for time in times: # The file names. file1 = 'nu_1kHz_relaxT_%.2f' % time file2 = 'nu_2kHz_relaxT_%.2f' % time # Calculate the peak intensities. heights1 = [] heights2 = [] for i in range(len(res_data)): # Append the intensities. heights1.append(res_data[i][4] * exp(-res_data[i][2] * time)) heights2.append(res_data[i][5] * exp(-res_data[i][3] * time)) # Write out the file. write_list(file_prefix=file1, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=heights1) write_list(file_prefix=file2, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=heights2)
for time_index in range(len(times)): # Loop over the spins. intensities = [] for spin_index in range(len(r1rho_prime)): # The rate. nomen = pA**2 * (1.0 - pA) * (delta_omega[spin_index] * frq * 2 * pi)**2 * kex denom = kex**2 + pA**2 * (delta_omega[spin_index] * frq * 2 * pi)**2 + (2 * pi * spin_lock[spin_lock_index])**2 rx = r1rho_prime[spin_index] + nomen / denom # The peak intensity. intensities.append(i0[spin_index] * exp(-rx * times[time_index])) # Create a Sparky .list file. name = 'nu_%s' % spin_lock[spin_lock_index] if time_index == 0: name += '_ref' else: name += '_time_%s' % times[time_index] write_list(file_prefix=name, dir=None, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=intensities)
atom1_names = [] atom2_names = [] w1 = [] w2 = [] for i in range(len(res_data)): res_names.append(res_data[i][0]) res_nums.append(res_data[i][1]) atom1_names.append('N') atom2_names.append('H') w1.append(0.0) w2.append(0.0) # The relaxation times to use (seconds). times = [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12] for time in times: # The file names. file1 = 'nu_1kHz_relaxT_%.2f' % time file2 = 'nu_2kHz_relaxT_%.2f' % time # Calculate the peak intensities. heights1 = [] heights2 = [] for i in range(len(res_data)): # Append the intensities. heights1.append(res_data[i][4] * exp(-res_data[i][2] * time)) heights2.append(res_data[i][5] * exp(-res_data[i][3] * time)) # Write out the file. write_list(file_prefix=file1, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=heights1) write_list(file_prefix=file2, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=heights2)
# Setup for the Sparky peak list. res_names = ['Trp', 'Trp'] res_nums = [1, 1] atom1_names = ['N', 'NE1'] atom2_names = ['HN', 'HE1'] w1 = [122.454, 111.978] w2 = [8.397, 8.720] # Loop over the spin-lock fields. for spin_lock_index in range(len(spin_lock)): # Loop over the relaxation times. for time_index in range(len(times)): # Loop over the spins. intensities = [] for spin_index in range(len(r1rho_prime)): # The rate. nomen = pA**2 * (1.0 - pA) * (delta_omega[spin_index]*frq*2*pi)**2 * kex denom = kex**2 + pA**2 * (delta_omega[spin_index]*frq*2*pi)**2 + (2*pi*spin_lock[spin_lock_index])**2 rx = r1rho_prime[spin_index] + nomen / denom # The peak intensity. intensities.append(i0[spin_index] * exp(-rx*times[time_index])) # Create a Sparky .list file. name = 'nu_%s' % spin_lock[spin_lock_index] if time_index == 0: name += '_ref' else: name += '_time_%s' % times[time_index] write_list(file_prefix=name, dir=None, res_names=res_names, res_nums=res_nums, atom1_names=atom1_names, atom2_names=atom2_names, w1=w1, w2=w2, data_height=intensities)