def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False warnFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.api: self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication( os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath) except: warnFile = True _ = unicodeencode( re.sub(r"[^\w]", UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) dumpDbPath = os.path.join( conf.dumpPath, "%s-%s" % (_, hashlib.md5(unicodeencode(db)).hexdigest()[:8])) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath) except Exception, ex: try: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapdb") except IOError, _: errMsg = "unable to write to the temporary directory ('%s'). " % _ errMsg += "Please make sure that your disk is not full and " errMsg += "that you have sufficient write permissions to " errMsg += "create temporary files and/or directories" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) warnMsg = "unable to create dump directory " warnMsg += "'%s' (%s). " % (dumpDbPath, getSafeExString(ex)) warnMsg += "Using temporary directory '%s' instead" % tempDir logger.warn(warnMsg) dumpDbPath = tempDir
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False warnFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.api: self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication( os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) except: warnFile = True _ = unicodeencode( re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) dumpDbPath = os.path.join( conf.dumpPath, "%s-%s" % (_, hashlib.md5(unicodeencode(db)).hexdigest()[:8])) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) except Exception, ex: try: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapdb") except IOError, _: errMsg = u"无法写入临时目录 ('%s').请确保您的磁盘未满,并且您具有足够的写权限来创建临时文件或目录 " % _ raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) warnMsg = u"无法创建转储目录 " warnMsg += u"'%s' (%s). " % (dumpDbPath, getSafeExString(ex)) warnMsg += u"使用临时目录'%s'代替" % tempDir logger.warn(warnMsg) dumpDbPath = tempDir
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False warnFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if hasattr(conf, "api"): self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return _ = re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", normalizeUnicode(unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) if len(_) < len(db) or IS_WIN and db.upper() in WINDOWS_RESERVED_NAMES: _ = unicodeencode( re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) dumpDbPath = os.path.join( conf.dumpPath, "%s-%s" % (_, hashlib.md5(unicodeencode(db)).hexdigest()[:8])) warnFile = True else: dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, _) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication( os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) except (OSError, IOError), ex: try: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapdb") except IOError, _: errMsg = "unable to write to the temporary directory ('%s'). " % _ errMsg += "Please make sure that your disk is not full and " errMsg += "that you have sufficient write permissions to " errMsg += "create temporary files and/or directories" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) warnMsg = "unable to create dump directory " warnMsg += "'%s' (%s). " % (dumpDbPath, ex) warnMsg += "Using temporary directory '%s' instead" % tempDir logger.warn(warnMsg) dumpDbPath = tempDir
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False warnFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.api: self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication(os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath) except: warnFile = True _ = re.sub(r"[^\w]", UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s-%s" % (_, hashlib.md5(getBytes(db)).hexdigest()[:8])) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): try: os.makedirs(dumpDbPath) except Exception as ex: tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapdb") warnMsg = "unable to create dump directory " warnMsg += "'%s' (%s). " % (dumpDbPath, getSafeExString(ex)) warnMsg += "Using temporary directory '%s' instead" % tempDir logger.warn(warnMsg) dumpDbPath = tempDir dumpFileName = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, re.sub(r'[\\/]', UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, "%s.%s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()))) if not checkFile(dumpFileName, False): try: openFile(dumpFileName, "w+b").close() except SqlmapSystemException: raise except: warnFile = True _ = re.sub(r"[^\w]", UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, normalizeUnicode(unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table))) if len(_) < len(table) or IS_WIN and table.upper() in WINDOWS_RESERVED_NAMES: _ = re.sub(r"[^\w]", UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table)) dumpFileName = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s-%s.%s" % (_, hashlib.md5(getBytes(table)).hexdigest()[:8], conf.dumpFormat.lower())) else: dumpFileName = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s.%s" % (_, conf.dumpFormat.lower())) else: appendToFile = any((conf.limitStart, conf.limitStop)) if not appendToFile: count = 1 while True: candidate = "%s.%d" % (dumpFileName, count) if not checkFile(candidate, False): try: shutil.copyfile(dumpFileName, candidate) except IOError: pass break else: count += 1 dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb" if not appendToFile else "ab", buffering=DUMP_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE) count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(list(tableValues.keys())) if conf.col: cols = conf.col.split(',') columns = sorted(columns, key=lambda _: cols.index(_) if _ in cols else 0) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db) if db else "Current database", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"%s\" />\n" % VERSION_STRING) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n<body>\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n") if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] column = unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if not appendToFile: if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<th>%s</th>" % getUnicode(cgi.escape(column).encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace"))) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n") self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n" if not appendToFile else "") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<tr>") for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if len(value) > MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE and r'\x' in value: try: mimetype = getText(magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True)) if any(mimetype.startswith(_) for _ in ("application", "image")): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath) _ = re.sub(r"[^\w]", UNSAFE_DUMP_FILEPATH_REPLACEMENT, normalizeUnicode(unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column))) filepath = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s-%d.bin" % (_, randomInt(8))) warnMsg = "writing binary ('%s') content to file '%s' " % (mimetype, filepath) logger.warn(warnMsg) with openFile(filepath, "w+b", None) as f: _ = safechardecode(value, True) f.write(_) except magic.MagicException as ex: logger.debug(getSafeExString(ex)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<td>%s</td>" % getUnicode(cgi.escape(value).encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace"))) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "</tr>\n") self._write("|", console=console) self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 database '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "</tbody>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>") else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close() msg = "table '%s.%s' dumped to %s file '%s'" % (db, table, conf.dumpFormat, dumpFileName) if not warnFile: else: logger.warn(msg)
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if hasattr(conf, "api"): self._write(tableValues, content_type=API_CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: documentNode = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "table", None) tableNode = documentNode.documentElement if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: headNode = documentNode.createElement("thead") rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(headNode) headNode.appendChild(rowNode) bodyNode = documentNode.createElement("tbody") tableNode.appendChild(bodyNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(column)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") bodyNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if len(value) > MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE and r'\x' in value: mimetype = magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True) if any(mimetype.startswith(_) for _ in ("application", "image")): filepath = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s-%d.bin" % (column, randomInt(8))) warnMsg = "writing binary ('%s') content to file '%s' " % (mimetype, filepath) logger.warn(warnMsg) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: _ = safechardecode(value, True) f.write(_) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(value)) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("|", console=console) self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 database '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, tableNode.toxml()) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</html>") else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"table '%s.%s' dumped to %s file '%s'" % (db, table, conf.dumpFormat, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if hasattr(conf, "api"): self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication(os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s.%s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower())) appendToFile = os.path.isfile(dumpFileName) and any((conf.limitStart, conf.limitStop)) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb" if not appendToFile else "ab") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db) if db else "Current database", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n<body>\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n") if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] column = unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if not appendToFile: if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<th>%s</th>" % cgi.escape(column).encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n") self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n" if not appendToFile else "") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<tr>") for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if len(value) > MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE and r'\x' in value: try: mimetype = magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True) if any(mimetype.startswith(_) for _ in ("application", "image")): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) filepath = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s-%d.bin" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), randomInt(8))) warnMsg = "writing binary ('%s') content to file '%s' " % (mimetype, filepath) logger.warn(warnMsg) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: _ = safechardecode(value, True) f.write(_) except magic.MagicException, err: logger.debug(str(err)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<td>%s</td>" % cgi.escape(value).encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "</tr>\n") self._write("|", console=console)
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None documentNode, tableNode, bodyNode, headNode, rowNode = (0, ) * 5 dumpFP = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication( "%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append( (column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: documentNode = getDOMImplementation().createDocument( None, "table", None) tableNode = documentNode.documentElement if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: headNode = documentNode.createElement("thead") rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(headNode) headNode.appendChild(rowNode) bodyNode = documentNode.createElement("tbody") tableNode.appendChild(bodyNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(column)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") bodyNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild( documentNode.createTextNode(value)) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("|", console=console) self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 database '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n") dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, tableNode.toxml()) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</html>") else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"table '%s.%s' dumped to %s file '%s'" % (db, table, conf.dumpFormat, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.replicate: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) else: dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.csv" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table)) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.replicate: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") if conf.replicate: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = {" ": NULL, "": BLANK}.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), n=False, console=console) if not conf.replicate: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) field += 1 if conf.replicate: try: rtable.insert(values) except sqlmapValueException: pass self._write("|", console=console) if not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.replicate: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 file '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"table '%s.%s' dumped to CSV file '%s'" % (db, table, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if hasattr(conf, "api"): self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = os.path.join( conf.dumpPath, re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication( os.path.join(conf.dumpPath, "%s.sqlite3" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = os.path.join( dumpDbPath, "%s.%s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower())) appendToFile = os.path.isfile(dumpFileName) and any( (conf.limitStart, conf.limitStop)) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb" if not appendToFile else "ab") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) if conf.col: cols = conf.col.split(',') columns = sorted(columns, key=lambda _: cols.index(_) if _ in cols else 0) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write( "Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db) if db else "Current database", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n") dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n<body>\n<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n") if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] column = unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if not appendToFile: if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<th>%s</th>" % cgi.escape(column).encode( "ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n") self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n" if not appendToFile else "") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<tr>") for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if len(value ) > MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE and r'\x' in value: try: mimetype = magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True) if any( mimetype.startswith(_) for _ in ("application", "image")): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) filepath = os.path.join( dumpDbPath, "%s-%d.bin" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), randomInt(8))) warnMsg = "writing binary ('%s') content to file '%s' " % ( mimetype, filepath) logger.warn(warnMsg) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: _ = safechardecode(value, True) f.write(_) except magic.MagicException, err: logger.debug(str(err)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "<td>%s</td>" % cgi.escape(value).encode( "ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "</tr>\n") self._write("|", console=console)
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.replicate: replication = Replication( "%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) else: dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.csv" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table)) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.replicate: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append( (column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") if conf.replicate: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = {" ": NULL, "": BLANK}.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), n=False, console=console) if not conf.replicate: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile( dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) field += 1 if conf.replicate: try: rtable.insert(values) except sqlmapValueException: pass self._write("|", console=console) if not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.replicate: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 file '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"table '%s.%s' dumped to CSV file '%s'" % (db, table, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.replicate: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.csv" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, table) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = tableValues.keys() columns.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self.__write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.replicate: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue _ = int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue _ = float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) if count == 1: self.__write("[1 entry]") else: self.__write("[%d entries]" % count) self.__write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s," % safeCSValue(column)) field += 1 self.__write("|\n%s" % separator) if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") if conf.replicate: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed " warnMsg += "due to the large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) if"^[\ *]*$", value): value = "NULL" values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), n=False, console=console) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s," % safeCSValue(value)) field += 1 if conf.replicate: rtable.insert(values) self.__write("|", console=console) if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self.__write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.replicate: rtable.endTransaction()"Table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 file '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"Table '%s.%s' dumped to CSV file '%s'" % (db, table, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.replicate: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.csv" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, table) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = tableValues.keys() columns.sort( key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self.__write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db, table)) if conf.replicate: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue _ = int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue _ = float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append( (column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) if count == 1: self.__write("[1 entry]") else: self.__write("[%d entries]" % count) self.__write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % column) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s," % column) field += 1 self.__write("|\n%s" % separator) if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") for i in range(count): field = 1 values = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) if"^[\ *]*$", value): value = "NULL" values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\"%s\"" % value) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\"%s\"," % value) field += 1 if conf.replicate: rtable.insert(values) self.__write("|") if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self.__write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.replicate:"Table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 file '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"Table '%s.%s' dumped to CSV file '%s'" % (db, table, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None dumpFP = None appendToFile = False if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if hasattr(conf, "api"): self._write(tableValues, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE.DUMP_TABLE) return dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()) appendToFile = os.path.isfile(dumpFileName) and any((conf.limitStart, conf.limitStop)) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb" if not appendToFile else "ab") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db) if db else "Current database", unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table))) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: documentNode = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "table", None) tableNode = documentNode.documentElement if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: headNode = documentNode.createElement("thead") rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(headNode) headNode.appendChild(rowNode) bodyNode = documentNode.createElement("tbody") tableNode.appendChild(bodyNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] column = unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if not appendToFile: if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(column)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n" if not appendToFile else "") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") bodyNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if len(value) > MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE and r'\x' in value: try: mimetype = magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True) if any(mimetype.startswith(_) for _ in ("application", "image")): if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) filepath = os.path.join(dumpDbPath, "%s-%d.bin" % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column), randomInt(8))) warnMsg = "writing binary ('%s') content to file '%s' " % (mimetype, filepath) logger.warn(warnMsg) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: _ = safechardecode(value, True) f.write(_) except magic.MagicException, err: logger.debug(str(err)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(value)) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("|", console=console)
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.replicate: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, db) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.csv" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, table) dumpFP =, "wb", conf.dataEncoding) count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = tableValues.keys() columns.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self.__write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db, table)) if conf.replicate: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue temp = int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if"^[\ *]*$", value): #NULL continue temp = float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) if count == 1: self.__write("[1 entry]") else: self.__write("[%d entries]" % count) self.__write(separator) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % column) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s," % column) field += 1 self.__write("|\n%s" % separator) if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") for i in range(count): field = 1 values = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) if"^[\ *]*$", value): value = "NULL" values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self.__write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), n=False) if not conf.replicate: if not conf.multipleTargets and field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\"%s\"" % value) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\"%s\"," % value) field += 1 if conf.replicate: rtable.insert(values) self.__write("|") if not conf.multipleTargets and not conf.replicate: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self.__write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.replicate:"Table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 file '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif not conf.multipleTargets: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"Table '%s.%s' dumped to CSV file '%s'" % (db, table, dumpFileName))
def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None documentNode = None tableNode = None rowNode = None dumpFP = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: documentNode = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "table", None) tableNode = documentNode.documentElement if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(column)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(value)) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except sqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("|", console=console) self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.endTransaction()"table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 database '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</head>\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, tableNode.toxml()) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n</html>") else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close()"table '%s.%s' dumped to %s file '%s'" % (db, table, conf.dumpFormat, dumpFileName))