class Parser(Scanner, CodeGenerator): """Parser class Parses the given source file using the defined language structure. Inherits: Scanner: The lexer component of the compiler. CodeGenerator: The class responsible for output file abstraction. Attributes: debug: Boolean attribute denoting if successfully parsed tokens should be displayed as they are encountered and parsed. Methods: parse: Parses the given file until a terminal error is encountered or the end-of-file token is reached. """ def __init__(self, debug=False): super(Parser, self).__init__() # Public class attributes self.debug = debug # Define the previous, current, and future token holder self._previous = None self._current = None self._future = None # Define the identifier table to hold all var/program/procedure names self._ids = IdentifierTable() self._has_errors = False return def parse(self, src_path, dest_path): """Begin Parsing Begins the parse of the inputted source file. Arguments: src_path: The input source file to parse. dest_path: The output target file to write. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # Attach the source file for reading if not self.attach_source(src_path): return False # Attach the destination file for writing if not self.attach_destination(dest_path): return False # Generate the compiled code header to handle runtime overhead self.generate_header() # Advance the tokens twice to populate both current and future tokens self._advance_token() self._advance_token() # Add all runtime functions self._add_runtime() # Begin parsing the root <program> language structure try: self._parse_program() except ParserSyntaxError: return False # Generate the compiled code footer self.generate_footer() # Make sure there's no junk after the end of program if not self._check('eof'): self._warning('eof') if not self._has_errors: self.commit() return True def _add_runtime(self): """Add Runtime Functions Adds each runtime function to the list of global functions. """ # The runtime_functions list is defined in the CodeGenerator class for func_name in iter(self.runtime_functions): # Get all parameters for these functions param_ids = [] param_list = self.runtime_functions[func_name] for index, param in enumerate(param_list): # Build up each param, add it to the list id_obj = Identifier(name=param[0], type=param[1], size=None, params=None, mm_ptr=(index+1)) p_obj = Parameter(id=id_obj, direction=param[2]) param_ids.append(p_obj) # Build the function's identifier func_id = Identifier(name=func_name, type='procedure', size=None, params=param_ids, mm_ptr=1) # Add the function to the global scope of the identifier table self._ids.add(func_id, is_global=True) return def _warning(self, msg, line, prefix='Warning'): """Print Parser Warning Message (Protected) Prints a parser warning message with details about the expected token and the current token being parsed. Arguments: msg: The warning message to display. line: The line where the warning has occurred. prefix: A string value to be printed at the start of the warning. Overwritten for error messages. (Default: 'Warning') """ print('{0}: "{1}", line {2}'.format(prefix, self._src_path, line)) print(' {0}'.format(msg)) print(' {0}'.format(self._get_line(line))) return def _syntax_error(self, expected): """Print Syntax Error Message (Protected) Prints a syntax error message with details about the expected token and the current token being parsed. After error printing, an exception is raised to be caught and resolved by parent nodes. Arguments: expected: A string containing the expected token type/value. Raises: ParserSyntaxError: If this method is being called, an error has been encountered during parsing. """ token = self._current # Print the error message msg = 'Expected {0}, encountered "{1}" ({2})'.format( expected, token.value, token.type) self._warning(msg, token.line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True raise ParserSyntaxError() def _name_error(self, msg, name, line): """Print Name Error Message (Protected) Prints a name error message with details about the encountered identifier which caused the error. Arguments: msg: The reason for the error. name: The name of the identifier where the name error occured. line: The line where the name error occured. """ msg = '{0}: {1}'.format(name, msg) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _type_error(self, expected, encountered, line): """Print Type Error Message (Protected) Prints a type error message with details about the expected type an the type that was encountered. Arguments: expected: A string containing the expected token type. encountered: A string containing the type encountered. line: The line on which the type error occurred. """ msg = 'Expected {0} type, encountered {1}'.format(expected, encountered) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _runtime_error(self, msg, line): """Print Runtime Error Message (Protected) Prints a runtime error message with details about the runtime error. Arguments: msg: The reason for the error. line: The line where the runtime error occured. """ self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _advance_token(self): """Advance Tokens (Protected) Populates the 'current' token with the 'future' token and populates the 'future' token with the next token in the source file. """ self._previous = self._current self._current = self._future if self._future is None or self._future.type != 'eof': self._future = self.next_token() return def _check(self, type, value=None, future=False): """Check Token (Protected) Peeks at the token to see if the current token matches the given type and value. If it doesn't, don't make a big deal about it. Arguments: type: The expected type of the token. value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) future: If True, the future token is checked (Default: False) Returns: True if the token matches the expected value, False otherwise. """ token = self._current if future: token = self._future return token.type == type and (token.value == value or value is None) def _accept(self, type, value=None): """Accept Token (Protected) Compares the token to an expected type and value. If it matches, then consume the token. If not, don't make a big deal about it. Arguments: type: The expected type of the token. value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) Returns: True if the token matches the expected value, False otherwise. """ if self._check(type, value): #if self.debug: # print('>>> Consuming:', self._current) self._advance_token() return True return False def _match(self, type, value=None): """Match Token (Protected) Compares the token to an expected type and value. If it matches, then consume the token. If not, then throw an error and panic. Arguments: type: The expected type of the token. value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) Returns: The matched Token class object if successful. """ # Check the type, if we specified debug, print everything matchd if self._accept(type, value): return self._previous # Something different than expected was encountered if value is not None: self._syntax_error('"'+value+'" ('+type+')') else: self._syntax_error(type) def _resync_at_token(self, type, value=None): """Resync at Token Finds the next token of the given type and value and moves the current token to that point. Code parsing can continue from there. Arguments: type: The type of the token to resync. value: The value of the token to resync. (Default: None) """ while not self._check(type, value): self._advance_token() return def _parse_program(self): """<program> (Protected) Parses the <program> language structure. <program> ::= <program_header> <program_body> """ id = self._parse_program_header() self._parse_program_body(id) return def _parse_program_header(self): """<program_header> (Protected) Parses the <program_header> language structure. <program_header> ::= 'program' <identifier> 'is' Returns: The id object with information about the procedure identifier. """ self._match('keyword', 'program') id_name = self._current.value self._match('identifier') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() # Add the new identifier to the global table id = Identifier(id_name, 'program', None, None, label_id) self._ids.add(id, is_global=True) self._match('keyword', 'is') # Push the return addr onto the stack self.comment('Setting program return address', self.debug) self.generate('MM[R[FP]] = (int)&&%s_%d_end;' % (, id.mm_ptr)) # Make the jump to the entry point self.generate('goto %s_%d_begin;' % (, id.mm_ptr)) # Make the main program return self.generate('') self.comment('Creating the program exit point', self.debug) self.generate('%s_%d_end:' % (, id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() self.generate('return 0;'); self.tab_pop() self.generate('') # Push the scope to the program body level self._ids.push_scope( # Add the program to the base scope so it can be resolved as owner self._ids.add(id) return id def _parse_program_body(self, id): """<program_body> (Protected) Parses the <program_body> language structure. <program_body> ::= ( <declaration> ';' )* 'begin' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'program' Arguments: id: The identifier object for the program. """ local_var_size = 0 while not self._accept('keyword', 'begin'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() if size is not None: local_var_size += int(size) except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Label the entry point for the program self.generate('%s_%d_begin:' % (, id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'program') # Pop out of the program body scope self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_declaration(self): """<declaration> (Protected) Parses the <declaration> language structure. <declaration> ::= [ 'global' ] <procedure_declaration> [ 'global' ] <variable_declaration> Returns: The size of any variable declared. None if procedure. """ is_global = False id = None size = None if self._accept('keyword', 'global'): is_global = True if self._first_procedure_declaration(): self._parse_procedure_declaration(is_global=is_global) elif self._first_variable_declaration(): id = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_global=is_global) else: self._syntax_error('procedure or variable declaration') if id is not None: size = id.size if id.size is not None else 1 return size def _first_variable_declaration(self): """first(<variable_declaration>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<variable_declaration>) ::= integer | float | bool | string Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return (self._check('keyword', 'integer') or self._check('keyword', 'float') or self._check('keyword', 'bool') or self._check('keyword', 'string')) def _parse_variable_declaration(self, is_global=False, is_param=False): """<variable_declaration> (Protected) Parses the <variable_declaration> language structure. <variable_declaration> ::= <type_mark> <identifier> [ '[' <array_size> ']' ] Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the variable is to be globally scoped. (Default: False) id_table_add: Denotes if the variable is to be added to the identifier table. Returns: The Identifier class object of the variable encountered. """ id_type = self._parse_type_mark() # Stores the array size of the variable var_size = None # Formally match the token to an identifier type var_token = self._match('identifier') if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_number(generate_code=False) var_size = self._previous.value index_line = self._previous.line # Check the type to make sure this is an integer so that we can # allocate memory appropriately if index_type != 'integer': self._type_error('integer', index_type, index_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') # Get the memory space pointer for this variable. mm_ptr = self.get_mm(var_size, is_param=is_param) # The declaration was valid, add the identifier to the table id = Identifier(var_token.value, id_type, var_size, None, mm_ptr) if not is_param: try: self._ids.add(id, is_global=is_global) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error(str(e), var_token.value, var_token.line) return id def _parse_type_mark(self): """<type_mark> (Protected) Parses <type_mark> language structure. <type_mark> ::= 'integer' | 'float' | 'bool' | 'string' Returns: Type (as string) of the variable being declared. """ type = None if self._accept('keyword', 'integer'): type = 'integer' elif self._accept('keyword', 'float'): type = 'float' elif self._accept('keyword', 'bool'): type = 'bool' elif self._accept('keyword', 'string'): type = 'string' else: self._syntax_error('variable type') return type def _first_procedure_declaration(self): """first(<procedure_declarations>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<procedure_declaration>) ::= 'procedure' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'procedure') def _parse_procedure_declaration(self, is_global): """<procedure_declaration> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_declaration> language structure. <procedure_declaration> ::= <procedure_header> <procedure_body> Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the procedure is to be globally scoped. """ id = self._parse_procedure_header(is_global=is_global) self._parse_procedure_body(id) return def _parse_procedure_header(self, is_global): """<procedure_header> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_header> language structure. <procedure_header> ::= 'procedure' <identifier> '(' [ <parameter_list> ] ')' Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the procedure is to be globally scoped. """ self._match('keyword', 'procedure') id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') self._match('symbol', '(') params = [] if not self._check('symbol', ')'): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) self._match('symbol', ')') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() id = Identifier(id_name, 'procedure', None, params, label_id) try: # Add the procedure identifier to the parent and its own table self._ids.add(id, is_global=is_global) self._ids.push_scope( self._ids.add(id) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('name already declared at this scope', id_name, id_line) # Attempt to add each encountered param at the procedure scope for param in params: try: self._ids.add(, is_global=False) except ParserNameError: self._name_error('name already declared at global scope',, id_line) # Define the entry point for the function w/ unique identifier self.generate('%s_%d:' % (, id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() # Define the begining of the function body self.generate('goto %s_%d_begin;' % (, id.mm_ptr)) self.generate('') return id def _parse_procedure_body(self, id): """<procedure_body> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_body> language structure. <procedure_body> ::= ( <declaration> ';' )* 'begin' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'procedure' Arguments: id: The identifier object for the procedure. """ local_var_size = 0 # Reset the local pointer for the local variables. self.reset_local_ptr() self.reset_param_ptr() # Accept any declarations while not self._accept('keyword', 'begin'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() # If this was a local var, allocate space for it if size is not None: local_var_size += size except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Define the function begin point self.generate('%s_%d_begin:' % (, id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) # Accept any statements while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'procedure') # Generate code to jump back to the caller scope self.generate_return(self.debug) self.generate('') self.tab_pop() self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_parameter_list(self, params=[]): """<parameter_list> (Protected) Parse the <parameter_list> language structure. <parameter_list> ::= <parameter> ',' <parameter_list> | <parameter> Arguments: params: A list of Parameter namedtuples associated with the procedure. (Default: None) Returns: An completed list of all Parameter namedtuples associated with the procedure. """ # Get one parameter param = self._parse_parameter() params.append(param) # Get all following parameters if self._accept('symbol', ','): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) # All parameters found will be returned in the list return params def _parse_parameter(self): """<parameter> (Protected) Parse the <parameter> language structure. <parameter> ::= <variable_declaration> ( 'in' | 'out' ) """ # Return the id object, but don't add it to the identifier table # yet or get a memory location for it. This will be done when the # procedure is called id = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_param=True) direction = None if self._accept('keyword', 'in'): direction = 'in' elif self._accept('keyword', 'out'): direction = 'out' else: self._syntax_error('"in" or "out"') return Parameter(id, direction) def _parse_statement(self): """<statement> (Protected) Parse the <statement> language structure. <statement> ::= <assignment_statement> | <if_statement> | <loop_statement> | <return_statement> | <procedure_call> """ if self._accept('keyword', 'return'): # Goto the return label to exit the procedure/program self.generate_return(self.debug) elif self._first_if_statement(): self._parse_if_statement() elif self._first_loop_statement(): self._parse_loop_statement() elif self._first_procedure_call(): self._parse_procedure_call() elif self._first_assignment_statement(): self._parse_assignment_statement() else: self._syntax_error('statement') return def _first_assignment_statement(self): """first(<assignment_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<assignment_statement>) ::= <identifier> Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('identifier') def _parse_assignment_statement(self): """<assignment_statement> (Protected) Parses the <assignment_statement> language structure. <assignment_statement> ::= <destination> ':=' <expression> """ id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line dest_type = self._parse_destination() # Grab the last register used in case this variable is an array index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Check to make sure this is a valid identifier id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) self._match('symbol', ':=') expr_type = self._parse_expression() # Get the register used for the last expression expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if dest_type != expr_type: self._type_error(dest_type, expr_type, id_line) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'out': self._type_error('\'out\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_assignment(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, expr_reg, self.debug) return def _first_if_statement(self): """first(<if_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<if_statement>) ::= 'if' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'if') def _parse_if_statement(self): """<if_statement> (Protected) Parses the <if_statement> language structure. <if_statement> ::= 'if' '(' <expression> ')' 'then' ( <statement> ';' )+ [ 'else' ( <statement> ';' )+ ] 'end' 'if' """ self._match('keyword', 'if') self._match('symbol', '(') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') self._match('keyword', 'then') label_id = self.get_label_id() expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto else_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) self.tab_push() while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'else') or self._check('keyword', 'end'): break self.generate('goto endif_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('else_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() if self._accept('keyword', 'else'): while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'end'): break self._match('keyword', 'end') self._match('keyword', 'if') self.tab_pop() self.generate('endif_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_loop_statement(self): """first(<loop_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<loop_statement>) ::= 'for' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'for') def _parse_loop_statement(self): """<loop_statement> (Protected) Parses the <loop_statement> language structure. <loop_statement> ::= 'for' '(' <assignment_statement> ';' <expression> ')' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'for' """ self._match('keyword', 'for') self._match('symbol', '(') label_id = self.get_label_id() self.generate('loop_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() try: self._parse_assignment_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto endloop_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'for') self.generate('goto loop_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('endloop_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_procedure_call(self): """first(<procedure_call>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. The second terminal is checked using the future token in this case to distinguish the first(<procedure_call>) from first(<assignment_statement>). first(<procedure_call>) ::= '(' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('symbol', '(', future=True) def _parse_procedure_call(self): """<procedure_call> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_call> language structure. <procedure_call> ::= <identifier> '(' [ <argument_list> ] ')' """ # Match an identifier, check to make sure the identifier is procedure id_obj = None id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line id_type = None out_names = [] num_args = 0 self._match('identifier') try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('procedure has not beed declared', id_name, id_line) raise e if id_obj.type != 'procedure': self._type_error('procedure', id_obj.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', '(') if not self._check('symbol', ')'): (num_args, out_names) = self._parse_argument_list(id_obj.params, index=0, out_names=out_names) # Make sure that too few arguments are not used if num_args < len(id_obj.params): self._runtime_error(('procedure call accepts %d argument(s),' + ' %d given') % (len(id_obj.params), num_args), id_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() self._match('symbol', ')') # Generate all procedure call code self.generate_procedure_call(, id_obj.mm_ptr, self.debug) # Pop parameters off the stack for index, param in enumerate(id_obj.params): out_name = out_names[index] self.generate_param_pop(, self.debug) # If this is an outbound parameter, we must write it to its # memory location if param.direction == 'out': # Get the identifier object of the destination out_id = self._ids.find(out_name) # Determine where on the stack this identifier exists out_location = self._ids.get_id_location(out_name) # Store the parameter in the appropriate location self.generate_param_store(out_id, out_location, self.debug) # Finish the procedure call self.generate_procedure_call_end(self.debug) return def _parse_argument_list(self, params, index=0, out_names=[]): """<argument_list> (Protected) Parses <argument_list> language structure. <argument_list> ::= <expression> ',' <argument_list> | <expression> Arguments: params: A list of Parameter namedtuple objects allowed in the procedure call. index: The index in params with which to match the found param. (Default: 0) out_names: A list of identifier names that are being used in this procedure call and must be written back. Returns: A tuple (index, out_names) consisting of the number of arguments encountered and a list of the identifiers used to write back. """ arg_line = self._current.line arg_type = None # Make sure that too many arguments are not used if index > len(params) - 1: self._runtime_error('procedure call accepts only %d argument(s)' % len(params), arg_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() # Get the parameter information for this position in the arg list param = params[index] if param.direction == 'out': # We may only parse a single identifier if the direction is 'out' arg_name = self._current.value arg_type = self._parse_name() out_names.append(arg_name) elif param.direction == 'in': # This is a 'in' parameter with only one element (not array) arg_type = self._parse_expression() out_names.append(None) # Get the last reg assignment in the expr. This is argument's register expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if arg_type != self._type_error(, arg_type, arg_line) index += 1 if self._accept('symbol', ','): (index, out_names) = self._parse_argument_list(params, index, out_names) # Push the parameters onto the stack in reverse order. The last param # will reach this point first self.generate_param_push(expr_reg, self.debug) return (index, out_names) def _parse_destination(self): """<destination> (Protected) Parses the <destination> language structure. <destination> ::= <identifier> [ '[' <expression> ']' ] Returns: Type of the destination identifier as a string. """ id = None id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line id_type = None self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id.type in ['integer', 'float', 'bool', 'string']: self._type_error('variable', id.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() id_type = id.type if self._accept('symbol', '['): expr_line = self._current.line expr_type = self._parse_expression() if expr_type != 'integer': self._type_error('integer', expr_type, expr_line) self._accept('symbol', ']') elif id.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) return id_type def _parse_expression(self): """<expression> (Protected) Parses <expression> language structure. <expression> ::= <expression> '&' <arith_op> | <expression> '|' <arith_op> | [ 'not' ] <arith_op> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ self.comment('Parsing expression', self.debug) negate = False # Holds the register number of the expression result result = 0 if self._accept('keyword', 'not'): negate = True line = self._current.line type = self._parse_arith_op() if negate and type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', type, line) raise ParserTypeError() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) operation = '' if self._accept('symbol', '&'): operation = '&' elif self._accept('symbol', '|'): operation = '|' else: break if type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_arith_op() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() result = self.generate_operation(operand1, type, operand2, next_type, operation) if negate: self.generate('R[%d] = ~R[%d];' % (result, result)) return type def _parse_arith_op(self): """<arith_op> (Protected) Parses <arith_op> language structure. <arith_op> ::= <arith_op> '+' <relation> | <arith_op> '-' <relation> | <relation> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line type = self._parse_relation() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) operation = '' if self._accept('symbol', '+'): operation = '+' elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): operation = '-' else: break if type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_relation() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, type, operand2, next_type, operation) return type def _parse_relation(self): """<relation> (Protected) Parses <relation> language structure. <relation> ::= <relation> '<' <term> | <relation> '>' <term> | <relation> '>=' <term> | <relation> '<=' <term> | <relation> '==' <term> | <relation> '!=' <term> | <term> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line type = self._parse_term() # Check for relational operators. Note that relational operators # are only valid for integers or booleans while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) operation = '' if self._accept('symbol', '<'): operation = '<' elif self._accept('symbol', '>'): operation = '>' elif self._accept('symbol', '<='): operation = '<=' elif self._accept('symbol', '>='): operation = '>=' elif self._accept('symbol', '=='): operation = '==' elif self._accept('symbol', '!='): operation = '!=' else: break if type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_term() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, type, operand2, next_type, operation) return type def _parse_term(self): """<term> (Protected) Parses <term> language structure. <term> ::= <term> '*' <factor> | <term> '/' <factor> | <factor> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line type = self._parse_factor() # Check for multiplication or division operators. Note that these # operators are only valid for integer or float values while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) operation = '' if self._accept('symbol', '*'): operation = '*' elif self._accept('symbol', '/'): operation = '/' else: break if type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', type, line) raise ParserTypeError() line = self._current.line next_type = self._parse_factor() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, type, operand2, next_type, operation) return type def _parse_factor(self): """<factor> (Protected) Parses <factor> language structure. <factor> ::= '(' <expression> ')' | [ '-' ] <name> | [ '-' ] <number> | <string> | 'true' | 'false' Returns: The type value of the expression. """ type = None line = self._current.line if self._accept('symbol', '('): type = self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') elif self._accept('string'): type = 'string' str_val = self._previous.value self.generate('R[%d] = (int)"%s";' % (self.get_reg(), str_val)) elif self._accept('keyword', 'true'): type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 1;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('keyword', 'false'): type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 0;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): if self._first_name(): type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('integer') or self._check('float'): type = self._parse_number(negate=True) else: self._syntax_error('variable name, integer, or float') elif self._first_name(): type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('integer') or self._check('float'): type = self._parse_number(negate=False) else: self._syntax_error('factor') return type def _first_name(self): """first(<name>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<name>) ::= <identifier> Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('identifier') def _parse_name(self): """<name> (Protected) Parses <name> language structure. <name> ::= <identifier> [ '[' <expression> ']' ] """ id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line id_type = None self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) id_type = id_obj.type except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id_type in ['integer', 'float', 'bool', 'string']: self._type_error('variable', id_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_expression() if not index_type == 'integer': self._type_error('integer', index_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') elif id_obj.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) # Get the last register allocated. The index will be here if it's used index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'in': self._type_error('\'in\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_name(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, self.debug) return id_type def _parse_number(self, negate=False, generate_code=True): """Parse Number (Protected) Parses the <number> language structure. <number> ::= [0-9][0-9_]*[.[0-9_]*] Arguments: negate: Determines if the number should be negated or not. generate_code: Determines if code should be generated for the parsed number or not. Returns: The type of the parsed number. """ number = self._current.value type = self._current.type # Parse the number (either float or integer type) if not self._accept('integer') and not self._accept('float'): self._syntax_error('number') # Generate the code for this number if desired if generate_code: self.generate_number(number, type, negate) return type
class Parser(Scanner, CodeGenerator): """Parser class Parses the given source file using the defined language structure. Inherits: Scanner: The lexer component of the compiler. CodeGenerator: The class responsible for output file abstraction. Attributes: debug: Boolean attribute denoting if successfully parsed tokens should be displayed as they are encountered and parsed. Methods: parse: Parses the given file until a terminal error is encountered or the end-of-file token is reached. """ def __init__(self, debug=False): super().__init__() # Public class attributes self.debug = debug # Define the previous, current, and future token holder self._previous = None self._current = None self._future = None # Define the identifier table to hold all var/program/procedure names self._ids = IdentifierTable() self._has_errors = False return def parse(self, src_path, dest_path): """Begin Parsing Begins the parse of the inputted source file. Arguments: src_path: The input source file to parse. dest_path: The output target file to write. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ # Attach the source file for reading if not self.attach_source(src_path): return False # Attach the destination file for writing if not self.attach_destination(dest_path): return False # Advance the tokens twice to populate both current and future tokens self._advance_token() self._advance_token() # Add all runtime functions self._add_runtime() # Generate the compiled code header to handle runtime overhead self.generate_header() # Begin parsing the root <program> language structure try: self._parse_program() except ParserSyntaxError: return False # Generate the compiled code footer self.generate_footer() # Make sure there's no junk after the end of program if not self._check('eof'): self._warning('eof', '') # If errors were encountered, don't write code if self._has_errors: return False # Commit the code buffer to the output code file self.commit() return True def _add_runtime(self): """Add Runtime Functions Adds each runtime function to the list of global functions. """ # The runtime_functions list is defined in the CodeGenerator class for func_name in self.runtime_functions: # Get all parameters for these functions param_ids = [] param_list = self.runtime_functions[func_name] for index, param in enumerate(param_list): # Build up each param, add it to the list id_obj = Identifier(name=param[0], type=param[1], size=None, params=None, mm_ptr=(index + 1)) p_obj = Parameter(id=id_obj, direction=param[2]) param_ids.append(p_obj) # Build the function's identifier func_id = Identifier(name=func_name, type='procedure', size=None, params=param_ids, mm_ptr=1) # Add the function to the global scope of the identifier table self._ids.add(func_id, is_global=True) return def _warning(self, msg, line, prefix='Warning'): """Print Parser Warning Message (Protected) Prints a parser warning message with details about the expected token and the current token being parsed. Arguments: msg: The warning message to display. line: The line where the warning has occurred. prefix: A string value to be printed at the start of the warning. Overwritten for error messages. (Default: 'Warning') """ print('%s: "%s", line %d' % (prefix, self._src_path, line)) print(' %s' % msg) print(' %s' % self._get_line(line)) return def _syntax_error(self, expected): """Print Syntax Error Message (Protected) Prints a syntax error message with details about the expected token and the current token being parsed. After error printing, an exception is raised to be caught and resolved by parent nodes. Arguments: expected: A string containing the expected token type/value. Raises: ParserSyntaxError: If this method is being called, an error has been encountered during parsing. """ token = self._current # Print the error message msg = ('Expected %s, encountered "%s" (%s)' % (expected, token.value, token.type)) self._warning(msg, token.line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True raise ParserSyntaxError() def _name_error(self, msg, name, line): """Print Name Error Message (Protected) Prints a name error message with details about the encountered identifier which caused the error. Arguments: msg: The reason for the error. name: The name of the identifier where the name error occurred. line: The line where the name error occurred. """ msg = '%s: %s' % (name, msg) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _type_error(self, expected, encountered, line): """Print Type Error Message (Protected) Prints a type error message with details about the expected type an the type that was encountered. Arguments: expected: A string containing the expected token type. encountered: A string containing the type encountered. line: The line on which the type error occurred. """ msg = 'Expected %s type, encountered %s' % (expected, encountered) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _runtime_error(self, msg, line): """Print Runtime Error Message (Protected) Prints a runtime error message with details about the runtime error. Arguments: msg: The reason for the error. line: The line where the runtime error occurred. """ self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _advance_token(self): """Advance Tokens (Protected) Populates the 'current' token with the 'future' token and populates the 'future' token with the next token in the source file. """ self._previous = self._current self._current = self._future if self._future is None or self._future.type != 'eof': self._future = self.next_token() return def _check(self, expected_type, expected_value=None, check_future=False): """Check Token (Protected) Peeks at the token to see if the current token matches the given type and value. If it doesn't, don't make a big deal about it. Arguments: expected_type: The expected type of the token. expected_value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) check_future: If True, the future token is checked (Default: False) Returns: True if the token matches the expected value, False otherwise. """ token = self._current if check_future: token = self._future return (token.type == expected_type and (token.value == expected_value or expected_value is None)) def _accept(self, expected_type, expected_value=None): """Accept Token (Protected) Compares the token to an expected type and value. If it matches, then consume the token. If not, don't make a big deal about it. Arguments: expected_type: The expected type of the token. expected_value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) Returns: True if the token matches the expected value, False otherwise. """ if self._check(expected_type, expected_value): self._advance_token() return True return False def _match(self, expected_type, expected_value=None): """Match Token (Protected) Compares the token to an expected type and value. If it matches, then consume the token. If not, then throw an error and panic. Arguments: expected_type: The expected type of the token. expected_value: The expected value of the token. (Default: None) Returns: The matched Token class object if successful. """ # Check the id_type, if we specified debug, print everything matched if self._accept(expected_type, expected_value): return self._previous # Something different than expected was encountered if expected_value is not None: self._syntax_error('"' + expected_value + '" (' + expected_type + ')') else: self._syntax_error(expected_type) def _resync_at_token(self, token_type, token_value=None): """Resync at Token Finds the next token of the given type and value and moves the current token to that point. Code parsing can continue from there. Arguments: token_type: The id_type of the token to resync. token_value: The value of the token to resync. (Default: None) """ while not self._check(token_type, token_value): self._advance_token() return def _parse_program(self): """<program> (Protected) Parses the <program> language structure. <program> ::= <program_header> <program_body> """ id_obj = self._parse_program_header() self._parse_program_body(id_obj) return def _parse_program_header(self): """<program_header> (Protected) Parses the <program_header> language structure. <program_header> ::= 'program' <identifier> 'is' Returns: The id object with information about the procedure identifier. """ self._match('keyword', 'program') id_name = self._current.value self._match('identifier') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() # Add the new identifier to the global table id_obj = Identifier(id_name, 'program', None, None, label_id) self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=True) self._match('keyword', 'is') # Generate the program entry point code self.generate_program_entry(, id_obj.mm_ptr, self.debug) # Push the scope to the program body level self._ids.push_scope( # Add the program to the base scope so it can be resolved as owner self._ids.add(id_obj) return id_obj def _parse_program_body(self, program_id): """<program_body> (Protected) Parses the <program_body> language structure. <program_body> ::= ( <declaration> ';' )* 'begin' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'program' Arguments: program_id: The identifier object for the program. """ local_var_size = 0 while not self._accept('keyword', 'begin'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() if size is not None: local_var_size += int(size) except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Label the entry point for the program self.generate('%s_%d_begin:' % (, program_id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'program') # Pop out of the program body scope self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_declaration(self): """<declaration> (Protected) Parses the <declaration> language structure. <declaration> ::= [ 'global' ] <procedure_declaration> [ 'global' ] <variable_declaration> Returns: The size of any variable declared. None if procedure. """ is_global = False id_obj = None size = None if self._accept('keyword', 'global'): is_global = True if self._first_procedure_declaration(): self._parse_procedure_declaration(is_global=is_global) elif self._first_variable_declaration(): id_obj = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_global=is_global) else: self._syntax_error('procedure or variable declaration') if id_obj is not None: size = id_obj.size if id_obj.size is not None else 1 return size def _first_variable_declaration(self): """first(<variable_declaration>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<variable_declaration>) ::= integer | float | bool | string Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return (self._check('keyword', 'integer') or self._check('keyword', 'float') or self._check('keyword', 'bool') or self._check('keyword', 'string')) def _parse_variable_declaration(self, is_global=False, is_param=False): """<variable_declaration> (Protected) Parses the <variable_declaration> language structure. <variable_declaration> ::= <type_mark> <identifier> [ '[' <array_size> ']' ] Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the variable is to be globally scoped. (Default: False) id_table_add: Denotes if the variable is to be added to the identifier table. Returns: The Identifier class object of the variable encountered. """ id_type = self._parse_type_mark() # Stores the array size of the variable var_size = None # Formally match the token to an identifier type var_token = self._match('identifier') if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_number(generate_code=False) var_size = self._previous.value index_line = self._previous.line # Check the type to make sure this is an integer so that we can # allocate memory appropriately if index_type != 'integer': self._type_error('integer', index_type, index_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') # Get the memory space pointer for this variable. mm_ptr = self.get_mm(var_size, is_param=is_param) # The declaration was valid, add the identifier to the table id_obj = Identifier(var_token.value, id_type, var_size, None, mm_ptr) if not is_param: try: self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=is_global) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error(str(e), var_token.value, var_token.line) return id_obj def _parse_type_mark(self): """<type_mark> (Protected) Parses <type_mark> language structure. <type_mark> ::= 'integer' | 'float' | 'bool' | 'string' Returns: Type (as string) of the variable being declared. """ id_type = None if self._accept('keyword', 'integer'): id_type = 'integer' elif self._accept('keyword', 'float'): id_type = 'float' elif self._accept('keyword', 'bool'): id_type = 'bool' elif self._accept('keyword', 'string'): id_type = 'string' else: self._syntax_error('variable type') return id_type def _first_procedure_declaration(self): """first(<procedure_declarations>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<procedure_declaration>) ::= 'procedure' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'procedure') def _parse_procedure_declaration(self, is_global): """<procedure_declaration> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_declaration> language structure. <procedure_declaration> ::= <procedure_header> <procedure_body> Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the procedure is to be globally scoped. """ id_obj = self._parse_procedure_header(is_global=is_global) self._parse_procedure_body(id_obj) return def _parse_procedure_header(self, is_global): """<procedure_header> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_header> language structure. <procedure_header> ::= 'procedure' <identifier> '(' [ <parameter_list> ] ')' Arguments: is_global: Denotes if the procedure is to be globally scoped. """ self._match('keyword', 'procedure') id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') self._match('symbol', '(') params = [] if not self._check('symbol', ')'): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) self._match('symbol', ')') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() id_obj = Identifier(id_name, 'procedure', None, params, label_id) try: # Add the procedure identifier to the parent and its own table self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=is_global) self._ids.push_scope( self._ids.add(id_obj) except ParserNameError: self._name_error('name already declared at this scope', id_name, id_line) # Attempt to add each encountered param at the procedure scope for param in params: try: self._ids.add(, is_global=False) except ParserNameError: self._name_error('name already declared at global scope',, id_line) # Define the entry point for the function w/ unique identifier self.generate('%s_%d:' % (, id_obj.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() # Define the beginning of the function body self.generate('goto %s_%d_begin;' % (, id_obj.mm_ptr)) self.generate('') return id_obj def _parse_procedure_body(self, procedure_id): """<procedure_body> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_body> language structure. <procedure_body> ::= ( <declaration> ';' )* 'begin' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'procedure' Arguments: procedure_id: The identifier object for the procedure. """ local_var_size = 0 # Reset the local pointer for the local variables. self.reset_local_ptr() self.reset_param_ptr() # Accept any declarations while not self._accept('keyword', 'begin'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() # If this was a local var, allocate space for it if size is not None: local_var_size += size except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Define the function begin point self.generate('%s_%d_begin:' % (, procedure_id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) # Accept any statements while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'procedure') # Generate code to jump back to the caller scope self.generate_return(self.debug) self.generate('') self.tab_pop() self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_parameter_list(self, params): """<parameter_list> (Protected) Parse the <parameter_list> language structure. <parameter_list> ::= <parameter> ',' <parameter_list> | <parameter> Arguments: params: A list of Parameter named tuples associated with the procedure. Returns: An completed list of all Parameter named tuples associated with the procedure. """ # Get one parameter param = self._parse_parameter() params.append(param) # Get all following parameters if self._accept('symbol', ','): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) # All parameters found will be returned in the list return params def _parse_parameter(self): """<parameter> (Protected) Parse the <parameter> language structure. <parameter> ::= <variable_declaration> ( 'in' | 'out' ) """ # Return the id object, but don't add it to the identifier table # yet or get a memory location for it. This will be done when the # procedure is called id_obj = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_param=True) direction = None if self._accept('keyword', 'in'): direction = 'in' elif self._accept('keyword', 'out'): direction = 'out' else: self._syntax_error('"in" or "out"') return Parameter(id_obj, direction) def _parse_statement(self): """<statement> (Protected) Parse the <statement> language structure. <statement> ::= <assignment_statement> | <if_statement> | <loop_statement> | <return_statement> | <procedure_call> """ if self._accept('keyword', 'return'): # Go to the return label to exit the procedure/program self.generate_return(self.debug) elif self._first_if_statement(): self._parse_if_statement() elif self._first_loop_statement(): self._parse_loop_statement() elif self._first_procedure_call(): self._parse_procedure_call() elif self._first_assignment_statement(): self._parse_assignment_statement() else: self._syntax_error('statement') return def _first_assignment_statement(self): """first(<assignment_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<assignment_statement>) ::= <identifier> Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('identifier') def _parse_assignment_statement(self): """<assignment_statement> (Protected) Parses the <assignment_statement> language structure. <assignment_statement> ::= <destination> ':=' <expression> """ id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line dest_type = self._parse_destination() # Grab the last register used in case this variable is an array index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Check to make sure this is a valid identifier id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) self._match('symbol', ':=') expr_type = self._parse_expression() # Get the register used for the last expression expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if dest_type != expr_type: self._type_error(dest_type, expr_type, id_line) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'out': self._type_error('\'out\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_assignment(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, expr_reg, self.debug) return def _first_if_statement(self): """first(<if_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<if_statement>) ::= 'if' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'if') def _parse_if_statement(self): """<if_statement> (Protected) Parses the <if_statement> language structure. <if_statement> ::= 'if' '(' <expression> ')' 'then' ( <statement> ';' )+ [ 'else' ( <statement> ';' )+ ] 'end' 'if' """ self._match('keyword', 'if') self._match('symbol', '(') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') self._match('keyword', 'then') label_id = self.get_label_id() expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto else_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) self.tab_push() while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'else') or self._check('keyword', 'end'): break self.generate('goto endif_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('else_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() if self._accept('keyword', 'else'): while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'end'): break self._match('keyword', 'end') self._match('keyword', 'if') self.tab_pop() self.generate('endif_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_loop_statement(self): """first(<loop_statement>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<loop_statement>) ::= 'for' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('keyword', 'for') def _parse_loop_statement(self): """<loop_statement> (Protected) Parses the <loop_statement> language structure. <loop_statement> ::= 'for' '(' <assignment_statement> ';' <expression> ')' ( <statement> ';' )* 'end' 'for' """ self._match('keyword', 'for') self._match('symbol', '(') label_id = self.get_label_id() self.generate('loop_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() try: self._parse_assignment_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto endloop_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) while not self._accept('keyword', 'end'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'for') self.generate('goto loop_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('endloop_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_procedure_call(self): """first(<procedure_call>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. The second terminal is checked using the future token in this case to distinguish the first(<procedure_call>) from first(<assignment_statement>). first(<procedure_call>) ::= '(' Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('symbol', '(', check_future=True) def _parse_procedure_call(self): """<procedure_call> (Protected) Parses the <procedure_call> language structure. <procedure_call> ::= <identifier> '(' [ <argument_list> ] ')' """ # Match an identifier, check to make sure the identifier is procedure id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('procedure has not been declared', id_name, id_line) raise e if id_obj.type != 'procedure': self._type_error('procedure', id_obj.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', '(') out_names = [] if not self._check('symbol', ')'): num_args, out_names = self._parse_argument_list(id_obj.params, out_names, index=0) # Make sure that too few arguments are not used if num_args < len(id_obj.params): self._runtime_error( 'procedure call accepts %d argument(s), %d given' % (len(id_obj.params), num_args), id_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() self._match('symbol', ')') # Generate all procedure call code self.generate_procedure_call(, id_obj.mm_ptr, self.debug) # Pop parameters off the stack for index, param in enumerate(id_obj.params): out_name = out_names[index] self.generate_param_pop(, self.debug) # If this is an outbound parameter, we must write it to its # memory location if param.direction == 'out': # Get the identifier object of the destination out_id = self._ids.find(out_name) # Determine where on the stack this identifier exists out_location = self._ids.get_id_location(out_name) # Store the parameter in the appropriate location self.generate_param_store(out_id, out_location, self.debug) # Finish the procedure call self.generate_procedure_call_end(self.debug) return def _parse_argument_list(self, params, out_names, index=0): """<argument_list> (Protected) Parses <argument_list> language structure. <argument_list> ::= <expression> ',' <argument_list> | <expression> Arguments: params: A list of Parameter namedtuple objects allowed in the procedure call. out_names: A list of identifier names that are being used in this procedure call and must be written back. index: The index in params with which to match the found param. (Default: 0) Returns: A tuple (index, out_names) consisting of the number of arguments encountered and a list of the identifiers used to write back. """ arg_line = self._current.line arg_type = None # Make sure that too many arguments are not used if index > len(params) - 1: self._runtime_error( 'procedure call accepts only %d argument(s)' % len(params), arg_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() # Get the parameter information for this position in the arg list param = params[index] if param.direction == 'out': # We may only parse a single identifier if the direction is 'out' arg_name = self._current.value arg_type = self._parse_name() out_names.append(arg_name) elif param.direction == 'in': # This is a 'in' parameter with only one element (not array) arg_type = self._parse_expression() out_names.append(None) # Get the last reg assignment in the expr. This is argument's register expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if arg_type != self._type_error(, arg_type, arg_line) index += 1 if self._accept('symbol', ','): index, out_names = self._parse_argument_list(params, out_names, index=index) # Push the parameters onto the stack in reverse order. The last param # will reach this point first self.generate_param_push(expr_reg, self.debug) return index, out_names def _parse_destination(self): """<destination> (Protected) Parses the <destination> language structure. <destination> ::= <identifier> [ '[' <expression> ']' ] Returns: Type of the destination identifier as a string. """ id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id_obj.type in ['integer', 'float', 'bool', 'string']: self._type_error('variable', id_obj.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() id_type = id_obj.type if self._accept('symbol', '['): expr_line = self._current.line expr_type = self._parse_expression() if expr_type != 'integer': self._type_error('integer', expr_type, expr_line) self._accept('symbol', ']') elif id_obj.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) return id_type def _parse_expression(self): """<expression> (Protected) Parses <expression> language structure. <expression> ::= <expression> '&' <arith_op> | <expression> '|' <arith_op> | [ 'not' ] <arith_op> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ self.comment('Parsing expression', self.debug) negate = False if self._accept('keyword', 'not'): negate = True line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_arith_op() if negate and id_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '&'): operation = '&' elif self._accept('symbol', '|'): operation = '|' else: break if id_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_arith_op() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() result = self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) if negate: self.generate('R[%d] = ~R[%d];' % (result, result)) return id_type def _parse_arith_op(self): """<arith_op> (Protected) Parses <arith_op> language structure. <arith_op> ::= <arith_op> '+' <relation> | <arith_op> '-' <relation> | <relation> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_relation() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '+'): operation = '+' elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): operation = '-' else: break if id_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_relation() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_relation(self): """<relation> (Protected) Parses <relation> language structure. <relation> ::= <relation> '<' <term> | <relation> '>' <term> | <relation> '>=' <term> | <relation> '<=' <term> | <relation> '==' <term> | <relation> '!=' <term> | <term> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_term() # Check for relational operators. Note that relational operators # are only valid for integer or boolean tokens while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '<'): operation = '<' elif self._accept('symbol', '>'): operation = '>' elif self._accept('symbol', '<='): operation = '<=' elif self._accept('symbol', '>='): operation = '>=' elif self._accept('symbol', '=='): operation = '==' elif self._accept('symbol', '!='): operation = '!=' else: break if id_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_term() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'bool']: self._type_error('integer or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_term(self): """<term> (Protected) Parses <term> language structure. <term> ::= <term> '*' <factor> | <term> '/' <factor> | <factor> Returns: The type value of the expression. """ line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_factor() # Check for multiplication or division operators. Note that these # operators are only valid for integer or float values while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '*'): operation = '*' elif self._accept('symbol', '/'): operation = '/' else: break if id_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() line = self._current.line next_type = self._parse_factor() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['integer', 'float']: self._type_error('integer or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_factor(self): """<factor> (Protected) Parses <factor> language structure. <factor> ::= '(' <expression> ')' | [ '-' ] <name> | [ '-' ] <number> | <string> | 'true' | 'false' Returns: The type value of the expression. """ id_type = None if self._accept('symbol', '('): id_type = self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') elif self._accept('string'): id_type = 'string' str_val = self._previous.value self.generate('R[%d] = (int)"%s";' % (self.get_reg(), str_val)) elif self._accept('keyword', 'true'): id_type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 1;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('keyword', 'false'): id_type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 0;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): if self._first_name(): id_type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('integer') or self._check('float'): id_type = self._parse_number(negate=True) else: self._syntax_error('variable name, integer, or float') elif self._first_name(): id_type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('integer') or self._check('float'): id_type = self._parse_number(negate=False) else: self._syntax_error('factor') return id_type def _first_name(self): """first(<name>) (Protected) Determines if current token matches the first terminals. first(<name>) ::= <identifier> Returns: True if current token matches a first terminal, False otherwise. """ return self._check('identifier') def _parse_name(self): """<name> (Protected) Parses <name> language structure. <name> ::= <identifier> [ '[' <expression> ']' ] """ id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) id_type = id_obj.type except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id_type in ['integer', 'float', 'bool', 'string']: self._type_error('variable', id_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_expression() if not index_type == 'integer': self._type_error('integer', index_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') elif id_obj.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) # Get the last register allocated. The index will be here if it's used index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'in': self._type_error('\'in\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_name(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, self.debug) return id_type def _parse_number(self, negate=False, generate_code=True): """Parse Number (Protected) Parses the <number> language structure. <number> ::= [0-9][0-9_]*[.[0-9_]*] Arguments: negate: Determines if the number should be negated or not. generate_code: Determines if code should be generated for the parsed number or not. Returns: The type of the parsed number. """ number = self._current.value id_type = self._current.type # Parse the number (either float or integer type) if not self._accept('integer') and not self._accept('float'): self._syntax_error('number') # Generate the code for this number if desired if generate_code: self.generate_number(number, id_type, negate) return id_type
class Parser(Scanner, CodeGenerator): """13""" def __init__(self, debug=False): super().__init__() # Public class attributes self.debug = debug # Define the previous, current, and future token holder self._previous = None self._current = None self._future = None # Define the identifier table to hold all var/program/procedure names self._ids = IdentifierTable() self._has_errors = False return def parse(self, src_path, dest_path): """14""" # Attach the source file for reading if not self.attach_source(src_path): return False # Attach the destination file for writing if not self.attach_destination(dest_path): return False # Advance the tokens twice to populate both current and future tokens self._advance_token() self._advance_token() # Add all runtime functions self._add_runtime() # Generate the compiled code header to handle runtime overhead self.generate_header() # Begin parsing the root <program> language structure try: self._parse_program() except ParserSyntaxError: return False # Generate the compiled code footer self.generate_footer() # Make sure there's no junk after the end of program if not self._check('eof'): self._warning('eof', '') # If errors were encountered, don't write code if self._has_errors: return False # Commit the code buffer to the output code file self.commit() return True def _add_runtime(self): """15""" # The runtime_functions list is defined in the CodeGenerator class for func_name in self.runtime_functions: # Get all parameters for these functions param_ids = [] param_list = self.runtime_functions[func_name] for index, param in enumerate(param_list): # Build up each param, add it to the list id_obj = Identifier(name=param[0], type=param[1], size=None, params=None, mm_ptr=(index + 1)) p_obj = Parameter(id=id_obj, direction=param[2]) param_ids.append(p_obj) # Build the function's identifier func_id = Identifier(name=func_name, type='function', size=None, params=param_ids, mm_ptr=1) # Add the function to the global scope of the identifier table self._ids.add(func_id, is_global=True) return def _warning(self, msg, line, prefix='Warning'): """16""" print('%s: "%s", line %d' % (prefix, self._src_path, line)) print(' %s' % msg) print(' %s' % self._get_line(line)) return def _syntax_error(self, expected): """17""" token = self._current # Print the error message msg = ('Expected %s, encountered "%s" (%s)' % (expected, token.value, token.type)) self._warning(msg, token.line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True raise ParserSyntaxError() def _name_error(self, msg, name, line): """18""" msg = '%s: %s' % (name, msg) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _type_error(self, expected, encountered, line): """19""" msg = 'Expected %s type, encountered %s' % (expected, encountered) self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _runtime_error(self, msg, line): """20""" self._warning(msg, line, prefix='Error') self._has_errors = True return def _advance_token(self): """""" self._previous = self._current self._current = self._future if self._future is None or self._future.type != 'eof': self._future = self.next_token() return def _check(self, expected_type, expected_value=None, check_future=False): """22""" token = self._current if check_future: token = self._future return (token.type == expected_type and (token.value == expected_value or expected_value is None)) def _accept(self, expected_type, expected_value=None): """23""" if self._check(expected_type, expected_value): self._advance_token() return True return False def _match(self, expected_type, expected_value=None): """24""" # Check the id_type, if we specified debug, print everything matched if self._accept(expected_type, expected_value): return self._previous # Something different than expected was encountered if expected_value is not None: self._syntax_error('"' + expected_value + '" (' + expected_type + ')') else: self._syntax_error(expected_type) def _resync_at_token(self, token_type, token_value=None): """25""" while not self._check(token_type, token_value): self._advance_token() return def _parse_program(self): """26""" id_obj = self._parse_program_header() self._parse_program_body(id_obj) return def _parse_program_header(self): """27 """ while not self._accept('keyword', 'the'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'program') id_name = self._current.value self._match('identifier') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() # Add the new identifier to the global table id_obj = Identifier(id_name, 'program', None, None, label_id) self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=True) self._match('keyword', 'is') # Generate the program entry point code self.generate_program_entry(, id_obj.mm_ptr, self.debug) # Push the scope to the program body level self._ids.push_scope( # Add the program to the base scope so it can be resolved as owner self._ids.add(id_obj) return id_obj def _parse_program_body(self, program_id): """28""" local_var_size = 0 while not self._accept('keyword', 'define'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') while not self._accept('keyword', 'body'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() if size is not None: local_var_size += int(size) except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Label the entry point for the program self.generate('%s_%d_body:' % (, program_id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) while not self._accept('keyword', 'finish'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'program') # Pop out of the program body scope self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_declaration(self): """29""" is_global = False id_obj = None size = None if self._accept('keyword', 'global'): is_global = True if self._first_procedure_declaration(): self._parse_procedure_declaration(is_global=is_global) elif self._first_variable_declaration(): id_obj = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_global=is_global) else: self._syntax_error('procedure or variable declaration') if id_obj is not None: size = id_obj.size if id_obj.size is not None else 1 return size def _first_variable_declaration(self): """30""" return (self._check('keyword', 'int') or self._check('keyword', 'float') or self._check('keyword', 'bool') or self._check('keyword', 'str')) def _parse_variable_declaration(self, is_global=False, is_param=False): """31""" id_type = self._parse_type_mark() # Stores the array size of the variable var_size = None # Formally match the token to an identifier type var_token = self._match('identifier') if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_number(generate_code=False) var_size = self._previous.value index_line = self._previous.line # Check the type to make sure this is an integer so that we can # allocate memory appropriately if index_type != 'int': self._type_error('int', index_type, index_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') # Get the memory space pointer for this variable. mm_ptr = self.get_mm(var_size, is_param=is_param) # The declaration was valid, add the identifier to the table id_obj = Identifier(var_token.value, id_type, var_size, None, mm_ptr) if not is_param: try: self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=is_global) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error(str(e), var_token.value, var_token.line) return id_obj def _parse_type_mark(self): """32""" id_type = None if self._accept('keyword', 'int'): id_type = 'int' elif self._accept('keyword', 'float'): id_type = 'float' elif self._accept('keyword', 'bool'): id_type = 'bool' elif self._accept('keyword', 'str'): id_type = 'str' else: self._syntax_error('variable type') return id_type def _first_procedure_declaration(self): """33""" return self._check('keyword', 'function') def _parse_procedure_declaration(self, is_global): """34""" id_obj = self._parse_procedure_header(is_global=is_global) self._parse_procedure_body(id_obj) return def _parse_procedure_header(self, is_global): """35""" self._match('keyword', 'function') id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') self._match('symbol', '(') params = [] if not self._check('symbol', ')'): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) self._match('symbol', ')') self._match('keyword', 'is') # Generate procedure label. This will be stored with the identifier # in place of the mm_ptr attribute since it will not be used label_id = self.get_label_id() id_obj = Identifier(id_name, 'function', None, params, label_id) try: # Add the procedure identifier to the parent and its own table self._ids.add(id_obj, is_global=is_global) self._ids.push_scope( self._ids.add(id_obj) except ParserNameError: self._name_error('name already declared at this scope', id_name, id_line) # Attempt to add each encountered param at the procedure scope for param in params: try: self._ids.add(, is_global=False) except ParserNameError: self._name_error('name already declared at global scope',, id_line) # Define the entry point for the function w/ unique identifier self.generate('%s_%d:' % (, id_obj.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() # Define the beginning of the function body self.generate('goto %s_%d_body;' % (, id_obj.mm_ptr)) self.generate('') return id_obj def _parse_procedure_body(self, procedure_id): """36""" local_var_size = 0 # Reset the local pointer for the local variables. self.reset_local_ptr() self.reset_param_ptr() # Accept any declarations while not self._accept('keyword', 'body'): try: size = self._parse_declaration() # If this was a local var, allocate space for it if size is not None: local_var_size += size except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') # Define the function begin point self.generate('%s_%d_body:' % (, procedure_id.mm_ptr)) self.tab_push() if local_var_size != 0: self.comment('Allocating space for local variables', self.debug) self.generate('R[SP] = R[SP] - %d;' % local_var_size) # Accept any statements while not self._accept('keyword', 'finish'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'function') # Generate code to jump back to the caller scope self.generate_return(self.debug) self.generate('') self.tab_pop() self._ids.pop_scope() self.tab_pop() return def _parse_parameter_list(self, params): """37""" # Get one parameter param = self._parse_parameter() params.append(param) # Get all following parameters if self._accept('symbol', ','): params = self._parse_parameter_list(params) # All parameters found will be returned in the list return params def _parse_parameter(self): """38""" # Return the id object, but don't add it to the identifier table # yet or get a memory location for it. This will be done when the # procedure is called id_obj = self._parse_variable_declaration(is_param=True) direction = None if self._accept('keyword', 'in'): direction = 'in' elif self._accept('keyword', 'out'): direction = 'out' else: self._syntax_error('"in" or "out"') return Parameter(id_obj, direction) def _parse_statement(self): """39""" if self._accept('keyword', 'return'): # Go to the return label to exit the procedure/program self.generate_return(self.debug) elif self._first_if_statement(): self._parse_if_statement() elif self._first_loop_statement(): self._parse_loop_statement() elif self._first_procedure_call(): self._parse_procedure_call() elif self._first_assignment_statement(): self._parse_assignment_statement() else: self._syntax_error('statement') return def _first_assignment_statement(self): """40""" return self._check('identifier') def _parse_assignment_statement(self): """41""" id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line dest_type = self._parse_destination() # Grab the last register used in case this variable is an array index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Check to make sure this is a valid identifier id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) self._match('symbol', '=') expr_type = self._parse_expression() # Get the register used for the last expression expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if dest_type != expr_type: self._type_error(dest_type, expr_type, id_line) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'out': self._type_error('\'out\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_assignment(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, expr_reg, self.debug) return def _first_if_statement(self): """42""" return self._check('keyword', 'if') def _parse_if_statement(self): """43""" self._match('keyword', 'if') self._match('symbol', '(') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') self._match('keyword', 'then') label_id = self.get_label_id() expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto else_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) self.tab_push() while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'else') or self._check( 'keyword', 'finish'): break self.generate('goto endif_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('else_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() if self._accept('keyword', 'else'): while True: try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') if self._check('keyword', 'finish'): break self._match('keyword', 'finish') self._match('keyword', 'if') self.tab_pop() self.generate('endif_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_loop_statement(self): """44""" return self._check('keyword', 'for') def _parse_loop_statement(self): """45""" self._match('keyword', 'for') self._match('symbol', '(') label_id = self.get_label_id() self.generate('loop_%d:' % label_id) self.tab_push() try: self._parse_assignment_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) self.generate('if (!R[%d]) goto endloop_%d;' % (expr_reg, label_id)) while not self._accept('keyword', 'finish'): try: self._parse_statement() except ParserError: self._resync_at_token('symbol', ';') self._match('symbol', ';') self._match('keyword', 'for') self.generate('goto loop_%d;' % label_id) self.tab_pop() self.generate('endloop_%d:' % label_id) return def _first_procedure_call(self): """46""" return self._check('symbol', '(', check_future=True) def _parse_procedure_call(self): """47""" # Match an identifier, check to make sure the identifier is procedure id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('procedure has not been declared', id_name, id_line) raise e if id_obj.type != 'function': self._type_error('function', id_obj.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', '(') out_names = [] if not self._check('symbol', ')'): num_args, out_names = self._parse_argument_list(id_obj.params, out_names, index=0) # Make sure that too few arguments are not used if num_args < len(id_obj.params): self._runtime_error( 'procedure call accepts %d argument(s), %d given' % (len(id_obj.params), num_args), id_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() self._match('symbol', ')') # Generate all procedure call code self.generate_procedure_call(, id_obj.mm_ptr, self.debug) # Pop parameters off the stack for index, param in enumerate(id_obj.params): out_name = out_names[index] self.generate_param_pop(, self.debug) # If this is an outbound parameter, we must write it to its # memory location if param.direction == 'out': # Get the identifier object of the destination out_id = self._ids.find(out_name) # Determine where on the stack this identifier exists out_location = self._ids.get_id_location(out_name) # Store the parameter in the appropriate location self.generate_param_store(out_id, out_location, self.debug) # Finish the procedure call self.generate_procedure_call_end(self.debug) return def _parse_argument_list(self, params, out_names, index=0): """48""" arg_line = self._current.line arg_type = None # Make sure that too many arguments are not used if index > len(params) - 1: self._runtime_error( 'procedure call accepts only %d argument(s)' % len(params), arg_line) raise ParserRuntimeError() # Get the parameter information for this position in the arg list param = params[index] if param.direction == 'out': # We may only parse a single identifier if the direction is 'out' arg_name = self._current.value arg_type = self._parse_name() out_names.append(arg_name) elif param.direction == 'in': # This is a 'in' parameter with only one element (not array) arg_type = self._parse_expression() out_names.append(None) # Get the last reg assignment in the expr. This is argument's register expr_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) if arg_type != self._type_error(, arg_type, arg_line) index += 1 if self._accept('symbol', ','): index, out_names = self._parse_argument_list(params, out_names, index=index) # Push the parameters onto the stack in reverse order. The last param # will reach this point first self.generate_param_push(expr_reg, self.debug) return index, out_names def _parse_destination(self): """49""" id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id_obj.type in ['int', 'float', 'bool', 'str']: self._type_error('variable', id_obj.type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() id_type = id_obj.type if self._accept('symbol', '['): expr_line = self._current.line expr_type = self._parse_expression() if expr_type != 'int': self._type_error('int', expr_type, expr_line) self._accept('symbol', ']') elif id_obj.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) return id_type def _parse_expression(self): """50""" self.comment('Parsing expression', self.debug) negate = False if self._accept('keyword', 'not'): negate = True line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_arith_op() if negate and id_type not in ['int', 'bool']: self._type_error('int or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '&'): operation = '&' elif self._accept('symbol', '|'): operation = '|' else: break if id_type not in ['int', 'bool']: self._type_error('int or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_arith_op() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['int', 'bool']: self._type_error('int or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() result = self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) if negate: self.generate('R[%d] = ~R[%d];' % (result, result)) return id_type def _parse_arith_op(self): """51""" line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_relation() while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '+'): operation = '+' elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): operation = '-' else: break if id_type not in ['int', 'float']: self._type_error('int or float', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_relation() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['int', 'float']: self._type_error('int or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_relation(self): """52 """ line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_term() # Check for relational operators. Note that relational operators # are only valid for integer or boolean tokens while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '<'): operation = '<' elif self._accept('symbol', '>'): operation = '>' elif self._accept('symbol', '<='): operation = '<=' elif self._accept('symbol', '>='): operation = '>=' elif self._accept('symbol', '=='): operation = '==' elif self._accept('symbol', '!='): operation = '!=' else: break if id_type not in ['int', 'bool']: self._type_error('int or bool', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() next_type = self._parse_term() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['int', 'bool']: self._type_error('int or bool', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_term(self): """53""" line = self._current.line id_type = self._parse_factor() # Check for multiplication or division operators. Note that these # operators are only valid for integer or float values while True: operand1 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if self._accept('symbol', '*'): operation = '*' elif self._accept('symbol', '/'): operation = '/' else: break if id_type not in ['int', 'float']: self._type_error('int or float', id_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() line = self._current.line next_type = self._parse_factor() operand2 = self.get_reg(inc=False) if next_type not in ['int', 'float']: self._type_error('int or float', next_type, line) raise ParserTypeError() self.generate_operation(operand1, id_type, operand2, next_type, operation) return id_type def _parse_factor(self): """54""" id_type = None if self._accept('symbol', '('): id_type = self._parse_expression() self._match('symbol', ')') elif self._accept('str'): id_type = 'str' str_val = self._previous.value self.generate('R[%d] = (int)"%s";' % (self.get_reg(), str_val)) elif self._accept('keyword', 'true'): id_type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 1;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('keyword', 'false'): id_type = 'bool' self.generate('R[%d] = 0;' % (self.get_reg())) elif self._accept('symbol', '-'): if self._first_name(): id_type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('int') or self._check('float'): id_type = self._parse_number(negate=True) else: self._syntax_error('variable name, int, or float') elif self._first_name(): id_type = self._parse_name() elif self._check('int') or self._check('float'): id_type = self._parse_number(negate=False) else: self._syntax_error('factor') return id_type def _first_name(self): """55""" return self._check('identifier') def _parse_name(self): """56""" id_name = self._current.value id_line = self._current.line self._match('identifier') # Make sure that identifier is valid for the scope try: id_obj = self._ids.find(id_name) id_type = id_obj.type except ParserNameError as e: self._name_error('not declared in this scope', id_name, id_line) raise e # Check type to make sure it's a variable if not id_type in ['int', 'float', 'bool', 'str']: self._type_error('variable', id_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() if self._accept('symbol', '['): index_type = self._parse_expression() if not index_type == 'int': self._type_error('int', index_type, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() self._match('symbol', ']') elif id_obj.size is not None: self._runtime_error('%s: array requires index' % id_name, id_line) # Get the last register allocated. The index will be here if it's used index_reg = self.get_reg(inc=False) # Determine the location of the identifier in the stack id_location = self._ids.get_id_location(id_name) # Verify the direction of the id if it is a param if id_location == 'param': direction = self._ids.get_param_direction(id_name) if direction != 'in': self._type_error('\'in\' param', '\'%s\' param' % direction, id_line) raise ParserTypeError() # Generate all code associated with retrieving this value self.generate_name(id_obj, id_location, index_reg, self.debug) return id_type def _parse_number(self, negate=False, generate_code=True): """57""" number = self._current.value id_type = self._current.type # Parse the number (either float or integer type) if not self._accept('int') and not self._accept('float'): self._syntax_error('number') # Generate the code for this number if desired if generate_code: self.generate_number(number, id_type, negate) return id_type