def make_chunks(physiological_file_id, config_file, verbose):
    Call the function create_chunks_for_visualization of the Physiology class on
    the PhysiologicalFileID provided as argument to this function.

    :param physiological_file_id: PhysiologicalFileID of the file to chunk
     :type physiological_file_id: int
    :param config_file: path to the config file with database connection information
     :type config_file: str
    :param verbose    : flag for more printing if set
     :type verbose    : bool

    # database connection
    db = Database(config_file.mysql, verbose)

    # grep config settings from the Config module
    data_dir = db.get_config('dataDirBasepath')

    # making sure that there is a final / in data_dir
    data_dir = data_dir if data_dir.endswith('/') else data_dir + "/"

    # load the Physiological object
    physiological = Physiological(db, verbose)

    # create the chunked dataset
    if physiological.grep_file_path_from_file_id(physiological_file_id):
        print('Chunking physiological file ID ' + str(physiological_file_id))
    def create_and_insert_archive(self, files_to_archive, archive_rel_name,
        Create an archive with all electrophysiology files associated to a
        specific recording (including electrodes.tsv, channels.tsv etc...)

        :param files_to_archive: tuple with the list of files to include in
                                 the archive
         :type files_to_archive: tuple
        :param archive_rel_name: path to the archive relative to data_dir
         :type archive_rel_name: str
        :param eeg_file_id     : PhysiologicalFileID
         :type eeg_file_id     : int

        # load the Physiological object that will be used to insert the
        # physiological archive into the database
        physiological = Physiological(self.db, self.verbose)

        # check if archive is on the filesystem
        archive_full_path = self.data_dir + archive_rel_name
        blake2 = None
        if os.path.isfile(archive_full_path):
            blake2 = blake2b(archive_full_path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        # check if archive already inserted in database and matches the one
        # on the filesystem using blake2b hash
        result = physiological.grep_archive_info_from_file_id(eeg_file_id)
        if result:
            if not blake2:
                message = '\nERROR: no archive was found on the filesystem ' + \
                          'while an entry was found in the database for '   + \
                          'PhysiologicalFileID = ' + str(eeg_file_id)
            elif result['Blake2bHash'] != blake2:
                message = '\nERROR: blake2b hash of ' + archive_full_path     +\
                          ' does not match the one stored in the database.'   +\
                          '\nblake2b of ' + archive_full_path + ': ' + blake2 +\
                          '\nblake2b in the database: ' + result['blake2b_hash']

        # create the archive file
        utilities.create_archive(files_to_archive, archive_rel_name,

        # insert the archive file in physiological_archive
        blake2 = blake2b(archive_full_path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        archive_info = {
            'PhysiologicalFileID': eeg_file_id,
            'Blake2bHash': blake2,
            'FilePath': archive_rel_name
    def register_raw_data(self):
        Registers raw EEG data and related files into the following tables:
            - physiological_file
            - physiological_parameter_file
            - physiological_electrode
            - physiological_channel
            - physiological_task_event

        # insert EEG file
        inserted_eeg = self.fetch_and_insert_eeg_file()
        eeg_file_id = inserted_eeg['file_id']
        eeg_file_path = inserted_eeg['eeg_path']

        # insert related electrode, channel and event information
        electrode_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_electrode_file(eeg_file_id)
        channel_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_channel_file(eeg_file_id)
        event_file_path = self.fetch_and_insert_event_file(eeg_file_id)

        # grep the path to the fdt file is present in
        # physiological_parameter_file for that PhysiologicalFileID
        physiological = Physiological(self.db, self.verbose)
        results = physiological.grep_parameter_value_from_file_id(
            eeg_file_id, 'fdt_file')
        fdt_file_path = results['Value'] if results else None

        # archive all files in a tar ball for downloading all files at once
        files_to_archive = (self.data_dir + eeg_file_path, )
        if electrode_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   electrode_file_path, )
        if fdt_file_path:  # add the fdt file path to the tuple if present
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   fdt_file_path, )
        if event_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   event_file_path, )
        if channel_file_path:
            files_to_archive = files_to_archive + (self.data_dir +
                                                   channel_file_path, )
        archive_rel_name = os.path.splitext(eeg_file_path)[0] + ".tgz"
        self.create_and_insert_archive(files_to_archive, archive_rel_name,

        # create data chunks for React visualization in
        # data_dir/bids_import/bids_dataset_name_BIDSVersion_chunks directory
    def fetch_and_insert_event_file(self,
        Gather raw channel file information to insert into
        physiological_task_event. Once all the information has been gathered,
        it will call Physiological.insert_event_file that will perform the
        insertion into physiological_task_event, linking it to the
        PhysiologicalFileID already registered.

        :param physiological_file_id: PhysiologicalFileID of the associated
                                      physiological file already inserted into
                                      the physiological_file table
         :type physiological_file_id: int
        :param derivatives: dictionary with derivative folder information if
                            the event file to insert is a derivative file.
                            Set by default to None when inserting raw file.
         :type derivatives: dict

        :return: channel file path in the /DATA_DIR/bids_import directory
         :rtype: str

        # load the Physiological object that will be used to insert the
        # physiological data into the database
        physiological = Physiological(self.db, self.verbose)

        # check if inserting derivatives to use the derivative_pattern to
        # grep for the eeg file
        derivative_pattern = None
        derivative_path = None
        if derivatives:
            derivative_pattern = derivatives['derivative_name'] + "/sub-"
            derivative_path = self.get_derivatives_path(derivatives)

        event_file = BidsReader.grep_file(

        if not event_file:
            message = "WARNING: no events file associated with " \
                      "physiological file ID " + str(physiological_file_id)
            return None
            result = physiological.grep_event_from_physiological_file_id(
            event_path = result[0]['FilePath'] if result else None
            event_data = utilities.read_tsv_file(event_file)
            if not result:
                # copy the event file to the LORIS BIDS import directory
                event_path = self.copy_file_to_loris_bids_dir(
                    event_file, derivative_path)
                # get the blake2b hash of the task events file
                blake2 = blake2b(event_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
                # insert event data in the database
                physiological.insert_event_file(event_data, event_path,
                                                physiological_file_id, blake2)

        return event_path
    def fetch_and_insert_eeg_file(self, derivatives=None):
        Gather EEG file information to insert into physiological_file and
        physiological_parameter_file. Once all the information has been
        gathered, it will call self.insert_physiological_file that will
        perform the insertion into physiological_file and

        :param derivatives: dictionary with derivative folder information if
                            the EEG file to insert is a derivative file.
                            Set by default to None when inserting raw file.
         :type derivatives: list
        :return: dictionary with registered file ID and path to its file
         :rtype: dict

        # load the Physiological object that will be used to insert the
        # physiological data into the database
        physiological = Physiological(self.db, self.verbose)

        # check if inserting derivatives to use the derivative_pattern to
        # grep for the eeg file
        derivative_pattern = None
        derivative_path = None
        files_list = self.eeg_files  # by default, raw data is eeg_files
        if derivatives:
            # TODO grep the source file as well as the input file ID???
            derivative_pattern = derivatives['derivative_name'] + "/sub-"
            files_list = self.derivative_eeg_files
            derivative_path = self.get_derivatives_path(derivatives)

        # grep the raw files from eeg_files list
        eeg_file = BidsReader.grep_file(
        json_file = BidsReader.grep_file(files_list=files_list,
        fdt_file = BidsReader.grep_file(files_list=files_list,

        # return if no eeg_file was found
        if not eeg_file:
            return None

        # read the json file if it exists
        eeg_file_data = {}
        if json_file:
            with open(json_file) as data_file:
                eeg_file_data = json.load(data_file)
            # copy the JSON file to the LORIS BIDS import directory
            json_path = self.copy_file_to_loris_bids_dir(
                json_file, derivative_path)
            eeg_file_data['json_file'] = json_path
            json_blake2 = blake2b(json_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
            eeg_file_data['physiological_json_file_blake2b_hash'] = json_blake2

        # greps the file type from the ImagingFileTypes table
        file_type = physiological.determine_file_type(eeg_file)

        # grep the output type from the physiological_output_type table
        output_type = 'derivatives' if derivatives else 'raw'
        output_type_id = self.db.grep_id_from_lookup_table(

        # get the acquisition date of the EEG file or the age at the time of the EEG recording
        eeg_acq_time = None
        if self.scans_file:
            scan_info = ScansTSV(self.scans_file, eeg_file, self.verbose)
            eeg_acq_time = scan_info.get_acquisition_time()
            eeg_file_data['age_at_scan'] = scan_info.get_age_at_scan()
            # copy the scans.tsv file to the LORIS BIDS import directory
            scans_path = scan_info.copy_scans_tsv_file_to_loris_bids_dir(
                self.bids_sub_id, self.loris_bids_root_dir, self.data_dir)
            eeg_file_data['scans_tsv_file'] = scans_path
            scans_blake2 = blake2b(self.scans_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
                'physiological_scans_tsv_file_bake2hash'] = scans_blake2

        # if file type is set and fdt file exists, append fdt path to the
        # eeg_file_data dictionary
        if file_type == 'set' and fdt_file:
            # copy the fdt file to the LORIS BIDS import directory
            fdt_path = self.copy_file_to_loris_bids_dir(
                fdt_file, derivative_path)
            eeg_file_data['fdt_file'] = fdt_path
            fdt_blake2 = blake2b(fdt_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
            eeg_file_data['physiological_fdt_file_blake2b_hash'] = fdt_blake2

        # append the blake2b to the eeg_file_data dictionary
        blake2 = blake2b(eeg_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        eeg_file_data['physiological_file_blake2b_hash'] = blake2

        # check that the file using blake2b is not already inserted before
        # inserting it
        result = physiological.grep_file_id_from_hash(blake2)
        physio_file_id = result['PhysiologicalFileID'] if result else None
        eeg_path = result['FilePath'] if result else None
        if not physio_file_id:
            # grep the modality ID from physiological_modality table
            modality_id = self.db.grep_id_from_lookup_table(

            # copy the eeg_file to the LORIS BIDS import directory
            eeg_path = self.copy_file_to_loris_bids_dir(
                eeg_file, derivative_path)

            # insert the file along with its information into
            # physiological_file and physiological_parameter_file tables
            eeg_file_info = {
                'FileType': file_type,
                'FilePath': eeg_path,
                'SessionID': self.session_id,
                'AcquisitionTime': eeg_acq_time,
                'InsertedByUser': getpass.getuser(),
                'PhysiologicalOutputTypeID': output_type_id,
                'PhysiologicalModalityID': modality_id
            physio_file_id = physiological.insert_physiological_file(
                eeg_file_info, eeg_file_data)

        # if the EEG file was a set file, then update the filename for the .set
        # and .fdt files in the .set file so it can find the proper file for
        # visualization and analyses
        if file_type == 'set':
            set_full_path = self.data_dir + eeg_path
            fdt_full_path = eeg_file_data['fdt_file']
            if fdt_full_path:
                fdt_full_path = self.data_dir + eeg_file_data['fdt_file']
            utilities.update_set_file_path_info(set_full_path, fdt_full_path)

        return {'file_id': physio_file_id, 'eeg_path': eeg_path}