def main():
    # define simulation objects
    table_height = 0.77
    sim_objs = []
    sim_objs.append(XmlSimulationObject("robots/pr2-beta-static.zae", dynamic=False))
    sim_objs.append(BoxSimulationObject("table", [1, 0, table_height-.1], [.85, .85, .1], dynamic=False))
    # initialize simulation world and environment
    sim = DynamicSimulationRobotWorld()
    sim.robot.SetDOFValues([0.25], [sim.robot.GetJoint('torso_lift_joint').GetJointIndex()])
    sim.robot.SetDOFValues([1.25], [sim.robot.GetJoint('head_tilt_joint').GetJointIndex()]) # move head down so it can see the rope
    env = environment.LfdEnvironment(sim, sim, downsample_size=0.025)
    demo_rope_poss = np.array([[.2, -.2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.8, -.2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.8,  .2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.2,  .2, table_height+0.006]])
    demo = create_rope_demo(env, demo_rope_poss)
    test_rope_poss = np.array([[.2, -.2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.5, -.4, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.8,  .0, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.8,  .2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.6,  .0, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.4,  .2, table_height+0.006], 
                               [.2,  .2, table_height+0.006]])
    test_rope_sim_obj = create_rope(test_rope_poss)
    test_scene_state = env.observe_scene()
    reg_factory = TpsRpmRegistrationFactory()
    traj_transferer = FingerTrajectoryTransferer(sim)
    plot_cb = lambda i, i_em, x_nd, y_md, xtarg_nd, wt_n, f, corr_nm, rad: registration_plot_cb(sim, x_nd, y_md, f)
    reg_and_traj_transferer = TwoStepRegistrationAndTrajectoryTransferer(reg_factory, traj_transferer)
    test_aug_traj = reg_and_traj_transferer.transfer(demo, test_scene_state, callback=plot_cb, plotting=True)
viewer = trajoptpy.GetViewer(sim.env)
camera_matrix = np.array([[ 0,    1, 0,   0],
                          [-1,    0, 0.5, 0],
                          [ 0.5,  0, 1,   0],
                          [ 2.25, 0, 4.5, 1]])

def generate_cloud(x_center_pert=0, max_noise=0.02):
    # generates 40 cm by 60 cm cloud with optional pertubation along the x-axis
    grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-.2,.2,21), np.linspace(-.3,.3,31))).T.reshape((-1,2))
    grid = np.c_[grid, np.zeros(len(grid))] + np.array([.5, 0, table_height+max_noise])
    cloud = grid + x_center_pert * np.c_[(0.3 - np.abs(grid[:,1]-0))/0.3, np.zeros((len(grid),2))] + (np.random.random((len(grid), 3)) - 0.5) * 2 * max_noise
    return cloud

demos = {}
for x_center_pert in np.arange(-0.1, 0.6, 0.1):
    demo_name = "demo_{}".format(x_center_pert)
    demo_cloud = generate_cloud(x_center_pert=x_center_pert)
    demo_scene_state = SceneState(demo_cloud, downsample_size=0.025)
    demo = Demonstration(demo_name, demo_scene_state, None)
    demos[demo_name] = demo

test_cloud = generate_cloud(x_center_pert=0.2)
test_scene_state = SceneState(test_cloud, downsample_size=0.025)

plot_cb = lambda i, i_em, x_nd, y_md, xtarg_nd, wt_n, f, corr_nm, rad: registration_plot_cb(sim, x_nd, y_md, f)

reg_factory = TpsRpmRegistrationFactory(demos)
regs = reg_factory.batch_register(test_scene_state, callback=plot_cb)
def generate_cloud(x_center_pert=0, max_noise=0.02):
    # generates 40 cm by 60 cm cloud with optional pertubation along the x-axis
    grid = np.array(
        np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-.2, .2, 21),
                    np.linspace(-.3, .3, 31))).T.reshape((-1, 2))
    grid = np.c_[grid, np.zeros(len(grid))] + np.array(
        [.5, 0, table_height + max_noise])
    cloud = grid + x_center_pert * np.c_[
        (0.3 - np.abs(grid[:, 1] - 0)) / 0.3,
        np.zeros((len(grid), 2))] + (np.random.random(
            (len(grid), 3)) - 0.5) * 2 * max_noise
    return cloud

demos = {}
for x_center_pert in np.arange(-0.1, 0.6, 0.1):
    demo_name = "demo_{}".format(x_center_pert)
    demo_cloud = generate_cloud(x_center_pert=x_center_pert)
    demo_scene_state = SceneState(demo_cloud, downsample_size=0.025)
    demo = Demonstration(demo_name, demo_scene_state, None)
    demos[demo_name] = demo

test_cloud = generate_cloud(x_center_pert=0.2)
test_scene_state = SceneState(test_cloud, downsample_size=0.025)

plot_cb = lambda i, i_em, x_nd, y_md, xtarg_nd, wt_n, f, corr_nm, rad: registration_plot_cb(
    sim, x_nd, y_md, f)

reg_factory = TpsRpmRegistrationFactory(demos)
regs = reg_factory.batch_register(test_scene_state, callback=plot_cb)