def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy, by): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)) h3 = T.flatten(h3, 2) y = -softplus(, wy)+by) return y
def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5, w6, g6, b6, wy): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1))) h2 = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g3, b=b3)) h4 = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g4, b=b4)) h5 = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(h4, w5, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g5, b=b5)) h6 = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(h5, w6, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g6, b=b6)) h6 = T.flatten(h6, 2) y = sigmoid(, wy)) return y
def discrim( t, w1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5 ): h1 = lrelu( dnn_conv( t, w1, subsample=( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) h2 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h1, w2, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2, b = b2 ) ) h3 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h2, w3, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3, b = b3 ) ) h4 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h3, w4, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4, b = b4 ) ) yd = sigmoid( T.flatten( h4, 2 ), w5 ) ) return yd
def discrim(X, w, w2, w3, wy): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) h2 = T.flatten(h2, 2) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(, w3))) y = sigmoid(, wy)) return y
def discrim(X, w, b, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, wy, wy1): h0 = dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if args.db1: h0 += b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x') h1 = lrelu(h0) h1 = dropout(h1, args.dropout) h1 = dnn_conv(h1, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if args.dbn: h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=g2, b=b2) else: h1 += b2.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x') h2 = lrelu(h1) h2 = dropout(h2, args.dropout) h2 = dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if args.dbn: h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=g3, b=b3) else: h2 += b3.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x') h3 = lrelu(h2) h3 = dropout(h3, args.dropout) h3 = dnn_conv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if args.dbn: h3 = batchnorm(h3, g=g4, b=b4) else: h3 += b4.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x') h4 = lrelu(h3) h4 = dropout(h4, args.dropout) h4 = T.flatten(h4, 2) y = sigmoid(, wy)) y1 = sigmoid(, wy1)) return y, y1
def encoder( s, w1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5 ): h1 = lrelu( dnn_conv( s, w1, subsample=( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) h2 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h1, w2, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2, b = b2 ) ) h3 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h2, w3, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3, b = b3 ) ) h4 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h3, w4, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4, b = b4 ) ) z = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h4, w5, subsample = ( 1, 1 ), border_mode = ( 0, 0 ) ), g = g5, b = b5 ) ) return T.flatten( z, 2 )
def denseConvlayer(layer_inputs, bottleneck_scale, growth_rate, is_training): # Build the bottleneck operation net = layer_inputs net_temp = tf.identity(net) net = batchnorm(net, is_training) net = prelu_tf(net, name='Prelu_1') net = conv2(net, kernel=1, output_channel=bottleneck_scale * growth_rate, stride=1, use_bias=False, scope='conv1x1') net = batchnorm(net, is_training) net = prelu_tf(net, name='Prelu_2') net = conv2(net, kernel=3, output_channel=growth_rate, stride=1, use_bias=False, scope='conv3x3') # Concatenate the processed feature to the feature net = tf.concat([net_temp, net], axis=3) return net
def gen(Z, w, g, b, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3,wx): h0 = relu(batchnorm(, w), g=g, b=b)) h0 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], ngf*4, 2, 2)) h1 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h0, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h1, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)) x = tanh(deconv(h2, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def apply(self, batch_size=None, rand_vals=None): """ Apply this generator module. Pass _either_ batch_size or rand_vals. """ assert not ((batch_size is None) and (rand_vals is None)), "need either batch_size or rand_vals" if rand_vals is None: rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_dim) if self.rand_type == 'normal': rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: rand_shape = (rand_vals.shape[0], self.rand_dim) rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape) # transform random values into fc layer h1 =, self.w1) if self.apply_bn_1: h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1) h1 = relu(h1) # transform from fc layer to output h2 =, self.w2) if self.apply_bn_2: h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2) if self.final_relu: h2 = relu(h2) return h2
def gen_test_tanh(_z, _params, _pls, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4): tan_z = tanh(_z) [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3] hs = [] u = _pls[0] s = _pls[n_layers + 1] h0 = relu( batchnorm(, -1.0, 1.0), gw0), u=u, s=s, g=gg0, b=gb0)) h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2**n_layers, init_sz, init_sz)) hs.extend([h0, h1]) for n in range(n_layers): [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)] hin = hs[-1] u = _pls[n + 1] s = _pls[n + n_layers + 2] hout = relu( batchnorm(deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), u=u, s=s, g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) x = tanh(deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy, by): h0 = dropout(relu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))), p=0.5) h1 = dropout(relu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h0, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)), p=0.5) h2 = dropout(relu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h1, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)), p=0.5) h2 = T.flatten(h2, 2) y = -relu(, wy)+by) return y
def apply(self, input): """ Apply this discriminator module to the given input. This produces a collection of filter responses for feedforward and a spatial grid of discriminator outputs. """ bm = int((self.filt_dim - 1) / 2) # use "same" mode convolutions ss = self.ds_stride # stride for "learned downsampling" # apply first conv layer h1 = dnn_conv(input, self.w1, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm)) if self.apply_bn_1: h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1) h1 = lrelu(h1) # apply second conv layer (may include downsampling) if self.use_pooling: h2 = dnn_conv(h1, self.w2, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm)) if self.apply_bn_2: h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2) h2 = lrelu(h2) h2 = dnn_pool(h2, (ss,ss), stride=(ss, ss), mode='max', pad=(0, 0)) else: h2 = dnn_conv(h1, self.w2, subsample=(ss, ss), border_mode=(bm, bm)) if self.apply_bn_2: h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2) h2 = lrelu(h2) # apply discriminator layer y = dnn_conv(h2, self.wd, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm)) y = sigmoid(T.flatten(y, 2)) # flatten to (batch_size, num_preds) return h2, y
def gen(Z, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, wx): Gl1 = relu(batchnorm(, w1), g=g1, b=b1)) Gl1 = Gl1.reshape((Gl1.shape[0], Channel[-1], Convlayersize[-1], Convlayersize[-1], Convlayersize[-1])) input_shape = (None, None, Convlayersize[-1], Convlayersize[-1], Convlayersize[-1]) filter_shape = (Channel[-1], Channel[-2], kernal[-1], kernal[-1], kernal[-1]) Gl2 = relu( batchnorm(conv(Gl1, w2, filter_shape=filter_shape, input_shape=input_shape, conv_mode='deconv'), g=g2, b=b2)) input_shape = (None, None, Convlayersize[-2], Convlayersize[-2], Convlayersize[-2]) filter_shape = (Channel[-2], Channel[-3], kernal[-2], kernal[-2], kernal[-2]) Gl3 = relu( batchnorm(conv(Gl2, w3, filter_shape=filter_shape, input_shape=input_shape, conv_mode='deconv'), g=g3, b=b3)) input_shape = (None, None, Convlayersize[-3], Convlayersize[-3], Convlayersize[-3]) filter_shape = (Channel[-3], Channel[-4], kernal[-3], kernal[-3], kernal[-3]) Gl4 = relu( batchnorm(conv(Gl3, w4, filter_shape=filter_shape, input_shape=input_shape, conv_mode='deconv'), g=g4, b=b4)) input_shape = (None, None, Convlayersize[-4], Convlayersize[-4], Convlayersize[-4]) filter_shape = (Channel[-4], Channel[-5], kernal[-4], kernal[-4], kernal[-4]) GlX = sigmoid( conv(Gl4, wx, filter_shape=filter_shape, input_shape=input_shape, conv_mode='deconv')) return GlX
def gen(Z, w, g, b, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, wx): h = relu(batchnorm(, w), g=g, b=b)) h = h.reshape((h.shape[0], ngf*8, 4, 4)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)) h4 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g4, b=b4)) x = tanh(deconv(h4, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def domain_discrim( st, w1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5, w6 ): h1 = lrelu( dnn_conv( st, w1, subsample=( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) h2 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h1, w2, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2, b = b2 ) ) h3 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h2, w3, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3, b = b3 ) ) h4 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h3, w4, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4, b = b4 ) ) h5 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h4, w5, subsample = ( 1, 1 ), border_mode = ( 0, 0 ) ), g = g5, b = b5 ) ) ydd = sigmoid( T.flatten( h5, 2 ), w6 ) ) return ydd
def feature_function(input_data, is_train=True): h0 = relu(batchnorm(X=dnn_conv(input_data, conv_w0, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w0, b=bn_b0)) h1 = relu(batchnorm(X=dnn_conv(h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w1, b=bn_b1)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(X=dnn_conv(h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w2, b=bn_b2)) h3 = relu(batchnorm(X=dnn_conv(h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w3, b=bn_b3)) h3 = T.flatten(h3, 2) f = tanh(, linear_w4)+linear_b4) return f
def gen(Z, w, w2, w3, gwx): h = relu(batchnorm(, w))) h2 = relu(batchnorm(, w2))) h2 = h2.reshape((h2.shape[0], ngf * 2, 7, 7)) h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) x = sigmoid(deconv(h3, gwx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, wy): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)) h4 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g4, b=b4)) h4 = T.flatten(h4, 2) y = sigmoid(, wy)) return y
def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy, wa): h0 = dropout(relu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))), p=0.5) h1 = dropout(relu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h0, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2)), p=0.5) h2 = dropout(relu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h1, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3)), p=0.5) h2 = T.flatten(h2, 2) y = square(, wy)) y =, T.exp(wa)) return y
def decoder( z, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5 ): h1 = relu( batchnorm( z, w1 ), g = g1, b = b1 ) ) h1 = h1.reshape( (h1.shape[ 0 ], nf * 8, 4, 4 ) ) h2 = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h1, w2, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2, b = b2 ) ) h3 = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h2, w3, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3, b = b3 ) ) h4 = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h3, w4, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4, b = b4 ) ) t = tanh( deconv( h4, w5, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) return t
def generator_function(hidden_data, is_train=True): h0_0 = relu(batchnorm(, linear_w0_0), g=bn_w0_0, b=bn_b0_0)) h0_1 = relu(batchnorm(, linear_w0_1), g=bn_w0_1, b=bn_b0_1)) h0 = h0_1.reshape((h0_1.shape[0], num_gen_filters0, init_image_size, init_image_size)) h1 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w1, b=bn_b1)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w2, b=bn_b2)) h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=bn_w3, b=bn_b3)) output = tanh(deconv(h3, conv_w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))+conv_b4.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x')) return output
def converter( Z, w5d, g5d, b5d, w4d, g4d, b4d, w3d, g3d, b3d, w2d, g2d, b2d, w1d ): h5d = relu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( Z, w5d, subsample = ( 1, 1 ), border_mode = ( 0, 0 ) ), g = g5d, b = b5d ) ) h5d = h5d.reshape( ( h5d.shape[ 0 ], nf * 8, 4, 4 ) ) h4d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h5d, w4d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4d, b = b4d ) ) h3d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h4d, w3d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3d, b = b3d ) ) h2d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h3d, w2d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2d, b = b2d ) ) h1d = tanh( deconv( h2d, w1d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) y = h1d return y
def discrim(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5, w6, g6, b6, wy): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g3, b=b3)) h4 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g4, b=b4)) h5 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h4, w5, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g5, b=b5)) h6 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h5, w6, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g6, b=b6)) h6 = T.flatten(h6, 2) y = sigmoid(, wy)) return y
def discrim(X): current_input = dropout(X, 0.3) ### encoder ### cv1 = relu( dnn_conv(current_input, aew1, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1))) cv2 = relu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(cv1, aew2, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=aeg2, b=aeb2)) cv3 = relu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(cv2, aew3, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=aeg3, b=aeb3)) cv4 = relu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(cv3, aew4, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=aeg4, b=aeb4)) cv5 = relu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(cv4, aew5, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=aeg5, b=aeb5)) cv6 = relu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(cv5, aew6, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(0, 0)), g=aeg6, b=aeb6)) ### decoder ### dv6 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(cv6, aew6, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(0, 0)), g=aeg6t, b=aeb6t)) dv5 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(dv6, aew5, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=aeg5t, b=aeb5t)) dv4 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(dv5, aew4, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=aeg4t, b=aeb4t)) dv3 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(dv4, aew3, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=aeg3t, b=aeb3t)) dv2 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(dv3, aew2, subsample=(4, 4), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=aeg2t, b=aeb2t)) dv1 = tanh(deconv(dv2, aew1, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1))) rX = dv1 mse = T.sqrt(T.sum(T.abs_(T.flatten(X - rX, 2)), axis=1)) + T.sqrt( T.sum(T.flatten((X - rX)**2, 2), axis=1)) # L1 and L2 loss return T.flatten(cv6, 2), rX, mse
def generator_function(hidden_data, is_train=True): # layer 0 (linear) h0 = relu(batchnorm(, linear_w0), g=linear_bn_w0, b=linear_bn_b0)) h0 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], num_gen_filters0, init_image_size, init_image_size)) # layer 1 (deconv) h1 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=conv_bn_w1, b=conv_bn_b1)) # layer 2 (deconv) h2 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=conv_bn_w2, b=conv_bn_b2)) # layer 3 (deconv) output = tanh(deconv(h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))+conv_b3.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x')) return output
def gen(Z, Y, w, w2, w3, wx): yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') Z = T.concatenate([Z, Y], axis=1) h = relu(batchnorm(, w))) h = T.concatenate([h, Y], axis=1) h2 = relu(batchnorm(, w2))) h2 = h2.reshape((h2.shape[0], ngf*2, npx_, npx_)) h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb) h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) h3 = conv_cond_concat(h3, yb) x = sigmoid(deconv(h3, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def discrim(X, Y, w, w2, w3, wy): yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') X = conv_cond_concat(X, yb) h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h = conv_cond_concat(h, yb) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) h2 = T.flatten(h2, 2) h2 = T.concatenate([h2, Y], axis=1) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(, w3))) h3 = T.concatenate([h3, Y], axis=1) y = sigmoid(, wy)) return y
def gen(Z, Y, w, w2, w3, wx): yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') Z = T.concatenate([Z, Y], axis=1) h = relu(batchnorm(, w))) h = T.concatenate([h, Y], axis=1) h2 = relu(batchnorm(, w2))) h2 = h2.reshape((h2.shape[0], ngf * 2, temp, temp)) h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb) h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) h3 = conv_cond_concat(h3, yb) x = sigmoid(deconv(h3, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def model(X, h2_u, h3_u, h2_s, h3_s, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy ): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2, u=h2_u, s=h2_s)) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3, u=h3_u, s=h3_s)) h = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h, (4, 4), (4, 4), mode='max'), 2) h2 = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h2, (2, 2), (2, 2), mode='max'), 2) h3 = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h3, (1, 1), (1, 1), mode='max'), 2) f = T.concatenate([h, h2, h3], axis=1) return [f]
def model(X, h2_u, h3_u, h2_s, h3_s, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy ): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g2, b=b2, u=h2_u, s=h2_s)) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g3, b=b3, u=h3_u, s=h3_s)) h = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h, ws=(4, 4), stride=(4, 4), mode='max'), 2) h2 = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h2, ws=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2), mode='max'), 2) h3 = T.flatten(dnn_pool(h3, ws=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), mode='max'), 2) f = T.concatenate([h, h2, h3], axis=1) return [f]
def gen(Z, Y, w, w2, w3, wx): #Z: (nbatch, nz) = (128, 100) #Y: (nbatch, ny) = (128, 10) #w: (nz+ny, ngfc) = (110, 1024) #w2: (ngfc+ny, ngf*2*7*7) = (1024+10, 64*2*7*7) = (1034, 6272) #w3: (ngf*2+ny, ngf, 5, 5) = (128+10, 64, 5, 5 ) = (138, 64, 5, 5) #wx: (ngf+ny, nc, 5, 5) = (64+10, 1, 5, 5) = (74, 1, 5, 5) print '\n@@@@ gen()' printVal('Y', Y) printVal('w', w) #matrix printVal('w2', w2) #matrix printVal('w3', w3) #tensor printVal('wx', wx) #tensor # Yの要素の並びの入れ替え。数字の引数は、次元番号。'x' は ブロードキャスト #(G1) yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') # yb は4次元テンソル printVal('yb', yb) # 行列 Z と Y を結合(横方向):いわゆる Conditional GAN の形にする。 #(G2) Z = T.concatenate([Z, Y], axis=1) # Z: (128, 110) #(G3) # Z*w をバッチ正規化して、ReLU 適用 t1 =, w) #full connect : t1: (128, 1024) printVal('t1', t1) h = relu(batchnorm(t1)) # h: (128, 1024) #(G4) h = T.concatenate([h, Y], axis=1) # h: (128, 1034) #(G5) h2 = relu(batchnorm(, w2) #NOT full connect )) #(G6) h2 = h2.reshape((h2.shape[0], ngf * 2, 7, 7)) #(G7) h3, yb2 = conv_cond_concat2(h2, yb) #XXX #(G8)デコンボリューション:論文によれば、空間プーリングの代わりに適用する d = deconv(h3, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) printVal('d', d) # (128, 64, 14, 14) #h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) #(G9) h4 = relu(batchnorm(d)) #(G10) h5, yb3 = conv_cond_concat2(h4, yb) #(G11) x = sigmoid(deconv(h5, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x, yb, yb2, d, h3, h5
def bnorm_statistics(X, w, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, wy): h = lrelu(dnn_conv(X, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) h2 = dnn_conv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h2_u, h2_s = mean_and_var(h2) h2 = lrelu(batchnorm(h2, g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = dnn_conv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h3_u, h3_s = mean_and_var(h3) h3 = lrelu(batchnorm(h3, g=g3, b=b3)) h_us = [h2_u, h3_u] h_ss = [h2_s, h3_s] return h_us, h_ss
def apply(self, input, rand_vals=None): """ Apply this generator module to some input. """ batch_size = input.shape[0] bm = int((self.filt_dim - 1) / 2) # use "same" mode convolutions ss = self.us_stride # stride for "learned upsampling" if self.use_pooling: # "unpool" the input if desired input = input.repeat(ss, axis=2).repeat(ss, axis=3) # get shape for random values that will augment input rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_chans, input.shape[2], input.shape[3]) if self.use_rand: # augment input with random channels if rand_vals is None: if self.rand_type == 'normal': rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape) # stack random values on top of input full_input = T.concatenate([rand_vals, input], axis=1) else: # don't augment input with random channels full_input = input # apply first convolution, perhaps with fractional striding if self.use_pooling: h1 = dnn_conv(full_input, self.w1, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm)) else: # apply first conv layer (with fractional stride for upsampling) h1 = deconv(full_input, self.w1, subsample=(ss, ss), border_mode=(bm, bm)) if self.apply_bn_1: h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1) h1 = relu(h1) # apply second conv layer h2 = dnn_conv(h1, self.w2, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(bm, bm)) if self.apply_bn_2: h2 = batchnorm(h2, g=self.g2, b=self.b2) h2 = relu(h2) return h2
def make_conv_layer(X, input_size, output_size, input_filters, output_filters, name, index, weights=None, filter_sz=5): is_deconv = output_size >= input_size w_size = (input_filters, output_filters, filter_sz, filter_sz) if is_deconv else (output_filters, input_filters, filter_sz, filter_sz) if weights is None: w = gifn(w_size, '%sw%i' % (name, index)) g = gain_ifn((output_filters), '%sg%i' % (name, index)) b = bias_ifn((output_filters), '%sb%i' % (name, index)) else: w, g, b = weights conv_method = deconv if is_deconv else dnn_conv activation = relu if is_deconv else lrelu sub = output_size / input_size if is_deconv else input_size / output_size if filter_sz == 3: bm = 1 else: bm = 2 layer = activation( batchnorm(conv_method(X, w, subsample=(sub, sub), border_mode=(bm, bm)), g=g, b=b)) return layer, [w, g, b]
def apply(self, batch_size=None, rand_vals=None): """ Apply this generator module. Pass _either_ batch_size or rand_vals. """ assert not ((batch_size is None) and (rand_vals is None)), "need either batch_size or rand_vals" if rand_vals is None: rand_shape = (batch_size, self.rand_dim) if self.rand_type == 'normal': rand_vals = self.rng.normal(size=rand_shape, avg=0.0, std=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: rand_vals = self.rng.uniform(size=rand_shape, low=-1.0, high=1.0, \ dtype=theano.config.floatX) else: rand_shape = (rand_vals.shape[0], self.rand_dim) rand_vals = rand_vals.reshape(rand_shape) # transform random values linearly h1 =, self.w1) if self.apply_bn: h1 = batchnorm(h1, g=self.g1, b=self.b1) if self.final_relu: h1 = relu(h1) return h1 ############## # EYE BUFFER # ##############
def encoder_feature_function(input_data): # layer 0 (conv) h0 = dnn_conv(input_data, conv_w0, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h0 = relu(batchnorm(h0, g=bn_w0, b=bn_b0)) # layer 1 (conv) h1 = dnn_conv( h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h1 = relu(batchnorm(h1, g=bn_w1, b=bn_b1)) # layer 2 (conv) h2 = dnn_conv( h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(h2, g=bn_w2, b=bn_b2)) # layer 3 (conv) h3 = dnn_conv( h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h3 = relu(batchnorm(h3, g=bn_w3, b=bn_b3)) # feature feature = T.flatten(h3, 2) return feature
def make_conv_layer(X, input_size, output_size, input_filters, output_filters, name, index, weights = None, filter_sz = 5): is_deconv = output_size >= input_size w_size = (input_filters, output_filters, filter_sz, filter_sz) \ if is_deconv else (output_filters, input_filters, filter_sz, filter_sz) if weights is None: w = gifn(w_size, '%sw%i' %(name, index)) g = gain_ifn((output_filters), '%sg%i' %(name, index)) b = bias_ifn((output_filters), '%sb%i' %(name, index)) else: w,g,b = weights conv_method = deconv if is_deconv else dnn_conv activation = relu if is_deconv else lrelu sub = output_size / input_size if is_deconv else input_size / output_size if filter_sz == 3: bm = 1 else: bm = 2 layer = activation(batchnorm(conv_method(X, w, subsample=(sub, sub), border_mode=(bm, bm)), g=g, b=b)) return layer, [w,g,b]
def encoder_function(input_data): # layer 0 (conv) h0 = dnn_conv(input_data, conv_w0, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h0 = relu(batchnorm(h0, g=bn_w0, b=bn_b0)) # layer 1 (conv) h1 = dnn_conv(h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h1 = relu(batchnorm(h1, g=bn_w1, b=bn_b1)) # layer 2 (conv) h2 = dnn_conv(h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h2 = relu(batchnorm(h2, g=bn_w2, b=bn_b2)) # layer 3 (conv) h3 = dnn_conv(h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h3 = T.flatten(relu(batchnorm(h3, g=bn_w3, b=bn_b3)), 2) # layer output hidden_data =, hidden_w) + hidden_b return hidden_data
def gen_postlearn(_z, _params, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4): output = [] [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3] hs = [] h0_o =, gw0) output = [h0_o] h0 = relu(batchnorm(h0_o, g=gg0, b=gb0)) h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2**n_layers, init_sz, init_sz)) hs.extend([h0, h1]) for n in range(n_layers): [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)] hin = hs[-1] h_o = deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) hout = relu(batchnorm(h_o, g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) output.append(h_o) x = tanh(deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x, output
def gen(Z, Y): yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') Z = T.concatenate([Z, Y], axis=1) h = relu(batchnorm(, gw), g=gg, b=gb)) h = h.reshape((h.shape[0], ngf * 4, 4, 4)) h = conv_cond_concat(h, yb) h2 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h, gw2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=gg2, b=gb2)) h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb) h3 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h2, gw3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=gg3, b=gb3)) h3 = conv_cond_concat(h3, yb) x = tanh(deconv(h3, gw4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x
def encoder(X, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, wz): filter_shape = (Channel[1], Channel[0], kernal[0], kernal[0], kernal[0]) Dl1 = lrelu(batchnorm(conv(X, w1, filter_shape=filter_shape), g=g1, b=b1)) filter_shape = (Channel[2], Channel[1], kernal[1], kernal[1], kernal[1]) Dl2 = lrelu(batchnorm(conv(Dl1, w2, filter_shape=filter_shape), g=g2, b=b2)) filter_shape = (Channel[3], Channel[2], kernal[2], kernal[2], kernal[2]) Dl3 = lrelu(batchnorm(conv(Dl2, w3, filter_shape=filter_shape), g=g3, b=b3)) filter_shape = (Channel[4], Channel[3], kernal[3], kernal[3], kernal[3]) Dl4 = lrelu(batchnorm(conv(Dl3, w4, filter_shape=filter_shape), g=g4, b=b4)) Dl4 = T.flatten(Dl4, 2) DlZ = sigmoid(, wz)) return DlZ
def gen(_z, _params, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4, nc=3): [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3] hs = [] h0 = relu(batchnorm(, gw0), g=gg0, b=gb0)) h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2**n_layers, init_sz, init_sz)) hs.extend([h0, h1]) for n in range(n_layers): [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)] hin = hs[-1] hout = relu( batchnorm(deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) x = deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if nc == 3: x_f = tanh(x) if nc == 1: x_f = sigmoid(x) return x_f
def residual_block(inputs, output_channels, stride, scope): with tf.variable_scope(scope): net = ops.conv3d(inputs, 3, output_channels, stride, use_bias=False, scope='conv_1') if (FLAGS.GAN_type == 'GAN'): net = ops.batchnorm(net, FLAGS.is_training) net = ops.prelu_tf(net) net = ops.conv3d(net, 3, output_channels, stride, use_bias=False, scope='conv_2') if (FLAGS.GAN_type == 'GAN'): net = ops.batchnorm(net, FLAGS.is_training) net = net + inputs return net
def generator_function(hidden_data, is_train=True): # layer 0 (linear) h0 =, linear_w0) h0 = h0 + t_rng.normal(size=h0.shape, std=0.01, dtype=t_floatX) h0 = relu(batchnorm(X=h0, g=linear_bn_w0, b=linear_bn_b0)) h0 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], num_gen_filters0, init_image_size, init_image_size)) # layer 1 (deconv) h1 = deconv(h0, conv_w1, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h1 = h1 + t_rng.normal(size=h1.shape, std=0.01, dtype=t_floatX) h1 = relu(batchnorm(h1, g=conv_bn_w1, b=conv_bn_b1)) # layer 2 (deconv) h2 = deconv(h1, conv_w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h2 = h2 + t_rng.normal(size=h2.shape, std=0.01, dtype=t_floatX) h2 = relu(batchnorm(h2, g=conv_bn_w2, b=conv_bn_b2)) # layer 3 (deconv) h3 = deconv(h2, conv_w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) h3 = h3 + t_rng.normal(size=h3.shape, std=0.01, dtype=t_floatX) h3 = relu(batchnorm(h3, g=conv_bn_w3, b=conv_bn_b3)) # layer 4 (deconv) output = tanh(deconv(h3, conv_w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))+conv_b4.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x')) return output
def transitionLayer(layer_inputs, output_channel, is_training): net = layer_inputs net = batchnorm(net, is_training) net = prelu_tf(net) net = conv2(net, 1, output_channel, stride=1, use_bias=False, scope='conv1x1') return net
def gen(Z, w, g, b, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5, w6, g6, b6, wx): h = relu(batchnorm(, w), g=g, b=b)) h = h.reshape((h.shape[0], ngf * 4, 4, 4)) h2 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h, w2, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g2, b=b2)) h3 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g3, b=b3)) h4 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h3, w4, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g4, b=b4)) h5 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h4, w5, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g5, b=b5)) h6 = relu( batchnorm(deconv(h5, w6, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(1, 1)), g=g6, b=b6)) x = tanh(deconv(h6, wx, subsample=(1, 1), border_mode=(1, 1))) return x
def gen_test(_z, _params, _batchnorm, n_layers=3, n_f=128, init_sz=4, nc=3, use_tanh=False): if use_tanh: _z = tanh(_z) # gw0 : weight of dense layer(0) # gg0 , gb0 : params of batchnorm layer [gw0, gg0, gb0] = _params[0:3] hs = [] u = _batchnorm[0] s = _batchnorm[n_layers + 1] # Clip z => Dense => BatchNorm => ReLU h0 = relu( batchnorm(, -1.0, 1.0), gw0), u=u, s=s, g=gg0, b=gb0)) # reshape to 4D h1 = h0.reshape((h0.shape[0], n_f * 2**n_layers, init_sz, init_sz)) hs.extend([h0, h1]) for n in range(n_layers): [w, g, b] = _params[3 * (n + 1):3 * (n + 2)] hin = hs[-1] u = _batchnorm[n + 1] s = _batchnorm[n + n_layers + 2] hout = relu( batchnorm(deconv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), u=u, s=s, g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) x = deconv(hs[-1], _params[-1], subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) if nc == 3: x_f = tanh(x) if nc == 1: x_f = sigmoid(x) return x_f
def converter( IS, w1, w2, g2, b2, w3, g3, b3, w4, g4, b4, w5, g5, b5, w5d, g5d, b5d, w4d, g4d, b4d, w3d, g3d, b3d, w2d, g2d, b2d, w1d ): h1 = lrelu( dnn_conv( IS, w1, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) h2 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h1, w2, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2, b = b2 ) ) h3 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h2, w3, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3, b = b3 ) ) h4 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h3, w4, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4, b = b4 ) ) h5 = lrelu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h4, w5, subsample = ( 1, 1 ), border_mode = ( 0, 0 ) ), g = g5, b = b5 ) ) h5d = relu( batchnorm( dnn_conv( h5, w5d, subsample = ( 1, 1 ), border_mode = ( 0, 0 ) ), g = g5d, b = b5d ) ) h5d = h5d.reshape( ( h5d.shape[0], nf * 8, 4, 4 ) ) h4d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h5d, w4d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g4d, b = b4d ) ) h3d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h4d, w3d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g3d, b = b3d ) ) h2d = relu( batchnorm( deconv( h3d, w2d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ), g = g2d, b = b2d ) ) h1d = tanh( deconv( h2d, w1d, subsample = ( 2, 2 ), border_mode = ( 2, 2 ) ) ) y = h1d return y
def disc_test(_x, _params, _batchnorm, n_layers=3): w = _params[0] h0 = lrelu(dnn_conv(_x, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) hs = [h0] for n in range(n_layers): hin = hs[-1] w, g, b = _params[1 + 3 * n:1 + 3 * (n + 1)] u = _batchnorm[n] s = _batchnorm[n + n_layers] hout = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), u=u, s=s, g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) h = T.flatten(hs[-1], 2) y = sigmoid(, _params[-1])) return y
def discriminator_block(inputs, output_channel, kernel_size, stride, scope): with tf.variable_scope(scope): net = ops.conv3d(inputs, kernel_size, output_channel, stride, use_bias=False, scope='conv1') if (FLAGS.GAN_type == 'GAN'): net = ops.batchnorm(net, FLAGS.is_training) net = ops.lrelu(net, 0.2) return net
def predict_test(_x, _params, _batchnorm, n_layers=3): w = _params[0] h0 = lrelu(dnn_conv(_x, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) hs = [h0] for n in range(n_layers): hin = hs[-1] w, g, b = _params[1 + 3 * n:1 + 3 * (n + 1)] u = _batchnorm[n] s = _batchnorm[n + n_layers] hout = lrelu(batchnorm(dnn_conv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), u=u, s=s, g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) h = T.flatten(hs[-1], 2) y = tanh(, _params[-1])) return y
def gen(Z, Y, w, w2, w3, wx): print '\n@@@@ gen()' printVal('Z', Z) # matrix #printVal( 'Y', Y ) # matrix printVal('w', w) # matrix printVal('w2', w2) # matrix printVal('w3', w3) # tensor printVal('wx', wx) # tensor # Yの要素の並びの入れ替え。数字の引数は、次元番号。'x' は ブロードキャスト # 並び替えの前後で、全体の要素数は変わらない。 yb = Y.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x') # yb は4次元テンソル #printVal('yb', yb) # 行列 Z と Y を結合(横方向) Z = T.concatenate([Z, Y], axis=1) # matrix # Z*w(Full Connect) をバッチ正規化して、ReLU 適用 tmp_a =, w) # dot(matrix, matrix)->matrix printVal('dot(Z,w) -> tmp_a', tmp_a) h = relu(batchnorm(, w))) #CCC h = T.concatenate([h, Y], axis=1) #CCC printVal('h', h) # matrix h2 = relu(batchnorm(, w2))) #CCC printVal('h2', h2) #h2:matrix h2r = h2.reshape((h2.shape[0], GEN_NUM_FILTER * 2, 7, 7)) #CCC printVal('h2r', h2r) #h2r:tensor h2ry = conv_cond_concat(h2r, yb) # printVal('h2ry', h2ry) #h2:tensor # デコンボリューション:論文によれば、空間プーリングの代わりに適用する d = deconv(h2ry, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)) printVal('d', d) #h3 = relu(batchnorm(deconv(h2, w3, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)))) h3 = relu(batchnorm(d)) h3 = conv_cond_concat(h3, yb) x = sigmoid(deconv(h3, wx, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) return x, h2
def predict(_x, _params, n_layers=3): w = _params[0] h0 = lrelu(dnn_conv(_x, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2))) hs = [h0] for n in range(n_layers): hin = hs[-1] w, g, b = _params[1 + 3 * n:1 + 3 * (n + 1)] hout = lrelu( batchnorm(dnn_conv(hin, w, subsample=(2, 2), border_mode=(2, 2)), g=g, b=b)) hs.append(hout) h = T.flatten(hs[-1], 2) y = tanh(, _params[-1])) return y