def _main(): """ The main entry point into Faceswap. - Generates the config files, if they don't pre-exist. - Compiles the :class:`~lib.cli.args.FullHelpArgumentParser` objects for each section of Faceswap. - Sets the default values and launches the relevant script. - Outputs help if invalid parameters are provided. """ generate_configs() subparser = _PARSER.add_subparsers() cli_args.ExtractArgs(subparser, "extract", _("Extract the faces from pictures or a video")) cli_args.TrainArgs(subparser, "train", _("Train a model for the two faces A and B")) cli_args.ConvertArgs( subparser, "convert", _("Convert source pictures or video to a new one with the face swapped" )) cli_args.GuiArgs(subparser, "gui", _("Launch the Faceswap Graphical User Interface")) cli_args.InsertArgs( subparser, "insert", _("Convert source pictures or video to a new one using pre-defined faces" )) _PARSER.set_defaults(func=_bad_args) arguments = _PARSER.parse_args() arguments.func(arguments)
from lib.config import generate_configs if sys.version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception("This program requires at least python3.6") if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 6: raise Exception("This program requires at least python3.6") def bad_args(args): """ Print help on bad arguments """ PARSER.print_help() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": generate_configs() PARSER = cli.FullHelpArgumentParser() SUBPARSER = PARSER.add_subparsers() EXTRACT = cli.ExtractArgs(SUBPARSER, "extract", "Extract the faces from pictures") TRAIN = cli.TrainArgs(SUBPARSER, "train", "This command trains the model for the two faces A and B") CONVERT = cli.ConvertArgs(SUBPARSER, "convert", "Convert a source image to a new one with the face swapped") GUI = cli.GuiArgs(SUBPARSER, "gui", "Launch the Faceswap Graphical User Interface") PARSER.set_defaults(func=bad_args)