def integrateMetricDictionaryWithTopLevelType(topo_metrics, prefix, newCollection):
    Integrate a dictionary of metrics into an existing dictionary.

    Note that this differs from the dictionary merging for other metric engines.
    This version looks for
    :param topo_metrics:
    :param prefix:
    :param newCollection:


    if 'VisitMetrics' in newCollection:
        if not 'VisitMetrics' in topo_metrics:
            topo_metrics['VisitMetrics'] = {}

        integrateMetricDictionary(topo_metrics['VisitMetrics'], prefix, newCollection['VisitMetrics'])

    if 'Tier1Metrics' in newCollection:
        if not 'Tier1Metrics' in topo_metrics:
            topo_metrics['Tier1Metrics'] = {}

        for t1Type in dUnitDefs:
            safet1Type = getCleanTierName(t1Type)

            if not safet1Type in topo_metrics['Tier1Metrics']:
                topo_metrics['Tier1Metrics'][safet1Type] = {'Name' : t1Type}

            integrateMetricDictionary(topo_metrics['Tier1Metrics'][safet1Type], prefix, newCollection['Tier1Metrics'][safet1Type])
def calculateMetricsForTier1Summary(visitobj):
    visitid = visitobj["visit_id"]
    channelUnits = visitobj['channelUnits']
    tier1Metrics = []
    # create the tier 1 summary metric rows with the correct tier 1
    if channelUnits is not None:
        tier1s = [t["value"]["Tier1"] for t in channelUnits["values"]]
        tier1s = list(set(tier1s))  # this is a quick distinct

        for c in tier1s:
            t = dict()
            t["Tier1"] = c
            populateDefaultColumns(t, visitid)

        tier1FishCountMetrics(tier1Metrics, visitobj)
        tier1LWDMetrics(tier1Metrics, visitobj)

    results = {}
    for t1Metrics in tier1Metrics:
        rawt1Name = t1Metrics['Tier1']
        safet1Name = getCleanTierName(rawt1Name)
        results[safet1Name] = t1Metrics

    return results
def emptiesByChannelUnit(metricDict):
    Instantiate an "Empty" object full of null values in case our calculation fails
    :param metricDict:
    cleantypes = [getCleanTierName(t1Type) for t1Type in dUnitDefs]

    cuMetrics = {t1type: {} for t1type in cleantypes}

    for t1Name, t1Obj in cuMetrics.iteritems():
        for metricName in metricDict.iterkeys():
            # The Tier 1 types from the API need to be sanitized for the metric XML file
            t1Obj[metricName] = None
        t1Obj['Total'] = None

    visitMetrics = {metricName: None for metricName in metricDict.iterkeys()}
    visitMetrics['Total'] = None

    dResults = {'VisitMetrics': visitMetrics, 'Tier1Metrics': cuMetrics}
    return dResults
def metricsByChannelUnit(metricDict, channelUnitMetrics, apiValues,

    # Retrieve channel unit areas and tier 1 type from channel unit metrics
    dChannelUnits = {}
    for unit in channelUnitMetrics:
        unitNumber = int(unit['ChUnitNumber'])
        unitID = next(u['value']['ChannelUnitID']
                      for u in channelUnitMeasurements['values']
                      if u['value']['ChannelUnitNumber'] == unitNumber)
        dChannelUnits[unitNumber] = {}
        dChannelUnits[unitNumber]['Area'] = unit['AreaTotal']
        dChannelUnits[unitNumber]['Tier1'] = unit['Tier1']

        # Loop over each metric.
        # See the metric definitions dict in each calling function.
        # Some metrics group several measurement classes into one metric
        for metricName, subClasses in metricDict.iteritems():
            dChannelUnits[unitNumber][metricName] = 0.0

            # Loop over the API measurements that are used by this metric
            for subClass in subClasses[0]:
                # Sum the proportions of the measurement for this class
                vals = [
                    val[subClass] for val in apiValues
                    if val['ChannelUnitID'] == unitID and val[subClass] != None
                if len(vals) == 0:
                    dChannelUnits[unitNumber][metricName] = None
                    if dChannelUnits[unitNumber][metricName] is None:
                        dChannelUnits[unitNumber][metricName] = 0
                    dChannelUnits[unitNumber][metricName] += np.sum(vals)

    cuMetrics = {}
    for t1Type in dUnitDefs:
        # The Tier 1 types from the API need to be sanitized for the metric XML file
        safet1Type = getCleanTierName(t1Type)
        cuMetrics[safet1Type] = {}
        tier1Total = 0.0

        # Set a template where eveyrthing is zero
        cuMetrics[safet1Type]['Total'] = None
        for metricName, subClasses in metricDict.iteritems():
            cuMetrics[safet1Type][metricName] = None

        t1AreaTot = np.sum([
            val['Area'] for val in dChannelUnits.values()
            if val['Tier1'] == t1Type
        cuMetrics[safet1Type]['Area'] = t1AreaTot

        # Only do this if we have some area to work with. Otherwise we'll be dividing by zero
        if t1AreaTot > 0:
            for metricName, subClasses in metricDict.iteritems():
                vals = [
                    val[metricName] * val['Area']
                    for val in dChannelUnits.values()
                    if val[metricName] is not None and val['Tier1'] == t1Type
                if len(vals) > 0:
                    # Sum product of substrate class proportions for a specific tier 1 type
                    t1SumProd = np.sum(vals)

                    cuMetrics[safet1Type][metricName] = t1SumProd / t1AreaTot

                    if subClasses[1] and cuMetrics[safet1Type][metricName]:
                        tier1Total += cuMetrics[safet1Type][metricName]

                    cuMetrics[safet1Type]['Total'] = tier1Total

    visitMetrics = {}
    for metricName, subClasses in metricDict.iteritems():
        visitMetrics[metricName] = None
    visitMetrics['Total'] = None

    # Throw areas into XML
    areaTot = 0
    for val in dChannelUnits.values():
        if val['Tier1'] != "Small Side Channel":
            areaTot += val['Area']
    visitMetrics['TotalArea'] = areaTot

    metricTotal = 0.0
    for metricName, subClasses in metricDict.iteritems():
        # Sum product of metric value proportions and areas, divided by sum area for all channel units
        vals = [
            val[metricName] * val['Area'] for val in dChannelUnits.values()
            if val[metricName] is not None
            and val['Tier1'] != "Small Side Channel"

        if len(vals) > 0:
            visitMetrics[metricName] = np.sum(vals) / areaTot

            # Only include the metric in the overall total if the argument tuple indicates that the metric should be included
            if subClasses[1]:
                metricTotal += visitMetrics[metricName]

            visitMetrics['Total'] = metricTotal

    dResults = {'VisitMetrics': visitMetrics, 'Tier1Metrics': cuMetrics}
    return dResults
    def _templateMaker(initValue, unitDefinitions):
        This template object is super complex so we need a whole method just to build it
        :param initValue:
        base = {
            "resultsCU": [],
            "ResultsTier1": {},
            "ResultsTier2": {},
            "ResultsChannelSummary": {}

        vallist = [
            'Area', 'Volume', 'Count', 'Spacing', 'Percent', 'Frequency',
        nonelist = [
            'ResidualDepth', 'DepthAtThalwegExit', 'MaxMaxDepth', 'AvgMaxDepth'

        if not unitDefinitions:
            unitDefinitions = dUnitDefs

        # Dictionaries for tier 1 and tier 2 results
        # These require area and volume and by creating them here there will always be values for all types.
        for tier1Name in unitDefinitions:

            base['ResultsTier1'][getCleanTierName(tier1Name)] = {}
                tier1Name)]['Name'] = tier1Name

            for val in vallist:
                    tier1Name)][val] = initValue
            for val in nonelist:
                base['ResultsTier1'][getCleanTierName(tier1Name)][val] = None

            for tier2Name in unitDefinitions[tier1Name]:
                base['ResultsTier2'][getCleanTierName(tier2Name)] = {}
                    tier2Name)]['Name'] = tier2Name

                for val in vallist:
                        tier2Name)][val] = initValue
                for val in nonelist:
                        tier2Name)][val] = None

        # Dictionary for the side channel summary topometrics
        base['ResultsChannelSummary'] = {
            'Main': {
                'Area': initValue
            'SmallSideChannel': {
                'Area': initValue,
                'Count': initValue,
                'Percent': initValue,
                'Volume': initValue
            'LargeSideChannel': {
                'Area': initValue,
                'Count': initValue,
                'Percent': initValue,
                'Volume': initValue
            'SideChannelSummary': {
                'Area': initValue,
                'Count': initValue,
                'Percent': initValue,
                'Volume': initValue
            'ChannelUnitBreakdown': {
                'SmallSideChannel': initValue,
                'Other': initValue
        return base
    def calc(self, shpCUPath, shpThalweg, rasDepth, visitMetrics, dUnits,

        if not os.path.isfile(shpCUPath):
            raise MissingException("Channel units file not found")
        if not os.path.isfile(shpThalweg):
            raise MissingException("Thalweg shape file not found")
        if not os.path.isfile(rasDepth):
            raise MissingException("Depth raster file not found")

        siteLength = visitMetrics['Wetted']['Centerline']['MainstemLength']

        if siteLength is None:
            raise DataException("No valid site length found in visit metrics")

        # Give us a fresh template with 0's in the value positions
        self.metrics = self._templateMaker(0, unitDefs)
        dResultsChannelSummary = self.metrics['ResultsChannelSummary']
        dResultsTier1 = self.metrics['ResultsTier1']
        dResultsTier2 = self.metrics['ResultsTier2']
        resultsCU = self.metrics['resultsCU']

        #Load the Thalweg feature
        thalweg = Shapefile(shpThalweg).featuresToShapely()
        thalwegLine = thalweg[0]['geometry']

        # Load the depth raster
        depthRaster = Raster(rasDepth)

        # Load the channel unit polygons and calculate the total area
        # The channel units should be clipped to the wetted extent and so this
        # can be used as the site area wetted
        shpCU = Shapefile(shpCUPath)
        arrCU = depthRaster.rasterMaskLayer(shpCUPath, "UnitNumber")

        feats = shpCU.featuresToShapely()
        for aFeat in feats:
            dResultsChannelSummary['Main']['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area

        # Loop over each channel unit and calculate topometrics
        for aFeat in feats:
            nCUNumber = int(aFeat['fields']['UnitNumber'])

            if nCUNumber not in dUnits:
                    "Channel Unit: '{0}' not present in the aux data.".format(
                # Keep it general for the exception so we can aggregate them
                raise DataException(
                    "The Channel Unit ShapeFile contains a unit number that is not present in the aux data."

            tier1Name = dUnits[nCUNumber][0]
            tier2Name = dUnits[nCUNumber][1]
            nSegment = dUnits[nCUNumber][2]
            #print "Channel Unit Number {0}, Segment {1}, Tier 1 - {2}, Tier 2 - {3}".format(nCUNumber, nSegment, tier1Name, tier2Name)

            unitMetrics = {}
            unitMetrics['ChannelUnitNumber'] = nCUNumber
            unitMetrics['Area'] = aFeat['geometry'].area
            unitMetrics['Tier1'] = tier1Name
            unitMetrics['Tier2'] = tier2Name
            unitMetrics['Length'] = None
            unitMetrics['ResidualDepth'] = None
            unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit'] = None
            unitMetrics['ThalwegIntersect'] = 0

            # Get the depth raster for this unit as variable so we can check
            # whether it is entirely masked below.
            depArr = depthRaster.array[arrCU == nCUNumber]
            if depArr.count() == 0:
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = 0
                unitMetrics['Volume'] = 0
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = np.max(depArr)
                unitMetrics['Volume'] = np.sum(depthRaster.array[
                    arrCU == nCUNumber]) * (depthRaster.cellWidth**2)

            if nSegment != 1:
                dSideChannelSummary = dResultsChannelSummary[
                dMain = dResultsChannelSummary['Main']
                # Side channel summary captures both small and large side channels
                dSideChannelSummary['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                dSideChannelSummary['Count'] += 1
                dSideChannelSummary['Percent'] = 100 * dSideChannelSummary[
                    'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                dSideChannelSummary['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']

                if 'side' in tier1Name.lower():
                    dSmallSideChannel = dResultsChannelSummary[
                    dSmallSideChannel['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                    dSmallSideChannel['Count'] += 1
                    dSmallSideChannel['Percent'] = 100 * dSmallSideChannel[
                        'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                    dSmallSideChannel['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']
                    dLargeSideChannel = dResultsChannelSummary[
                    dLargeSideChannel['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                    dLargeSideChannel['Count'] += 1
                    dLargeSideChannel['Percent'] = 100 * dLargeSideChannel[
                        'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                    dLargeSideChannel['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']

            if tier1Name is None:
                raise DataException("tier1Name cannot be 'None'")

            if 'side' in tier1Name.lower():
                    'SmallSideChannel'] += 1
                dResultsChannelSummary['ChannelUnitBreakdown']['Other'] += 1

            if (thalwegLine.intersects(aFeat['geometry'])):
                cuThalwegLine = thalwegLine.intersection(aFeat['geometry'])

                exitPoint = None
                if cuThalwegLine.type == 'LineString':
                    exitPoint = cuThalwegLine.coords[0]
                    exitPoint = cuThalwegLine[0].coords[0]

                # Retrieve a list of points along the Thalweg in the channel unit
                thalwegPoints = ChannelUnitMetrics.interpolatePointsAlongLine(
                    cuThalwegLine, 0.13)
                thalwegDepths = ChannelUnitMetrics.lookupRasterValuesAtPoints(
                    thalwegPoints, depthRaster)
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = np.nanmax(thalwegDepths['values'])
                unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit'] = depthRaster.getPixelVal(
                unitMetrics['ResidualDepth'] = unitMetrics[
                    'MaxDepth'] - unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit']
                unitMetrics['Length'] = cuThalwegLine.length
                unitMetrics['ThalwegIntersect'] = 1

            # Tier 1 and tier 2 topometrics. Note that metric dictionary keys are used for XML tags & require cleaning
            tier1NameClean = getCleanTierName(tier1Name)
                                       tier1Name, unitMetrics, siteLength,

            tier2NameClean = getCleanTierName(tier2Name)
                                       tier2Name, unitMetrics, siteLength,

        # Calculate the average of the channel unit max depths for each tier 1 and tier 2 type
        for tierKey, tierMetrics in {
                'Tier1': dResultsTier1,
                'Tier2': dResultsTier2
            for tierName, metricDict in tierMetrics.iteritems():
                maxDepthList = [
                    aResult['MaxDepth'] for aResult in resultsCU
                    if getCleanTierName(aResult[tierKey]) == tierName
                if len(maxDepthList) > 0:
                    metricDict['AvgMaxDepth'] = np.average(maxDepthList)

        # Convert the sum of residual depth and depth at thalweg exist
        # to average residual depth for each tier 1 and tier 2 type
        for tierMetricDict in [dResultsTier1, dResultsTier2]:
            for tierName, tierMetrics in tierMetricDict.iteritems():
                # channel unit types that don't occur should retain the value None for Residual Depth and Depth at Thalweg exit
                if tierMetrics['Count'] > 0 and tierMetrics[
                        'ThalwegIntersectCount'] > 0:
                    for metricName in ['ResidualDepth', 'DepthAtThalwegExit']:
                        if tierMetrics[metricName] is not None and tierMetrics[
                                metricName] != 0:
                            tierMetrics[metricName] = tierMetrics[
                                metricName] / tierMetrics[
                            tierMetrics[metricName] = 0