def _new_shear(self, start_e1, start_e2, delta_phi, delta_gamma):

        phi_start, gamma_start = ellipticity2phi_gamma(start_e1, start_e2)

        phi_min, phi_max = phi_start + delta_phi, phi_start - delta_phi

        gamma_min, gamma_max = max(0.0001, gamma_start -
                                   delta_gamma), gamma_start + delta_gamma

        e1_min, e2_min = phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi_min, gamma_min)
        e1_max, e2_max = phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi_max, gamma_max)

        return e1_min, e2_min, e1_max, e2_max
    def test_solver_simplified(self):
        lens_model_list = ['SPEP', 'SHEAR_GAMMA_PSI']
        lensModel = LensModel(lens_model_list)

        lensEquationSolver = LensEquationSolver(lensModel)
        sourcePos_x = 0.1
        sourcePos_y = -0.1
        deltapix = 0.05
        numPix = 150
        gamma = 1.9
        gamma_ext = 0.05
        psi_ext = 0.4
        #e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi=psi_ext, gamma=gamma_ext)
        kwargs_lens = [{'theta_E': 1., 'gamma': gamma, 'e1': 0.1, 'e2': -0.1, 'center_x': 0.1, 'center_y': -0.1},
                       {'gamma_ext': gamma_ext, 'psi_ext': psi_ext}]
        x_pos, y_pos = lensEquationSolver.findBrightImage(sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, numImages=4,
                                                          min_distance=deltapix, search_window=numPix * deltapix)
        e1_new, e2_new = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi=0., gamma=gamma_ext+0.1)
        kwargs_lens_init = [{'theta_E': 1.3, 'gamma': gamma, 'e1': 0., 'e2': 0., 'center_x': 0., 'center_y': 0},
                            {'gamma_ext': gamma_ext + 0.1, 'psi_ext': 0}]
        solver = Solver4Point(lensModel, solver_type='PROFILE_SHEAR')
        kwargs_lens_new, accuracy = solver.constraint_lensmodel(x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_lens_init)
        assert accuracy < 10**(-10)
        x_source, y_source = lensModel.ray_shooting(x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_lens_new)
        x_source, y_source = np.mean(x_source), np.mean(y_source)
        x_pos_new, y_pos_new = lensEquationSolver.findBrightImage(x_source, y_source, kwargs_lens_new, numImages=4,
                                                          min_distance=deltapix, search_window=numPix * deltapix)
        print(x_pos, x_pos_new)
        x_pos = np.sort(x_pos)
        x_pos_new = np.sort(x_pos_new)
        y_pos = np.sort(y_pos)
        y_pos_new = np.sort(y_pos_new)
        for i in range(len(x_pos)):
            npt.assert_almost_equal(x_pos[i], x_pos_new[i], decimal=6)
            npt.assert_almost_equal(y_pos[i], y_pos_new[i], decimal=6)
def test_phi_gamma_ellipticity_2():
    e1, e2 = -0.04, -0.01
    phi, gamma = param_util.ellipticity2phi_gamma(e1, e2)

    e1_out, e2_out = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi, gamma)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(e1, e1_out, decimal=10)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(e2, e2_out, decimal=10)
    def _update_kwargs(self, x, kwargs_list):

        :param x: list of parameters corresponding to the free parameter of the first lens model in the list
        :param kwargs_list: list of lens model kwargs
        :return: updated kwargs_list
        lens_model = self._lens_mode_list[0]
        if self._solver_type == 'CENTER':
            [center_x, center_y] = x
            kwargs_list[0]['center_x'] = center_x
            kwargs_list[0]['center_y'] = center_y
        elif self._solver_type == 'ELLIPSE':
            [e1, e2] = x
            kwargs_list[0]['e1'] = e1
            kwargs_list[0]['e2'] = e2
        elif self._solver_type == 'SHAPELETS':
            [c10, c01] = x
            coeffs = list(kwargs_list[0]['coeffs'])
            coeffs[1:3] = [c10, c01]
            kwargs_list[0]['coeffs'] = coeffs
        elif self._solver_type == 'THETA_E_PHI':
            [theta_E, phi_G] = x
            kwargs_list[0]['theta_E'] = theta_E
            phi_G_no_sense, gamma_ext = param_util.ellipticity2phi_gamma(
                kwargs_list[1]['e1'], kwargs_list[1]['e2'])
            e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi_G, gamma_ext)
            kwargs_list[1]['e1'] = e1
            kwargs_list[1]['e2'] = e2
            raise ValueError(
                "Solver type %s not supported for 2-point solver!" %
        return kwargs_list
def test_phi_gamma_ellipticity():
    phi = -1.
    gamma = 0.1
    e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi, gamma)
    print(e1, e2, 'e1, e2')
    phi_out, gamma_out = param_util.ellipticity2phi_gamma(e1, e2)
    assert phi == phi_out
    assert gamma == gamma_out
 def test_hessian(self):
     x = np.array([1, 3, 4])
     y = np.array([2, 1, 1])
     gamma, psi = 0.1, 0.5
     e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi=psi, gamma=gamma)
     values = self.shear.hessian(x, y, gamma, psi)
     values_e1e2 = self.shear_e1e2.hessian(x, y, e1, e2)
     npt.assert_almost_equal(values, values_e1e2, decimal=5)
    def test_solver_profile_shear_2(self):
        lens_model_list = ['SPEP', 'SHEAR']
        lensModel = LensModel(lens_model_list)

        lensEquationSolver = LensEquationSolver(lensModel)
        sourcePos_x = 0.
        sourcePos_y = 0.1
        deltapix = 0.05
        numPix = 150
        gamma = 1.98
        e1, e2 = -0.04, -0.01

        kwargs_shear = {'e1': e1, 'e2': e2}  # shear values to the source plane
        kwargs_spemd = {'theta_E': 1.66, 'gamma': gamma, 'center_x': 0.0, 'center_y': 0.0, 'e1': 0.1,
                        'e2': 0.05}  # parameters of the deflector lens model

        kwargs_lens = [kwargs_spemd, kwargs_shear]
        x_pos, y_pos = lensEquationSolver.findBrightImage(sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, numImages=4,
                                                          min_distance=deltapix, search_window=numPix * deltapix)
        print(x_pos, y_pos, 'test positions')

        gamma_ext = np.sqrt(e1 ** 2 + e2 ** 2)
        e1_init, e2_init = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(gamma=gamma_ext, phi=-1.3)

        kwargs_lens_init = [{'theta_E': 1.3, 'gamma': gamma, 'e1': 0, 'e2': 0, 'center_x': 0., 'center_y': 0},
                            {'e1': e1_init, 'e2': e2_init}]
        solver = Solver4Point(lensModel, solver_type='PROFILE_SHEAR')
        kwargs_lens_new, accuracy = solver.constraint_lensmodel(x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_lens_init)
        assert accuracy < 10**(-10)
        x_source, y_source = lensModel.ray_shooting(x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_lens_new)
        x_source, y_source = np.mean(x_source), np.mean(y_source)
        x_pos_new, y_pos_new = lensEquationSolver.findBrightImage(x_source, y_source, kwargs_lens_new, numImages=4,
                                                          min_distance=deltapix, search_window=numPix * deltapix)
        print(x_pos, x_pos_new)
        x_pos = np.sort(x_pos)
        x_pos_new = np.sort(x_pos_new)
        y_pos = np.sort(y_pos)
        y_pos_new = np.sort(y_pos_new)
        for i in range(len(x_pos)):
            npt.assert_almost_equal(x_pos[i], x_pos_new[i], decimal=6)
            npt.assert_almost_equal(y_pos[i], y_pos_new[i], decimal=6)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(kwargs_lens_new[1]['e1'], kwargs_lens[1]['e1'], decimal=8)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(kwargs_lens_new[1]['e2'], kwargs_lens[1]['e2'], decimal=8)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(kwargs_lens_new[0]['e1'], kwargs_lens[0]['e1'], decimal=8)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(kwargs_lens_new[0]['e2'], kwargs_lens[0]['e2'], decimal=8)
    def _update_kwargs(self, x, kwargs_list):

        :param x: list of parameters corresponding to the free parameter of the first lens model in the list
        :param kwargs_list: list of lens model kwargs
        :return: updated kwargs_list
        if self._solver_type == 'PROFILE_SHEAR_GAMMA_PSI':
            phi_G = x[5]  # % (2 * np.pi)
            kwargs_list[1]['psi_ext'] = phi_G
        if self._solver_type == 'PROFILE_SHEAR':
            phi_G = x[5] % np.pi
            phi_G_no_sense, gamma_ext = param_util.ellipticity2phi_gamma(
                kwargs_list[1]['e1'], kwargs_list[1]['e2'])
            e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(phi_G, gamma_ext)
            kwargs_list[1]['e1'] = e1
            kwargs_list[1]['e2'] = e2
        lens_model = self._lens_mode_list[0]
        if lens_model in ['SPEP', 'SPEMD', 'SIE', 'NIE']:
            [theta_E, e1, e2, center_x, center_y, no_sens_param] = x
            kwargs_list[0]['theta_E'] = theta_E
            kwargs_list[0]['e1'] = e1
            kwargs_list[0]['e2'] = e2
            kwargs_list[0]['center_x'] = center_x
            kwargs_list[0]['center_y'] = center_y
        elif lens_model in ['NFW_ELLIPSE']:
            [alpha_Rs, e1, e2, center_x, center_y, no_sens_param] = x
            kwargs_list[0]['alpha_Rs'] = alpha_Rs
            kwargs_list[0]['e1'] = e1
            kwargs_list[0]['e2'] = e2
            kwargs_list[0]['center_x'] = center_x
            kwargs_list[0]['center_y'] = center_y
        elif lens_model in ['SHAPELETS_CART']:
            [c10, c01, c20, c11, c02, no_sens_param] = x
            coeffs = list(kwargs_list[0]['coeffs'])
            coeffs[1:6] = [c10, c01, c20, c11, c02]
            kwargs_list[0]['coeffs'] = coeffs
            raise ValueError(
                "Lens model %s not supported for 4-point solver!" % lens_model)
        return kwargs_list
 def hessian(self, x, y, gamma_ext, psi_ext, ra_0=0, dec_0=0):
     e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(psi_ext, gamma_ext)
     return self._shear_e1e2.hessian(x, y, e1, e2, ra_0, dec_0)
 def derivatives(self, x, y, gamma_ext, psi_ext, ra_0=0, dec_0=0):
     # rotation angle
     e1, e2 = param_util.phi_gamma_ellipticity(psi_ext, gamma_ext)
     return self._shear_e1e2.derivatives(x, y, e1, e2, ra_0, dec_0)