class Game(object): def __init__(self): self.coords = [] self.player = None self.enemies = [] self.last_spawn_time = 0 self.start_time = 0 self.score = 0 self.screen = None self.display_info = None self.clock = None self.font_mgr = None self.is_ended = False self.should_stop = False self.size = None self.background = None def start(self): self.start_time = time.time() pygame.init() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) pygame.key.set_repeat(True) self.display_info = pygame.display.Info() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT)) # pylint: disable=I0011,E1121 self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()).convert() self.background.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) # pylint: disable=I0011,I0012; enable=E1121 self.font_mgr = FontManager() self.size = Vector(self.screen.get_size()[0], self.screen.get_size()[1]) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.player = Player(self.size.div(2)) self.spawn_enemy() self.loop() pygame.quit() def loop(self): while not self.should_stop: self.clock.tick(60) self.render() pygame.display.flip() self.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == Pygame.QUIT: self.should_stop = True def render(self): self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) if self.is_ended: self.draw_text(FONT_END, "You have lost!", Vector(0, 256), COLOR_BLUE) return now = time.time() for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.render(self) self.player.render(self.screen) acceleration_text = "Acceleration: {}".format(self.player.velocity) position_text = "Position: {}".format(self.player.pos) score_text = "Score: {}".format(self.score) hps_text = "Hits / Second: {}".format(str(self.score / (now - self.start_time))[0:6]) end_text = "Press X to end the game." self.draw_text(FONT_NORMAL, acceleration_text, Vector(0, 0), COLOR_WHITE) self.draw_text(FONT_NORMAL, position_text, Vector(0, 16), COLOR_WHITE) self.draw_text(FONT_NORMAL, score_text, Vector(0, 32), COLOR_WHITE) self.draw_text(FONT_NORMAL, hps_text, Vector(0, 48), COLOR_WHITE) self.draw_text(FONT_NORMAL, end_text, Vector(0, 64), COLOR_WHITE) def update(self): now = time.time() if now - self.last_spawn_time > 0.5 and len(self.enemies) < MAX_ENEMY_COUNT: self.spawn_enemy() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[Pygame.K_ESCAPE]: self.end() return if keys[Pygame.K_r] or keys[Pygame.K_z] or keys[Pygame.K_b]: self.player.is_bot = True self.player.update(self) for index in range(0, len(self.enemies)): if self.player.collides(self.enemies[index]): if is not None and index < -= 1 if self.enemies[index].is_target: self.player.is_target_destroyed = True self.enemies.pop(index) self.score += 1 break time_since_creation = now - self.enemies[index].creation_time if time_since_creation > TIME_TO_LOSE: self.end() return def end(self): print("ended: {}".format(self.score)) def draw_text(self, size, text, pos, color): rendered = self.font_mgr.get(size).render(text, True, color) self.screen.blit(rendered, (pos.x, pos.y)) def spawn_enemy(self): size = Vector(ENTITY_SIZE) pos = Vector.rand(size, self.size.sub(ENTITY_SIZE)) enemy = Enemy(pos) self.enemies.append(enemy) self.last_spawn_time = time.time()
class Main(object): def __init__(self): self.screen = pg.display.set_mode(screen) self.timer = pg.time.Clock() pg.display.set_caption('Super Mario Bros 2018') pg.display.set_icon(pg.image.load(r'lib\img\icon.png').convert_alpha()) = World() self.player = Player(hp=100, spawn_coords=(192, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 32)) = Camera(len([0]) * 32, len( * 31) self.debugTable = DebugTable() self.sound = Sound() self.running = True def run(self): while self.running: self.handle_events() self.handle_moves() self.render() self.timer.tick(100) def change_debug_text(self): if self.debugTable.mode == 2: self.debugTable.text = [ 'Mario 2018 ' + VERSION + ' (S&D © 2018)', 'FPS: ' + str(round(self.timer.get_fps())), 'OnGr: ' + str(self.player.onground), 'Spd: ' + str(round(self.player.x_vel, 1)) + ' ' + str(round(self.player.y_vel, 1)), 'Plr: ' + (str(round(self.player.rect[0], 1)) + ' ' + str(round(self.player.rect[1], 1)) + ' ' + str(round((self.player.rect[0] + self.player.rect[2]) / 32)) + ' ' + str(round((self.player.rect[1] + self.player.rect[3]) / 32))) + ' ' + STATE_DICT[self.player.state] + ' ' + DIRECTION_DICT[self.player.direction], 'Cam Rect: ' + str(round([0], 1)) + ' ' + str(round([1], 1)), 'W/ Size: ' + str(round([2] / 32)) + ' ' + str(round([3] / 32)), 'Obj Rendering: ' + (str(len( + len(, 'Obj Collision: ' + (str(len(] if self.debugTable.mode == 1: self.debugTable.text = 'FPS: ' + str(round(self.timer.get_fps())) def handle_events(self): for e in pg.event.get(): if e.type == pg.QUIT: raise SystemExit('Quit!') if e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_RIGHT: self.player.right = 1 if e.key == K_DOWN: self.player.down = 1 if e.key == K_LEFT: self.player.left = 1 if e.key == K_UP: self.player.up = 1 if e.key == K_F3: if self.debugTable.mode < 2: self.debugTable.mode += 1 else: self.debugTable.mode = 0 if e.type == KEYUP: if e.key == K_RIGHT: self.player.right = 0 if e.key == K_DOWN: self.player.down = 0 if e.key == K_LEFT: self.player.left = 0 if e.key == K_UP: self.player.up = 0 def handle_moves(self): self.player.move(, self.player.control_image() def render(self):, self.player.render(self.screen, if self.debugTable.mode != 0: self.change_debug_text() self.debugTable.render(self.screen) pg.display.update()