def check_threads() -> List[Check]:
    return check_execution('./selfie -c <assignment>syscalls.c -m 128',
                           'creates a thread, where the parent can join the thread with MIPSTER', success_criteria=70) + \
        check_execution('./selfie -c selfie.c -m 128 -c <assignment>syscalls.c -y 64',
                        'creates a thread, where the parent can join the thread with HYPSTER', success_criteria=70) + \
        check_mipster_execution('shared-data.c', 42,
                                'data section is shared for threads on MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('shared-data.c', 42,
                                'data section is shared for threads on HYPSTER') + \
        check_mipster_execution('shared-heap.c', 42,
                                'heap data is shared for threads on MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('shared-heap.c', 42,
                                'heap data is shared for threads on HYPSTER')
def check_threads() -> List[Check]:
    return check_execution('./selfie -c <assignment>syscalls.c -m 128',
                           'creates a thread, where the parent can join the thread with MIPSTER', success_criteria=70) + \
        check_execution('./selfie -c selfie.c -m 128 -c <assignment>syscalls.c -y 64',
                        'creates a thread, where the parent can join the thread with HYPSTER', success_criteria=70) + \
        check_mipster_execution('shared-data.c', 42,
                                'data section is shared for threads on MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('shared-data.c', 42,
                                'data section is shared for threads on HYPSTER') + \
        check_mipster_execution('shared-heap.c', 42,
                                'heap data is shared for threads on MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('shared-heap.c', 42,
                                'heap data is shared for threads on HYPSTER') + \
        check_mipster_execution('sum-integer-dekker.c', 210,
                                'two threads correctly calculate the sum from 1 to 20 with Dekker\'s algorithm on MIPSTER') +\
        check_hypster_execution('sum-integer-dekker.c', 210,
                                'two threads correctly calculate the sum from 1 to 20 with Dekker\'s algorithm on HYPSTER')
def check_fork_and_wait() -> List[Check]:
    return check_compilable('parallel-print.c', 'fork and wait compiled') + \
                                lambda code, out: is_permutation_of(
                                    out, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
                                'fork creates a child process, where the parent can wait for the child process with MIPSTER') + \
                                lambda code, out: is_permutation_of(
                                    out, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
                                'fork creates a child process, where the parent can wait for the child process with HYPSTER')
def check_fork_wait_exit() -> List[Check]:
    return check_mipster_execution('sum-exit-code.c', 28,
                                   'exit code is returned as status parameter from wait with MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('sum-exit-code.c', 28,
                                'exit code is returned as status parameter from wait with HYPSTER') + \
        check_mipster_execution('unmapped-page-wait.c', 42,
                                'wait system call maps page to unmapped virtual address') + \
        check_mipster_execution('invalid-address.c', 42,
                                'wait system call correctly handles invalid addresses') + \
        check_mipster_execution('null-ptr.c', 42,
                                'wait system call returns PID when NULL is passed')
def check_fork_wait_exit() -> List[Check]:
    return check_compilable('sum-exit-code.c', 'fork and wait compiled') + \
        check_mipster_execution('sum-exit-code.c', 28,
                                'exit code is returned as status parameter from wait with MIPSTER') + \
        check_hypster_execution('sum-exit-code.c', 28,
                                'exit code is returned as status parameter from wait with HYPSTER')