shape F.mask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h-1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w-1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 0 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='%s-%s-%s' % (, im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = ['TELESCOP','OBSERVAT','OBS-LAT','OBS-LONG','OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME'] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow-tlast) return F,version_hdr
def main(survey=None, opt=None): '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual DECam images. ''' if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() Time.add_measurement(MemMeas) t0 = Time() if os.path.exists(opt.outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', opt.outfn) sys.exit(0) if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0,x1,y0,y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0,y1), slice(x0,x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Try parsing filename as exposure number. try: expnum = int(opt.filename) opt.filename = None except: # make this 'None' for survey.find_ccds() expnum = None # Try parsing HDU number try: opt.hdu = int(opt.hdu) ccdname = None except: ccdname = opt.hdu opt.hdu = -1 if survey is None: survey = LegacySurveyData() if opt.filename is not None and opt.hdu >= 0: # Read metadata from file T = exposure_metadata([opt.filename], hdus=[opt.hdu]) print('Metadata:') T.about() else: # Read metadata from survey-ccds.fits table T = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) print(len(T), 'with expnum', expnum, 'and CCDname', ccdname) if opt.hdu >= 0: T.cut(T.image_hdu == opt.hdu) print(len(T), 'with HDU', opt.hdu) if opt.filename is not None: T.cut(np.array([f.strip() == opt.filename for f in T.image_filename])) print(len(T), 'with filename', opt.filename) assert(len(T) == 1) ccd = T[0] im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar) print('Got tim:', tim) print('Read image:', Time()-t0) if opt.catfn in ['DR1', 'DR2', 'DR3']: margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=survey) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn) ok,xx,yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W,H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W+margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H+margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') # print('Brick_primary:', np.unique(T.brick_primary)) T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') T.cut((T.out_of_bounds == False) * (T.left_blob == False)) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on out_of_bounds and left_blob') if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: print('No sources to photometer.') return 0 T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I = np.flatnonzero(np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapedev_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I = np.flatnonzero(np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapeexp_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) else: T = fits_table(opt.catfn) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey cat = read_fits_catalog(T) # print('Got cat:', cat) print('Read catalog:', Time()-t0) print('Forced photom...') opti = None forced_kwargs = {} if opt.ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer B = 8 opti = CeresOptimizer(BW=B, BH=B) #forced_kwargs.update(verbose=True) for src in cat: # Limit sizes of huge models from tractor.galaxy import ProfileGalaxy if isinstance(src, ProfileGalaxy): px,py = tim.wcs.positionToPixel(src.getPosition()) h = src._getUnitFluxPatchSize(tim, px, py, tim.modelMinval) MAXHALF = 128 if h > MAXHALF: print('halfsize', h,'for',src,'-> setting to',MAXHALF) src.halfsize = MAXHALF tr = Tractor([tim], cat, optimizer=opti) tr.freezeParam('images') for src in cat: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') src.getBrightness().freezeAllBut( disable_galaxy_cache() F = fits_table() F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid F.filter = np.array([] * len(T)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(T)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) ok,x,y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x-1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y-1).astype(np.float32) if opt.forced: if opt.plots is None: forced_kwargs.update(wantims=False) R = tr.optimize_forced_photometry(variance=True, fitstats=True, shared_params=False, priors=False, **forced_kwargs) if opt.plots: (data,mod,ie,chi,roi) = R.ims1[0] ima = tim.ima imchi = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-5, vmax=5) plt.clf() plt.imshow(data, **ima) plt.title('Data: %s' % ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, **ima) plt.title('Model: %s' % ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, **imchi) plt.title('Chi: %s' % ps.savefig() F.flux = np.array([src.getBrightness().getFlux( for src in cat]).astype(np.float32) F.flux_ivar = R.IV.astype(np.float32) F.fracflux = R.fitstats.profracflux.astype(np.float32) F.rchi2 = R.fitstats.prochi2 .astype(np.float32) print('Forced photom:', Time()-t0) if opt.apphot: import photutils img = tim.getImage() ie = tim.getInvError() with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): imsigma = 1. / ie imsigma[ie == 0] = 0. apimg = [] apimgerr = [] # Aperture photometry locations xxyy = np.vstack([tim.wcs.positionToPixel(src.getPosition()) for src in cat]).T apxy = xxyy - 1. apertures = apertures_arcsec / tim.wcs.pixel_scale() print('Apertures:', apertures, 'pixels') for rad in apertures: aper = photutils.CircularAperture(apxy, rad) p = photutils.aperture_photometry(img, aper, error=imsigma) apimg.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) apimgerr.append(p.field('aperture_sum_err')) ap = np.vstack(apimg).T ap[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ap))] = 0. F.apflux = ap.astype(np.float32) ap = 1./(np.vstack(apimgerr).T)**2 ap[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ap))] = 0. F.apflux_ivar = ap.astype(np.float32) print('Aperture photom:', Time()-t0) program_name = sys.argv[0] version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='%s-%s-%s' % (, im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) keys = ['TELESCOP','OBSERVAT','OBS-LAT','OBS-LONG','OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME'] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() units = {'exptime':'sec', 'flux':'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar':'1/nanomaggy^2'} columns = F.get_columns() for i,col in enumerate(columns): if col in units: hdr.add_record(dict(name='TUNIT%i' % (i+1), value=units[col])) outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.outfn) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) fitsio.write(opt.outfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(opt.outfn, header=hdr, append=True) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: print('Getting model image...') mod = tr.getModelImage(tim) fitsio.write(opt.save_model, mod, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) print('Finished forced phot:', Time()-t0) return 0
def main(survey=None, opt=None): '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual Legacy Survey images. ''' if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() Time.add_measurement(MemMeas) t0 = Time() if os.path.exists(opt.outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', opt.outfn) sys.exit(0) if opt.derivs and opt.agn: print('Sorry, can\'t do --derivs AND --agn') sys.exit(0) if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0, x1, y0, y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Try parsing filename as exposure number. try: expnum = int(opt.expnum) filename = None except: # make this 'None' for survey.find_ccds() expnum = None filename = opt.expnum # Try parsing HDU number try: hdu = int(opt.ccdname) ccdname = None except: hdu = -1 ccdname = opt.ccdname if survey is None: survey = LegacySurveyData() catsurvey = survey if opt.catalog_dir is not None: catsurvey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir) if filename is not None and hdu >= 0: # FIXME -- try looking up in CCDs file? # Read metadata from file print('Warning: faking metadata from file contents') T = exposure_metadata([filename], hdus=[hdu]) print('Metadata:') T.about() if not 'ccdzpt' in T.columns(): phdr = fitsio.read_header(filename) T.ccdzpt = np.array([phdr['MAGZERO']]) print('WARNING: using header MAGZERO') T.ccdraoff = np.array([0.]) T.ccddecoff = np.array([0.]) print('WARNING: setting CCDRAOFF, CCDDECOFF to zero.') else: # Read metadata from survey-ccds.fits table T = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) print(len(T), 'with expnum', expnum, 'and CCDname', ccdname) if hdu >= 0: T.cut(T.image_hdu == hdu) print(len(T), 'with HDU', hdu) if filename is not None: T.cut(np.array([f.strip() == filename for f in T.image_filename])) print(len(T), 'with filename', filename) if is not None: T.cut( == print(len(T), 'with camera', assert (len(T) == 1) ccd = T[0] im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: #from legacypipe.survey import run_calibs #kwa = dict(splinesky=True) #run_calibs((im, kwa)) im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf) print('Got tim:', tim) print('Read image:', Time() - t0) if opt.catfn in ['DR1', 'DR2', 'DR3', 'DR5', 'DR']: margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn) ok, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W + margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H + margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') # print('Brick_primary:', np.unique(T.brick_primary)) T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') for col in ['out_of_bounds', 'left_blob']: if col in T.get_columns(): T.cut(T.get(col) == False) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on', col) if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: print('No sources to photometer.') return 0 T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I = np.flatnonzero( np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapedev_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I = np.flatnonzero( np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapeexp_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) else: T = fits_table(opt.catfn) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey kwargs = {} cols = T.get_columns() if 'flux_r' in cols and not 'decam_flux_r' in cols: kwargs.update(fluxPrefix='') cat = read_fits_catalog(T, **kwargs) # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) print('Read catalog:', Time() - t0) print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, ps=ps) t0 = Time() F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int32) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(T)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(T)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape F.mask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h - 1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w - 1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='%s-%s-%s' % (, im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() units = { 'exptime': 'sec', 'flux': 'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2' } columns = F.get_columns() for i, col in enumerate(columns): if col in units: hdr.add_record(dict(name='TUNIT%i' % (i + 1), value=units[col])) outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.outfn) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) fitsio.write(opt.outfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(opt.outfn, header=hdr, append=True) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: print('Getting model image...') tr = Tractor([tim], cat) mod = tr.getModelImage(tim) fitsio.write(opt.save_model, mod, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) print('Finished forced phot:', Time() - t0) return 0