def frame(step): """ Creates a frame of a given frame (step) number. """ # Show some information about how far we are with rendering curr_time = step / eval(SETTINGS.NumberFrames) * eval(SETTINGS.FrameTime)" @Time: %.3fs, Step: %d", curr_time, step) # Getting the total number of frames, see the configuration file nframes = eval(SETTINGS.NumberFrames) # Calculates rotation positions angle_per_frame = math.pi * 2 / nframes # Calculates how much the angle needs to move per frame angle = angle_per_frame * step # Calculates the angle of the frame # Gets locations x = math.cos(angle) * 20 z = math.sin(angle) * 20 # Create objects sphere = Sphere([6, 2, -2], 3, models.default_sphere_model) cylinder = Cylinder([-6, -1, 4], [-6, 7, 4], 3, models.default_sphere_model) legend_1 = legend([-15, 0, 0], 5) camera = Camera('location', [x, 8, z], 'look_at', [0, 0, 0]) # Return the Scene object containing all objects for rendering return Scene(camera, objects=[sphere, models.default_light, models.checkered_ground, cylinder] + legend_1)
def __init__(self, curve=None, title='', subtitle='', xlabel='', ylabel='', scale='1', xlim=None, ylim=None): if curve is None: self.curves = [] else: self.curves = [curve] self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.scale = str(scale) # TODO Extras self.xlim = xlim # TODO Add error handling self.ylim = xlim self.legend = legend(0, 0, anchor='top right')
def plot_hists_dict(hist_dict, setNames=True, **kwargs): """ Draws the contents of a dictionary of hists. Styling will be done automatically. Any additional kwargs are passed to the plot_hists and legend methods. Args: hist_dict: a str, Hist dictionary of the histograms to be drawn. Keywords: setNames: a bool to specify whether the keys of the dict will be used as titles in the legend. Returns: a handle to the new canvas """ items = hist_dict.items() for hn, h in items: h.SetName(hn) if setNames: h.SetTitle(hn) hists = [x[1] for x in items] names = [x[0] for x in items] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, **kwargs) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.LEGEND = leg return canv
def plot_fit_shapes(var, fitConf, hData, fit_result, lumi, shapes): tdrstyle() canv = TCanvas("c", "c") canv.SetWindowSize(1000, 1000) canv.SetCanvasSize(1000, 1000) outfile_name = "fit_plots/" + var.shortName + "_shapes_" + shapes[-1].SetTitle("QCD") canv = plot_hists( canv, {"shapes": shapes}, x_label=var.displayName, # title=process, max_bin_mult=1.4, ) # Draws the lumi box # lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi_iso[channel]) # Draw the legend leg = legend(shapes, styles=["l"], width=0.2, text_size=0.015) # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi) leg.Draw() # print hNonQCD.Integral(), hData.Integral(), hQCD.Integral(), hTotal.Integral(), hQCDp.Integral(), hQCDm.Integral() canv.Update() canv.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".png") canv.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".pdf") canv.Draw() return canv
def plot_all_fit_shapes(var, fitConf, hData, fit_result, lumi): tdrstyle() canvases = [] infile = "fits/" + var.shortName + "_fit_" + + ".root" f = TFile(infile) print outfile_name = "fit_plots/" + var.shortName + "_all_shapes_" + cst = TCanvas("Histogram_" +,, 10, 10, 1000, 1000) hNonQCD = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName + "__nonqcd")) hNonQCD.SetTitle("Non-QCD") hNonQCD.SetLineColor(kRed) hNonQCD.Scale(1 / hNonQCD.Integral()) hWJets = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName + "__wjets")) hWJets.SetTitle("W+Jets") hWJets.SetLineColor(kGreen + 4) hWJets.Scale(1 / hWJets.Integral()) hData.SetNameTitle(var.shortName + "__DATA", "Data") hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hData.Scale(1 / hData.Integral()) # print "data integral: ",hData.Integral() hQCD = f.Get(var.shortName + "__qcd") hQCD.SetNameTitle(var.shortName + "__qcd", "QCD") hQCD.SetLineColor(kGray) hQCD.Scale(1 / hQCD.Integral()) max_bin = hQCD.GetMaximum() * 1.3 hData.SetAxisRange(0, max_bin, "Y") hData.GetXaxis().SetTitle(var.displayName) # hTotal.Draw("") title = fit_result.getTitle() hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hData.Draw("E1") hQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCD.Draw("same") hWJets.Draw("same") # hData.SetTitle("QCD fit, "+title) hData.Draw("E1 same") lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi) leg = legend([hData, hQCD, hNonQCD, hWJets], styles=["p", "l"], width=0.2) leg.Draw() # print hNonQCD.Integral(), hData.Integral(), hQCD.Integral(), hTotal.Integral(), hQCDp.Integral(), hQCDm.Integral() cst.Update() cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".png") cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".pdf") cst.Draw() return cst
def frame(step): """ Creates a frame of 4 cones, 4 boxes, 1 sphere and a legend """ # Define textures for different models sphere_model = Texture(Pigment( 'color', [1, 0, 1], ), Finish('reflection', 0.5)) box_model = Texture(Pigment( 'color', [0, 1, 1], ), Finish('reflection', 0)) cone_model = Texture(Pigment( 'color', [1, 0, 1], ), Finish('reflection', 0)) # Create objects sphere = Sphere([0, 0, 0], 3, sphere_model) box_1 = Box([-5, -5, -4], [-3, 5, 4], box_model) box_2 = Box([3, -5, -4], [5, 5, 4], box_model) box_3 = Box([-5, 4, -4], [5, 6, 4], box_model) box_4 = Box([-5, -5, -4], [5, -3, 4], box_model) cone_1 = Cone([0, 6, 0], 3, [0, 10, 0], 0, cone_model) cone_2 = Cone([0, -6, 0], 3, [0, -10, 0], 0, cone_model) cone_3 = Cone([-5, 0, 0], 3, [-9, 0, 0], 0, cone_model) cone_4 = Cone([5, 0, 0], 3, [9, 0, 0], 0, cone_model) light_1 = LightSource([0, 10, -25], 'color', [1, 1, 1]) light_2 = LightSource([0, 8, -7], 'color', [1, 1, 1]) xyz_legend = legend([-15, 0, 0], 5) camera = Camera('location', [0, 7, -30], 'look_at', [0, 2, 1]) # Return the Scene object for rendering return Scene(camera, objects=[ sphere, box_1, box_2, box_3, box_4, cone_1, cone_2, cone_3, cone_4, light_1, light_2 ] + xyz_legend)
Styling.mc_style(h_mc3, "W1Jets_exclusive") Styling.data_style(h_d1) #Create the canvas canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c") canv.SetWindowSize(500, 500) canv.SetCanvasSize(600, 600) #!!!!LOOK HERE!!!!! #---- #Draw the stacked histograms #---- stacks_d = OrderedDict() #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["mc"] = [h_mc1, h_mc2, h_mc3] # <<< order is important here, mc1 is bottom-most stacks_d["data"] = [h_d1] stacks = plot_hists_stacked( canv, stacks_d, x_label="variable x [GeV]", y_label="", do_log_y=False ) #Draw the legend import legend leg = legend.legend( [h_d1, h_mc3, h_mc2, h_mc1], # <<< need to reverse MC order here styles=["p", "f"], width=0.2 )
def plot_fit2(fit_templates_file, qcd_result, other_results, priors, extra={}): templates_file = fit_templates_file.replace("reversecut", "nocut").replace("qcdcut", "nocut") var = templates_file.split("/")[1].split("__")[0] jt = templates_file.split("/")[1].split("__")[1] channel = templates_file.split("/")[1].split("__")[2] reg = fit_templates_file.split("/")[1].split("__")[3] added = fit_templates_file.split("/")[1].split("__")[4] f = TFile(templates_file) print "using templates", templates_file extra_string = "" extra_id = "" for k, v in extra.items(): extra_id += k + "_" + v vark = ( k.replace("varMC_QCDMC", ", QCD from MC") .replace("varMC_", ", MC antiiso") .replace("isovar", "Anti-iso range") ) extra_string += "%s %s" % (vark, v) display_var = var.replace("qcd_mva", "QCD BDT") print channel, jt tdrstyle() gStyle.SetOptTitle(1) canvases = [] # infile = "fits/"+var.shortName+"_fit_"+jt+"_"+channel+"_"+cutid+".root" # infile2 = "templates/"+var.shortName+"_templates_"+jt+"_"+channel+"_"+cutid+".root" # cutinfo = "_".join(cutid.split("_")[1:]) # infile3 = "templates/"+var.shortName+"_templates_"+jt+"_"+channel+"_nocut_"+cutinfo+".root" # outfile_wd = "fits/"+var+"_fit_"+jt+"_"+channel+".root" # outf = TFile(outfile_wd, "recreate") # try: os.mkdir("fit_plots") except Exception as e: logging.warning(str(e)) outfile_name = ( "fit_plots/" + var + "_Fit_" + jt + "_" + channel + "_" + reg + "_" + added + "_" + extra_id ) # +"_"+cutid outfile_name = outfile_name.replace(".root_", "") hData = TH1D(f.Get(var + "__DATA")) hQCD = TH1D(f.Get(var + "__QCD")) # print qcd_result print "initial" print "QCD:", hQCD.Integral() print "Data:", hData.Integral() hQCD.Scale(qcd_result[0]) hTotal = TH1D(hQCD) """cut = get_cut(var, channel) for bin in range(hData.GetNbinsX()+2): if abs(hData.GetBinLowEdge(bin) - cut) < 1e-8: low = bin high = hData.GetNbinsX()+1 """ other_templates = {} # print other_results first = True for temp in other_results.keys(): other_templates[temp] = TH1D(f.Get(var + "__" + temp)) # print other_templates[temp].Integral(), other_results[temp][0], priors[temp] sf = math.e ** (other_results[temp][0] * priors[temp]) print temp, other_templates[temp].Integral() other_templates[temp].Scale(sf) if first: hNonQCD = TH1D(f.Get(var + "__" + temp)) first = False else: hNonQCD.Add(other_templates[temp]) hTotal.Add(other_templates[temp]) # print "SF", temp, other_templates[temp].Integral() chi2 = hData.Chi2Test(hTotal, "UW CHI2/NDF") print "chi2", chi2 cst = TCanvas("Histogram_", "histo", 10, 10, 1000, 1000) cst.SetTopMargin(0.9) # print infile # print f # print f.Get(var.shortName+"__nonqcd") hNonQCD.SetTitle("Non-QCD") hNonQCD.SetLineColor(kRed) hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hQCD.SetNameTitle("QCD", "QCD") hQCD.SetLineColor(kYellow) """hQCDp=TH1D(hQCD) hQCDp.Scale(QCDRATE_UP/QCDRATE) hQCDm=TH1D(hQCD) hQCDm.Scale(QCDRATE_DOWN/QCDRATE) hQCDp.SetName(var.shortName+"__qcd_plus") hQCDp.Write() hQCDm.SetName(var.shortName+"__qcd_minus") hQCDm.Write() hQCDp.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDp.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hQCDm.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDm.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hTotal=TH1D(hNonQCD) hTotal.Add(hQCD) """ hTotal.SetLineColor(kBlue) hTotal.SetTitle("Fitted total") max_bin = hData.GetBinContent(hData.GetMaximumBin()) * 1.5 hData.SetAxisRange(0, max_bin, "Y") hData.GetXaxis().SetTitle(display_var) # hTotal.Draw("") title = jt + ", " + channel hData.SetTitle(title) hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) # print "data", hData.Integral() hData.Draw("E1") # print "data", hData.Integral() # hNonQCDp.Draw("same") hQCD.SetLineColor(kGreen + 2) hQCD.SetLineWidth(3) hQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCD.Draw("same hist") # hNonQCDm.Draw("same") # hQCDp.Draw("same") # hQCDm.Draw("same") hTotal.Draw("same hist") # hData.SetTitle("QCD fit, "+title) hData.Draw("E1 same") lumi = 15311 if channel == "ele": lumi = 16934 lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi) hDataCopy = TH1D(hData) hDataCopy.SetTitle("Data") leg = legend([hDataCopy, hQCD, hNonQCD, hTotal], styles=["p", "l"], width=0.2) # hQCDp, # hNonQCDp, # outf.Close() cst.Update() cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".png") cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".pdf") # cst.Draw() print "final" print "QCD:", hQCD.Integral() print "Data:", hData.Integral() print "other", hNonQCD.Integral() print "total", hTotal.Integral() """
def plot_fit(var, fitConf, hData, fit_result, lumi): tdrstyle() canvases = [] infile = "fits/" + var.shortName + "_fit_" + + ".root" outfile_wd = "fits/" + var.shortName + "_fit_" + + "_withData.root" f = TFile(infile) f2 = TFile(outfile_wd, "recreate") try: os.mkdir("fit_plots") except Exception as e: logging.warning(str(e)) outfile_name = "fit_plots/" + var.shortName + "_Fit_" + # print fit_result QCDRATE = fit_result.qcd # QCDRATE_UP = fit_result.qcd + fit_result.qcd_uncert # QCDRATE_DOWN = fit_result.qcd - fit_result.qcd_uncert QCDRATE_UP = ( fit_result.qcd * math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][0] + fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][1])) / math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][0])) ) QCDRATE_DOWN = ( fit_result.qcd * math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][0] - fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][1])) / math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["beta_signal"][0][0])) ) # NONQCDRATE = fit_result.nonqcd # NONQCDRATE_UP = fit_result.nonqcd + fit_result.nonqcd_uncert # NONQCDRATE_DOWN = fit_result.nonqcd - fit_result.nonqcd_uncert NONQCDRATE = math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["nonqcd_rate"][0][0]) * fit_result.coeff["nonqcd"]) NONQCDRATE_UP = math.e ** ( (fit_result.result["qcd"]["nonqcd_rate"][0][0] + fit_result.result["qcd"]["nonqcd_rate"][0][1]) * fit_result.coeff["nonqcd"] ) NONQCDRATE_DOWN = math.e ** ( (fit_result.result["qcd"]["nonqcd_rate"][0][0] - fit_result.result["qcd"]["nonqcd_rate"][0][1]) * fit_result.coeff["nonqcd"] ) WJETS = math.e ** ((fit_result.result["qcd"]["wjets_rate"][0][0]) * fit_result.coeff["wjets"]) WJETS_UP = math.e ** ( (fit_result.result["qcd"]["wjets_rate"][0][0] + fit_result.result["qcd"]["wjets_rate"][0][1]) * fit_result.coeff["wjets"] ) WJETS_DOWN = math.e ** ( (fit_result.result["qcd"]["wjets_rate"][0][0] - fit_result.result["qcd"]["wjets_rate"][0][1]) * fit_result.coeff["wjets"] ) print "Results with fit uncertainty included" print "QCD: ", QCDRATE, "+", (QCDRATE_UP - QCDRATE), "-", (QCDRATE - QCDRATE_DOWN) print "Non-QCD: ", NONQCDRATE, "+", (NONQCDRATE_UP - NONQCDRATE), "-", (NONQCDRATE - NONQCDRATE_DOWN) print "W+jets: ", WJETS, "+", (WJETS_UP - WJETS), "-", (WJETS - WJETS_DOWN) # WJETS = fit_result.wjets # WJETS_UP = fit_result.wjets + fit_result.wjets_uncert # WJETS_DOWN = fit_result.wjets - fit_result.wjets_uncert cst = TCanvas("Histogram_" +,, 10, 10, 1000, 1000) hNonQCD = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName + "__nonqcd")) hNonQCD.Write() hNonQCD.SetTitle("Non-QCD") hNonQCD.SetLineColor(kRed) hNonQCDp = TH1D(hNonQCD) hNonQCDp.SetName(var.shortName + "__nonqcd__plus") hNonQCDp.Scale(NONQCDRATE_UP / NONQCDRATE) hNonQCDp.Write() hNonQCDm = TH1D(hNonQCD) hNonQCDm.Scale(NONQCDRATE_DOWN / NONQCDRATE) hNonQCDm.SetName(var.shortName + "__nonqcd__minus") hNonQCDm.Write() hNonQCDp.SetLineColor(kOrange) hNonQCDp.SetTitle("Non-QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hNonQCDm.SetLineColor(kOrange) hNonQCDm.SetTitle("non-QCD - 1 sigma") hWJets = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName + "__wjets")) hWJets.Write() hWJets.SetTitle("W+Jets") hWJets.SetLineColor(kGreen + 4) hWJetsp = TH1D(hWJets) hWJetsp.SetName(var.shortName + "__wjets_plus") hWJetsm = TH1D(hWJets) hWJetsm.SetName(var.shortName + "__wjets_minus") if WJETS > 0: hWJetsp.Scale(WJETS_UP / WJETS) hWJetsm.Scale(WJETS_DOWN / WJETS) hWJetsp.Write() hWJetsm.Write() hWJetsp.SetLineColor(kGreen + 8) hWJetsp.SetTitle("W+Jets #pm 1 #sigma") hWJetsm.SetLineColor(kGreen + 8) hWJetsm.SetTitle("W+Jets - 1 sigma") hData.SetNameTitle(var.shortName + "__DATA", "Data") hData.Write() hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) # print "data integral: ",hData.Integral() hQCD = f.Get(var.shortName + "__qcd") hQCD.Write() hQCD.SetNameTitle(var.shortName + "__qcd", "QCD") hQCD.SetLineColor(kYellow) hQCDp = TH1D(hQCD) hQCDp.Scale(QCDRATE_UP / QCDRATE) hQCDm = TH1D(hQCD) hQCDm.Scale(QCDRATE_DOWN / QCDRATE) hQCDp.SetName(var.shortName + "__qcd_plus") hQCDp.Write() hQCDm.SetName(var.shortName + "__qcd_minus") hQCDm.Write() hQCDp.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDp.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hQCDm.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDm.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hTotal = TH1D(hNonQCD) hTotal.Add(hQCD) hTotal.Add(hWJets) hTotal.SetLineColor(kBlue) hTotal.SetTitle("Fitted total") max_bin = hData.GetMaximum() * 1.6 hData.SetAxisRange(0, max_bin, "Y") hData.GetXaxis().SetTitle(var.displayName) # hTotal.Draw("") title = fit_result.getTitle() hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hData.Draw("E1") hNonQCDp.Draw("same") hQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCDm.Draw("same") hQCDp.Draw("same") hQCDm.Draw("same") hWJets.Draw("same") hWJetsp.Draw("same") hWJetsm.Draw("same") hTotal.Draw("same") # hData.SetTitle("QCD fit, "+title) hData.Draw("E1 same") lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi) leg = legend([hData, hQCD, hQCDp, hNonQCD, hNonQCDp, hWJets, hWJetsp, hTotal], styles=["p", "l"], width=0.2) leg.Draw() # print hNonQCD.Integral(), hData.Integral(), hQCD.Integral(), hTotal.Integral(), hQCDp.Integral(), hQCDm.Integral() cst.Update() cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".png") cst.SaveAs(outfile_name + ".pdf") cst.Draw() return cst
Styling.mc_style(h_mc2, "T_t") Styling.mc_style(h_mc3, "W1Jets_exclusive") Styling.data_style(h_d1) #Create the canvas canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c") canv.SetWindowSize(500, 500) canv.SetCanvasSize(600, 600) #!!!!LOOK HERE!!!!! #---- #Draw the stacked histograms #---- stacks_d = OrderedDict( ) #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["mc"] = [h_mc1, h_mc2, h_mc3] # <<< order is important here, mc1 is bottom-most stacks_d["data"] = [h_d1] stacks = plot_hists_stacked(canv, stacks_d, x_label="variable x [GeV]", y_label="", do_log_y=False) #Draw the legend import legend leg = legend.legend( [h_d1, h_mc3, h_mc2, h_mc1], # <<< need to reverse MC order here styles=["p", "f"], width=0.2)