class TestAdaptiveGrid(object):

    def setup(self):
        deltaPix = 1.
        transform_pix2angle = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
        ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0 = -5, -5
        nx, ny = 11, 11
        self._supersampling_factor = 4
        supersampling_indexes = np.zeros((nx, ny))
        supersampling_indexes = np.array(supersampling_indexes, dtype=bool)
        supersampling_indexes[5, 5] = True
        self._supersampling_indexes = supersampling_indexes
        self.nx, self.ny = nx, ny
        self._adaptive_grid = AdaptiveGrid(nx, ny, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, supersampling_indexes, self._supersampling_factor)

    def test_coordinates_evaluate(self):
        x_grid, y_grid = self._adaptive_grid.coordinates_evaluate
        print(np.shape(x_grid), 'test shape')
        assert len(x_grid) == self._supersampling_factor**2 + self.nx * self.ny - 1

    def test_subpixel_coordinates(self):
        subpixel_x, subpixel_y = self._adaptive_grid._high_res_coordinates
        assert len(subpixel_x) == 4**2
        assert subpixel_x[0] == -0.375
        assert subpixel_y[0] == -0.375
        assert subpixel_y[3] == -0.375
        assert subpixel_x[3] == 0.375

    def test_average_subgrid(self):
        subpixel_x, subpixel_y = self._adaptive_grid._high_res_coordinates
        model = LightModel(light_model_list=['GAUSSIAN'])
        kwargs_light = [{'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 0, 'sigma': 1, 'amp': 1}]
        subgrid_values = model.surface_brightness(subpixel_x, subpixel_y, kwargs_light)
        supersampled_values = self._adaptive_grid._average_subgrid(subgrid_values)
        assert len(supersampled_values) == 1

    def test_merge_low_high_res(self):
        subpixel_x, subpixel_y = self._adaptive_grid._high_res_coordinates
        x, y = self._adaptive_grid._x_low_res, self._adaptive_grid._x_low_res
        model = LightModel(light_model_list=['GAUSSIAN'])
        kwargs_light = [{'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 0, 'sigma': 1, 'amp': 1}]
        subgrid_values = model.surface_brightness(subpixel_x, subpixel_y, kwargs_light)
        image1d = model.surface_brightness(x, y, kwargs_light)

        image_added = self._adaptive_grid._merge_low_high_res(image1d, subgrid_values)
        added_array = util.image2array(image_added)
        supersampled_values = self._adaptive_grid._average_subgrid(subgrid_values)
        assert added_array[util.image2array(self._supersampling_indexes)] == supersampled_values

        image_high_res = self._adaptive_grid._high_res_image(subgrid_values)
        assert len(image_high_res) == self.nx * self._supersampling_factor

    def test_flux_array2image_low_high(self):
        x, y = self._adaptive_grid.coordinates_evaluate
        model = LightModel(light_model_list=['GAUSSIAN'])
        kwargs_light = [{'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 0, 'sigma': 1, 'amp': 1}]
        flux_values = model.surface_brightness(x, y, kwargs_light)
        image_low_res, image_high_res = self._adaptive_grid.flux_array2image_low_high(flux_values)
        assert len(image_high_res) == self.nx * self._supersampling_factor
class AdaptiveNumerics(object):
    this class manages and computes a surface brightness convolved image in an adaptive approach.
    The strategie applied are:
    1.1 surface brightness computation only where significant flux is expected
    1.2 super sampled surface brightness only in regimes of high spacial variability in the surface brightness and at
    high contrast
    2.1 convolution only applied where flux is present (avoid convolving a lot of zeros)
    2.2 simplified Multi-Gaussian convolution in regimes of low contrast
    2.3 (super-) sampled PSF convolution only at high contrast of highly variable sources

    the class performs the convolution with two different input arrays, one with low resolution and one on a subpart with high resolution

    def __init__(self, nx, ny, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0,
                 flux_evaluate_indexes, compute_indexes, supersampled_indexes,
                 supersampling_factor, supersampling_kernel_size,
        self._grid = AdaptiveGrid(nx, ny, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0,
                                  dec_at_xy_0, supersampled_indexes,
                                  supersampling_factor, flux_evaluate_indexes)
        self._conv = AdaptiveConvolution(

    def re_size_convolve(self, flux_array):

        :param flux_array: 1d array, flux values corresponding to coordinates_evaluate
        :param array_low_res_partial: regular sampled surface brightness, 1d array
        :return: convolved image on regular pixel grid, 2d array
        # add supersampled region to lower resolution on
        image_low_res, image_high_res_partial = self._grid.flux_array2image_low_high(
        # convolve low res grid and high res grid
        image_conv = self._conv.re_size_convolve(image_low_res,
        return image_conv

    def coordinates_evaluate(self):

        :return: 1d array of all coordinates being evaluated to perform the image computation
        return self._grid.coordinates_evaluate