def test_ospfv3_bit_mismatch(request):
    """OSPF verify E-bit and N-bit mismatch."""

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")

    input_dict = {"r3": {"ospf6": {"neighbors": []}}}

    step("Configure r3 as stub router")
    stub = {"r3": {"ospf6": {"area": [{"id": "", "type": "stub"}]}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, stub)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)
    # Verify r3 lost its adjacency with r2 due to E-bit mismatch
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r3", input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure r2 as stub router")
    stub = {"r2": {"ospf6": {"area": [{"id": "", "type": "stub"}]}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, stub)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)
    # Verify r3 has an adjacency up with r2 again
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r3")
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure r3 as NSSA router")
    nssa = {"r3": {"ospf6": {"area": [{"id": "", "type": "nssa"}]}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, nssa)
    # Verify r3 lost its adjacency with r2 due to N-bit mismatch
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r3", input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure r2 as NSSA router")
    nssa = {"r2": {"ospf6": {"area": [{"id": "", "type": "nssa"}]}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, nssa)
    # Verify r3 has an adjacency up with r2 again
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r3")
    assert result is True, "Testcase {}: Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospf6_auth_trailer_tc10_no_auth_trailer(request):
    OSPFv3 Neighborship without Authentication Trailer -
    Verify ospfv3 neighborship when no authentication trailer is configured.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")

    router1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
    router2 = tgen.gears["r2"]

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2  "
         "using show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

def setup_module(mod):
    Sets up the pytest environment

    * `mod`: module name
    global topo, switch_name
    testsuite_run_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    logger.info("Testsuite start time: {}".format(testsuite_run_time))
    logger.info("=" * 40)

    logger.info("Running setup_module to create topology")

    # This function initiates the topology build with Topogen...
    json_file = "{}/ospfv3_ecmp_lan.json".format(CWD)
    tgen = Topogen(json_file, mod.__name__)
    global topo
    topo = tgen.json_topo
    # ... and here it calls Mininet initialization functions.

    # get list of daemons needs to be started for this suite.
    daemons = topo_daemons(tgen, topo)

    # Starting topology, create tmp files which are loaded to routers
    #  to start daemons and then start routers
    start_topology(tgen, daemons)

    # Creating configuration from JSON
    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo)

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
    # Api call verify whether OSPF is converged
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, lan=True)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    switch_name = [k for k in topo["switches"].keys()][0]

    logger.info("Running setup_module() done")
def setup_module(mod):
    """Sets up the pytest environment."""
    global topo
    testsuite_run_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    logger.info("Testsuite start time: {}".format(testsuite_run_time))
    logger.info("=" * 40)

    logger.info("Running setup_module to create topology")

    # This function initiates the topology build with Topogen...
    tgen = Topogen(CreateTopo, mod.__name__)
    # ... and here it calls Mininet initialization functions.

    # get list of daemons needs to be started for this suite.
    daemons = topo_daemons(tgen, topo)

    # Starting topology, create tmp files which are loaded to routers
    #  to start daemons and then start routers
    start_topology(tgen, daemons)

    # Creating configuration from JSON
    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo)

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    # Api call verify whether OSPF converged
    ospf_covergence_ipv4 = verify_ospf_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence_ipv4 is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    # Api call verify whether OSPF6 converged
    ospf_covergence_ipv6 = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence_ipv6 is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
    logger.info("Running setup_module() done")
def test_ospfv3_dead_tc11_p0(request):
    OSPF timers.

    Verify OSPF interface timer dead interval functionality
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")

    step("modify dead interval from default value to some other value on r1")

    topo1 = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "hello_interval": 12,
                        "dead_interval": 48

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that new timer value is configured and applied using "
         "the show ip ospf interface command.")
    dut = "r1"
    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "timerIntervalsConfigDead": 48
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("modify dead interval from default value to r1"
         "dead interval timer on r2")

    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 48,
                        "hello_interval": 12

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that new timer value is configured.")
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "timerIntervalsConfigDead": 48
    dut = "r0"
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that ospf neighbours are  full")
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf_covergence)

    step("remove ospf on R0")
    ospf_del = {"r0": {"ospf6": {"delete": True}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_del)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    # reconfiguring deleted ospf process by resetting the configs.

    step("reconfigure the default dead interval timer value to "
         "default on r1 and r2")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 40

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    topo1 = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 40

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that new timer value is configured.")
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "timerIntervalsConfigDead": 40
    dut = "r0"
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that ospf neighbours are  full")
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf_covergence)

    step(" Configure dead timer = 65535 on r1 and r2")

    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 65535

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    topo1 = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 65535

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that new timer value is configured.")
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "timerIntervalsConfigDead": 65535
    dut = "r0"
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that ospf neighbours are  full")
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf_covergence)

    step(" Try configuring timer values outside range for example 65536")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 65536

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Create interface config failed. Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Unconfigure the dead timer from the interface from r1 and r2.")

    topo1 = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "dead_interval": 65535
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that timer value is deleted from intf & "
         "set to default value 40 sec.")
    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "timerIntervalsConfigDead": 40
    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospfv3_p2p_tc3_p0(request):
    """OSPF IFSM -Verify state change events on p2p network."""
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step("Verify that OSPF is subscribed to multi cast services "
         "(All SPF, all DR Routers).")
    step("Verify that interface is enabled in ospf.")
    step("Verify that config is successful.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {"r0": {"links": {"r3": {"ospf6": {"ospf6Enabled": True}}}}}
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Delete the ip address")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ipv6": topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"],
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Change the ip on the R0 interface")

    topo_modify_change_ip = deepcopy(topo)
    intf_ip = topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"]
    topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"] = str(
        IPv6Address(frr_unicode(intf_ip.split("/")[0])) + 3) + "/{}".format(

    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo_modify_change_ip, save_bkup=False)
    step("Verify that interface is enabled in ospf.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "internetAddress": [{
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)

    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Modify the mask on the R0 interface")
    ip_addr = topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"]
    mask = topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"]
    step("Delete the ip address")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ipv6": ip_addr,
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Change the ip on the R0 interface")

    topo_modify_change_ip = deepcopy(topo)
    intf_ip = topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"]
    topo_modify_change_ip["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"] = str(
        IPv6Address(frr_unicode(intf_ip.split("/")[0])) +
        3) + "/{}".format(int(intf_ip.split("/")[1]) + 1)

    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo_modify_change_ip, save_bkup=False)
    step("Verify that interface is enabled in ospf.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "internetAddress": [{
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo, save_bkup=False)

    step("Change the area id on the interface")
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)
    step("Verify that interface is enabled in ospf.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {"r0": {"links": {"r3": {"ospf6": {"ospf6Enabled": True}}}}}
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that interface is enabled in ospf.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {"r0": {"links": {"r3": {"ospf6": {"ospf6Enabled": True}}}}}
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify the all neighbors are up after clearing the process.")
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        clear_ospf(tgen, rtr, ospf="ospf6")

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def ospfv3_router_id_tc14_p2(request):
    """OSPF Router ID - Verify OSPF router id changes."""
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step(" Bring up the base config as per the topology")

    step("Configure system router id as on R1 , clear ospf router")
    ospf_rid = {"r0": {"ospf6": {"router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    step("configure ospf router id as on R1, clear ospf router")
    ospf_rid = {"r1": {"ospf6": {"router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    topo1 = deepcopy(topo)
    step("Verify that OSPF takes system router ID as ospf router id.")

    topo1["routers"]["r0"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""
    topo1["routers"]["r1"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""

    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        clear_ospf(tgen, rtr, ospf="ospf6")

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo1)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "OSPF NBRs not up.Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step(" delete ospf router id and clear ospf process.")
    ospf_rid = {"r0": {"ospf6": {"del_router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    ospf_rid = {"r1": {"ospf6": {"del_router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)


    step(" Configure R0 R1 R2 with same router ids")
    ospf_rid = {"r0": {"ospf6": {"router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    step("configure ospf router id as on R1, reboot router")
    ospf_rid = {"r1": {"ospf6": {"router_id": ""}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, expected=False)
    assert (ospf_covergence
            is not True), "OSPF NBRs are up.Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
    topo1 = {}
    topo1 = deepcopy(topo)

    for rtr in ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r0"]:

    build_config_from_json(tgen, topo1, save_bkup=False)

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is not True, (
        "Testcase {} :Failed \n Neighborship "
        "should not up as no router id is configured. Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result))

    step("Clear ospf process and check nbrs should not be up.")
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        clear_ospf(tgen, rtr, ospf="ospf6")

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is not True, (
        "Testcase {} :Failed \n Neighborship "
        "should not up as no router id is configured. Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result))

    topo1 = deepcopy(topo)

    step("Configure system router id on routers , clear ospf router")
    ospf_rid = {
        "r0": {
            "ospf6": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r1": {
            "ospf6": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r2": {
            "ospf6": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r3": {
            "ospf6": {
                "router_id": ""
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo1, ospf_rid)
    assert result is True, "Testcase : Failed \n Error: {}".format(result)

    topo1["routers"]["r0"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""
    topo1["routers"]["r1"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""
    topo1["routers"]["r2"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""
    topo1["routers"]["r3"]["ospf6"]["router_id"] = ""

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo1)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "OSPF NBRs not up.Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step(" Bring up the base config as per the topology")

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "OSPF NBRs not up.Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

def test_ospfv3_tc4_mtu_ignore_p0(request):
    OSPF NFSM - MTU change

    Verify NFSM events when ospf nbr changes with different MTU values
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step(" Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step("Configure OSPF on all the routers of the topology.")
    step("Verify that OSPF neighbors are FULL.")

    step("Modify the MTU to non default Value on R0 to R1 interface. "
         "Reset ospf neighbors on R0.")

    rtr0 = tgen.routers()["r0"]
    rtr1 = tgen.routers()["r1"]

    r0_r1_intf = topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r1"]["interface"]
    r1_r0_intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r0"]["interface"]

    rtr0.run("ifconfig {} mtu 1400".format(r0_r1_intf))

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")
    clear_ospf(tgen, "r1", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 is stuck in Exstart"
         " State.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, expected=False)
    assert result is not True, ("Testcase {} : Failed \n OSPF nbrs are Full "
                                "instead of Exstart. Error: {}".format(
                                    tc_name, result))

    step("Verify that configured MTU value is updated in the show ip "
         "ospf interface.")

    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {"r0": {"links": {"r1": {"ospf6": {"interfaceMtu": 1400}}}}}
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Modify the MTU to non default Value on R0 to R1 interface. "
         "Reset ospf neighbors on R0.")
    rtr0.run("ifconfig {} mtu 1500".format(r0_r1_intf))

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 becomes full.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure mtu ignore and change the value of the mtu to non default"
         " on R0 to R1 interface. Reset ospf neighbors on R0.")
    r0_ospf_mtu = {"r0": {"links": {"r1": {"ospf6": {"mtu_ignore": True}}}}}
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r0_ospf_mtu)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "mtuMismatchDetection": True
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    r1_ospf_mtu = {"r1": {"links": {"r0": {"ospf6": {"mtu_ignore": True}}}}}
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf_mtu)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    rtr0.run("ifconfig {} mtu 1400".format(r0_r1_intf))

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 becomes full.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Unconfigure mtu-ignore command from the interface. "
         "Reset ospf neighbors on R0.")

    r1_ospf_mtu = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r0": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "mtu_ignore": True,
                        "delete": True
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf_mtu)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 is stuck in Exstart"
         " State.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, expected=False)
    assert result is not True, ("Testcase {} : Failed \n OSPF nbrs are Full "
                                "instead of Exstart. Error: {}".format(
                                    tc_name, result))

    step("Modify the MTU to again default valaue on R0 to R1 interface.")

    rtr0.run("ifconfig {} mtu 1500".format(r0_r1_intf))

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 becomes full.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure ospf interface with jumbo MTU (9216)."
         "Reset ospf neighbors on R0.")

    rtr0.run("ifconfig {} mtu 9216".format(r0_r1_intf))
    rtr1.run("ifconfig {} mtu 9216".format(r1_r0_intf))

    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")
    clear_ospf(tgen, "r1", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighborship between R0 and R1 becomes full.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that jumbo MTU is updated in the show ip ospf interface.")
    dut = "r0"
    input_dict = {"r0": {"links": {"r1": {"ospf6": {"interfaceMtu": 9216}}}}}
    result = verify_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, dut=dut, input_dict=input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospfv3_redistribution_tc6_p0(request):
    """Test OSPF inter area route calculations."""
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")

    step("Verify that OSPF neighbors are FULL.")
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("verify intra area route is calculated for r0-r3 interface ip in R1")
    ip = topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"]
    ip_net = str(ipaddress.ip_interface(u"{}".format(ip)).network)
    llip = get_llip("r0", "r1")
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, llip)
    nh = llip
    input_dict = {
        "r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": ip_net, "no_of_ip": 1, "routeType": "N"}]}

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    step("Delete the ip address on newly configured loopback of R0")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ipv6": topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"],
                    "interface": topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["interface"],
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh, expected=False)
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route present in RIB. Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(
        tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol, next_hop=nh, expected=False
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route present in RIB. Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    step("Add back the deleted ip address on newly configured interface of R0")
    topo1 = {
        "r0": {
            "links": {
                "r3": {
                    "ipv6": topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["ipv6"],
                    "interface": topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["interface"],

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, topo1)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    step("Shut no shut interface on R0")
    dut = "r0"
    intf = topo["routers"]["r0"]["links"]["r3"]["interface"]
    shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, False)

    step("Verify that intraroute calculated for R1 intf on R0 is deleted.")
    dut = "r1"

    step("un shut the OSPF interface on R0")
    dut = "r0"
    shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, True)

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

def test_ospfv3_ecmp_tc17_p0(request):
    Verify OSPF ECMP.

    Verify OSPF ECMP with max path configured as 2 (Edge having 2 uplink ports)
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step("Configure 2 interfaces between R1 and R2 & enable ospf in area 0.")


    step("Verify that OSPF is up with 2 neighborship sessions.")
    dut = "r1"
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Configure a static route in R0 and redistribute in OSPF.")

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "static_routes": [{
                "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                "no_of_ip": 5,
                "next_hop": "Null0",
    result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r0"

    step("Verify that route in R2 in stalled with 2 next hops.")

    llip = get_llip("r0", "r1-link1")
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    nh1 = llip

    llip = get_llip("r0", "r1")
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    nh2 = llip

    nh = [nh1, nh2]

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure ECMP value as 1.")
    max_path = {"r1": {"ospf6": {"maximum-paths": 1}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, max_path)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r1"
    max_path = {"r1": {"ospf6": {"maximum-paths": 2}}}
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, max_path)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure cost on R0 as 100")
    r0_ospf_cost = {"r0": {"links": {"r1": {"ospf6": {"cost": 100}}}}}
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r0_ospf_cost)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospfv3_ecmp_tc16_p0(request):
    Verify OSPF ECMP.

    Verify OSPF ECMP with max path configured as 8 (ECMP
    configured at FRR level)
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step("Configure 8 interfaces between R1 and R2 and enable ospf in area 0.")


    step("Verify that OSPF is up with 8 neighborship sessions.")
    dut = "r1"
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Configure a static route in R0 and redistribute in OSPF.")

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "static_routes": [{
                "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                "no_of_ip": 5,
                "next_hop": "Null0",
    result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r0"

    llip = get_llip("r0", "r1-link1")
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that route in R2 in stalled with 8 next hops.")
    nh = []
    for item in range(1, 7):

    llip = get_llip("r0", "r1")
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    nh2 = llip


    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("shut no shut all the interfaces on the remote router - R2")
    dut = "r1"
    for intfr in range(1, 7):
        intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r0-link{}".format(
        shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, False)

    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen,
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route present in OSPF RIB.  Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route present in RIB. Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    for intfr in range(1, 7):
        intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r0-link{}".format(
        shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, True)

    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("shut no shut on all the interfaces on DUT (r1)")
    for intfr in range(1, 7):
        intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r0-link{}".format(
        shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, False)

    for intfr in range(1, 7):
        intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r0-link{}".format(
        shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, True)

    step("Verify that all the neighbours are up and routes are installed"
         " with 8 next hop in ospf and ip route tables on R1.")

    step("Verify that OSPF is up with 8 neighborship sessions.")
    dut = "r1"
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, next_hop=nh)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_rib(tgen,
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospf6_auth_trailer_tc6_sha256_mismatch(request):
    OSPFv3 Authentication Trailer - Verify ospfv3 authentication trailer
    using HMAC-SHA-256 manual key configuration.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")
        "Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 auth on R1 interface "
        "connected to R2 with auth trailer")

    r1_ospf6_auth = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "hash-algo": "hmac-sha-256",
                        "key": "ospf6",
                        "key-id": "10",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r1"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 with on R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer wrong key")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "hash-algo": "hmac-sha-256",
                        "key": "ospf6-missmatch",
                        "key-id": "10",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 with on R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer wrong key")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "hash-algo": "hmac-sha-256",
                        "key": "ospf6",
                        "key-id": "10",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2  "
         "using show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

def test_ospf6_auth_trailer_tc4_keychain_sha256(request):
    OSPFv3 Authentication Trailer - Verify ospfv3 authentication trailer
    using HMAC-SHA-256 keychain configuration.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")
        "Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 auth on R1 interface "
        "connected to R2 with auth trailer")

    router1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
    router2 = tgen.gears["r2"]

    router1.vtysh_cmd("""configure terminal
           key chain auth
             key 10
               key-string ospf6
               cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-256""")

    router2.vtysh_cmd("""configure terminal
           key chain auth
             key 10
               key-string ospf6
               cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-256""")

    r1_ospf6_auth = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r1"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2  "
         "using show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Disable authentication on R2 ")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
                        "del_action": True
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify on R1 ,nbr is deleted for R2 after dead interval expiry")
    #  wait till the dead timer expiry
    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Again On R2 enable ospf6 on interface with  message-digest auth")
    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2 using"
         " show ip ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Shut no shut interface on R1")
    dut = "r1"
    intf = topo["routers"]["r1"]["links"]["r2"]["interface"]
    shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, False)

    dut = "r2"
    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2 using "
         "show ip ospf6 neighbor cmd.")
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    dut = "r1"
    shutdown_bringup_interface(tgen, dut, intf, True)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2 using "
         "show ip ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

def test_ospfv3_lan_ecmp_tc18_p0(request):

    Verify OSPF ECMP with max path configured as 8
    (Edge having 1 uplink port as broadcast network,
    connect to 8 TORs - LAN case)

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step(". Configure ospf in all the routers on LAN interface.")


    step("Verify that OSPF is up with 8 neighborship sessions.")

    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, lan=True)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Configure a static route in all the routes and "
         "redistribute static/connected in OSPF.")

    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        input_dict = {
            rtr: {
                "static_routes": [{
                    "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                    "no_of_ip": 5,
                    "next_hop": "Null0"
        result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
        assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)

        dut = rtr

    step("Verify that route in R0 in stalled with 8 hops. "
         "Verify ospf route table and ip route table.")

    nh = []
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        llip = get_llip(rtr, switch_name)
        assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)

    llip = get_llip("r1", switch_name)
    assert llip is not None, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    dut = "r1"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "ospf6"
    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step(" clear ip ospf interface on DUT(r0)")
    clear_ospf(tgen, "r0", ospf="ospf6")

    step("Verify that after clearing the ospf interface all the "
         "neighbours are up and routes are installed with 8 next hop "
         "in ospf and ip route tables on R0")

    dut = "r0"
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut, lan=True)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step(" clear ip ospf interface on R2")
    clear_ospf(tgen, "r2")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut, lan=True)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Delete static/connected cmd in ospf in all the routes one by one.")
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        input_dict = {
            rtr: {
                "static_routes": [{
                    "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                    "no_of_ip": 5,
                    "next_hop": "Null0",
                    "delete": True,
        result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
        assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)

def test_ospf6_auth_trailer_tc9_keychain_not_configured(request):
    OSPFv3 Neighborship without Authentication Trailer -
    Verify ospfv3 neighborship when no authentication trailer is configured.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")
        "Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 auth on R1 interface "
        "connected to R2 with auth trailer")

    router1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
    router2 = tgen.gears["r2"]

    r1_ospf6_auth = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r1"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer non existing keychain")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

def test_ospf6_auth_trailer_tc8_keychain_sha256_missmatch(request):
    OSPFv3 Authentication Trailer - Verify ospfv3 authentication trailer
    using HMAC-SHA-256 keychain configuration.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")
        "Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 auth on R1 interface "
        "connected to R2 with auth trailer")

    router1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
    router2 = tgen.gears["r2"]

    router1.vtysh_cmd("""configure terminal
           key chain auth
             key 10
               key-string ospf6
               cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-256""")

    router2.vtysh_cmd("""configure terminal
           key chain auth
             key 10
               key-string ospf6
               cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-256""")

    router2.vtysh_cmd("""configure terminal
           key chain auth-missmatch
             key 10
               key-string ospf6-missmatch
               cryptographic-algorithm hmac-sha-256""")

    r1_ospf6_auth = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r1_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r1"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer wrong keychain")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth-missmatch",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is not FULL between R1 and R2.")
    # wait for dead time expiry.
    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen,
    assert ospf6_covergence is not True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

    step("Configure ospf6 between R1 and R2, enable ospf6 on R2 interface "
         "connected to R1 with auth trailer correct keychain")

    r2_ospf6_auth = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "keychain": "auth",
    result = config_ospf6_interface(tgen, topo, r2_ospf6_auth)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that the neighbour is FULL between R1 and R2  "
         "using show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor cmd.")

    dut = "r2"
    ospf6_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut=dut)
    assert ospf6_covergence is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(
        tc_name, ospf6_covergence)

def test_ospfv3_routemaps_functionality_tc25_p0(request):
    OSPF route map support functionality.

    Verify OSPF route map support functionality
    when route map actions are toggled.

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")


        "Create static routes( in R1 and redistribute "
        "to OSPF using route map."

    # Create Static routes
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "static_routes": [
                    "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                    "no_of_ip": 5,
                    "next_hop": "Null0",
    result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    ospf_red_r0 = {
        "r0": {
            "ospf6": {
                "redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static", "route_map": "rmap_ipv6"}]
    result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_red_r0)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)
    step("Configure route map with permit rule")
    # Create route map
    routemaps = {"r0": {"route_maps": {"rmap_ipv6": [{"action": "permit"}]}}}
    result = create_route_maps(tgen, routemaps)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that route is advertised to R1.")
    dut = "r1"
    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)
    step("Configure route map with deny rule")
    # Create route map
    routemaps = {
        "r0": {"route_maps": {"rmap_ipv6": [{"seq_id": 10, "action": "deny"}]}}
    result = create_route_maps(tgen, routemaps)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result)

    # Api call verify whether OSPF is converged
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Verify that route is not advertised to R1.")
    dut = "r1"
    protocol = "ospf"
    result = verify_ospf6_rib(tgen, dut, input_dict, expected=False)
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route found in the RIB, Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result

    result = verify_rib(
        tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol, expected=False
    assert (
        result is not True
    ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Route found in the RIB, Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result

def test_ospfv3_nssa_tc26_p0(request):
    """Verify that ospf non back bone area can be configured as NSSA area"""
    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()

    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config as per the topology")
    step("Configure ospf area 2 on r0 , r1 & r4, make the area 2 as NSSA area")


    input_dict = {
        "r2": {
            "static_routes": [{
                "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                "no_of_ip": 5,
                "next_hop": "Null0"
    result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Redistribute static route in R2 ospf.")
    dut = "r2"

    step("Verify that Type 5 LSA is originated by R2.")
    dut = "r0"
    protocol = "ospf6"
    result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", dut, input_dict, protocol=protocol)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Un configure redistribute command in R4")
    dut = "r2"
    red_static(dut, config=False)

    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "static_routes": [{
                "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                "no_of_ip": 1,
                "routeType": "Network"

    step("Configure area 0 on interface of r2 connecting to r1")

    input_dict = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that ospf neighbor goes down between r2 and r1.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r2", expected=False)
    assert (result is not True
            ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Nbrs are not down" "Error: {}".format(
                tc_name, result)

    step("Now configure area 0 on interface of r1 connecting to r2.")

    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that ospf neighbour comes up between r2 and r1.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r2")
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Configure area 2 on interface of r2 connecting to r1.")

    input_dict = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r2": {
            "links": {
                "r1": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("verify that ospf neighbor goes down between r2 and r1.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r2", expected=False)
    assert (result is not True
            ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Nbrs are not down" "Error: {}".format(
                tc_name, result)

    step("Now configure area 2 on interface of r1 connecting to r2.")

    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""
                    "delete": True,

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r1": {
            "links": {
                "r2": {
                    "ospf6": {
                        "area": ""

    result = create_interfaces_cfg(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that ospf neighbour comes up between r2 and r1.")
    result = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo, dut="r2")
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

def test_ospfv3_redistribution_tc8_p1(request):
    Test OSPF redistribution of connected routes.

    Verify OSPF redistribution of connected routes when bgp multi hop
    neighbor is configured using ospf routes

    tc_name = request.node.name
    tgen = get_topogen()
    global topo
    step("Bring up the base config.")
    step("Configure loopback interface on all routers, and redistribut"
         "e connected routes into ospf")
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    step("verify that connected routes -loopback is found in all routers"
         "advertised/exchaged via ospf")
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:

    for node in topo["routers"]:
        input_dict = {
            "r0": {
                "static_routes": [{
        for rtr in topo["routers"]:
            result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", rtr, input_dict)
            assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
                tc_name, result)

    step("Configure E BGP multi hop using the loopback addresses.")
    as_num = 100
    for node in topo["routers"]:
        as_num += 1
            "bgp": {
                "local_as": as_num,
                "address_family": {
                    "ipv6": {
                        "unicast": {
                            "neighbor": {}
    for node in topo["routers"]:
        for rtr in topo["routers"]:
            if node is not rtr:
                        rtr: {
                            "dest_link": {
                                "lo": {
                                    "source_link": "lo",
                                    "ebgp_multihop": 2

    result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, topo["routers"])
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    # Modify router id
    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "bgp": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r1": {
            "bgp": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r2": {
            "bgp": {
                "router_id": ""
        "r3": {
            "bgp": {
                "router_id": ""
    result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    step("Verify that BGP neighbor is ESTABLISHED")
    result = verify_bgp_convergence(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)
    step("Configure couple of static routes in R0 and "
         "Redistribute static routes in R1 bgp.")

    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        ospf_red = {
            rtr: {
                "ospf6": {
                    "redistribute": [{
                        "redist_type": "static",
                        "delete": True
        result = create_router_ospf(tgen, topo, ospf_red)
        assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)

    input_dict = {
        "r0": {
            "static_routes": [{
                "network": NETWORK["ipv6"][0],
                "no_of_ip": 5,
                "next_hop": "Null0",
    result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_dict)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    configure_bgp_on_r0 = {
        "r0": {
            "bgp": {
                "address_family": {
                    "ipv6": {
                        "unicast": {
                            "redistribute": [{
                                "redist_type": "static"
    result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, configure_bgp_on_r0)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)
    protocol = "bgp"
    for rtr in ["r1", "r2", "r3"]:
        result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", rtr, input_dict, protocol=protocol)
        assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)

    step("Clear ospf neighbours in R0")
    for rtr in topo["routers"]:
        clear_ospf(tgen, rtr)

    step("Verify that OSPF neighbours are reset and forms new adjacencies.")
    # Api call verify whether OSPF is converged
    ospf_covergence = verify_ospf6_neighbor(tgen, topo)
    assert ospf_covergence is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format(

    step("Verify that BGP neighbours are reset and forms new adjacencies.")
    result = verify_bgp_convergence(tgen, topo)
    assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format(
        tc_name, result)

    protocol = "bgp"
    for rtr in ["r1", "r2", "r3"]:
        result = verify_rib(tgen, "ipv6", rtr, input_dict, protocol=protocol)
        assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format(
            tc_name, result)
