def test_proposal_target():
    bbox = torch.tensor(
        [[115, 131, 613, 513], [230, 53, 460, 506], [643, 133, 697, 272],
         [706, 158, 800, 257], [300, 400, 500, 600]],
    bbox = bbox.t()
    img_size = (600, 800)
    feat_size = (37, 50)
    anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:1'))
    anchors = anchor_creator(img_size, feat_size).view(4, -1)
    in_index = region.find_inside_index(anchors, img_size)

    rpn_cls_out = torch.rand(1, 18, 37, 50, device=device)
    rpn_reg_out = torch.rand(1, 36, 37, 50, device=device)

    props_creator = region.ProposalCreator(6000, 2000, 0.7, 16)
    rois, scores = props_creator(rpn_cls_out, rpn_reg_out, anchors, img_size)
    print('number of rois:', rois.shape)
    print('scores', scores.shape)
    gt_label = torch.tensor([2, 2, 5, 6, 8], device=device)
    props_tar_creator = region.ProposalTargetCreator()
    roi_bbox, roi_label, roi_param = props_tar_creator(rois, bbox, gt_label)
    print('roi_bbox.shape', roi_bbox.shape)
    print('roi_label.shape', roi_label.shape)
    print('roi_param.shape', roi_param.shape)
    print('roi_label==1:', (roi_label == 1).sum())
    print('roi_label==0:', (roi_label == 0).sum())
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(5000):
        roi_bbox, roi_label, roi_param = props_tar_creator(
            rois, bbox, gt_label)
    end = time.time()
    print('time used: {} secs'.format(end - start))
def test_iou_performance():
    # "for VOC 5000 images, we only need to do calc_iou 5000 * 16 * 2"
    anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
    anchors = anchor_creator((600, 800), (37, 50)).view(4, -1)
    bbox = anchors[:, :5]
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(80000*2):
        iou_tab = utils.calc_iou(anchors, bbox)
    print(time.time() - start)
def test_anchor():
    img_size = (600,800)
    print('Test AnchorCreator'.center(50, '-'))
    anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
    print('start to create anchors using new method:')
    anchors = anchor_creator(img_size=(600, 800), grid=(37, 50))
    print('first 10 anchors')
    ws = anchors[2] - anchors[0]
    hs = anchors[3] - anchors[1]
    old_gen = region.AnchorGenerator(scales=[128, 256, 512],
                                     aspect_ratios=[0.5, 1.0, 2.0], allow_cross=True)
    print('start to create anchors using old method')
    old_anchors = list(old_gen.anchors(img_size=img_size, grid=grid))
    print('number of old anchors:', len(old_anchors))
    print('anchor 10:\n', old_anchors[0])
    for i in range(10):
        print('old anchor', i)

    print('Next test performance')
    idx = 0
    start = time.time()
    for h in range(500, 700):
        for w in range(800, 1000):
            grid = (int(h/16), int(w/16))
            idx += 1
            anchors = anchor_creator((h,w), grid)
    secs = time.time() - start
    print('create {} set of anchors, used {} seconds or {} mins'\
          .format(idx, secs, secs/60))

    print('Next test performance(old)')
    idx = 0
    start = time.time()
    for h in range(500, 700):
        for w in range(800, 1000):
            grid = (int(h/16), int(w/16))
            idx += 1
            anchors = old_gen.anchors((h, w), grid)
            anchors = list(anchors)
    secs = time.time() - start
    print('create {} set of anchors, used {} seconds or {} mins'\
          .format(idx, secs, secs/60))
def test_find_inside_index():
    img_size = (600, 800)
    grid = (37, 50)
    anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
    anchors = anchor_creator(img_size=(600, 800), grid=(37, 50))
    anchors = anchors.view(4, -1)
    inside_idx = region.find_inside_index(anchors, img_size)
    labels = torch.full((16650, ), -1)
    print('inside_idx type:', type(inside_idx))
    print('inside_idx:\n', inside_idx)
    labels[inside_idx] = 1
    labels[8000:8050] = 0
    print('1 labels:', (labels == 1).sum())

    print('test random sample')
    region.random_sample_label(labels, 128, 256)
    print('1 labels:', (labels == 1).sum())
    print('0 labels:', (labels == 0).sum())
    print('-1 labels:', (labels == -1).sum())
def test_anchor_target_creator():
    bbox = torch.tensor([[115, 131, 613, 513], [230, 53, 460, 506],
                         [643, 133, 697, 272], [706, 158, 800, 257]],
    bbox = bbox.t()
    img_size = (600, 800)
    feat_size = (37, 50)
    anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
    anchors = anchor_creator(img_size, feat_size).view(4, -1)
    in_index = region.find_inside_index(anchors, img_size)
    in_anchors = anchors[:, in_index]
    anchor_tar_creator = region.AnchorTargetCreator()
    print('in_anchors.shape', in_anchors.shape)
    labels, param, bbox_labels = anchor_tar_creator(img_size, feat_size,
                                                    in_anchors, bbox)
    print('1 labels:', (labels == 1).sum())
    print('0 labels:', (labels == 0).sum())
    print('-1 labels:', (labels == -1).sum())
    pos_index = utils.index_of(labels == 1)
    pos_anchors = in_anchors[:, pos_index[0]]
    pos_bbox_labels = bbox_labels[:, pos_index[0]]
    print('pos_anchors:', pos_anchors, pos_anchors.shape)
    print('pos_bbox_labels:', pos_bbox_labels, pos_bbox_labels.shape)
    ious = utils.calc_iou(pos_anchors, pos_bbox_labels)
    print('check ious:', ious.tolist())
    print('check ious diag:', ious.diag())

    print('Next test performance')
    img_size2 = (605, 805)
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(5000):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            labels, param, bbox_labels = anchor_tar_creator(
                img_size, feat_size, in_anchors, bbox)
            labels, param, bbox_labels = anchor_tar_creator(
                img_size2, feat_size, in_anchors, bbox)
    used = time.time() - start
    print('used {} secs'.format(used))
import sys, os, time
import os.path as osp

cur_dir = osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(osp.join(cur_dir, '..'))
from lib import data
from lib import config
from lib import utils
from lib import region
import torch

img_size = (600, 800)
grid = (37, 50)
anchor_creator = region.AnchorCreator(device=torch.device('cuda:0'))
anchors = anchor_creator(img_size=(600, 800), grid=(37, 50))
anchors = anchors.view(4, -1)
device = torch.device('cuda:0')

def test_proposal_creator_data():
    rpn_cls_out = torch.rand(1, 18, 37, 50, device=device)
    rpn_reg_out = torch.rand(1, 36, 37, 50, device=device)

    props_creator = region.ProposalCreator(6000, 50, 0.7, 16)
    rois, scores = props_creator(rpn_cls_out, rpn_reg_out, anchors, img_size)