def get_password(length=8): """ Create a password with uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits. The password will include lowercase letters with higher probability. """ assert length >= 8 # chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_lowercase + \ string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.digits + string.digits chars = ''.join(my_shuffle([x for x in chars])) return ''.join(choice(chars) for x in range(length))
def header(): """ Print a fancy header. The rainbow colored logo only looks good with dark background. If the background is light, skip it. """ rainbow_index = len(logos) - 1 if cfg.g.BACKGROUND == cfg.DARK: # include the rainbow indexes = range(len(logos)) else: # exclude the rainbow indexes = range(len(logos)-1) pos = choice(my_shuffle(indexes)) if pos == rainbow_index: print(logos[pos]) else: col = cfg.colors[cfg.g.BACKGROUND]["header"] print(bold(logos[pos], col))