def main(): def sig_handler(sig, frame): print("Terminating...") tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().stop() tornado.options.parse_command_line() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler) db = Configuration.getMongoConnection() redisdb = Configuration.getRedisVendorConnection() port = Configuration.getFlaskPort() app = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler), (r"/api/stats", StatsHandler), (r"/api/search/([^/]+)", SearchHandler) ], db=db, redisdb=redisdb) app.listen(port) print("Listening on :%s" % port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
def __init__(self, collection="cves", rankinglookup=False, namelookup=False, vfeedlookup=False, capeclookup=False, subscorelookup=False, reflookup=False): self.collectionname = collection self.rankinglookup = rankinglookup self.namelookup = namelookup self.vfeedlookup = vfeedlookup self.capeclookup = capeclookup self.subscorelookup = subscorelookup connectdb = Configuration.getMongoConnection() self.collection = connectdb[self.collectionname] if rankinglookup: self.ranking = connectdb['ranking'] if namelookup: self.cpeOther = connectdb['cpeother'] self.cpe = connectdb['cpe'] if vfeedlookup: self.vfeed = connectdb['vfeed'] if capeclookup: self.capec = connectdb['capec'] if reflookup: self.ref = Configuration.getRedisRefConnection()
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Pieter-Jan Moreels - [email protected] # imports import ast import sqlite3 import pymongo import re from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha256 from lib.Config import Configuration as conf from lib.ProgressBar import progressbar # Variables db=conf.getMongoConnection() colCVE= db['cves'] colCPE= db['cpe'] colCWE= db['cwe'] colCPEOTHER= db['cpeother'] colWHITELIST= db['mgmt_whitelist'] colBLACKLIST= db['mgmt_blacklist'] colUSERS= db['mgmt_users'] colINFO= db['info'] colRANKING= db['ranking'] colVIA4= db['via4'] colCAPEC= db['capec'] colPlugSettings= db['plugin_settings'] colPlugUserSettings=db['plugin_user_settings'] hash_rounds = 8000
self.urltag = False if name == 'ref': self.reftag = False if name == 'exploit': for refl in self.refl: self.d2sec.append({'name':, 'url': self.url, 'id': refl}) self.exploittag = False self.refl = [] if name == 'elliot': self.elliottag = False # dictionary d2securl = Configuration.getd2secDict() # connect to db db = Configuration.getMongoConnection() d2sec = db.d2sec info = # make parser parser = make_parser() ch = ExploitHandler() parser.setContentHandler(ch) # check modification date try: f = Configuration.getFile(d2securl) except: sys.exit("Cannot open url %s. Bad URL or not connected to the internet?"%(d2securl)) i = dbLayer.getLastModified("d2sec") if i is not None: if f.headers['last-modified'] == i:
def dropcollection(collection=None): if collection is None: return False c = Configuration.getMongoConnection() return c[collection].drop()
def nbelement(collection=None): if collection is None: collection = "cves" c = Configuration.getMongoConnection() return c[collection].count()
self.inPUBElem = 0 self.cves[-1]['Modified'] = self.PUB def getFile(getfile): try: return urlopen(Configuration.getCVEDict() + getfile) except: sys.exit( "Cannot open url %s. Bad URL or not connected to the internet?" % (Configuration.getCVEDict() + getfile)) if __name__ == '__main__': # connect to the DB. db = Configuration.getMongoConnection() collection = db.cves info = parser = make_parser() ch = CVEHandler() parser.setContentHandler(ch) # start here if it's an update. if args.u: # get the 'modified' file getfile = file_prefix + file_mod + file_suffix f = getFile(getfile) i = info.find_one({'db': 'cve'}) if i is not None: if f.headers['last-modified'] == i['last-modified']: print("Not modified") sys.exit(0)
# # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Pieter-Jan Moreels - [email protected] # imports import ast import re import sys import uuid import pymongo from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha256 from lib.Config import Configuration as conf # Variables db = conf.getMongoConnection() colCVE = db["cves"] colCPE = db["cpe"] colCWE = db["cwe"] colCPEOTHER = db["cpeother"] colWHITELIST = db["mgmt_whitelist"] colBLACKLIST = db["mgmt_blacklist"] colUSERS = db["mgmt_users"] colINFO = db["info"] colRANKING = db["ranking"] colVIA4 = db["via4"] colCAPEC = db["capec"] colPlugSettings = db["plugin_settings"] colPlugUserSettings = db["plugin_user_settings"] hash_rounds = 8000
class DownloadHandler(ABC): """ DownloadHandler is the base class for all downloads and subsequent processing of the downloaded content. Each download script has a derived class which handles specifics for that type of content / download. """ def __init__(self, feed_type, prefix=None): self._end = None self.feed_type = feed_type self.prefix = prefix self.queue = RedisQueue(name=self.feed_type) self.file_queue = RedisQueue(name=f"{self.feed_type}:files") self.file_queue.clear() self.progress_bar = None self.last_modified = None self.do_process = True self.logger = logging.getLogger("DownloadHandler") self.config = Configuration() def __repr__(self): """return string representation of object""" return "<< DownloadHandler:{} >>".format(self.feed_type) def get_session( self, retries=3, backoff_factor=0.3, status_forcelist=(429, 500, 502, 503, 504), session=None, ): """ Method for returning a session object per every requesting thread """ proxies = { "http": self.config.getProxy(), "https": self.config.getProxy() } if not hasattr(thread_local, "session"): session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) session.proxies.update(proxies) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) thread_local.session = session return thread_local.session def process_downloads(self, sites, collection): """ Method to download and process files :param sites: List of file to download and process :type sites: list :param collection: Mongodb Collection name :type collection: str :return: :rtype: """ worker_size = (int(os.getenv("WORKER_SIZE")) if os.getenv("WORKER_SIZE") else min( 32, os.cpu_count() + 4)) start_time = time.time() thread_map(self.download_site, sites, desc="Downloading files") if self.do_process: thread_map( self.file_to_queue, self.file_queue.get_full_list(), desc="Processing downloaded files", ) self._process_queue_to_db(worker_size, collection=collection) # checking if last-modified was in the response headers and not set to default if "01-01-1970" != self.last_modified.strftime("%d-%m-%Y"): setColUpdate(self.feed_type.lower(), self.last_modified)"Duration: {}".format( timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time))) def chunk_list(self, lst, number): """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst. :param lst: List to be chunked :type lst: list :param number: Chunk size :type number: int :return: Chunked list :rtype: list """ for i in range(0, len(lst), number): yield lst[i:i + number] def _handle_queue_progressbar(self, description): """ Method for handling the progressbar during queue processing :param description: Description for tqdm progressbar :type description: str """ max_len = self.queue.qsize() pbar = tqdm(total=max_len, desc=description) not_Done = True q_len = max_len dif_old = 0 x = 0 while not_Done: current_q_len = self.queue.qsize() if x % 10 == 0: # log stats the first cycle and every 10th cycle thereafter self.logger.debug( "Queue max_len: {}, current_q_len: {}, q_len: {}, dif_old: {}, cycle: {}" .format(max_len, current_q_len, q_len, dif_old, x)) if current_q_len != 0: if current_q_len != q_len: q_len = current_q_len dif = max_len - q_len pbar.update(int(dif - dif_old)) dif_old = dif else: pbar.update(int(max_len - dif_old)) not_Done = False x += 1 time.sleep(5) self.logger.debug( "Queue max_len: {}, q_len: {}, dif_old: {}, cycles: {}".format( max_len, q_len, dif_old, x)) pbar.close() def _process_queue_to_db(self, max_workers, collection): """ Method to write the queued database transactions into the database given a Queue reference and Collection name :param max_workers: Max amount of worker processes to use; defaults to min(32, os.cpu_count() + 4) :type max_workers: int :param collection: Mongodb Collection name :type collection: str """ pbar = mp.Process( target=self._handle_queue_progressbar, args=("Transferring queue to database", ), ) processes = [ mp.Process(target=self._db_bulk_writer, args=(collection, )) for _ in range(max_workers) ] for proc in processes: proc.start() # Put triggers in the Queue to tell the workers to exit their for-loop self.queue.put(self._end) pbar.start() for proc in processes: proc.join() pbar.join() def _db_bulk_writer(self, collection, threshold=1000): """ Method to act as worker for writing queued entries into the database :param collection: Mongodb Collection name :type collection: str :param threshold: Batch size threshold; defaults to 1000 :type threshold: int """ database = self.config.getMongoConnection() for batch in iter(lambda: list(islice(self.queue, threshold)), []): try: database[collection].bulk_write(batch, ordered=False) except BulkWriteError as err: self.logger.debug("Error during bulk write: {}".format(err)) pass def store_file(self, response_content, content_type, url): """ Method to store the download based on the headers content type :param response_content: Response content :type response_content: bytes :param content_type: Content type; e.g. 'application/zip' :type content_type: str :param url: Download url :type url: str :return: A working directory and a filename :rtype: str and str """ wd = tempfile.mkdtemp() filename = None if (content_type == "application/zip" or content_type == "application/x-zip" or content_type == "application/x-zip-compressed" or content_type == "application/zip-compressed"): filename = os.path.join(wd, url.split("/")[-1][:-4]) self.logger.debug("Saving file to: {}".format(filename)) with zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response_content)) as zip_file: zip_file.extractall(wd) elif (content_type == "application/x-gzip" or content_type == "application/gzip" or content_type == "application/x-gzip-compressed" or content_type == "application/gzip-compressed"): filename = os.path.join(wd, url.split("/")[-1][:-3]) self.logger.debug("Saving file to: {}".format(filename)) buf = BytesIO(response_content) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf).read()) elif content_type == "application/json" or content_type == "application/xml": filename = os.path.join(wd, url.split("/")[-1]) self.logger.debug("Saving file to: {}".format(filename)) with open(filename, "wb") as output_file: output_file.write(response_content) elif content_type == "application/local": filename = os.path.join(wd, url.split("/")[-1]) self.logger.debug("Saving file to: {}".format(filename)) copy(url[7:], filename) else: self.logger.error( "Unhandled Content-Type encountered: {} from url".format( content_type, url)) sys.exit(1) return wd, filename def download_site(self, url): if url[:4] == "file":"Scheduling local hosted file: {}".format(url)) # local file do not get last_modified header; so completely ignoring last_modified check and always asume # local file == the last modified file and set to current time. self.last_modified = self.logger.debug("Last {} modified value: {} for URL: {}".format( self.feed_type, self.last_modified, url)) wd, filename = self.store_file(response_content=b"local", content_type="application/local", url=url) if filename is not None: self.file_queue.put((wd, filename)) else: self.logger.error( "Unable to retrieve a filename; something went wrong when trying to save the file" ) sys.exit(1) else: self.logger.debug("Downloading from url: {}".format(url)) session = self.get_session() try: with session.get(url) as response: try: self.last_modified = parse_datetime( response.headers["last-modified"], ignoretz=True) except KeyError: self.logger.error( "Did not receive last-modified header in the response; setting to default " "(01-01-1970) and force update! Headers received: {}" .format(response.headers)) # setting to last_modified to default value self.last_modified = parse_datetime("01-01-1970") self.logger.debug( "Last {} modified value: {} for URL: {}".format( self.feed_type, self.last_modified, url)) i = getInfo(self.feed_type.lower()) if i is not None: if self.last_modified == i["last-modified"]: "{}'s are not modified since the last update". format(self.feed_type)) self.file_queue.get_full_list() self.do_process = False if self.do_process: content_type = response.headers["content-type"] self.logger.debug( "URL: {} fetched Content-Type: {}".format( url, content_type)) wd, filename = self.store_file( response_content=response.content, content_type=content_type, url=url, ) if filename is not None: self.file_queue.put((wd, filename)) else: self.logger.error( "Unable to retrieve a filename; something went wrong when trying to save the file" ) sys.exit(1) except Exception as err: "Exception encountered during download from: {}. Please check the logs for more information!" .format(url)) self.logger.error( "Exception encountered during the download from: {}. Error encountered: {}" .format(url, err)) self.do_process = False @abstractmethod def process_item(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def file_to_queue(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def update(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def populate(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError