def __init__(self, name, model_type, model_config, preprocess_config, policy=None, device=None, **kwargs): super(PongAgent, self).__init__(name, 'Pong-v0') self.device = init_torch_device(device) self.valid_action = kwargs.get('valid_action', None) self.action = self._init_action(self.valid_action) self.model = self._init_model(model_type, model_config, policy) self.transform = Transform(preprocess_config, self.device) self.model_type = model_type self.sim_time = kwargs.get('sim_time', None) self.output = kwargs.get('output', None) self.model_config = model_config self.preprocess_config = preprocess_config self.policy = policy self.memory = None self.note = None # episode nums if self.model_type.lower() == 'snn' and self.output is not None: self.model.add_monitor( Monitor(self.model.layers[self.output], ["s"]), self.output) self.spike_record = { self.output: torch.zeros((self.time, len(self.agent.action))) }
def __init__(self, name, model_select, device, observation_preprocess, max_memory_size, valid_action): super(QAgent, self).__init__() = name self.device = device self.observation_preprocess = observation_preprocess self.transform = Transform(observation_preprocess, device) self.max_memory_size = max_memory_size self.valid_action = valid_action self.model_select = model_select self.model = self._init_model(model_select, self.transform.image_size(), len(valid_action)) self.memory = None
class QAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, name, model_select, device, observation_preprocess, max_memory_size, valid_action): super(QAgent, self).__init__() = name self.device = device self.observation_preprocess = observation_preprocess self.transform = Transform(observation_preprocess, device) self.max_memory_size = max_memory_size self.valid_action = valid_action self.model_select = model_select self.model = self._init_model(model_select, self.transform.image_size(), len(valid_action)) self.memory = None def training_model_out(self, observation): self.model = self.model.train() return self.model( def make_action(self, observation, mode = 'mix', p = None): #return processed model observation and action if self.observation_preprocess['minus_observation'] == True: if self.memory is None: raise RuntimeError('Please insert init memory before playing a game.') self.model = self.model.eval() processed = self._preprocess(observation) processed = input_processed = processed.unsqueeze(0) output = self.model(input_processed) self.insert_memory(observation) action, action_index = self._decode_model_output(output, mode, p) return action, action_index, processed.cpu().detach() def init_action(self): return 1 def insert_memory(self, observation): self.memory = self.transform(observation) return None def save(self, path):, path) return None def load(self, path): self.model.cpu() self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, map_location = 'cpu')) return None def _decode_model_output(self, output, mode, p): if mode == 'argmax': _, action = torch.max(output, 1) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action elif mode == 'mix': # p is rnadom probability, if 1.0 means all action is random if p is None: raise ValueError('Please set argument p in make_action') if random.random() < p: #means random action action_index = random.randint(0, len(self.valid_action) - 1) action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action, action_index else: _, action = torch.max(output, 1) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action, action_index def _preprocess(self, observation): return self.transform(observation, self.memory) def _check_memory(self): if len(self.memory) > self.max_memory_size: self.memory = self.memory[-self.max_memory_size: ] return None def _init_model(self, model_select, observation_size, action_size): if model_select == 'baseline': model = BaselineModel(image_size = observation_size, action_selection = action_size) model = return model elif model_select == 'dual': model = DualModel(image_size = observation_size, action_selection = action_size) model = return model else: raise ValueError(model_select, 'is not in implemented model.')
class PongAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, name, model_type, model_config, preprocess_config, policy=None, device=None, **kwargs): super(PongAgent, self).__init__(name, 'Pong-v0') self.device = init_torch_device(device) self.valid_action = kwargs.get('valid_action', None) self.action = self._init_action(self.valid_action) self.model = self._init_model(model_type, model_config, policy) self.transform = Transform(preprocess_config, self.device) self.model_type = model_type self.sim_time = kwargs.get('sim_time', None) self.output = kwargs.get('output', None) self.model_config = model_config self.preprocess_config = preprocess_config self.policy = policy self.memory = None self.note = None # episode nums if self.model_type.lower() == 'snn' and self.output is not None: self.model.add_monitor( Monitor(self.model.layers[self.output], ["s"]), self.output) self.spike_record = { self.output: torch.zeros((self.time, len(self.agent.action))) } def save(self, directory, note=None): state = {'type': 'PongAgent'} self.note = note state['args'] = { 'name':, 'model_type': self.model_type, 'model_config': self.model_config, 'preprocess_config': self.preprocess_config, 'policy': self.policy, 'episode': self.note, } save_object(os.path.join(directory, 'agent'), state) self.model = self.model.cpu() if note is None: if self.model_type.lower() == 'snn':, + '.pt')) elif self.model_type.lower() == 'ann':, os.path.join(directory, + '.pt')) else: if self.model_type.lower() == 'snn': os.path.join(directory, + 'e' + str(note) + '.pt')) elif self.model_type.lower() == 'ann': self.model.state_dict(), os.path.join(directory, + 'e' + str(note) + '.pt')) return None def load(self, agent_cfg, model_file): device = self.device self = load_agent(agent_cfg, model_file, device=device) return None def load_model(self, path): if self.model_type.lower() == 'snn': self.model = elif self.model_type.lower() == 'ann': self.model = self.model.cpu() self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) self.model = return None def rename(self, new_name): = new_name return None def eval(self): self.model = self.model.eval() return None def train(self): self.model = self.model.train() return None def set_policy(self, policy): self.policy = policy return None def learning(self, state): if not isinstance(state, bool): raise TypeError(state, ' must be a boolean variable.') if not self.model_type.lower() == 'snn': raise RuntimeError( 'Model in agent is not spike neural network, can not set learning state.' ) self.model.learning = state return None def make_action(self, observation, p=None): #return processed model observation and action if self.preprocess_config['minus_observation'] == True: if self.memory is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Please insert init memory before playing a game.') if self.model_type.lower() == 'ann': self.model = self.model.eval() processed = self.preprocess(observation) processed = input_processed = processed.unsqueeze(0) output = self.model(input_processed) if isinstance(output, tuple): output = output[0] self.insert_memory(observation) if self.policy == 'DDQN': action, action_index = self._decode_model_output(output, mode='mix', rand_p=p) else: action, action_index = self._decode_model_output(output) return action, action_index, processed.cpu().detach(), output.cpu( ).detach() elif self.model_type.lower() == 'snn': pass def init_action(self): return self.random_action() def random_action(self): return self.action[random.randint(0, len(self.action) - 1)] def insert_memory(self, observation): if isinstance(observation, torch.Tensor): observation = observation.numpy() observation = self.preprocess(observation, mode='init') self.memory = return None def preprocess(self, observation, mode='normal'): if mode == 'normal': return self.transform(observation, self.memory) elif mode == 'init': return self.transform.insert_init_memory(observation) else: raise ValueError(mode, ' is invaled in PongAgent.preprocess().') def _decode_model_output(self, output, mode='sample', rand_p=None): if not isinstance(output, torch.Tensor): output = output[0] if mode == 'argmax': _, action = torch.max(output, 1) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.action[action_index] return action, action_index elif mode == 'sample': try: output = output.detach().squeeze().cpu() m = Categorical(output) action_index = m.sample().numpy() action = self.action[action_index] return action, action_index except RuntimeError: #one numbers in probability distribution is zero _, action = torch.max(output, 0) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy() action = self.action[action_index] return action, action_index elif mode == 'mix': # rand_p is rnadom probability, if 1.0 means all action is random if rand_p is None: raise ValueError('Please set argument p in make_action') if random.random() < rand_p: #means random action action_index = random.randint(0, len(self.action) - 1) action = self.action[action_index] return action, action_index else: _, action = torch.max(output, 1) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.action[action_index] return action, action_index def _check_memory(self): if len(self.memory) > self.max_memory_size: self.memory = self.memory[-self.max_memory_size:] return None def _init_action(self, select): if isinstance(select, (list, tuple)): return select elif select is None: return (2, 3, 4) else: raise TypeError('Argument: valid_action must be a list or typle.') def _init_model(self, model_type, model_config, policy): if not isinstance(model_config, dict): raise TypeError( 'Type of argument: model_config must be a dict object.') if model_type.lower() == 'ann': if policy is None: model = ANN(num_actions=len(self.action), **model_config) else: if policy == 'PO' or policy == 'PPO': model = ANN(num_actions=len(self.action), softmax=True, **model_config) elif policy == 'A2C': model = ANN(num_actions=len(self.action), critic=True, softmax=True, **model_config) elif policy == 'DDQN': model = ANN(num_actions=len(self.action), **model_config) elif model_type.lower() == 'snn': model = SNN(num_actions=len(self.action), **model_config) else: raise ValueError( model_type, ' not a valid selection for choosing agent model.') return
class ACAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, name, model_select, device, observation_preprocess, max_memory_size, valid_action): super(ACAgent, self).__init__() = name self.device = device self.observation_preprocess = observation_preprocess self.transform = Transform(observation_preprocess, device) self.max_memory_size = max_memory_size self.valid_action = valid_action self.model_select = model_select self.model = self._init_model(model_select, self.transform.image_size(), len(valid_action)) self.memory = None def training_model_out(self, observation): self.model = self.model.train() return self.model( def make_action(self, observation): #return processed model observation and action if self.observation_preprocess['minus_observation'] == True: if self.memory is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Please insert init memory before playing a game.') self.model = self.model.eval() processed = self._preprocess(observation) processed = input_processed = processed.unsqueeze(0) output, _ = self.model(input_processed) self.insert_memory(observation) action = self._decode_model_output(output) return action, processed.cpu().detach(), output.cpu().detach() def random_action(self): return self.valid_action[random.randint(0, len(self.valid_action) - 1)] def insert_memory(self, observation): observation = self._preprocess(observation, mode='init') self.memory = return None def save(self, path):, path) return None def load(self, path): self.model.cpu() self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, map_location='cpu')) return None def _decode_model_output(self, output, mode='sample'): if mode == 'argmax': _, action = torch.max(output, 1) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action elif mode == 'sample': try: output = output.detach().squeeze().cpu() m = Categorical(output) action_index = m.sample().numpy() action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action except RuntimeError: #one numbers in probability distribution is zero _, action = torch.max(output, 0) action_index = action.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] action = self.valid_action[action_index] return action def _preprocess(self, observation, mode='normal'): if mode == 'normal': return self.transform(observation, self.memory) elif mode == 'init': return self.transform.insert_init_memory(observation) def _check_memory(self): if len(self.memory) > self.max_memory_size: self.memory = self.memory[-self.max_memory_size:] return None def _init_model(self, model_select, observation_size, action_size): if model_select == 'baseline': model = BaselineModel(, action_selection=action_size) model = return model else: raise ValueError(model_select, 'is not in implemented model.')