    def skipCodeBlock (self,s,i,kind):

        trace = False ; verbose = True
        # if trace: g.trace('***',g.callers())
        startIndent = self.startSigIndent
        if trace: g.trace('startIndent',startIndent)
        assert startIndent is not None
        i = start = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s,i)
        parenCount = 0
        underIndentedStart = None # The start of trailing underindented blank or comment lines.
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            ch = s[i]
            if g.is_nl(s,i):
                if trace and verbose: g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))
                backslashNewline = (i > 0 and g.match(s,i-1,'\\\n'))
                if backslashNewline:
                    # An underindented line, including docstring,
                    # does not end the code block.
                    i += 1 # 2010/11/01
                    i = g.skip_nl(s,i)
                    j = g.skip_ws(s,i)
                    if g.is_nl(s,j):
                        pass # We have already made progress.
                        i,underIndentedStart,breakFlag = self.pythonNewlineHelper(
                        if breakFlag: break
            elif ch == '#':
                i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s,i)
            elif ch == '"' or ch == '\'':
                i = g.skip_python_string(s,i)
            elif ch in '[{(':
                i += 1 ; parenCount += 1
                # g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
            elif ch in ']})':
                i += 1 ; parenCount -= 1
                # g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
            else: i += 1
            assert(progress < i)

        # The actual end of the block.
        if underIndentedStart is not None:
            i = underIndentedStart
            if trace: g.trace('***backtracking to underindent range')
            if trace: g.trace(g.get_line(s,i))

        if 0 < i < len(s) and not g.match(s,i-1,'\n'):
            g.trace('Can not happen: Python block does not end in a newline.')
            return i,False

        # 2010/02/19: Include all following material
        # until the next 'def' or 'class'
        i = self.skipToTheNextClassOrFunction(s,i,startIndent)

        if (trace or self.trace) and s[start:i].strip():
            g.trace('%s returns\n' % (kind) + s[start:i])
        return i,True
 def skipCodeBlock(self, s, i, kind):
     trace = False
     verbose = True
     # if trace: g.trace('***',g.callers())
     startIndent = self.startSigIndent
     if trace: g.trace('startIndent', startIndent)
     assert startIndent is not None
     i = start = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s, i)
     parenCount = 0
     underIndentedStart = None  # The start of trailing underindented blank or comment lines.
     while i < len(s):
         progress = i
         ch = s[i]
         if g.is_nl(s, i):
             if trace and verbose: g.trace(g.get_line(s, i))
             backslashNewline = (i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, '\\\n'))
             if backslashNewline:
                 # An underindented line, including docstring,
                 # does not end the code block.
                 i += 1  # 2010/11/01
                 i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
                 j = g.skip_ws(s, i)
                 if g.is_nl(s, j):
                     pass  # We have already made progress.
                     i, underIndentedStart, breakFlag = self.pythonNewlineHelper(
                         s, i, parenCount, startIndent, underIndentedStart)
                     if breakFlag: break
         elif ch == '#':
             i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i)
         elif ch == '"' or ch == '\'':
             i = g.skip_python_string(s, i)
         elif ch in '[{(':
             i += 1
             parenCount += 1
             # g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
         elif ch in ']})':
             i += 1
             parenCount -= 1
             # g.trace('ch',ch,parenCount)
             i += 1
         assert (progress < i)
     # The actual end of the block.
     if underIndentedStart is not None:
         i = underIndentedStart
         if trace: g.trace('***backtracking to underindent range')
         if trace: g.trace(g.get_line(s, i))
     if 0 < i < len(s) and not g.match(s, i - 1, '\n'):
         g.trace('Can not happen: Python block does not end in a newline.')
         g.trace(g.get_line(s, i))
         return i, False
     # 2010/02/19: Include all following material
     # until the next 'def' or 'class'
     i = self.skipToTheNextClassOrFunction(s, i, startIndent)
     if (trace or self.trace) and s[start:i].strip():
         g.trace('%s returns\n' % (kind) + s[start:i])
     return i, True
    def skipInterface(self, s, i):
        """Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)"""
        trace = False
        start = i
        delim2 = "end."
        level = 0
        start = i
        startIndent = self.startSigIndent
        if trace:
            g.trace("***", "startIndent", startIndent, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, "\\\n")
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
                if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s, i):
                    j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s, i, self.tab_width)
                    line = g.get_line(s, j)
                    if trace:
                        g.trace("indent", indent, line)
                    if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
                        # An non-empty underindented line.
                        # Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
                        if level == 1 and g.match(s, j, delim2):
                            if j not in self.errorLines:  # No error yet given.
            elif s[i] in (" ", "\t"):
                i += 1  # speed up the scan.
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif self.startsString(s, i):
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif g.match(s, i, delim2):
                i += len(delim2)
                if trace:
                    g.trace("returns\n", repr(s[start:i]))
                return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error("no interface")
        if 1:
            g.pr("** no interface **")
            i, j = g.getLine(s, start)
            g.trace(i, s[i:j])
            if trace:
                g.trace("** no interface")
        return start
    def skipInterface(self, s, i):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        trace = False
        start = i
        delim2 = 'end.'
        level = 0
        start = i
        startIndent = self.startSigIndent
        if trace: g.trace('***', 'startIndent', startIndent, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, '\\\n')
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
                if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s, i):
                    j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(
                        s, i, self.tab_width)
                    line = g.get_line(s, j)
                    if trace: g.trace('indent', indent, line)
                    if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
                        # An non-empty underindented line.
                        # Issue an error unless it contains just the closing bracket.
                        if level == 1 and g.match(s, j, delim2):
                            if j not in self.errorLines:  # No error yet given.
            elif s[i] in (
                    ' ',
                i += 1  # speed up the scan.
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif self.startsString(s, i):
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif g.match(s, i, delim2):
                i += len(delim2)
                if trace: g.trace('returns\n', repr(s[start:i]))
                return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no interface')
        if 1:
            g.pr('** no interface **')
            i, j = g.getLine(s, start)
            g.trace(i, s[i:j])
            if trace: g.trace('** no interface')
        return start
    def extendSignature(self, s, i):
        '''Extend the text to be added to the class node following the signature.

        The text *must* end with a newline.'''
        # Add a docstring to the class node,
        # And everything on the line following it
        j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s, i)
        if g.match(s, j, '"""') or g.match(s, j, "'''"):
            j = g.skip_python_string(s, j)
            if j < len(s): # No scanning error.
                # Return the docstring only if nothing but whitespace follows.
                j = g.skip_ws(s, j)
                if g.is_nl(s, j):
                    return j + 1
        return i
    def extendSignature(self, s, i):
        '''Extend the text to be added to the class node following the signature.

        The text *must* end with a newline.'''
        # Add a docstring to the class node,
        # And everything on the line following it
        j = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s, i)
        if g.match(s, j, '"""') or g.match(s, j, "'''"):
            j = g.skip_python_string(s, j)
            if j < len(s):  # No scanning error.
                # Return the docstring only if nothing but whitespace follows.
                j = g.skip_ws(s, j)
                if g.is_nl(s, j):
                    return j + 1
        return i
    def skipBlock(self, s, i, delim1, delim2):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        # pylint: disable=signature-differs
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        # k1, k2 = g.getLine(s,i)
        # g.trace(s[i:])
        i1, level = i, 0
        assert s[i] == delim1, (s[i], delim1, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            ch = s[i]
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif ch in '"\'':
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif ch == '/':
                i = self.skipRegex(s, i)
            elif ch == delim1:
                level += 1
                i += 1
            elif ch == delim2:
                level -= 1
                i += 1
                if level <= 0:
                    # g.trace('returns:\n\n%s\n\n' % s[i1: i])
                    return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no block: %s' % i)
        if trace:
            i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i1)
            g.trace(i, level, s[i2:j2 + 1])
        return i
    def skipBlock(self, s, i, delim1, delim2):
        '''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.

        If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
        # pylint: disable=signature-differs
        trace = False and not g.unitTesting
        # k1, k2 = g.getLine(s,i)
        # g.trace(s[i:])
        i1, level = i, 0
        assert s[i] == delim1, (s[i], delim1, g.callers())
        while i < len(s):
            progress = i
            ch = s[i]
            if g.is_nl(s, i):
                i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
            elif self.startsComment(s, i):
                i = self.skipComment(s, i)
            elif ch in '"\'':
                i = self.skipString(s, i)
            elif ch == '/':
                i = self.skipRegex(s, i)
            elif ch == delim1:
                level += 1
                i += 1
            elif ch == delim2:
                level -= 1
                i += 1
                if level <= 0:
                    # g.trace('returns:\n\n%s\n\n' % s[i1: i])
                    return i
                i += 1
            assert progress < i
        self.error('no block: %s' % i)
        if trace:
            i2, j2 = g.getLine(s, i1)
            g.trace(i, level, s[i2:j2+1])
        return i