    def get_origin_for_time_axis(user_axis, crs_axis):
        user_axis.interval.low = arrow.get(
        if user_axis.interval.high:
            user_axis.interval.high = arrow.get(

        if isinstance(user_axis, RegularUserAxis):
            # ansidate, need to calculate with day in seconds
            if crs_axis.is_time_day_axis:
                if user_axis.resolution > 0 or user_axis.interval.high is None:
                    # axis goes from low to high, so origin is lowest, with half a pixel shift
                    return decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low))\
                         + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.resolution)) * DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                    # axis goes from high to low, so origin is highest, with half pixel shift (resolution is negative)
                    return decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high))\
                        + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.resolution)) * DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                # unix time, already in seconds
                if user_axis.resolution > 0 or user_axis.interval.high is None:
                    # axis goes from low to high, so origin is lowest, with half a pixel shift
                    return decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low))\
                         + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.resolution))
                    # axis goes from high to low, so origin is highest, with half pixel shift (resolution is negative)
                    return decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high))\
                         + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.resolution))
            # irregular axis, the same but without shift
            if user_axis.resolution > 0 or user_axis.interval.high is None:
                return user_axis.interval.low
                return user_axis.interval.high
    def adjust_axis_bounds_for_time_axis(user_axis, crs_axis):
        # convert to timestamp and change the axis type
        user_axis.interval.low = arrow.get(
        if user_axis.interval.high:
            user_axis.interval.high = arrow.get(

        # if low < high, adjust it
        if user_axis.interval.high is not None and user_axis.interval.low > user_axis.interval.high:
            user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.interval.high = user_axis.interval.high, user_axis.interval.low

        # The formula for all regular axes is when "pixelIsPoint":
        # min = min - 0.5 * resolution
        # max = max + 0.5 * resolution
        if isinstance(user_axis, RegularUserAxis):
            # if axis is time axis
            if crs_axis.is_time_day_axis():
                user_axis.interval.low = decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low)) \
                                       - decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(abs(user_axis.resolution))) * DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                if user_axis.interval.high:
                    user_axis.interval.high = decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high)) \
                                            + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(abs(user_axis.resolution))) * DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                # if axis is normal axis (lat, lon, index1d,...)
                user_axis.interval.low = decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low)) \
                                       - decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(abs(user_axis.resolution)))
                if user_axis.interval.high:
                    user_axis.interval.high = decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high)) \
                                            + decimal.Decimal(0.5) * decimal.Decimal(str(abs(user_axis.resolution)))
    def _get_update_subsets_for_slice(self, slice):
        Returns the given slice's interval as a list of wcst subsets
        :param slice: the slice for which to generate this
        :rtype: list[WCSTSubset]
        subsets = []
        for axis_subset in slice.axis_subsets:
            low = axis_subset.interval.low
            high = axis_subset.interval.high
            # if ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(low) != str:
            if ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(low) == str:
                # Time axis with type = str (e.g: "1970-01-01T02:03:06Z")
                time_seconds = 1
                # AnsiDate (need to change from date to seconds)
                if axis_subset.coverage_axis.axis.crs_axis.is_time_day_axis():
                    time_seconds = DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS
                low = decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(low).float_timestamp)) + decimal.Decimal(str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution * time_seconds)) / 2
                low = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(low)

                if high is not None:
                    high = decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(high).float_timestamp)) - decimal.Decimal(str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution * time_seconds)) / 2
                    high = DateTimeUtil.get_datetime_iso(high)

            elif ConfigManager.subset_correction and high is not None and low != high and type(low) != str:
                # regular axes (e.g: latitude, longitude, index1d)
                low = decimal.Decimal(str(low)) + decimal.Decimal(str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution)) / 2
                if high is not None:
                    high = decimal.Decimal(str(high)) - decimal.Decimal(str(axis_subset.coverage_axis.grid_axis.resolution)) / 2

            subsets.append(WCSTSubset(axis_subset.coverage_axis.axis.label, low, high))
        return subsets
    def _evaluated_messages(self, grib_file):
        Returns the evaluated_messages for all grib_messages
        :param String grib_file: path to a grib file
        :rtype: list[GRIBMessage]
        pygrib = import_pygrib()

        self.dataset = pygrib.open(grib_file.filepath)
        evaluated_messages = []

        # Message id starts with "1"
        for i in range(1, self.dataset.messages + 1):
            grib_message = self.dataset.message(i)

            axes = []
            # Iterate all the axes and evaluate them with message
            # e.g: Long axis: ${grib:longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees}
            #      Lat axis: ${grib:latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees}
            # Message 1 return: Long: -180, Lat: 90
            # Message 2 return: Long: -170, Lat: 80
            # ...
            # Message 20 return: Long: 180, Lat: -90
            for user_axis in self.user_axes:
                # find the crs_axis which are used to evaluate the user_axis (have same name)
                crs_axis = self._get_crs_axis_by_user_axis_name(user_axis.name)

                # NOTE: directPositions could be retrieved only when every message evaluated to get values for axis
                # e.g: message 1 has value: 0, message 3 has value: 2, message 5 has value: 8,...message 20 value: 30
                # then, the directPositions of axis is [0, 2, 8,...30]
                # the syntax to retrieve directions in ingredient file is: ${grib:axis:axis_name}
                # with axis_name is the name user defined (e.g: AnsiDate?axis-label="time" then axis name is: time)
                self.evaluator_slice = GribMessageEvaluatorSlice(
                    grib_message, grib_file)
                evaluated_user_axis = self._user_axis(user_axis,

                # When pixelIsPoint:true then it will be adjusted by half pixels for min, max internally (recommended)
                if self.pixel_is_point is True:
                        evaluated_user_axis, crs_axis)
                    # translate the dateTime format to float
                    if evaluated_user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                        evaluated_user_axis.interval.low = arrow.get(
                        if evaluated_user_axis.interval.high:
                            evaluated_user_axis.interval.high = arrow.get(
                    # if low < high, adjust it
                    if evaluated_user_axis.interval.high is not None \
                        and evaluated_user_axis.interval.low > evaluated_user_axis.interval.high:
                        evaluated_user_axis.interval.low, evaluated_user_axis.interval.high = evaluated_user_axis.interval.high, evaluated_user_axis.interval.low
                evaluated_user_axis.statements = user_axis.statements
            evaluated_messages.append(GRIBMessage(i, axes, grib_message))

        return evaluated_messages
    def _axis_subset(self, crs_axis, nc_file):
        Returns an axis subset using the given crs axis in the context of the nc file
        :param CRSAxis crs_axis: the crs definition of the axis
        :param File nc_file: the netcdf file
        :rtype AxisSubset
        user_axis = self._user_axis(self._get_user_axis_by_crs_axis_name(crs_axis.label), NetcdfEvaluatorSlice(nc_file))

        # Normally, without pixelIsPoint:true, in the ingredient needs to +/- 0.5 * resolution for each regular axis
        # e.g: resolution for axis E is 10000, then
        # "min": "${netcdf:variable:E:min} - 10000 / 2",
        # "max": "${netcdf:variable:E:max} + 10000 / 2",
        # with pixelIsPoint: true, no need to add these values as the service will do it automatically
        if self.pixel_is_point:
            PointPixelAdjuster.adjust_axis_bounds_to_continuous_space(user_axis, crs_axis)
            # No adjustment for all regular axes but still need to translate time in datetime to decimal to calculate
            if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                user_axis.interval.low = decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(user_axis.interval.low).float_timestamp))
                if user_axis.interval.high:
                    user_axis.interval.high = decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(user_axis.interval.high).float_timestamp))
            # if low < high, adjust it
            if user_axis.interval.high is not None and user_axis.interval.low > user_axis.interval.high:
                user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.interval.high = user_axis.interval.high, user_axis.interval.low

        high = user_axis.interval.high if user_axis.interval.high else user_axis.interval.low
        origin = PointPixelAdjuster.get_origin(user_axis, crs_axis)

        if isinstance(user_axis, RegularUserAxis):
            geo_axis = RegularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom, user_axis.interval.low, high, origin, crs_axis)
            if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                if crs_axis.is_uom_day():
                    coefficients = self._translate_day_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(user_axis.interval.low,
                    coefficients = self._translate_seconds_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(user_axis.interval.low,
                coefficients = self._translate_number_direct_position_to_coefficients(user_axis.interval.low,
            geo_axis = IrregularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom, user_axis.interval.low, high, origin, coefficients, crs_axis)

        grid_low = 0
        grid_high = PointPixelAdjuster.get_grid_points(user_axis, crs_axis)

        # NOTE: Grid Coverage uses the direct intervals as in Rasdaman
        if self.grid_coverage is False and grid_high > grid_low:
            grid_high -= 1

        grid_axis = GridAxis(user_axis.order, crs_axis.label, user_axis.resolution, grid_low, grid_high)
        if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
            self._translate_decimal_to_datetime(user_axis, geo_axis)

        return AxisSubset(CoverageAxis(geo_axis, grid_axis, user_axis.dataBound),
                          Interval(user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.interval.high))
    def _adjust_irregular_axis_geo_lower_bound(self, coverage_id, axis_label, axis_type, is_day_unit, axis_geo_lower_bound, slice_group_size):
        (!) Use only if irregular axis's dataBound is False, then adjust it's geo lower bound by current coverage's axis lower bound.
        e.g: coverage's axis lower bound is '2015-01-10' and slice_group_size = 5 then irregular axis's lower bound
        from '2015-01-08' or '2015-01-13' will be adjusted to '2015-01-10'.

        :param int slice_group_size: a positive integer

        resolution = IrregularUserAxis.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION

        if axis_label not in self.irregular_axis_geo_lower_bound_dict:
            # Need to parse it from coverage's DescribeCoverage result
            cov = CoverageUtil(coverage_id)
            if cov.exists():
                axes_labels = cov.get_axes_labels()

                # Get current coverage's axis geo lower bound
                i = axes_labels.index(axis_label)

                lower_bounds = cov.get_axes_lower_bounds()
                coverage_geo_lower_bound = lower_bounds[i]

                # Translate datetime format to seconds
                if axis_type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                    coverage_geo_lower_bound = arrow.get(coverage_geo_lower_bound).float_timestamp
                    axis_geo_lower_bound = arrow.get(axis_geo_lower_bound).float_timestamp
                # Coverage does not exist, first InsertCoverage request
                self.irregular_axis_geo_lower_bound_dict[axis_label] = axis_geo_lower_bound

                return axis_geo_lower_bound
            coverage_geo_lower_bound = self.irregular_axis_geo_lower_bound_dict[axis_label]

        if is_day_unit:
            # AnsiDate (8600 seconds / day)
            slice_group_size = slice_group_size * DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS

        # e.g: irregular axis's level with current coverage's lower bound is 5, axis's lower bound is 12
        # and sliceGroupSize = 5. Result is: (12 - 5) / (1 * 5) = 1
        distance = math.floor((axis_geo_lower_bound - coverage_geo_lower_bound) / (resolution * slice_group_size))

        # So the adjusted value is 5 + 1 * 1 * 5 = 10
        adjusted_bound = coverage_geo_lower_bound + (distance * resolution * slice_group_size)

        if adjusted_bound < coverage_geo_lower_bound:
            # Save this one to cache for further processing
            self.irregular_axis_geo_lower_bound_dict[axis_label] = adjusted_bound

        return adjusted_bound
 def _translate_seconds_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(
         self, origin, direct_positions):
     # just translate 1 -> 1 as origin is 0 (e.g: irregular UnixTime)
     if direct_positions == self.DIRECT_POSITIONS_SLICING:
         return self.COEFFICIENT_SLICING
         return [(decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(x).float_timestamp)) -
                  decimal.Decimal(str(origin))) for x in direct_positions]
    def _translate_day_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(self, origin, direct_positions):
        # coefficients in AnsiDate (day) -> coefficients in UnixTime (seconds)
        coeff_list = []
        # as irregular axis gotten from fileName so it is slicing
        if direct_positions == self.DIRECT_POSITIONS_SLICING:
            return self.COEFFICIENT_SLICING
            for coeff in direct_positions:
                # (current_datetime in seconds - origin in seconds) / 86400
                coeff_seconds = ((decimal.Decimal(str(arrow.get(coeff).float_timestamp)) - decimal.Decimal(str(origin)))
                                 / decimal.Decimal(DateTimeUtil.DAY_IN_SECONDS))

            return coeff_list
    def _axis_subset(self, crs_axis, evaluator_slice, resolution=None):
        Returns an axis subset using the given crs axis in the context of the gdal file
        :param CRSAxis crs_axis: the crs definition of the axis
        :param GDALEvaluatorSlice evaluator_slice: the evaluator for GDAL file
        :param resolution: Known axis resolution, no need to evaluate sentence expression from ingredient file (e.g: Sentinel2 recipe)
        :rtype AxisSubset
        user_axis = self._user_axis(
        if resolution is not None:
            user_axis.resolution = resolution

        high = user_axis.interval.high if user_axis.interval.high is not None else user_axis.interval.low

        if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
            # it must translate datetime string to float by arrow for calculating later
            user_axis.interval.low = arrow.get(
            if user_axis.interval.high is not None:
                user_axis.interval.high = arrow.get(

        if isinstance(user_axis, RegularUserAxis):
            geo_axis = RegularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom,
                                   user_axis.interval.low, high,
                                   user_axis.interval.low, crs_axis)
            # Irregular axis (coefficients must be number, not datetime string)
            if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
                if crs_axis.is_time_day_axis():
                    coefficients = self._translate_day_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(
                        user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.directPositions)
                    coefficients = self._translate_seconds_date_direct_position_to_coefficients(
                        user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.directPositions)
                coefficients = self._translate_number_direct_position_to_coefficients(
                    user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.directPositions)

            self._update_for_slice_group_size(self.coverage_id, user_axis,
                                              crs_axis, coefficients)

            geo_axis = IrregularAxis(crs_axis.label, crs_axis.uom,
                                     user_axis.interval.low, high,
                                     user_axis.interval.low, coefficients,

        if not crs_axis.is_x_axis() and not crs_axis.is_y_axis():
            # GDAL model is 2D so on any axis except x/y we expect to have only one value
            grid_low = 0
            grid_high = None
            if user_axis.interval.high is not None:
                grid_high = 0
            grid_low = 0
            number_of_grid_points = decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.high)) \
                                  - decimal.Decimal(str(user_axis.interval.low))
            # number_of_grid_points = (geo_max - geo_min) / resolution
            grid_high = grid_low + number_of_grid_points / decimal.Decimal(
            grid_high = HighPixelAjuster.adjust_high(grid_high)

            # Negative axis, e.g: Latitude (min <--- max)
            if user_axis.resolution < 0:
                grid_high = int(abs(math.floor(grid_high)))
                # Positive axis, e.g: Longitude (min --> max)
                grid_high = int(abs(math.ceil(grid_high)))

        # NOTE: Grid Coverage uses the direct intervals as in Rasdaman
        if self.grid_coverage is False and grid_high is not None:
            if grid_high > grid_low:
                grid_high -= 1

        grid_axis = GridAxis(user_axis.order, crs_axis.label,
                             user_axis.resolution, grid_low, grid_high)
        geo_axis.origin = PointPixelAdjuster.get_origin(user_axis, crs_axis)
        if user_axis.type == UserAxisType.DATE:
            self._translate_decimal_to_datetime(user_axis, geo_axis)
        # NOTE: current, gdal recipe supports only has 2 axes which are "bounded" (i.e: they exist as 2D axes in file)
        # and 1 or more another axes gotten (i.e: from fileName) which are not "bounded" to create 3D+ coverage.
        data_bound = crs_axis.is_y_axis() or crs_axis.is_x_axis()

        return AxisSubset(
            CoverageAxis(geo_axis, grid_axis, data_bound),
            Interval(user_axis.interval.low, user_axis.interval.high))
def single_datetime(datetime, format):
    if format:
        return arrow.get(datetime, format).isoformat()
        return arrow.get(datetime).isoformat()