async def get_status(target, period=10): while True: await asyncio.sleep(period) tasks = len(asyncio.all_tasks()) '{bgreen}Info{rst}: Remaining tasks for target {byellow}{target}{rst}: {tasks}' )
async def parse_service_detection(stream, tag, target, pattern, args): address = target.address files = target.config['files'] global_patterns = target.config['patterns'] services = [] while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: line = str(line.rstrip(), 'utf8', 'ignore') auxiliary.debug( '{blue}[{bright}{address} {tag}{srst}]{rst} {line}', verbose=args.verbose) parse_match =, line) if parse_match: services.append(('protocol').lower(), int('port')),'service'))) for p in global_patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) if 'description' in p: for match in matches: if args.verbose >= 1: 'Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace( '{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open( os.path.join(target.scandir, files['patterns']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary.e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: for match in matches: if args.verbose >= 1: 'Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}' ) async with target.lock: with open( os.path.join(target.scandir, files['patterns']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) else: break return services
def scan_host(target, args):'Scanning target {byellow}{target.address}{rst}.') basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.output, target.address)) target.basedir = basedir os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) exploitdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'exploit')) os.makedirs(exploitdir, exist_ok=True) exploitdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'privilege_escalation')) os.makedirs(exploitdir, exist_ok=True) lootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'loot')) os.makedirs(lootdir, exist_ok=True) reportdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'report')) target.reportdir = reportdir os.makedirs(reportdir, exist_ok=True) screenshotdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'screenshots')) os.makedirs(screenshotdir, exist_ok=True) scandir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'scans')) target.scandir = scandir os.makedirs(scandir, exist_ok=True) prepare_log_files(scandir, target) os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(scandir, 'xml')), exist_ok=True) open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'local.txt')), 'a').close() open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'proof.txt')), 'a').close() # Use a lock when writing to specific files that may be written to by other asynchronous functions. target.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Create a semaphore to limit number of concurrent scans. semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(args.concurrent_scans) # Get event loop for current process. loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(scan_services(loop, semaphore, target, args)) 'Finished scanning target {byellow}{target.address}{rst}.') if not args.no_report: loop.run_until_complete(create_report(target, args)) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)
async def create_report(target, args): address = target.address scandir = target.scandir reportdir = target.reportdir files = target.config['files'] applications = auxiliary.objectview(target.config['applications']) #types = ('*.txt') #filenames = [] #[filenames.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(scandir, '*', filetype), recursive=True)) for filetype in types] filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(scandir, '**', '*.txt'), recursive=True) filenames.sort() report_order = ' '.join(filenames) try: command = auxiliary.e('{} {} -o - | {} - {}'.format( applications.enscript, report_order, applications.ps2pdf, os.path.join(reportdir, files['report']))) except AttributeError as err: auxiliary.error( 'Task {bred}report creation{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} could not be started' + (' (Error {bred}{err}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['errors']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Task report creation could not be started: {err}\n' )) return {'returncode': err}'Creating report for target {byellow}{address}{rst}.') process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: auxiliary.error( '{bred}Report creation{rst} for target {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}.' ) else: 'Report for target {byellow}{address}{rst} was created successfully.' ) return {'returncode': process.returncode}
async def scan_services(loop, semaphore, target, args): address = target.address scandir = target.scandir files = target.config['files'] applications = auxiliary.objectview(target.config['applications']) wordlists = auxiliary.objectview(target.config['wordlists']) pending = [] port_scan_profiles_config = target.config['port_scan_profiles'] service_scans_config = target.config['service_scan_profiles'] port_scan_profile = args.profile nmap_default_options = args.nmap if args.nmap_append: nmap_default_options += " " + args.nmap_append for profile in port_scan_profiles_config: if profile == port_scan_profile: for scan in port_scan_profiles_config[profile]: scan_profile = port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan] service_detection = ( scan_profile['service-detection']['command'], scan_profile['service-detection']['pattern']) if 'port-scan' in scan_profile: port_scan = (scan_profile['port-scan']['command'], scan_profile['port-scan']['pattern']) pending.append( run_portscan(semaphore, scan, target, service_detection, port_scan, args=args)) else: pending.append( run_portscan(semaphore, scan, target, service_detection, args=args)) break services = [] if args.heartbeat > 0: heartbeat = asyncio.create_task(get_status(address, args.heartbeat)) while True: if not pending: if args.heartbeat > 0: heartbeat.cancel() break done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in done: result = task.result() if result['returncode'] == 0: if result['name'] == 'run_portscan': for service_tuple in result['services']: if service_tuple not in services: services.append(service_tuple) else: continue protocol = service_tuple[0] port = service_tuple[1] service = service_tuple[2] 'Port {bmagenta}{protocol} {port}{rst} ({bmagenta}{service}{rst}) open on target {byellow}{address}{rst}.' ) async with target.lock: with open( os.path.join(target.scandir, files['notes']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Port {protocol} {port} ({service}) open on {address}.\n\n' )) if protocol == 'udp': nmap_extra = nmap_default_options + " -sU" else: nmap_extra = nmap_default_options secure = True if 'ssl' in service or 'tls' in service else False # Special cases for HTTP. scheme = 'https' if 'https' in service or 'ssl' in service or 'tls' in service else 'http' if service.startswith('ssl/') or service.startswith( 'tls/'): service = service[4:] for service_scan in service_scans_config: # Skip over configurable variables since the python toml parser can iterate over tables only. if service_scan in [ 'username_wordlist', 'password_wordlist' ]: continue ignore_service = False if 'ignore-service-names' in service_scans_config[ service_scan]: for ignore_service_name in service_scans_config[ service_scan]['ignore-service-names']: if, service): ignore_service = True break if ignore_service: continue matched_service = False if 'service-names' in service_scans_config[ service_scan]: for service_name in service_scans_config[ service_scan]['service-names']: if, service): matched_service = True break if not matched_service: continue # INFO: change for saving results in directories per service if scheme == 'https' or service_scan == 'all_services': category = 'https/' else: category = '{0}/'.format(service_scan) try: servicedir = os.path.join(scandir, category) if not os.path.exists(servicedir): os.mkdir(servicedir) xmldir = os.path.join(scandir, 'xml', category) if not os.path.exists(xmldir): os.mkdir(xmldir) except OSError: category = '' if 'manual' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: heading = False with open( os.path.join(scandir, files['manual_commands']), 'a') as file: for manual in service_scans_config[ service_scan]['manual']: if 'description' in manual: if not heading: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] {service} on {protocol}/{port}\n\n' )) heading = True description = manual['description'] file.writelines( auxiliary.e( '\t[-] {description}\n\n')) if 'commands' in manual: if not heading: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] {service} on {protocol}/{port}\n\n' )) heading = True for manual_command in manual[ 'commands']: try: manual_command = auxiliary.e( manual_command) file.writelines( '\t\t' + auxiliary. e('{manual_command}\n\n' )) except KeyError: auxiliary.error( 'Command {bred}could not be documented{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}: {manual_command}.' ) if heading: file.writelines('\n') if 'scan' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: for scan in service_scans_config[service_scan][ 'scan']: if 'name' in scan: name = scan['name'] limit_to = scan['limit_to'] if 'limit_to' in scan else [] if (len(limit_to) > 0) and port not in limit_to: '[{bgreen}Info{rst}] Scan profile {bgreen}{name}{rst} should not be run for port {bgreen}{port}{rst} on target {byellow}{address}{rst} and is ignored.' ) continue # INFO: change for supporting different complexity levels during service scanning run_level = scan[ 'level'] if 'level' in scan else 0 if ((max(args.run_level) > 0) and ((not args.run_only and run_level > max(args.run_level)) or (args.run_only and not run_level in args.run_level))): if args.verbose >= 1: '[Info] Scan profile {bgreen}{name}{rst} is at a {bgreen}different complexity level{rst} and is ignored for target {byellow}{address}{rst}.' ) continue if 'command' in scan: tag = auxiliary.e( '{protocol}/{port}/{name}') command = scan['command'] if 'ports' in scan: port_match = False if protocol == 'tcp': if 'tcp' in scan['ports']: for tcp_port in scan[ 'ports'][ 'tcp']: if port == tcp_port: port_match = True break elif protocol == 'udp': if 'udp' in scan['ports']: for udp_port in scan[ 'ports'][ 'udp']: if port == udp_port: port_match = True break if port_match == False: auxiliary.warn( '{yellow}[{bright}{tag}{srst}] Scan cannot be run against {protocol} port {port}. Skipping.{rst}' ) continue if 'run_once' in scan and scan[ 'run_once'] == True: scan_tuple = (name, ) if scan_tuple in target.scans: auxiliary.warn( '{yellow}[{bright}{tag} on {address}{srst}] Scan should only be run once it appears once, and it appears to have already been queued. Skipping.{rst}' ) continue else: target.scans.append( scan_tuple) else: scan_tuple = (protocol, port, service, name) if scan_tuple in target.scans: auxiliary.warn( '{yellow}[{bright}{tag} on {address}{srst}] Scan appears to have already been queued but it is not marked as run_once in service-scans.toml. Possible duplicate tag? Skipping.{rst}' ) continue else: target.scans.append( scan_tuple) patterns = [] if 'pattern' in scan: patterns = scan['pattern'] try: pending.add( asyncio.ensure_future( run_cmd( semaphore, auxiliary.e( command), target, category=category, tag=tag, scheme=scheme, patterns=patterns, args=args))) except KeyError: auxiliary.error( 'Service detection {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} could not be started' + (' with {bblue}{command}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) elif result['name'] == 'run_cmd': if (not args.skip_post_processing) and ( 'post_processing') in result and (len( result['post_processing']) > 0): for resource, module in result['post_processing']: for item in module: module_name = item[0] post_processor = item[1] module_command = item[2] 'Adding post-processing module {bmagenta}{module_name}{rst} ({bmagenta}{post_processor}{rst}) on target {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' for resource {bblue}{resource}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) post_processor = '{0}/{1}'.format( post_processor, module_name) # do not perform post processing anymore when patterns on deeper levels match # TODO: possibly support post-processing modules up to a certain depth pending.add( asyncio.ensure_future( run_cmd(semaphore, auxiliary.e(module_command), target, category=category, tag=post_processor, scheme=scheme, patterns=patterns, args=args, post_process=False)))
async def read_stream(stream, target, category='?', tag='?', scheme='?', patterns=[], color='', args=None, post_process=True): address = target.address scandir = target.scandir files = target.config['files'] applications = auxiliary.objectview(target.config['applications']) # consider both global as well as service-specific patterns patterns += target.config['patterns'] hits = [] while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: line = str(line.rstrip(), 'utf8', 'ignore') auxiliary.debug('[{bgreen}{address} {tag}{srst}]{rst} {line}', verbose=args.verbose) for p in patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) post_processing_exceptions = p[ 'except'] if 'except' in p else [] for match in matches: if 'description' in p: if args.verbose >= 1: 'Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace( '{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open( os.path.join(target.scandir, files['patterns']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary.e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: if args.verbose >= 1: 'Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}' ) async with target.lock: with open( os.path.join(target.scandir, files['patterns']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) # perform any post-processing tasks when a pattern matched if (not args.skip_post_processing) and (post_process) and ( 'post_processor' in p) and (match not in hits): post_processing = [] for module in p['post_processor']: module_name = module[ 'name'] if 'name' in module else '' module_command = module[ 'command'] if 'command' in module else '' protocol, port, application = tag.split('/') # merge the pattern- and module-specific exceptions exceptions = post_processing_exceptions.copy() if 'except' in module: for exception in module['except']: if exception not in exceptions: exceptions.append(exception) exception_entry = False # TODO: ugly hack to save filename for a URL, needs correction record = '{0}_{1}'.format( os.path.basename(match.rstrip('/')), ''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=5))) for exception in exceptions: entry =, record, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if entry: exception_entry = True if args.verbose >= 1: '[{bgreen}{address} {tag}{srst}]{rst} Post processing module {bgreen}{module_name}{rst} is not executed for resource {match}.', verbose=args.verbose) break if len(module_command) > 0 and not exception_entry: post_processing.append( (module_name, tag, auxiliary.e(module_command))) if (match not in hits) and (len(post_processing) > 0): hits.append((match, post_processing)) else: break return hits
async def run_cmd(semaphore, cmd, target, category='?', tag='?', scheme='?', patterns=[], args=None, post_process=True): async with semaphore: address = target.address files = target.config['files'] scandir = target.scandir hits = [] 'Running task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{cmd}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['commands']), 'a') as file: file.writelines(auxiliary.e('{category} - {cmd}\n\n')) # skip extended service scanning if only respective commands should be documented if args.skip_service_scan: 'Task {bblue}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully.' ) return {'returncode': 0, 'name': 'run_cmd'} process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') output = [ read_stream(process.stdout, target, category=category, tag=tag, scheme=scheme, patterns=patterns, args=args, post_process=post_process), read_stream(process.stderr, target, category=category, tag=tag, scheme=scheme, patterns=patterns, color='{red}', args=args, post_process=post_process) ] await process.wait() results = await asyncio.gather(*output) if process.returncode != 0: auxiliary.error( 'Task {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}.' ) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['errors']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Task {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {cmd}\n' )) else: 'Task {bblue}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully.' ) return { 'returncode': process.returncode, 'name': 'run_cmd', 'post_processing': results[0] }
async def run_portscan(semaphore, tag, target, service_detection, port_scan=None, args=None): async with semaphore: address = target.address scandir = target.scandir files = target.config['files'] applications = auxiliary.objectview(target.config['applications']) nmap_extra = args.nmap if args.nmap_append: nmap_extra += " " + args.nmap_append ports = '' if port_scan is not None: command = auxiliary.e(port_scan[0]) pattern = port_scan[1] 'Running port scan {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{command}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['commands']), 'a') as file: file.writelines(auxiliary.e('{command}\n\n')) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') output = [ parse_port_scan(process.stdout, tag, target, pattern, args), read_stream(process.stderr, target, tag=tag, color='{red}', args=args) ] results = await asyncio.gather(*output) await process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: auxiliary.error( 'Port scan {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}' ) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['errors']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Port scan {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {command}\n' )) return {'returncode': process.returncode} else: 'Port scan {bblue}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully' ) ports = results[0] if len(ports) == 0: return {'returncode': -1} ports = ','.join(ports) try: command = auxiliary.e(service_detection[0]) pattern = service_detection[1] except (KeyError, AttributeError) as err: auxiliary.error( 'Service detection {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} could not be started' + (' (Error {bred}{err}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['errors']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Service detection {tag} could not be started: {err}\n' )) return {'returncode': err} 'Running service detection {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{command}{rst}.' if args.verbose >= 1 else '.')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['commands']), 'a') as file: file.writelines(auxiliary.e('{command}\n\n')) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') output = [ parse_service_detection(process.stdout, tag, target, pattern, args), read_stream(process.stderr, target, tag=tag, color='{red}', args=args) ] results = await asyncio.gather(*output) await process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: auxiliary.error( 'Service detection {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}' ) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, files['errors']), 'a') as file: file.writelines( auxiliary. e('[*] Service detection {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {command}\n' )) else: 'Service detection {bblue}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully.' ) services = results[0] return { 'returncode': process.returncode, 'name': 'run_portscan', 'services': services }