 def integrate(self):
     Integrates Hadoop and GPDB by performing the following:
     1. Setup kerberos server
     2. Setup hadoop cluster
     3. Setup GPDB configurations
     4. Create sql sepcific test data
     # throw exception is not set
     gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME")
     if not gphome:
         raise HadoopIntegrationException("GPHOME not set!!")
     mdd = os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY")
     if not mdd:
         raise HadoopIntegrationException("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY not set!!")
     self.fqdn = self.hostname + '.' + self.domain
     # check if hostname is present in /etc/hosts
     # if not append the hostname to file
     # setup kerberos server if security is enabled
     if self.secure_hadoop:
         self.kerberos_template_conf = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "kerberos"))
         self.kerberos_util = KerberosUtil(self.fqdn, self.domain, self.kerberos_template_conf, self.node_list)
     # setup hadoop cluster
     hadoop_conf_dir = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "hdfs/rpm"))
     if self.hadoop_type == "phd":
         self.hadoop_util = PHDRpmUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
         hadoop_guc = "gphd-2.0"
     elif self.hadoop_type == "cdh":
         self.hadoop_util = CDHRpmUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
         hadoop_guc = "cdh4.1"
     elif self.hadoop_type == "apache":
         self.hadoop_util = ApacheTarUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
         hadoop_guc = "gphd-2.0"
     # setup up hadoop cluster
     hadoop_home = self.hadoop_util.get_hadoop_env()['HADOOP_HOME']
     hadoop_common_home = self.hadoop_util.get_hadoop_env()['HADOOP_COMMON_HOME']
     if self.hadoop_type == "apache":
         hadoop_common_home = hadoop_common_home + "common"
     # setup up GPDB configurations & test data
     gpdb_template_conf = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "gpdb"))
     self._setup_gpdb_configurations(gphome, mdd, gpdb_template_conf, hadoop_home, hadoop_common_home, hadoop_guc)
     export_env = "export HADOOP_HOME=%s; source %s/lib/hadoop/hadoop_env.sh;" %(hadoop_home, gphome)
     java_classpath = ".:$CLASSPATH:%s/lib/hadoop/%s" %(gphome, self.gphdfs_connector)
     self._create_test_jars(export_env, java_classpath)
     self.java_cmd = self._create_java_cmd_string(export_env, java_classpath)
     test_data_types = [
                         'regression', 'time', 'timestamp', 'date',  \
                         'bigint', 'int', 'smallint', 'real', 'float',   \
                         'boolean', 'varchar', 'bpchar', 'numeric', 'text', 'all'
     datasize = 5000
     largedatasize = str(int(datasize) * 2000)
     self._create_test_data(datasize, largedatasize, test_data_types)
class HadoopIntegration(object):           
    """Integrates Hadoop and GPDB."""

    def __init__(self, hadoop_type, gphdfs_connector, hadoop_artifact_url, hadoop_install_dir, hadoop_data_dir, template_conf_dir, secure_hadoop, node_list):
        self.hadoop_type = hadoop_type
        self.gphdfs_connector = gphdfs_connector
        self.hadoop_artifact_url = hadoop_artifact_url
        self.hadoop_install_dir = hadoop_install_dir
        self.hadoop_data_dir = hadoop_data_dir
        self.template_conf_dir = template_conf_dir
        self.secure_hadoop = secure_hadoop
        self.node_list = node_list
        self.cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self.gpfdistport = '8080'
        (host, domain) = self._get_host_and_domain()
        if host:
            self.hostname = host
            self.hostname = 'localhost'
        if domain:
            self.domain = domain
            self.domain = 'localdomain.com'
        self.gpfdistport = self._get_gpfdistport(self.gpfdistport)
    def _get_gpfdistport(self,gpfdistport):
        result = 0
        while result == 0:
            cmd_str = "netstat -a| grep %s" %gpfdistport
            res = {'rc':0, 'stderr':'', 'stdout':''}
            run_shell_command(cmd_str,'Grep Netstat',res)
            result = res['rc']
            if result == 0:
                gpfdistport = str(int(gpfdistport) + 1)
                return gpfdistport
    def _get_host_and_domain(self):
        hostname = ''
        domain = ''
        res = {'rc':0, 'stderr':'', 'stdout':''}
        run_shell_command('hostname','Get hostname command',res)
        result = res['stdout']
        if len(result) > 0:
            hostname = result.split('\n')[0]
            if hostname.find('.') >= 0:
                domain = hostname[ hostname.find('.')+1 : ]
                hostname = hostname[ : hostname.find('.') ]
        return (hostname, domain)

    def _create_test_jars(self, export_env, java_classpath):
        cmd_str = "%s cd %s; javac -cp %s javaclasses/*.java" %(export_env, self.cur_dir, java_classpath)
        if not run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Compiling java classes"):
            raise HadoopIntegrationException("Error while compiling java classes!")
        cmd_str = "cd %s; jar cf maptest.jar javaclasses/*.class" %self.cur_dir
        if not run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Creating jar file"):
            raise HadoopIntegrationException("Error while creating the jar!")
    def _create_java_cmd_string(self, export_env, java_classpath):
        envvar = '-Dhdfshost=' + self.fqdn + ' -Ddatanodeport=8020 -Djobtrackerhost=' + self.fqdn + ' -Djobtrackerport=8020 ' 
        java_cmd = "%s java -cp %s:%s/maptest.jar %s" % (export_env, java_classpath, self.cur_dir, envvar)
        return java_cmd

    def _create_test_data(self, datasize, large_datasize, test_data_types):
        Creates the test data required for the sqls to run.
        data_dir = self.cur_dir + '/tmp/text'
        run_shell_command('mkdir -p %s' %data_dir)
        for data_type in test_data_types:
            data_type_file = data_dir + "/" + data_type + ".txt"
            cmd_str = "python %s/lib/create_data.py %s %s > %s" %(self.cur_dir, datasize, data_type, data_type_file)
            run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Create data for type -> %s" %data_type)
        cmd_str = "python %s/lib/create_data.py %s regression > %s/tmp/random_with_seed_1.largetxt" %(self.cur_dir, large_datasize, self.cur_dir)
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Create regress test data")
        cmd_str = "python %s/lib/create_data.py %s all > %s/all_20.txt" %(self.cur_dir, str(int(datasize) * 20), data_dir)
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Create regress test data for datasize * 20")
        cmd_str = "python %s/lib/create_data.py %s all > %s/all_100.txt" %(self.cur_dir, str(int(datasize) * 100), data_dir)
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Create regress test data for datasize * 100")
        # create test data for typemismatch test
        run_shell_command("sed 's/bigint/text/g' %s/bigint.txt > %s/bigint_text.txt" %(data_dir, data_dir), "create test data for typemismatch test")
        # copy composite file into data_dir
        run_shell_command("cp %s/sql/data/compositeType.txt %s" %(self.cur_dir, data_dir), "Copy composite file" )
        # put test data files in HDFS
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/sql/regression/data/*" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/") 
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/tmp/random_with_seed_1.largetxt" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/random_with_seed_1.largetxt") 
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/tmp/text/all_100.txt" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/all_100.txt")
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/tmp/text/all.txt" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/all.txt") 
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/tmp/text/timestamp.txt" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/timestamp.txt") 
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/tmp/text/varchar.txt" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/varchar.txt") 
        self.hadoop_util.put_file_in_hdfs("%s/sql/data/*" %self.cur_dir, "/plaintext/")
        # start gpfdist process
        # gpfdist_process = gpfdist(self.gpfdistport, self.fqdn)
        # assert (gpfdist_process.start(options=' -d %s' %data_dir))
    def start_gpfdist_process(self, data_dir):
        # start gpfdist process:
        # we have seen cases where the gfdist process don't start on particular port,
        # due to connection bind error or due to "FATAL cannot create socket on port 8080" 
        # this occurs in spite of checking netstat for used ports at the beginning
        # so as a hack, we keep on trying different ports until gpfdist is started
        gpfdist_process_started = False
        while not gpfdist_process_started:
            gpfdist_process = gpfdist(self.gpfdistport, self.fqdn)
                gpfdist_process.start(options=' -d %s' %data_dir)
            except GpfdistError as message:
                tinctest.logger.warn("Couldn't setup gpfdist on port %s"%self.gpfdistport)
                gpfdist_process_started = False
                self.gpfdistport = str(int(self.gpfdistport) + 1)
                gpfdist_process_started = True
                tinctest.logger.info("Started gpfdist on port %s"%self.gpfdistport)
    def get_ip_address(self):
        return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
    def _setup_gpdb_configurations(self, gphome, mdd, gpdb_template_conf, hadoop_home, hadoop_common_home, hadoop_guc):
        Updates the gpdb template confgiration files per the current env.
        Also copies required configuration files.
        text = "\n### Hadoop specific variables\n"
        if self.secure_hadoop:
            text = text + "export HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER=hdfs\n"
        text =  text +  "export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/lib\n"   \
                        "export GP_JAVA_OPT=\"$GP_JAVA_OPT -Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native/\"\n"  \
                        "export GP_HADOOP_CONN_JARDIR=lib/hadoop\n"    \
                        "export GP_HADOOP_CONN_VERSION=%s\n" %self.gphdfs_connector
        greenplum_path_file = os.path.join(gphome,"greenplum_path.sh")
        self.hadoop_util.append_text_to_file(greenplum_path_file, text)
        host = str(self.get_ip_address()) + "/32"
        text =  "local    all     _hadoop_perm_test_role    trust\n"    \
                "host    all     _hadoop_perm_test_role  %s  trust\n" %host
        self.hadoop_util.append_text_to_file(mdd + "/pg_hba.conf", text)
        cmd_str = "source %s; gpconfig -c gp_hadoop_target_version -v %s" %(greenplum_path_file, hadoop_guc)
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Setting gp_hadoop_target_version as %s" %hadoop_guc)
        cmd_str = "source %s; gpstop -air" %greenplum_path_file
        assert run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Restart GPDB")
        # create hadoop_env.sh file based on the hadoop type
        transforms = {'%CONNECTOR%' : self.gphdfs_connector, '%JAVA_HOME%' : self.hadoop_util.get_java_home()}
        input_file_path = local_path(gpdb_template_conf + "/hadoop_env.sh.%s.t" %self.hadoop_type)
        output_file_path = local_path(gpdb_template_conf + "/hadoop_env.sh")
        with open(input_file_path, 'r') as input:
            with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output:
                for line in input.readlines():
                    for key,value in transforms.iteritems():
                        line = re.sub(key,value,line)
        cmd_str = "cp %s/hadoop_env.sh %s/lib/hadoop/hadoop_env.sh" %(gpdb_template_conf, gphome)
        cmd_str = "sudo cp %s/lib/hadoop/%s.jar %s" %(gphome,self.gphdfs_connector, hadoop_common_home)
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Copying the gphds connector")
    def _validate_hostname(self):
        etc_hosts_file = "/etc/hosts"
        cmd_str = "sudo egrep \"%s\" %s" %(self.fqdn, etc_hosts_file)
        # check if hostname present or not, add if not present
        if not run_shell_command(cmd_str, "Checking hostname - %s in /etc/hosts" %self.fqdn):
            ip_addr = self.get_ip_address()
            text_to_append = ip_addr + "    " + self.fqdn
            # give write permissions to etc/hosts file
            run_shell_command("sudo chmod o+w %s" %etc_hosts_file)
            with open(etc_hosts_file, "a") as append_file:
            # remove write permissions from etc/hosts file
            run_shell_command("sudo chmod o-w %s" %etc_hosts_file)
    def integrate(self):
        Integrates Hadoop and GPDB by performing the following:
        1. Setup kerberos server
        2. Setup hadoop cluster
        3. Setup GPDB configurations
        4. Create sql sepcific test data
        # check for GPHOME and MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY
        # throw exception is not set
        gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME")
        if not gphome:
            raise HadoopIntegrationException("GPHOME not set!!")
        mdd = os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY")
        if not mdd:
            raise HadoopIntegrationException("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY not set!!")
        self.fqdn = self.hostname + '.' + self.domain
        # check if hostname is present in /etc/hosts
        # if not append the hostname to file
        # setup kerberos server if security is enabled
        if self.secure_hadoop:
            self.kerberos_template_conf = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "kerberos"))
            self.kerberos_util = KerberosUtil(self.fqdn, self.domain, self.kerberos_template_conf, self.node_list)
        # setup hadoop cluster
        hadoop_conf_dir = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "hdfs/rpm"))
        if self.hadoop_type == "phd":
            self.hadoop_util = PHDRpmUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
            hadoop_guc = "gphd-2.0"
        elif self.hadoop_type == "cdh":
            self.hadoop_util = CDHRpmUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
            hadoop_guc = "cdh4.1"
        elif self.hadoop_type == "apache":
            self.hadoop_util = ApacheTarUtil(self.hadoop_artifact_url, self.hadoop_install_dir, self.hadoop_data_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, self.fqdn, self.secure_hadoop)
            hadoop_guc = "gphd-2.0"
        # setup up hadoop cluster
        hadoop_home = self.hadoop_util.get_hadoop_env()['HADOOP_HOME']
        hadoop_common_home = self.hadoop_util.get_hadoop_env()['HADOOP_COMMON_HOME']
        if self.hadoop_type == "apache":
            hadoop_common_home = hadoop_common_home + "common"
        # setup up GPDB configurations & test data
        gpdb_template_conf = local_path(os.path.join(self.template_conf_dir, "gpdb"))
        self._setup_gpdb_configurations(gphome, mdd, gpdb_template_conf, hadoop_home, hadoop_common_home, hadoop_guc)
        export_env = "export HADOOP_HOME=%s; source %s/lib/hadoop/hadoop_env.sh;" %(hadoop_home, gphome)
        java_classpath = ".:$CLASSPATH:%s/lib/hadoop/%s" %(gphome, self.gphdfs_connector)
        self._create_test_jars(export_env, java_classpath)
        self.java_cmd = self._create_java_cmd_string(export_env, java_classpath)
        test_data_types = [
                            'regression', 'time', 'timestamp', 'date',  \
                            'bigint', 'int', 'smallint', 'real', 'float',   \
                            'boolean', 'varchar', 'bpchar', 'numeric', 'text', 'all'
        datasize = 5000
        largedatasize = str(int(datasize) * 2000)
        self._create_test_data(datasize, largedatasize, test_data_types)
    def get_substitutions(self):
        For each sql test, this method will be called
        by the SQLTestCase implementing class.
        Used for making the substitutions in the sql just before its run
        hadoop_home = self.hadoop_util.get_hadoop_env()['HADOOP_HOME']
        substitutions = {'%gpfdistPort%': self.gpfdistport,
                         '%localhost%': self.fqdn,
                         '%cmdstr%': self.java_cmd,
                         '%HADOOP_HOST%': self.fqdn + ":8020",
                         '%HDFSaddr%': self.fqdn + ":8020",
                         '%MYD%': os.path.join(self.cur_dir, "sql"),
                         '%HADOOP_FS%': hadoop_home,
                         '%HADOOP_HOME%': hadoop_home
        return substitutions

    def teardown(self):
        This method gets called after each sql test case completes.
        Purpose is to clean up the HDFS after a sql test run        
        tinctest.logger.debug("Running teardown method")

    def teardownclass(self):
        This method will be called after Each test-suite is finished executing
        # clean up hadoop
        # clean up kerberos