def _stat_server(node, expr): """Instruct single server to return statistics to controller.""" root, path = lib.expr_split(expr) try: RemoteProcedureCall._send_to_sniffer(node, root, 'stat') node.print_info(TAG, "Node stat'ed for stats for the destination: %s" %expr) except Exception as e: node.print_error(TAG, "Error occured with 'stat' command for expression '%s': %s" % (expr, e)) raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={'exception' : str(e), 'node_id' : str(node.node_id), 'expr' : str(expr)}, code='-32603')
def _pause_sniffer(node, expr): """Instruct single server to pause.""" root, path = lib.expr_split(expr) try: RemoteProcedureCall._send_to_sniffer(node, root, 'pause') node.print_info(TAG, "Server paused with expr: %s" %expr) except Exception as e: node.print_error(TAG, "Error occured with 'pause' command for expression '%s': %s" % (expr, e)) raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={'exception' : str(e), 'node_id' : str(node.node_id), 'expr' : str(expr)}, code='-32603')
def _start_sniffer(node, expr): """Instruct a single (existing) server to start.""" root, path = lib.expr_split(expr) try: RemoteProcedureCall._send_to_sniffer(node, root, 'start') node.print_info(TAG, "Start monitoring the server: %s" %expr) except Exception as e: node.print_error(TAG, "Error occured with 'start' command for monitoring '%s': %s" % (expr, e)) raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={'exception' : str(e), 'node_id' : str(node.node_id), 'expr' : str(expr)}, code='-32603')
def _validate_request(self, rpc): try: if "id" not in rpc.request: raise Exception else: = str(rpc.request["id"]) if "method" not in rpc.request or "params" not in rpc.request or "jsonrpc" not in rpc.request: raise Exception else: rpc.method = str(rpc.request["method"]) rpc.params = rpc.request["params"] return rpc except Exception: raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data='The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.', code='-32600')
def stat(self, rpc): """Retrieve statistics from the database. Handle the three permutations of node descriptions (all, list or single). Do final calculations and conversion for the aggregate statistic. """ # TODO change the stats to be meaningful for the QoEM try: total_result = dict([('total_cache_miss', 0), ('total_cache_miss_size', 0), ('total_cache_hit', 0), ('total_cache_hit_size', 0), ('total_cache_object', 0), ('total_cache_object_size', 0), ('start', 0), ('stop', 0), ('pause', 0), ('total_response_count', 0), ('total_node_id_count', 0), ('total_expr_count', 0), ('node_id_seen', set()), ('expr_seen', set()), ('node_expr_pairs_seen', set())]) if rpc.node_id == '*': for node in self._state.list_nodes(): total_result = self._stat_node(rpc.expr, node, total_result) elif "|" in rpc.node_id: for node in rpc.node_id.split("|"): total_result = self._stat_node(rpc.expr, node, total_result) else: total_result = self._stat_node(rpc.expr, rpc.node_id, total_result) total_result['total_node_id_count'] = len( total_result['node_id_seen']) total_result['total_expr_count'] = len(total_result['expr_seen']) total_result['total_response_count'] = len( total_result['node_expr_pairs_seen']) total_result['node_id_seen'] = list(total_result['node_id_seen']) total_result['expr_seen'] = list(total_result['expr_seen']) total_result['node_expr_pairs_seen'] = list( total_result['node_expr_pairs_seen']) return total_result except Exception as e: raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={ 'exception': str(e), 'node_id': str(node.node_id), 'expr': str(rpc.expr) }, code='-32603')
def _stop_server(node, expr): """Instruct sniffer to stop. Send stop command and then terminate process. """ root, path = lib.expr_split(expr) try: RemoteProcedureCall._send_to_sniffer(node, root, 'stop') time.sleep(0.1) server_dict[expr]["process"].terminate() port_number_lock.acquire() allocated_port_number.append(server_dict[expr]["port"]) port_number_lock.release() node.print_info(TAG, "Server stopped with expr: %s" %expr) except Exception as e: node.print_error(TAG, "Error occured with 'stop' command for expression '%s': %s" % (expr, e)) raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={'exception' : str(e), 'node_id' : str(node.node_id), 'expr' : str(expr)}, code='-32603')
def _validate_method_params(self, rpc): try: if rpc.method == 'hello': if "host" in rpc.params and "port" in rpc.params: = str(rpc.params["host"]) rpc.port = str(rpc.params["port"]) else: raise Exception elif rpc.method == "keep_alive" or rpc.method == "goodbye": if "node-id" in rpc.params: rpc.node_id = str(rpc.params["node-id"]) else: raise Exception else: if "node-id" in rpc.params: rpc.node_id = str(rpc.params["node-id"]) if "expr" in rpc.params: rpc.expr = str(rpc.params["expr"]) return rpc except Exception: raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data='Invalid method parameter(s).', code='-32602')
def _start_new_sniffer(node, expr): """ Use next available port to start server process. Store server process and port. """ root, path = lib.expr_split(expr) try: try: port_number_lock.acquire() port = allocated_port_number.popleft() port_number_lock.release() except IndexError: node.print_error(TAG, "No ports remaining in allocation, cannot start new server.") return False process = multiprocessing.Process(target=server.Server, args=(node, root, port)) process.daemon = True process.start() server_dict[expr] = {"process" : process, "port" : port} node.print_info(TAG, "New server started with expr: %s" %expr) except Exception as e: node.print_error(TAG, "Error occured with 'start' (new server) for expression '%s': %s" % (expr, e)) raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={'exception' : str(e), 'node_id' : str(node.node_id), 'expr' : str(expr)}, code='-32603')
def refresh(self, rpc): """Send new stat requests to given nodes to refresh data in controller. Handle the three permutations of node descriptions (all, list or single). """ try: if rpc.node_id == '*': for node in self._state.list_nodes(): self._refresh_node(rpc.expr, node) elif "|" in rpc.node_id: for node in rpc.node_id.split("|"): self._refresh_node(rpc.expr, node) else: self._refresh_node(rpc.expr, rpc.node_id) return True except Exception as e: raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data={ 'exception': str(e), 'node_id': str(node.node_id), 'expr': str(rpc.expr) }, code='-32603')
def _call_method(self, rpc): try: result = getattr(self.controller, rpc.method)(rpc) return result except AttributeError: raise lib.RemoteProcedureCallError(data=('Controller has no method named: %s' % rpc.method), code='-32601')