def get(self): try: #grab all the deals with current status == pending deal = levr.CustomerDeal.all().filter('been_reviewed =', False).get() #dictify deal if deal:['dateEnd']) #get the first matching entity and parse into template values logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(deal)) business = levr.Business.get(deal.businessID) if not business: raise Exception('business does not exist') ninjaID = deal.key().parent() logging.debug(ninjaID) ninja = levr.Customer.get(ninjaID) #sort tags for easy readin tags = deal.tags tags.sort() template_values = { "deal" : deal, "img_big" : levr_utils.URL+'/phone/img?dealID='+enc.encrypt_key(deal.key())+'&size=dealDetail', "img_small" : levr_utils.URL+'/phone/img?dealID='+enc.encrypt_key(deal.key())+'&size=list', "tags" : tags, "business" : business, "dealID" : enc.encrypt_key(deal.key()), "businessID": enc.encrypt_key(business.key()), "ninja" : ninja } logging.debug(levr_utils.log_dict(template_values)) template = jinja_environment.get_template('templates/admin_pending.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.response.out.write('No pending deals!') except Exception,e: levr.log_error(e) self.response.out.write('Error fetching deal. See logs.')
def post(self): #decode the input JSON and pull out the action parameter try: decoded = json.loads(self.request.body) action = decoded["action"] try: uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["uid"]) user = levr.Customer.get(uid) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(user,['alias','email'])) except Exception, e: # logging.debug(uid) logging.debug(e) #switch action #***************signup************************************************ if action == "signup":'signup') #grab email/password from request body email = decoded["in"]["email"] alias = decoded["in"]["alias"] pw = decoded["in"]["pw"] toEcho = levr_utils.signupCustomer(email,alias,pw) #***************login************************************************* elif action == "login":'login') #grab email/password from request body email_or_owner = decoded["in"]["email_or_owner"] pw = decoded["in"]["pw"] toEcho = levr_utils.loginCustomer(email_or_owner,pw) #***************dealResults************************************************ elif action == "popularItems":'popularItems') lat = decoded['in']['latitude'] lon = decoded['in']['longitude'] request_point = levr.geo_converter(str(lat)+","+str(lon)) #get all deals in the area deals = levr_utils.get_deals_in_area(['all'],request_point) #compile a list of all of the tags tags = [] for deal in deals: tags.extend(list(set(deal.tags))) tags.sort() logging.debug(tags) #convert list of all tags to a dict of key=tag, val=frequency count = {} for tag in tags: # logging.debug(tag in count) if tag in count: count[tag] += 1 else: count[tag] = 1 #DEBUG #convert dict of tag:freq into list of tuples tuple_list1 = [] for key in count: tuple_list1.append((count[key],key)) tuple_list1.sort() tuple_list1.reverse() logging.debug(tuple_list1) #/DEBUG #remove unwanted stuff new_count = {} for tag in count: #search occurs more than once if count[tag] >1: #tag is not a number if tag.isdigit() == False: #tag is not in blacklist if tag not in blacklist: new_count[tag] = count[tag] # logging.debug(levr_utils.log_dict(count)) #convert dict of tag:freq into list of tuples tuple_list = [] for key in new_count: tuple_list.append((new_count[key],key)) tuple_list.sort() tuple_list.reverse() logging.debug(tuple_list) # for i in tuple_list: # logging.debug(i) #select only the most popular ones, and convert to list word_list = [x[1] for x in tuple_list] #if the popular items list is longer than 6, send entire list, else only send 6 logging.debug(word_list.__len__()) if word_list.__len__()<6: popularItems = word_list else: popularItems = word_list[:6] data = { 'popularItems' : popularItems } toEcho = {'success': True,'data':data} elif action == "dealResults":'dealResults')['in']) #grab primaryCat from the request body primaryCat = decoded["in"]["primaryCat"] #search term # start = decoded["in"]["start"] #starting index of search results #!!!not used numResults = decoded["in"]["size"] geo_point = decoded["in"]["geoPoint"] try: precision = int(decoded['in']['precision']) except: precision = 5 logging.debug(numResults) #length of search results list #should be None if we want all results #normalize search query primaryCat = primaryCat.lower() ###filter by location - get neighborhoods request_point = levr.geo_converter(geo_point) #normalize search query primaryCat = primaryCat.lower() #otherwise, search based on the tags tags = levr.tagger(primaryCat) logging.debug(tags) #batch get results. here is where we would set the number of results we want and the offset results = levr_utils.get_deals_in_area(tags,request_point,precision) #define an empty "dealResults" LIST, and initialize the counter to 0 #initialize isEmpty to 1 isEmpty = True dealResults = [] #iterate over the results #Want to grab deal information for each category for result in results: #'Rank: ' + str(result.rank)) #break if results limit is hit isEmpty = False #trade an object for a phone-formatted dictionary deal = levr.phoneFormat(result,'list',primaryCat) #indicate that this is not a sentinel deal['isSentinel'] = False logging.debug(result.geo_hash) #push the whole dictionary onto a list dealResults.append(deal) #increment the counter # resultsPushed += 1 logging.debug(dealResults.__len__()) ##debug # deals = levr.Deal.all().fetch(None) # for d in deals: # logging.debug(d.geo_hash) # ############OLD # #normalize search query # primaryCat = primaryCat.lower() # # # #build search query # q = levr.Deal.all() # # logging.debug("total number of deals: "+str(q.count())) # #only active deals # q.filter('deal_status','active') # #primaryCat will be mapresults to return everything # if primaryCat == 'all': # #get all deals - no filter # logging.debug('all') # else: # logging.debug('not all') # #normalize search query # primaryCat = primaryCat.lower() # #otherwise, search based on the tags # tags = levr.tagger(primaryCat) # logging.debug(tags) # #grab all deals where primary_cat is in tags # for tag in tags: # logging.debug('tag: '+str(tag)) # q.filter('tags =',tag) # # ###filter by location # request_point = levr.geo_converter(geo_point) # request_point = levr.geo_converter('42.35,-71.110') # center_hash = geohash.encode(,request_point.lon,precision=6) # hash_set = geohash.expand(center_hash) # # #get keys of all corresponding deals # deal_keys = [] # for query_hash in hash_set: # q.filter('geo_hash >=',query_hash) #min bound # q.filter('geo_hash <=',query_hash+"{") #max bound # deal_keys.extend(q.fetch(None)) # # #batch get results. here is where we would set the number of results we want and the offset # results = levr.Deal.get(deal_keys) # logging.debug # #define an empty "dealResults" LIST, and initialize the counter to 0 # #initialize isEmpty to 1 # isEmpty = True # #iterate over the results # #Want to grab deal information for each category # for result in results: ##'Rank: ' + str(result.rank)) # #break if results limit is hit # isEmpty = False # #trade an object for a phone-formatted dictionary # deal = levr.phoneFormat(result,'list',primaryCat) # #indicate that this is not a sentinel # deal['isSentinel'] = False # #push the whole dictionary onto a list # dealResults.append(deal) # #increment the counter ## resultsPushed += 1 # ###########################/OLD # #if isempty is true, send back suggested searches instead # if isEmpty == False: # dealResults.append({"isSentinel":True}) # # #go get (all) suggested searches # q = levr.EmptySetResponse.all() # #sory by index # q.order('index') # #loop through and append to data # for result in q: # searchObj = {"isSentinel":False, # "primaryCat":result.primary_cat, # "imgURL": levr_utils.URL+"/phone/img?size=emptySet&dealID=" + enc.encrypt_key(result.key()) # } # #push to stack # dealResults.append(searchObj) #get notifications # ninja = levr.Customer.get(uid) # notifications = ninja.get_notifications() #add boundary lon = [-71.13128751569184, -71.13747576487495, -71.13221920314751, -71.1315606660475, -71.1309193072284, -71.1297731686955, -71.12886527141396, -71.12773981063141, -71.12726203628873, -71.1216289071829, -71.12121164180434, -71.10497418088163, -71.1040140000405, -71.10267756839711, -71.0946922485677, -71.09243243954906, -71.09227823963506, -71.0950832349529, -71.097815779737, -71.11251814985596, -71.11356954283684, -71.11706884229781, -71.11779512636194, -71.11965434764042, -71.12212678446998, -71.12626327632834, -71.13026582412857] lat = [42.35604793867138, 42.3536306062291, 42.35301975662632, 42.35130590336475, 42.35025979303107, 42.34889896173047, 42.3474035881804, 42.34587017442897, 42.3454410032402, 42.34240376898205, 42.34200386027403, 42.34665152547006, 42.34437686280481, 42.34335156373593, 42.34544719585433, 42.34689842049458, 42.35112647889721, 42.35062769794382, 42.35071497934108, 42.35189268933054, 42.35225746246078, 42.35405913476999, 42.35424633071435, 42.35461863217454, 42.35493709975472, 42.35550741935002, 42.35597048179658] boundary = {"lat":lat, "lon":lon} if primaryCat == 'all': #echo back data - include boundary toEcho = {"success":True,"data":dealResults,"isEmpty":isEmpty,"boundary":boundary}#,"notifications":notifications} else: toEcho = {"success":True,"data":dealResults,"isEmpty":isEmpty}#,"notifications":notifications} #***************getUserFavs************************************************ elif action == "getUserFavs": ''' Grabs all of the favorites of a user - only data to show on list input : uid output: name, description, dealValue, dealType, imgPath, businessName, primaryCat ''''getUserFavs') #grab inputs uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["uid"]) logging.debug(uid) logging.debug(decoded["in"]["uid"]) #grab user entity user = levr.Customer.get(uid) #grab list of favorties - list of deal keys favorites = user.favorites logging.debug(favorites) #batch grab favorited deals deals = levr.Deal.get(favorites) logging.debug(deals) #format deals for output to phone formatted_deals = [] for deal in deals: try: formatted_deals.append(levr.phoneFormat(deal,'list')) except: logging.warning('deal exists in favorites but was removed from the db') logging.warning(deal) # formatted_deals = [levr.phoneFormat(deal,'list') for deal in deals] #assign formatted deals to data list that doesnt follow standards data = formatted_deals #get notifications notifications = user.get_notifications() #output toEcho = {"success":True,"data":data,'notifications':notifications} #ADD FAVORITE*********************************************************** elif action == "addFav": ''' User pressed add favorite button = add favorite mapping input: dealID,uid,primaryCat output: success = bool ''''addFav') #get inputs uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["uid"]) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["dealID"]) #get user entity user = levr.Customer.get(uid) #append dealID to favorites property user.favorites.append(db.Key(dealID)) logging.debug(user.favorites) # #get notifications notifications = user.get_notifications() #close entity user.put() #output toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} #DELETE FAVORITE******************************************************** elif action == "delFav": ''' User presses delete favorite button - delete favorite mapping input: dealID,uid,primaryCat output: success = bool ''''delFav') #get inputs uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["uid"]) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["dealID"]) deal_to_delete = db.Key(dealID) logging.debug(deal_to_delete) #get user entity user = levr.Customer.get(uid) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(user)) #grab favorites list favorites = user.favorites logging.debug(favorites) #generate new favorites list without requested dealID new_favorites = [deal for deal in favorites if deal != deal_to_delete] logging.debug(new_favorites) #reassign user favorites to new list user.favorites = new_favorites logging.debug(user.favorites) #get notifications notifications = user.get_notifications() #close entity user.put() toEcho = {"success":True,"notificaions":notifications} #***************getOneDeal************************************************ elif action == "getOneDeal": ''' Information to show on the deal information screen. input : primaryCat,dealID output : json object of all information necessary to describe deal ''''getOneDeal') #grab input dealID dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["dealID"]) primary_cat = decoded["in"]["primaryCat"] #fetch deal result = levr.Deal.get(dealID) #convert fetched deal into dictionary deal = levr.phoneFormat(result,'deal') #push the primary onto the dictionary deal.update({"primaryCat":primary_cat}) #echo back success! # #get notifications # ninja = levr.Customer.get(uid) # notifications = ninja.get_notifications() toEcho = {"success":True,"data":deal}#,"notificaions":notifications} elif action == "getMyDeals": ''' returns all of the deals that were uploaded by the ninja input : uid output : list of deal objects ''''getMyDeals') uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded["in"]["uid"]) logging.debug("encrypted uid: "+str(decoded["in"]["uid"])) logging.debug("uid: "+str(uid)) #grab all deal children of the user deals = levr.CustomerDeal.gql("WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 ORDER BY date_uploaded DESC",uid).fetch(None) logging.debug(deals) #format CUSTOMER deals data = [levr.phoneFormat(x,'myDeals') for x in deals] #I believe this will just return data:None if deals is empty #flush their notifications ninja = levr.Customer.get(uid) # ninja.flush_new_redeem_count() # ninja.put() #get new notifications notifications = ninja.get_notifications() #Grab their cash out requests, if they exist cor_q = levr.CashOutRequest.gql("WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND status=:2",uid,'pending') cor = cor_q.get() if cor != None: notifications["isPendingCashOut"] = True else: notifications["isPendingCashOut"] = False notifications["pendingCashOutAmount"] = ninja.money_available toEcho = {"success":True,"data":data,"notifications":notifications} elif action == "getMyStats": ''' returns the user's statistics input : uid output : ''''getMyStats') uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) #get user information user = db.get(uid) #format user information data = user.get_stats() #get new notifications notifications = user.get_notifications() toEcho = {"success":True,"data":data,"notifications":notifications} elif action == "checkRedeem":'checkRedeem') #grab corresponding deal uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dealID']) #grab the customer customer = levr.Customer.get(uid) #new notifications? notifications = customer.get_notifications() #don't try and redeem the same deal twice. . . if str(dealID) in customer.redemptions: toEcho = {"success":False,"data":{"message":"You have already redeemed this deal."},"notifications":notifications} else: toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} #!!!!!!!!REMOVE THIS WHEN CHECKING IS PUT BACK IN # toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} elif action == "getRedeemScreen":'getRedeemScreen') #grab inputs dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dealID']) #grab the deal deal = levr.Deal.get(dealID) #format the deal data = levr.phoneFormat(deal,'dealsScreen') #echo toEcho = {"success":True,"data":data} elif action == "redeem":'redeem') #grab corresponding deal uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dealID']) #grab the deal deal = levr.Deal.get(dealID) #grab the customer customer = levr.Customer.get(uid) #don't try and redeem the same deal twice. . . # if dealID in customer.redemptions: # raise Exception('Cannot redeem a deal more than once') #increment deal "redeemed" count by 1 deal.count_redeemed += 1 #add deal to "redeemed" for the customer customer.redemptions.append(dealID) ###get customer new_redemptions if they are a ninja notifications = customer.get_notifications() #update customer customer.put() #Is this a deal uploaded by a ninja? If so, do ninja things if type(deal) is levr.CustomerDeal: #update deal ninjaStats deal.gate_count = int(math.floor(deal.count_redeemed / deal.gate_requirement)) if deal.gate_count > deal.gate_max: #reset if over deal.gate_count = deal.gate_max #update deal.earned_total difference = deal.update_earned_total() #put deal deal.put() #get the ninja ninjaKey = deal.key().parent() ninja = levr.Customer.get(ninjaKey) #update the ninja's earned amount ninja.update_money_earned(difference) #update the ninja's available amount ninja.update_money_available(difference) #notify the ninja of new redemptions ninja.increment_new_redeem_count() #echo stats ninja.echo_stats() deal.echo_stats() #update ninja ninja.put() else: #deal is owned by a business - FOR THE FUTURE!'Business!') pass toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} elif action == "cashOut":'cashOut') uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) # uid = 'ahNkZXZ-bGV2ci1wcm9kdWN0aW9ucg8LEghDdXN0b21lchiYAQw' #grab the ninja ninja = levr.Customer.get(uid) #delete any current cashOutRequests q = levr.CashOutRequest.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND status=:2',ninja.key(),'pending').fetch(None) for result in q: result.delete() #create a new cashOut request cor = levr.CashOutRequest(parent=ninja) cor.amount = ninja.money_available cor.money_available_paytime = cor.amount #get notifications notifications = ninja.get_notifications() if cor.amount == 0: toEcho = {"success":False,"data":{"message":"You need to earn something before you can cash out!","notifications":notifications}} else: cor.status = 'pending' cor.date_created = cor.put() toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} ## ====== SPOOF ACCEPTANCE FOR BETA TEST ====== ## logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(ninja)) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(cor)) #get corID #get cor #get the larger amount if money available at paytime is different if cor.amount != cor.money_available_paytime: amount = cor.money_available_paytime cor.note = 'The money available at paytime was greater than when the COR was created, so the paytime balance was used.' else: amount = cor.amount #get payment email receiver_email = #set cor to "paid" cor.status = "paid" cor.date_paid = cor.payKey = 'this is a pay key' cor.put() #for each deal, make paid_out == earned_total q = levr.CustomerDeal.gql('WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1',ninja.key()) for deal in q: deal.paid_out = deal.earned_total deal.put() #are number consistent? logging.debug(cor.amount) logging.debug(cor.money_available_paytime) if cor.amount != cor.money_available_paytime: #remember to encrypt the key if this is being used for anything #other than just error logging logging.error('PAY MISMATCH AT UID:' + ninja.key().__str__()) #send email here later #set ninja money_available back to 0 ninja.money_available = 0.0 #increment money_paid for the customer ninja.money_paid += amount #update ninja ninja.put()'Payment completed!') logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(ninja)) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(cor)) #send email to the ninja confirming their cashout! message = mail.EmailMessage( sender ="LEVR <*****@*****.**>", subject ="Levr Cash Out", to =receiver_email) logging.debug(message) body = 'Hey Beta Tester,\n\n' body += "You submitted a request to be paid for uploading deals to the Levr platform.\n\n" body += "If this were real life, this email would be letting you know that you were about to be paid via paypal an amount of $"+str(amount)+". " body += "Unfortunately your reality is being simulated. " body += "\n\nThanks for helping us test.\nSincerely,\nThe Levr Team" # #alt body for when not in beta # message = mail.EmailMessage( # sender ="LEVR <*****@*****.**>", # subject ="Levr Cash Out", # to =receiver_email) # body = 'Hey '+ninja.alias+',\n\n' # body += "You have submitted a request to be paid for the deals that you've uploaded to Levr.\n\n" # body += "The amount you have requested is: $"+str(amount)+".\n\n" # body += "Your request is in the process of being reviewed. If accepted, we will send you an email with instructions to receive your payment via PayPal." # body += "\n\nSincerely,\nThe Levr Team" # message.body = body # logging.debug(body) # message.send() # elif action == "getTargetedBusinesses": #get businesses that have property targeted = True'getTargetedBusinesses') businesses = levr.Business.all().filter('targeted =',True).order('-business_name').fetch(None) data = { 'targetedBusinesses':[] } for business in businesses: data['targetedBusinesses'].append({ "businessName" : business.business_name, "geoPoint" : str(business.geo_point), "vicinity" : business.vicinity, "businessID" : enc.encrypt_key(business.key()) }) toEcho = {"success":True,"data":data} elif action == "fetchUploadURL":'fetchUploadURL') upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/phone/uploadDeal') logging.debug(upload_url) toEcho = {"success":True, "data":{"url":upload_url}} elif action == "checkBounty":'fetchUploadURL') where = "College campuses in Boston, MA" what = "Offers on food, drink, clothing, and entertainment" toEcho = {"success":True,"data":{"where":where,"what":what}} elif action == "reportDeal": #user reports a deal'reportDeal') uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dealID']) # uid = 'ahNkZXZ-bGV2ci1wcm9kdWN0aW9ucg8LEghDdXN0b21lchiRAQw' # dealID = 'ahNkZXZ-bGV2ci1wcm9kdWN0aW9uchoLEghCdXNpbmVzcxiTAQwLEgREZWFsGJQBDA' # dealID = 'ahNkZXZ-bGV2ci1wcm9kdWN0aW9uchoLEghDdXN0b21lchiSAQwLEgREZWFsGJUBDA' # dateTime = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dateTime']) #create report Entity report = levr.ReportedDeal( uid = db.Key(uid), dealID = db.Key(dealID) ).put() #get human readable info for email deal = levr.Deal.get(dealID) business_name = deal.business_name logging.debug(business_name) if deal.deal_type == "single": deal_text = deal.deal_text else: deal_text = deal.deal_text +" with purchase of "+deal.secondary_name user = levr.Customer.get(uid) alias = user.alias deal_class = str(deal.class_name()) if deal_class == 'CustomerDeal': deal_kind = "Ninja Deal" elif deal_class == 'Deal': deal_kind = "Business Deal" else: raise ValueError('deal class_name not recognized') logging.debug(report) #send notification via email message = mail.EmailMessage( sender ="LEVR AUTOMATED <*****@*****.**>", subject ="New Reported Deal", to ="*****@*****.**") logging.debug(message) body = 'New Reported Deal\n\n' body += 'reporter uid: ' +str(uid)+"\n\n" body += 'reporter alias: ' +str(alias)+"\n\n" body += 'Business name: '+str(business_name)+"\n\n" body += "Deal: "+str(deal_text)+"\n\n" body += "Deal Kind: "+deal_kind+"\n\n" body += "dealID: "+str(dealID)+"\n\n" message.body = body logging.debug(message.body) message.send() notifications = user.get_notifications() toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} elif action == 'ninjaHasShared': uid = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['uid']) dealID = enc.decrypt_key(decoded['in']['dealID']) keys = [dealID,uid] logging.debug(keys) #pull deal and user entities = db.get(keys) deal = entities[0] user = entities[1] logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(deal,['deal_text','business_name','gate_max','has_been_shared'])) deal.share_deal() deal.put() logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(deal,['gate_max','has_been_shared'])) notifications = user.get_notifications() toEcho = {"success":True,"notifications":notifications} else: raise Exception('Unrecognized action')
def post(self): try:'uploadDeal') uid = enc.decrypt_key(self.request.get('uid')) user = levr.Customer.get(uid) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(user,['alias','email'])) logging.debug(self.request.params) #make sure than an image is uploaded logging.debug(self.get_uploads()) if self.get_uploads(): #will this work? upload = self.get_uploads()[0] blob_key= upload.key() img_key = blob_key else: raise Exception('Image was not uploaded') #screen for businessID to determine which mode of upload we are receiving if self.request.get('businessID'): logging.debug('targeted business') #we are on iphone origin = 'phone_existing_business' params = { 'uid' : self.request.get('uid'), 'business' : self.request.get('businessID'), 'deal_description' : self.request.get('deal_description'), 'deal_line1' : self.request.get('deal_line1'), 'distance' : self.request.get('distance'), #is -1 if unknown = double 'img_key' : img_key } # (share_url,deal_entity) = levr_utils.dealCreate(params,'phone_existing_business') else: logging.debug('untargeted business') #we are on android origin = 'phone_new_business' params = { 'uid' : self.request.get('uid'), 'business_name' : self.request.get('businessName'), 'geo_point' : self.request.get('geoPoint'), 'vicinity' : self.request.get('vicinity'), 'types' : self.request.get('types'), 'deal_description' : self.request.get('deal_description'), 'deal_line1' : self.request.get('deal_line1'), 'distance' : self.request.get('distance'), #is -1 if unknown = double 'img_key' : img_key } #create the deal using the origin specified (share_url,deal_entity) = levr_utils.dealCreate(params,origin) #grab deal information for sending back to phone deal = levr.phoneFormat(deal_entity,'list') #Return Info.. toEcho = {"success":True,"data":{"shareURL":share_url,"deal":deal}} logging.debug(levr_utils.log_dict(toEcho)) self.response.out.write(json.dumps(toEcho)) except: levr.log_error(self.request.body) toEcho = {"success":False}#,"data":{"shareURL":share_url}} self.response.out.write(json.dumps(toEcho))
def post(self): #A business owner is signing up in the tour try: logging.debug(self.request.headers) logging.debug(self.request.body) logging.debug(self.request.params) owner = levr.BusinessOwner( #create owner with contact info, put and get key email =self.request.get('email'), pw =enc.encrypt_password(self.request.get('password')), validated =False ).put() logging.debug(owner) #get the business info from the form business_name = self.request.get('business_name') geo_point = levr.geo_converter(self.request.get('geo_point')) vicinity = self.request.get('vicinity') types = self.request.get_all('types[]') #parse business name to create an upload email logging.debug(business_name) name_str = levr.tagger(business_name) logging.debug(name_str) #create unique identifier for the business if name_str[0] == 'the' or name_str[0] == 'a' or name_str[0] == 'an': #dont like the word the in front logging.debug('flag the!') identifier = ''.join(name_str[1:3]) else: identifier = ''.join(name_str[:2]) upload_email = "u+"+identifier+"" #check if that already exists num = levr.Business.all().filter('upload_email =',upload_email).count() logging.debug(num) if num != 0: #a business already exists with that upload email #increment the upload_email = "u+"+identifier+str(num)+"" logging.debug(upload_email) #check if business exists in database business = levr.Business.all().filter('business_name =', business_name).filter('vicinity =',vicinity).get() logging.debug(business) if business: logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(business)) logging.debug(owner) logging.debug(upload_email) logging.debug('flag business already exists') #have to delete business entity instead of update because gae wont update reference on owner entity if business.owner == None: #grab this business! business.owner = owner upload_email = upload_email #TODO targeted will be set to false in the future, removing signed businesses from the ninja pool # targeted = False else: # db.delete(business) logging.error('A business owner just signed up claiming a business that another person has claimed') else: logging.debug('flag business does not exist') #create business entity business = levr.Business( #create business owner =owner, business_name =business_name, vicinity =vicinity, geo_point =geo_point, types =types, upload_email =upload_email #TODO targeted will be set to false in the future, removing signed businesses from the ninja pool # targeted =False ) logging.debug(levr_utils.log_model_props(business)) business.put() #creates new session for the new business session = get_current_session() session['ownerID'] = enc.encrypt_key(owner) session['loggedIn'] = True session['validated']= False logging.debug(session) #send email to pat so that he will know that there is a new business. message = mail.EmailMessage( sender ="LEVR AUTOMATED <*****@*****.**>", subject ="New Merchant signup", to ="*****@*****.**") logging.debug(message) body = 'New merchant\n\n' body += 'Business: ' +str(business_name)+"\n\n" body += 'Business ID: '+str(business)+"\n\n" body += "Owner Email:"+str(self.request.get('email'))+"\n\n" message.body = body message.send() #forward to appropriate page if self.request.get('destination') == 'upload': self.redirect('/merchants/upload') elif self.request.get('destination') == 'create': self.redirect('/merchants/deal') except: levr.log_error(self.request.body)