def privatekey_check(N, p, q, d, e):
    ret = False
    txt = ""

    nlen = getpubkeysz(N)
    if is_prime(p) == False:
        ret = True
        txt += "p IS NOT PROBABLE PRIME\n"
    if is_prime(q) == False:
        txt = "q IS NOT PROBABLE PRIME\n"
    if gcd(p, e) > 1:
        ret = True
        txt = "p and e ARE NOT RELATIVELY PRIME\n"
    if gcd(q, e) > 1:
        ret = True
        txt += "q and e ARE NOT RELATIVELY PRIME\n"
    if p * q != N:
        ret = True
        txt += "n IS NOT p * q\n"
    if not (abs(p - q) > (2**((nlen >> 1) - 100))):
        ret = True
        txt += "|p - q| IS NOT > 2^(nlen/2 - 100)\n"
    if not (p > 2**((nlen >> 1) - 1)):
        ret = True
        txt += "p IS NOT > 2^(nlen/2 - 1)\n"
    if not (q > 2**((nlen >> 1) - 1)):
        ret = True
        txt += "q IS NOT > 2^(nlen/2 - 1)\n"
    if not (d > 2**(nlen >> 1)):
        ret = True
        txt += "d IS NOT > 2^(nlen/2)\n"
    if not (d < lcm(p - 1, q - 1)):
        ret = True
        txt += "d IS NOT < lcm(p-1,q-1)\n"
    unc = (gcd(e - 1, p - 1) + 1) * (gcd(e - 1, q - 1) + 1)
    if unc > 9:
        ret = True
        txt += "The number of unconcealed messages is %d > min\n" % unc
        inv = invert(e, lcm(p - 1, q - 1))
        inv = None
        ret = True
        txt += "e IS NOT INVERTIBLE mod lcm(p-1,q-1)\n"
    if d != inv:
        ret = True
        txt += "d IS NOT e^(-1) mod lcm(p-1,q-1)"
    return (ret, txt)
 def pre_attack_check(self, publickeys):
     """Basic pre Attack checks implementation"""
     if not isinstance(publickeys, list):
         publickeys = [publickeys]
     tmp = []
     ok = True
     for publickey in publickeys:
         if publickey.n & 1 == 0:
             self.logger.error("[!] Public key: %s modulus should be odd." %
             ok = False
         if gcd(publickey.n, publickey.e) > 1:
                 "[!] Public key: %s modulus is coprime with exponent." %
             ok = False
         if not (publickey.n > 3):
             self.logger.error("[!] Public key: %s modulus should be > 3." %
             ok = False
         if is_prime(publickey.n):
                 "[!] Public key: %s modulus should not be prime." %
             ok = False
         i = isqrt(publickey.n)
         if publickey.n == (i**2):
                 "[!] Public key: %s modulus should not be a perfect square."
                 % publickey.filename)
             publickey.p = i
             publickey.q = i
             ok = False
     return (tmp, ok)
 def pollard_rho(self, n, seed=2, p=2, mode=1):
     if n & 1 == 0:
         return 2
     if n % 3 == 0:
         return 3
     if n % 5 == 0:
         return 5
     if is_prime(n):
         return n
     if mode == 1:
         f = lambda x: x**p + 1
         f = lambda x: x**p - 1
     x, y, d = seed, seed, 1
     while d == 1:
         x = f(x) % n
         y = f(f(y)) % n
         d = gcd((x - y) % n, n)
     return None if d == n else d
def dixon_factor(N, B=7, explain=False):

    if is_prime(N):
        return N, 1

    start = isqrt(N)

    if (start ** 2) == N:
        return start, start

    base = primes(B)
    lqbf = pow(base[-1], 2) + 1
    QBF = bitarray.bitarray(lqbf)  # This is our quasi-bloom-filter

    basej2N = []
    for j in range(0, len(base)):
        p = powmod(base[j], 2, N)
        QBF[p] = 1  # We populate our quasi-bloom-filter

    i = start
    while i < N:
        i2N = pow(i, 2, N)
        if i2N < lqbf and QBF[i2N] == 1:
            for k in range(0, len(base)):
                if QBF[basej2N[k]] == 1:
                    # if i2N == basej2N[k]: # this is replaced with a quasi-bloom-filter
                    f = gcd(i - base[k], N)
                    if explain:
                        print("N = %d" % N)
                        print("%d = isqrt(N)" % start)
                        print("%d = pow(%d,2,n)" % (i2N, i))
                        print("%d = pow(%d,2,n)" % (basej2N[k], base[k]))
                        print("%d - %d = %d" % (i, base[k], f))
                        print("%d = gcd(%d - % d, N)" % (f, i, base[k]))
                            "%d = gcd(%d + % d, N)" % (gcd(i + base[k], N), i, base[k])
                    if 1 < f < N:
                        return f, N // f
        i += 1
    return None, None