    def yaml_syntax_checker_html(self, check=None, check2=None, yaml_code=None, check_result=None):
        check_result = ''
        output_format = 'yaml'
        if check is not None:
            yaml_code = self.strip_empty_lines(yaml_code)
            import lib.shyaml as shyaml
            ydata, estr = shyaml.yaml_load_fromstring(yaml_code, True)

            if estr != '':
                check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n'+ estr
            if ydata != None:
                check_result += lib.item_conversion.convert_yaml(ydata).replace('\n\n', '\n')

            yaml_code = self.append_empty_lines(yaml_code, 15)
            check_result = self.append_empty_lines(check_result, 15)
        elif check2 is not None:
            yaml_code = self.strip_empty_lines(yaml_code)

            import lib.shyaml as shyaml
            ydata, estr = shyaml.yaml_load_fromstring(yaml_code, False)

            if estr != '':
                check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n'+ estr
            if ydata != None:
                import pprint
                check_result += pprint.pformat(ydata)

            yaml_code = self.append_empty_lines(yaml_code, 15)
            check_result = self.append_empty_lines(check_result, 15)
            output_format = 'python'
            yaml_code = self.append_empty_lines('', 15)
            check_result = self.append_empty_lines('', 15)
        return self.render_template('yaml_syntax_checker.html', yaml_code=yaml_code, check_result=check_result, output_format=output_format)
    def yaml_syntax_checker(self, yaml_code):
        check_result = ''
        if yaml_code == '':
            return check_result

        yaml_code = self.strip_empty_lines(yaml_code)

        import lib.shyaml as shyaml
        import lib.config as shconfig

        # load yaml code to dict ydata, get error message (if error occures) to estr
        ydata, estr = shyaml.yaml_load_fromstring(yaml_code, True)
            "yaml_syntax_checker(): type(ydata) = {},estr='{}'".format(
                type(ydata), estr))

        if estr != '':
            check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n' + estr
        elif not isinstance(ydata, collections.OrderedDict):
            check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n' + 'No valid YAML code'
        elif ydata != None:
            # found valid yaml code

            # Test if the loaded data items with 'struct' attribute
            config = collections.OrderedDict()
            self.items = Items.get_instance()
            struct_dict = self.items.structs._struct_definitions
            shconfig.search_for_struct_in_items(ydata, struct_dict, config)
            self.logger.info("ydata = {}".format(ydata))
            self.logger.info("config = {}".format(config))

            # return data structure converted back to yaml format
            check_result = convert_yaml(config).replace('\n\n', '\n')

        return check_result
    def yaml_syntax_checker(self, yaml_code):
        check_result = ''
        if yaml_code == '':
            return check_result

        yaml_code = self.strip_empty_lines(yaml_code)

        import lib.shyaml as shyaml
        ydata, estr = shyaml.yaml_load_fromstring(yaml_code, True)
            "yaml_syntax_checker(): type(ydata) = {},estr='{}'".format(
                type(ydata), estr))
        if estr != '':
            check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n' + estr
        elif not isinstance(ydata, collections.OrderedDict):
            check_result = 'ERROR: \n\n' + 'No valid YAML code'
        elif ydata != None:
            check_result += convert_yaml(ydata).replace('\n\n', '\n')

        return check_result