    def _scharr_edges(cls, image, magnitude):
        """ Returns a tensor holding modified Scharr edge maps.

        image: tensor
            Image tensor with shape [batch_size, h, w, d] and type float32. The image(s) must be
            2x2 or larger.
        magnitude: bool
            Boolean to determine if the edge magnitude or edge direction is returned

            Tensor holding edge maps for each channel. Returns a tensor with shape `[batch_size, h,
            w, d, 2]` where the last two dimensions hold `[[dy[0], dx[0]], [dy[1], dx[1]], ...,
            [dy[d-1], dx[d-1]]]` calculated using the Scharr filter.

        # Define vertical and horizontal Scharr filters.
        # TODO PlaidML: AttributeError: 'Value' object has no attribute 'get_shape'
        static_image_shape = image.get_shape()
        image_shape = K.shape(image)

        # 5x5 modified Scharr kernel ( reshape to (5,5,1,2) )
        matrix = np.array([[[[0.00070, 0.00070]], [[0.00520, 0.00370]],
                            [[0.03700, 0.00000]], [[0.00520, -0.0037]],
                            [[0.00070, -0.0007]]],
                           [[[0.00370, 0.00520]], [[0.11870, 0.11870]],
                            [[0.25890, 0.00000]], [[0.11870, -0.1187]],
                            [[0.00370, -0.0052]]],
                           [[[0.00000, 0.03700]], [[0.00000, 0.25890]],
                            [[0.00000, 0.00000]], [[0.00000, -0.2589]],
                            [[0.00000, -0.0370]]],
                           [[[-0.0037, 0.00520]], [[-0.1187, 0.11870]],
                            [[-0.2589, 0.00000]], [[-0.1187, -0.1187]],
                            [[-0.0037, -0.0052]]],
                           [[[-0.0007, 0.00070]], [[-0.0052, 0.00370]],
                            [[-0.0370, 0.00000]], [[-0.0052, -0.0037]],
                            [[-0.0007, -0.0007]]]])
        num_kernels = [2]
        kernels = K.constant(matrix, dtype='float32')
        kernels = K.tile(kernels, [1, 1, image_shape[-1], 1])

        # Use depth-wise convolution to calculate edge maps per channel.
        # Output tensor has shape [batch_size, h, w, d * num_kernels].
        pad_sizes = [[0, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0]]
        padded = pad(image, pad_sizes, mode='REFLECT')
        output = K.depthwise_conv2d(padded, kernels)

        if not magnitude:  # direction of edges
            # Reshape to [batch_size, h, w, d, num_kernels].
            shape = K.concatenate([image_shape, num_kernels], axis=0)
            output = K.reshape(output, shape=shape)
            output = tf.atan(
                K.squeeze(output[:, :, :, :, 0] / output[:, :, :, :, 1],
        # magnitude of edges -- unified x & y edges don't work well with Neural Networks
        return output
    def call(self, var_x, mask=None):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,arguments-differ
        """This is where the layer's logic lives.

        inputs: tensor
            Input tensor, or list/tuple of input tensors
        kwargs: dict
            Additional keyword arguments

            A tensor or list/tuple of tensors
        input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape
        in_width, in_height = input_shape[2], input_shape[1]
        kernel_width, kernel_height = self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size

        if (in_height % self.stride) == 0:
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - self.stride, 0)
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - (in_height % self.stride), 0)
        if (in_width % self.stride) == 0:
            padding_width = max(kernel_width - self.stride, 0)
            padding_width = max(kernel_width - (in_width % self.stride), 0)

        padding_top = padding_height // 2
        padding_bot = padding_height - padding_top
        padding_left = padding_width // 2
        padding_right = padding_width - padding_left

        return pad(var_x, [[0, 0], [padding_top, padding_bot],
                           [padding_left, padding_right], [0, 0]], 'REFLECT')
    def _shrink_images(
            cls, images: List[plaidml.tile.Value]) -> List[plaidml.tile.Value]:
        """ Reduce the dimensional space of a batch of images in half. If the images are an odd
        number of pixels then pad them to an even dimension prior to shrinking

        All incoming images are assumed square.

        images: list
            The y_true, y_pred batch of images to be shrunk

            The y_true, y_pred batch shrunk by half
        if any(x % 2 != 0 for x in K.int_shape(images[1])[1:2]):
            images = [
                pad(img, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]], mode="REFLECT")
                for img in images

        images = [
            K.pool2d(img, (2, 2),
                     strides=(2, 2),
                     pool_mode="avg") for img in images

        return images
    def _conv_gaussian(self, inputs: plaidml.tile.Value) -> plaidml.tile.Value:
        """ Perform Gaussian convolution on a batch of images.

        inputs: :class:`plaidml.tile.Value`
            The input batch of images to perform Gaussian convolution on.

            The convolved images
        channels = self._shape[-1]
        gauss = K.tile(self._gaussian_kernel, (1, 1, 1, channels))

        # PlaidML doesn't implement replication padding like pytorch. This is an inefficient way to
        # implement it for a square guassian kernel
        size = K.int_shape(self._gaussian_kernel)[1] // 2
        padded_inputs = inputs
        for _ in range(size):
            padded_inputs = pad(
                padded_inputs,  # noqa,pylint:disable=no-value-for-parameter,unexpected-keyword-arg
                ([0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]),

        retval = K.conv2d(padded_inputs,
                          strides=(1, 1),
        return retval
    def _scharr_edges(
            cls, image: plaidml.tile.Value, magnitude: bool,
            image_shape: Tuple[None, int, int, int]) -> plaidml.tile.Value:
        """ Returns a tensor holding modified Scharr edge maps.

        image: :class:`plaidml.tile.Value`
            Image tensor with shape [batch_size, h, w, d] and type float32. The image(s) must be
            2x2 or larger.
        magnitude: bool
            Boolean to determine if the edge magnitude or edge direction is returned
        image_shape: tuple
            The shape of the incoming image

            Tensor holding edge maps for each channel. Returns a tensor with shape `[batch_size, h,
            w, d, 2]` where the last two dimensions hold `[[dy[0], dx[0]], [dy[1], dx[1]], ...,
            [dy[d-1], dx[d-1]]]` calculated using the Scharr filter.
        # Define vertical and horizontal Scharr filters.
        # 5x5 modified Scharr kernel ( reshape to (5,5,1,2) )
        matrix = np.array([[[[0.00070, 0.00070]], [[0.00520, 0.00370]],
                            [[0.03700, 0.00000]], [[0.00520, -0.0037]],
                            [[0.00070, -0.0007]]],
                           [[[0.00370, 0.00520]], [[0.11870, 0.11870]],
                            [[0.25890, 0.00000]], [[0.11870, -0.1187]],
                            [[0.00370, -0.0052]]],
                           [[[0.00000, 0.03700]], [[0.00000, 0.25890]],
                            [[0.00000, 0.00000]], [[0.00000, -0.2589]],
                            [[0.00000, -0.0370]]],
                           [[[-0.0037, 0.00520]], [[-0.1187, 0.11870]],
                            [[-0.2589, 0.00000]], [[-0.1187, -0.1187]],
                            [[-0.0037, -0.0052]]],
                           [[[-0.0007, 0.00070]], [[-0.0052, 0.00370]],
                            [[-0.0370, 0.00000]], [[-0.0052, -0.0037]],
                            [[-0.0007, -0.0007]]]])
        # num_kernels = [2]
        kernels = K.constant(matrix, dtype='float32')
        kernels = K.tile(kernels, [1, 1, image_shape[-1], 1])

        # Use depth-wise convolution to calculate edge maps per channel.
        # Output tensor has shape [batch_size, h, w, d * num_kernels].
        pad_sizes = [[0, 0], [2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0]]
        padded = pad(image, pad_sizes, mode='REFLECT')
        output = K.depthwise_conv2d(padded, kernels)

        # TODO magnitude not implemented for plaidml
        if not magnitude:  # direction of edges
            raise FaceswapError(
                "Magnitude for GMSD Loss is not implemented in PlaidML")
        #    # Reshape to [batch_size, h, w, d, num_kernels].
        #    shape = K.concatenate([image_shape, num_kernels], axis=0)
        #    output = K.reshape(output, shape=shape)
        #    output.set_shape(static_image_shape.concatenate(num_kernels))
        #    output = tf.atan(K.squeeze(output[:, :, :, :, 0] / output[:, :, :, :, 1], axis=None))
        # magnitude of edges -- unified x & y edges don't work well with Neural Networks
        return output
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape
        in_width, in_height = input_shape[2], input_shape[1]
        kernel_width, kernel_height = self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size

        if (in_height % self.stride) == 0:
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - self.stride, 0)
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - (in_height % self.stride), 0)
        if (in_width % self.stride) == 0:
            padding_width = max(kernel_width - self.stride, 0)
            padding_width = max(kernel_width - (in_width % self.stride), 0)

        padding_top = padding_height // 2
        padding_bot = padding_height - padding_top
        padding_left = padding_width // 2
        padding_right = padding_width - padding_left

        return pad(x, [[0, 0], [padding_top, padding_bot],
                       [padding_left, padding_right], [0, 0]], 'REFLECT')
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape
        in_width, in_height = input_shape[2], input_shape[1]
        kernel_width, kernel_height  = self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size

        if (in_height % self.stride == 0):
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - self.stride, 0)
            padding_height = max(kernel_height - (in_height % self.stride), 0)
        if (in_width % self.stride == 0):
            padding_width = max(kernel_width - self.stride, 0)
            padding_width = max(kernel_width- (in_width % self.stride), 0)

        padding_top = padding_height // 2
        padding_bot = padding_height - padding_top
        padding_left = padding_width // 2
        padding_right = padding_width - padding_left

        return pad(x, [[0,0],
                          [padding_top, padding_bot],
                          [padding_left, padding_right],
                          [0,0] ],