def main():
  import argparse
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('clouds', nargs='+', help='cloud resource srings')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  assert len(args.clouds) == 2

  import cloud_io
  print 'loading clouds'
  clouds = [cloud_io.read_from_rsrc(c) for c in args.clouds]
  print 'processing'
  clouds_ds = [recognition.downsample(c)[0] for c in clouds]
#  hists_ds = [recognition.calc_shape_context_hists(dc) for dc in clouds_ds]
  f, partners, hists0, hists1, costs = recognition.match_and_calc_shape_context(clouds_ds[0], clouds_ds[1], return_tuple=True)

  left_data = {
    'xyz': clouds[0],
    'xyz_ds': clouds_ds[0],
    'hists_ds': hists0
  right_data = {
    'xyz': clouds[1],
    'xyz_ds': clouds_ds[1],
    'hists_ds': hists1
  corr_data = {
    'f': f,
    'partners': partners,
    'costs': costs

  print 'drawing'
  draw_comparison(left_data, right_data, corr_data)
def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('clouds', nargs='+', help='cloud resource srings')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    assert len(args.clouds) == 2

    import cloud_io
    print 'loading clouds'
    clouds = [cloud_io.read_from_rsrc(c) for c in args.clouds]
    print 'processing'
    clouds_ds = [recognition.downsample(c)[0] for c in clouds]
    #  hists_ds = [recognition.calc_shape_context_hists(dc) for dc in clouds_ds]
    f, partners, hists0, hists1, costs = recognition.match_and_calc_shape_context(
        clouds_ds[0], clouds_ds[1], return_tuple=True)

    left_data = {'xyz': clouds[0], 'xyz_ds': clouds_ds[0], 'hists_ds': hists0}
    right_data = {'xyz': clouds[1], 'xyz_ds': clouds_ds[1], 'hists_ds': hists1}
    corr_data = {'f': f, 'partners': partners, 'costs': costs}

    print 'drawing'
    draw_comparison(left_data, right_data, corr_data)
def warping_loop(args, take_snapshot, quit):
  if rospy.get_name() == '/unnamed':
    rospy.init_node('publish_single_cloud', disable_signals=True)

  demo = load_demo(args.taskname, args.demos_list_file, args.seg_name)

  imarker_server = None
  if args.warp_type == 'rigid_interactive':
    from interactive_markers.interactive_marker_server import *

    init_pos = demo['cloud_xyz'].mean(axis=0)[:3]
    marker_6dof = utils_rviz.make_interactive_marker_6dof(init_pos, args.frame)
    imarker_server = InteractiveMarkerServer('demo_pose_control')
    def callback_fn(feedback):
      xyz = feedback.pose.position.x, feedback.pose.position.y, feedback.pose.position.z
    imarker_server.insert(marker_6dof, callback_fn)

  # align demo to test in a loop
  #prev_params = None
  keep_warping = True
  num_saved = 0

  while not quit.value:
    xyz_new = load_cloud_from_sensor(args.input_topic, args.frame)
    if xyz_new.size == 0: continue

    xyz_demo_ds = demo['cloud_xyz_ds']
    xyz_new_ds = recognition.downsample(xyz_new)[0]

    if keep_warping:
      f = fit_warp(args, xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, set_warp_params=args.set_warp_params)
      if hasattr(f, 'get_params') and args.set_warp_params is None:
        print 'fitted warp params: "%s"' % (' '.join(map(str, f.get_params())), )
      if args.warp_once_only:
        keep_warping = False

    if args.show_shape_contexts:
      shape_context_costs = recognition.match_and_calc_shape_context(xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, normalize_costs=True)
      colors = [(c, 1-c, 0, 1) for c in shape_context_costs]
      import itertools
      colors = itertools.repeat((1, 0, 0, 1))

    warped_pose_array = conversions.array_to_pose_array(f.transform_points(xyz_demo_ds), args.frame)
    Globals.handles = []
    import geometry_msgs.msg as gm
    for p, rgba in zip(warped_pose_array.poses, colors):
      ps = gm.PoseStamped()
      ps.header = warped_pose_array.header
      ps.pose = p
      Globals.handles.append(Globals.rviz.draw_marker(ps, scale=(.01, .01, .01), rgba=rgba))

    if take_snapshot.value:
      filename = '%s%04d' % (args.save_prefix, num_saved)
      print 'Saving snapshot to %s' % (filename,)
      take_snapshot.value = False

      finv = fit_warp(args, xyz_new_ds, xyz_demo_ds, set_warp_params=args.set_inv_warp_params)
      xyz_new_ds_out = finv.transform_points(xyz_new_ds)
      xyz_new_out = finv.transform_points(xyz_new)

      np.savez(filename, cloud_xyz=xyz_new_out, cloud_xyz_ds=xyz_new_ds_out)
      num_saved += 1
      print 'Done saving snapshot. (used inverse transformation "%s")' % (' '.join(map(str, finv.get_params())), )
def warping_loop(args, take_snapshot, quit):
    if rospy.get_name() == '/unnamed':
        rospy.init_node('publish_single_cloud', disable_signals=True)

    demo = load_demo(args.taskname, args.demos_list_file, args.seg_name)

    imarker_server = None
    if args.warp_type == 'rigid_interactive':
        from interactive_markers.interactive_marker_server import *

        init_pos = demo['cloud_xyz'].mean(axis=0)[:3]
        marker_6dof = utils_rviz.make_interactive_marker_6dof(
            init_pos, args.frame)
        imarker_server = InteractiveMarkerServer('demo_pose_control')

        def callback_fn(feedback):
            xyz = feedback.pose.position.x, feedback.pose.position.y, feedback.pose.position.z

        imarker_server.insert(marker_6dof, callback_fn)

    # align demo to test in a loop
    #prev_params = None
    keep_warping = True
    num_saved = 0

    while not quit.value:
        xyz_new = load_cloud_from_sensor(args.input_topic, args.frame)
        if xyz_new.size == 0: continue

        xyz_demo_ds = demo['cloud_xyz_ds']
        xyz_new_ds = recognition.downsample(xyz_new)[0]

        if keep_warping:
            f = fit_warp(args,
            if hasattr(f, 'get_params') and args.set_warp_params is None:
                print 'fitted warp params: "%s"' % (' '.join(
                    map(str, f.get_params())), )
            if args.warp_once_only:
                keep_warping = False

        if args.show_shape_contexts:
            shape_context_costs = recognition.match_and_calc_shape_context(
                xyz_demo_ds, xyz_new_ds, normalize_costs=True)
            colors = [(c, 1 - c, 0, 1) for c in shape_context_costs]
            import itertools
            colors = itertools.repeat((1, 0, 0, 1))

        warped_pose_array = conversions.array_to_pose_array(
            f.transform_points(xyz_demo_ds), args.frame)
        Globals.handles = []
        import geometry_msgs.msg as gm
        for p, rgba in zip(warped_pose_array.poses, colors):
            ps = gm.PoseStamped()
            ps.header = warped_pose_array.header
            ps.pose = p
                Globals.rviz.draw_marker(ps, scale=(.01, .01, .01), rgba=rgba))

        if take_snapshot.value:
            filename = '%s%04d' % (args.save_prefix, num_saved)
            print 'Saving snapshot to %s' % (filename, )
            take_snapshot.value = False

            finv = fit_warp(args,
            xyz_new_ds_out = finv.transform_points(xyz_new_ds)
            xyz_new_out = finv.transform_points(xyz_new)

            num_saved += 1
            print 'Done saving snapshot. (used inverse transformation "%s")' % (
                ' '.join(map(str, finv.get_params())), )