def Check_Installtion_G3nius(Verbos=True): if (isdir('/usr/share/G3nius-Tools') and isfile('/bin/g3nius-tools')): if (Verbos): Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "G3nius-Tools already Installed.") return True else: if (Verbos): Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "G3nius-Tools not installed.") return False
def gpl_read_from_file(File_Name, read_bytes=False, encoding='UTF-8', show_error=True, on_access_failed_text="Can't read file.", on_access_failed_description_text=None, on_access_failed_return_value=None, on_access_failed_exit_code=None, on_CTRL_C_return_value=None, on_CTRL_C_exit_code=None): try: if read_bytes: file = open(File_Name, 'rb', encoding=encoding) else: file = open(File_Name, 'r', encoding=encoding) Content = file.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: if on_CTRL_C_exit_code: Exit_Request(Exit_Codes.CTRL_C) return on_CTRL_C_return_value except: if show_error: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_access_failed_text, on_access_failed_description_text) if on_access_failed_exit_code: Exit_Request(on_access_failed_exit_code) return on_access_failed_return_value return Content
def Clean_Temp_Dir(Exit_If_Error=True): Location = G3nius_Location() try: if isdir(Location + '/tmp'): rmtree(Location + '/tmp') elif isfile(Location + '/tmp'): remove(Location + '/tmp') mkdir(Location + '/tmp') except: # import here to block loop from lib.core.Error_Handler import Handler if Exit_If_Error: Handler(Critical, "'tmp' folder can't be delete or create! Manage access.") else: Handler(High, "'tmp' folder can't be delete or create! Manage access.")
def gpl_while_input(title: str, list_of_chooses=[], text_color='magenta', number_color='green', title_color='white', input_text='Number of choose : ', input_color='blue', on_invalid_sleep_time=1, on_invalid_text='Invalid number!', on_exit_request_text='Exit with user request.', on_exit_request_forground_text_color='yellow', exit_option=True, exit_option_text='Exit (or "q").'): if exit_option: list_of_chooses.append(exit_option_text) while True: gpl_clear_and_banner() print(colored(title, title_color)) i = 0 for option in list_of_chooses: i += 1 print("\t" + colored(str(i), number_color) + ' ' + colored(option, text_color)) choose = gpl_input("\n" + input_text, input_color, clear_and_banner_before=False) try: choose = int(choose) except: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_invalid_text) gpl_sleep(on_invalid_sleep_time) continue else: if choose <= 0 or choose > len(list_of_chooses): Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_invalid_text) gpl_sleep(on_invalid_sleep_time) continue if exit_option and choose == len(list_of_chooses): print( colored(on_exit_request_text, on_exit_request_forground_text_color)) Exit_Request(Exit_Codes.Normal) else: list_of_chooses.pop() return choose
def Uninstall_G3nius(Verbos=True): if Check_Installtion_G3nius(False): if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "Uninstalling G3nius-Tools...") try: rmtree(Location, '/usr/share/G3nius-Tools') unlink('/bin/g3nius-tools') except: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Can't delete from '/usr/share/' or '/bin/'.", "Manage your access and make sure run as root or administrator.") return False else: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "G3nius-Tools uninstalled successfully.") return True else: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "G3nius-Tools already not installed.") return False
def Plugin_Launcher(Plugin): # check open source if Plugin['Import_G3nius']: # run source with g3nius-tools libs try: Crash_Details = Run_File('plugins.' + Plugin['Name'] + '.main', subprocess_call=False) except EndScript_Class: return except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, 'Plugin ended with user request.') except Exception as EX: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Plugin crashed! Can't find & say line number to you :(", str(EX)) else: if Crash_Details != None: if Crash_Details[1] == 0: Handler( Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Failed to import " + G3nius_Location() + '/' + Crash_Details[0]) else: Handler( Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Plugin crashed at: '" + G3nius_Location() + '/' + Crash_Details[0] + "' Line: " + str(Crash_Details[1])) else: # close source try: Run_File(Plugin['File_Address']) except PermissionError: try: chmod(Plugin['File_Address'], 0o771) except: Handler( Error_Levels.Failed_Job, 'File address "' + Plugin['File_Address'] + '" not have execute access!') else: Plugin_Launcher(Plugin) except Exception as EX: if str(EX)[0:28] == '[Errno 8] Exec format error:': Handler( Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "This plugin isn't for your CPU (ARM or AMD) or not have SheBang.", "SheBang is first line at file, should thats like: #!/bin/python3" ) else: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Plugin crashed!", "Exception:\t" + str(EX)) except: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Plugin crashed!")
def Install_G3nius(Verbos=True): if not Check_Installtion_G3nius(False): if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "Installing G3nius-Tools...") try: move(Location, '/usr/share/G3nius-Tools') symlink('/usr/share/G3nius-Tools/', '/bin/g3nius-tools') except: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Can't write on G3nius folder or '/usr/share/' or '/bin/'.", "Manage your access and make sure run as root or administrator.") return False else: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "G3nius-Tools installed successfully.", "Command is 'g3nius-tools'") Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "Current directory is moved to '/usr/share/G3nius-Tools/',\nUse 'cd ..' before.") return True else: if Verbos: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, "G3nius-Tools already installed.") return None
def gpl_check_root_needed_with_error(text='Access denie! Run again as Root.', description=None, end_plugin=False, exit_code=None, before_exit_text=None): if not gpl_check_is_root(): Handler(Error_Levels.High, text, description) if end_plugin: End_Plugin() elif exit_code != None: Exit_Request(exit_code, text_after_clear=before_exit_text)
def gpl_write_to_file(File_Name: str, Data, Mode='w', on_access_error_text="Can't write to file!", on_accesss_error_text_description=None): try: File = open(File_Name, Mode) File.write(Data) File.close() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): return None except: if on_access_error_text: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_access_error_text, on_accesss_error_text_description) return False else: return True
def gpl_arp_spoof(target_IP, gateway_IP, ignore_IP_exists_check=False, print_log=False): global ARP_SPOOF_RUN try: gpl_set_ipv4_forward_state(True) Target_State = gpl_ipv4_icmp_exists_check(target_IP) Gateway_State = gpl_ipv4_icmp_exists_check(gateway_IP) if (Target_State == True and Gateway_State == True) or ignore_IP_exists_check: Target_MAC = gpl_ip_to_mac(target_IP) Gateway_MAC = gpl_ip_to_mac(gateway_IP) while ARP_SPOOF_RUN: if print_log: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, 'Send ArpSpoof between "' + target_IP + '" (' + Target_MAC + ') and "' + gateway_IP + '" (' + Gateway_MAC + ')') # target -> hacker -> gateway gpl_arp_spoof_fake_once(target_IP, Target_MAC, gateway_IP) # gatewat -> hacker -> target gpl_arp_spoof_fake_once(gateway_IP, Gateway_MAC, target_IP) gpl_sleep(ARP_Spoof_Resend_Sleep, manage_ctrl_C_and_exit=False) ARP_SPOOF_RUN = True else: return None except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): gpl_set_ipv4_forward_state(False) raise KeyboardInterrupt
def gpl_input(text: str, dont_style=False, forground_color='white', clear_and_banner_before=True, on_invalid_after_clear_text=None, clear_before=False, on_exit_request_text='\nExit with user request.', on_exit_request_forground_color='yellow', q_to_exit=True, clear_and_banner_when_exit=True, clear_when_exit=False, get_int=False, get_float=False, get_ip=False, on_invalid_number_text='Invalid number!', on_invalid_sleep_by_sec=1, on_invalid_clear_and_banner=True, on_invalid_ip_text="Invalid IP!"): if clear_and_banner_before and (not clear_before): gpl_clear_and_banner() elif clear_before: gpl_clear() try: while True: if dont_style: choose = input(text) else: choose = input(colored(text, forground_color)) if q_to_exit and (str.lower(choose) == 'q' or str.lower(choose) == 'exit'): if clear_when_exit: gpl_clear() elif clear_and_banner_when_exit: gpl_clear_and_banner() print( colored(on_exit_request_text, on_exit_request_forground_color)) Exit_Request(Exit_Codes.Normal) else: if get_float: try: choose = float(choose) except: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_invalid_number_text) gpl_sleep(on_invalid_sleep_by_sec) if on_invalid_clear_and_banner: gpl_clear_and_banner() if on_invalid_after_clear_text: print(on_invalid_after_clear_text) else: return choose elif get_int: try: choose = int(choose) except: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_invalid_number_text) gpl_sleep(on_invalid_sleep_by_sec) if on_invalid_clear_and_banner: gpl_clear_and_banner() if on_invalid_after_clear_text: print(on_invalid_after_clear_text) else: return choose elif get_ip: try: ip_address(choose) except: Handler(Error_Levels.High, on_invalid_ip_text) gpl_sleep(on_invalid_sleep_by_sec) if on_invalid_clear_and_banner: gpl_clear_and_banner() if on_invalid_after_clear_text: print(on_invalid_after_clear_text) else: return choose else: return choose except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print( colored("\n" + on_exit_request_text, on_exit_request_forground_color)) Exit_Request(Exit_Codes.CTRL_C, text_after_clear=colored('Exit with user request.', 'yellow'))
# core from lib.core.End_Plugin import End_Plugin from lib.core.Error_Handler import Handler from lib.core.G3nius_Location import G3nius_Location from lib.core.main.Restart_G3nius import Restart_G3nius from lib.core.Check_Supported_OS import Check_Supported # GPL from lib.GPL.HTTP_Managers import gpl_http_get from lib.GPL.IO import gpl_input, gpl_sleep, gpl_confirm from lib.GPL.Page_Managers import gpl_clear_and_banner, gpl_set_banner_verion from lib.GPL.File_Workers import gpl_write_to_file from lib.GPL.String_Workers import gpl_fix_string_to_uri """ check supporting OS """ if not Check_Supported(Linux=True): Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, "Only Linux users can use online Updater plugin!", "Download and reinstall new version of G3nius-Tools.") """ local varibles """ URL = '' Plugin_Version = '2.0.6' Location = G3nius_Location() # collect data from server gpl_set_banner_verion(Plugin_Version) del Plugin_Version gpl_clear_and_banner() Handler(Error_Levels.Info, "Checking update...") Busy_Server_Text = 'Update server is very busy. auto retry.. (If take many times, Use CTRL+C and retry later)' Last_version = gpl_http_get(URL + 'Version.Version', ok_http_codes=[200],
# import G3nius-Tools #!/bin/python3 # coding: utf-8 """ libs """ from import gpl_ip_to_mac from lib.GPL.IO import gpl_input from lib.GPL.Page_Managers import gpl_clear_and_banner, gpl_set_banner_verion from lib.core.Error_Handler import Handler import lib.config.Error_Levels as Error_Levels """ configs """ Version = '2.0.1' """ proccess """ # clear page gpl_set_banner_verion(Version) gpl_clear_and_banner() # find mac IP = gpl_input('Enter IP address: ', get_ip=True) MAC = gpl_ip_to_mac(IP) gpl_clear_and_banner() if MAC: Handler(Error_Levels.Alert, 'Found:\t' + MAC) else: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, 'MAC not found!', 'May be ARP (as broadcast) filtered by firewall.')
# GPL from lib.GPL.IO import gpl_input, gpl_while_input, gpl_sleep from lib.GPL.File_Workers import gpl_write_to_file, gpl_read_from_file from lib.GPL.Page_Managers import gpl_set_banner_verion, gpl_clear_and_banner # Core from lib.core.Check_Supported_OS import Check_Supported from lib.core.End_Plugin import End_Plugin from lib.core.Error_Handler import Handler # config import lib.config.Error_Levels as Error_Levels # EOF and Keyboard Interupt try: # check OS if not Check_Supported(Linux=True): Handler(Error_Levels.High, "This plugin is only for Linux users.") End_Plugin() """ config """ Plugin_Version = '2.0.0' Status_Codes = {1: "0", 2: "1", 3: "255"} """ setup """ gpl_set_banner_verion(Plugin_Version) gpl_clear_and_banner() """ get LEDs""" LEDs = listdir('/sys/class/leds/') LEDs.sort() while True: # ask from user Choose = gpl_while_input("Select once LED on your system:", LEDs) Value = gpl_while_input(
'cyan')) print( colored(" 3. ", 'magenta') + colored( "You don't should use cracked versions or try to reverse engineering.\n\tAlso, we may be use some APIs, You don't should do any attacks on us.", 'cyan')) print( colored(" 4. ", 'magenta') + colored( "We're collecting some data from your system\n\t(like: run times count. G3nius-Tools errors etc…) to improve G3nius.\n\tThis is optional,\n\tYou can set to 'False' value in 'lib/config/' file.", 'cyan')) choose = gpl_input("Type 'yes' to agree terms & rules: ", clear_and_banner_before=False) if choose.lower() == 'yes': try: open(Location + '/lib/agree', 'w').close() except: Handler(Error_Levels.Critical, "Can't create file! check access of folder.") break else: Handler(Error_Levels.Failed_Job, 'Type "yes" to agree.') gpl_sleep(1) # checking if give parameters if len(argv) > 1: Delete_TMP_Folder = True if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv: print(colored('HELP PAGE:', 'white')) print(colored('\n Parameters:', 'white')) print( colored('\n -h ', 'green') + colored(',', 'magenta') + colored(' --help', 'green') + colored('\n Get help page.', 'blue'))