def execute(event): sourcetype = "bro_dns" print("Checking Splunk for events..."), sys.stdout.flush() sp = Splunk( host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME, ) if not event.adHoc: if hasattr(event, "ip_address"): event._include = 'id_orig_h="%s" OR id_resp_h="%s"' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address) cirtaDT = epochToDatetime(event.cirta_id.split(".")[0]) timedelta = ( - earliest = timedelta - event._daysBefore latest = timedelta + 1 + event._daysAfter if earliest >= 0: earliest = "+" + str(earliest) if latest >= 0: latest = "+" + str(latest) query = """search eventtype="%s" earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | table _raw""" % ( sourcetype, earliest, latest, event._include, ) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = print("Done") if not results: log.warn("No %s events exist in Splunk" % sourcetype) return raw = [x["_raw"] for x in results] if raw: with open("%s.%s" % (event._baseFilePath, confVars.outputExtension), "w") as outFile: for row in raw: outFile.write(row + "\n") print("%s file: %s%s.%s" % (sourcetype, colors.OKGREEN, event._baseFilePath, confVars.outputExtension)) event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=raw)
def execute(event): sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) query = '''search index=cirta level=INFO msg="quarantine hosts" | head 1 | table _time hosts''' print('\nChecking Splunk...'), results = print('Done\n') if not results: log.warn("Unable to retrieve previous quarantine hosts from Splunk") exit() else: hosts = set([x.strip() for x in results[0]['hosts'].split(',')]) toRemove = getUserMultiChoice("Quarantine Hosts", "Hosts to Unquarantine", hosts, 2) remainingHosts = [host for host in hosts if host not in toRemove] print('') print(colors.BOLDON + "Hosts before: " + colors.BOLDOFF + ' '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in hosts])) print(colors.BOLDON + "Hosts to remove: " + colors.BOLDOFF + ' '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in toRemove])) print(colors.BOLDON + "Hosts after: " + colors.BOLDOFF + ' '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in remainingHosts])) event.setAttribute('unquarantine_hosts', ' '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in remainingHosts])) groupMods = '''config vdom edit vd-inet config firewall addrgrp edit "grp-infosec-blacklist-hosts" set member %s next end end''' % (event.unquarantine_hosts) printStatusMsg('Final FW Change', 22, '>', color=colors.HEADER2) print groupMods printStatusMsg('Final FW Change', 22, '<', color=colors.HEADER2) if getUserIn('Commit final changes to quarantine state? (y/n)') in YES: #print '''msg="quarantine hosts" hosts="%s"''' % (','.join(event.quarantine_hosts.strip('"').split('" "')))'''msg="quarantine hosts" hosts="%s"''' % (','.join(event.unquarantine_hosts.strip('"').split('" "'))))
def execute(event): sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) cirtaDT = epochToDatetime(event.cirta_id.split('.')[0]) timedelta = (event._DT - cirtaDT).days earliest = timedelta - 20 latest = timedelta + 10 if earliest >= 0: earliest = '+' + str(earliest) if latest >= 0: latest = '+' + str(latest) rawQuery = '''search index=mcafee src_ip="%s" OR dest_ip="%s" earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" \ | eval mcafee_id = "mc".substr(detected_timestamp, -5, 2).".".AutoID \ | sort 0 _time | table _raw''' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address, earliest, latest) print('Checking Splunk Raw...'), sys.stdout.flush() raw = [x['_raw'] + '\n' for x in] print('Done') if not raw: print("No results") return with open("%s.%s" % (event._baseFilePath, 'mc'), 'w') as orf: for row in raw: orf.write(row) #event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=results) query = '''search index=mcafee category!="ops*" threat_type!="none" src_ip="%s" OR dest_ip="%s" earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="now" \ | eval timedelta = _time - %s | eval position = if(timedelta < 0, "before", "after") \ | eval abstimedelta = abs(timedelta) | sort 0 abstimedelta \ | head 20 | sort 0 _time | eval mcafee_id = "mc".substr(detected_timestamp, -5, 2).".".AutoID \ | table _time threat_type vendor_action user src_ip dest_ip signature file_name''' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address, earliest, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) print('\nChecking Splunk...'), sys.stdout.flush() results = [x for x in] print('Done') if results: print("\n_time\t\t\ttype\taction\tuser\tsrc_ip\t\tdest_ip\t\tsignature\t\tfile_name") print("-" * 115) for result in results: print(result['_time'].split('.')[0] + "\t" + '\t'.join(result.values()[1:])) event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=raw)
def execute(event): sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) if hasattr(event, 'mcAfeeID'): event.setAttribute('mcAfeeID', prompt='McAfee ID', header= '', force=True) else: event.setAttribute('mcAfeeID', prompt='McAfee ID', header="McAfee Initial Indicator") event.setAttribute('alertID', event.mcAfeeID, force=True) event.setAttribute('alertType', 'McAfee', force=True) query = '''search index=mcafee earliest=-30d@d | eval mcafee_id = "mc".substr(detected_timestamp, -5, 2).".".AutoID | search mcafee_id="%s" | head 1 | table detected_timestamp src_ip src_mac dest_ip dest_mac signature category''' % (event.mcAfeeID) print('\nChecking Splunk...'), sys.stdout.flush() results = print('Done') try: result = except(StopIteration): log.warn("Error: unable to pull McAfee ID event details from Splunk") exit() event.setOutPath(event.mcAfeeID) timestamp = epochToDatetime(result['detected_timestamp'][:-3]) srcIP = result['src_ip'] srcMAC = result['src_mac'] dstIP = result['dest_ip'] dstMAC = result['dest_mac'] secondaryName = result['signature'] name = result['category'] signature = '%s %s' % (name, secondaryName) # Note the utc offset for the US will always be -x so by adding the offset you are adding a negative, i.e. subtracting # This is very important for accurate time conversion. You should always add the offset if the time is in UTC and # subtract the offset if the time is local. If the reverse makes more sense to you, event._absUTCOffsetTimeDelta # is available # Also note, setEventDateTime is called twice to initialize utcOffsetTimeDelta then adjust. #event.setEventDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) event.setEventDateTime(timestamp) event.setEventDateTime(event._DT) print('\nLocal Timestamp Source IP Destination IP Signature') print('-' * 80) print('%-20s %-16s %-16s %s\n' % (event._DT.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), srcIP, dstIP, signature)) event.setAttribute('Event_Date/Time', event._DT.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) ans = getUserInWithDef('Track source or destination (s/d)', 's') if 's' in ans: if srcIP: event.setAttribute('ip_address', srcIP) else: event.setAttribute('ip_address', prompt="\nIP Address") #if srcMAC: # event.setAttribute('mac_address', srcMAC) elif 'd' in ans: if dstIP: event.setAttribute('ip_address', dstIP) else: event.setAttribute('ip_address', prompt="\nIP Address") #if dstMAC: # event.setAttribute('mac_address', dstMAC) else: event.setAttribute('ip_address', prompt='IP Address', default=ans, description='Neither the source or destination was chosen, please confirm.') print('') event.setAttribute('description', prompt='Description', default=signature) event.setDateRange()
def execute(event): sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) rawQuery = '''search index=fireeye | spath alert.src.ip | spath alert.dst.ip | search alert.src.ip="%s" OR alert.dst.ip="%s" | sort 0 _time | table _raw''' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address) print('Checking Splunk Raw...'), sys.stdout.flush() results = #print results #except(error): # print('Warning: Splunk query failed.\n') # raise error print('Done') if not results: print("No results") return with open("%s.%s" % (event._baseFilePath, 'fe'), 'w') as orf: for log in results: orf.write(log['_raw']) query = '''search index=fireeye | spath | spath alert.product | spath alert.sensor | spath alert.occurred | spath alert.src.ip | spath alert.src.mac | spath alert.dst.ip | spath alert.dst.mac | spath | spath output="malware.names" "alert.explanation.malware-detected.malware{}.name" | search alert.src.ip="%s" OR alert.dst.ip="%s" | sort 0 _time | table alert.occurred alert.product alert.sensor alert.src.ip alert.src.mac alert.dst.ip alert.dst.mac malware.names''' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address) print('\nChecking Splunk...'), #try: #print query sys.stdout.flush() results = [x for x in] #print results #except(error): # print('Warning: Splunk query failed.\n') # raise error print('Done') if not results: print("No results") return headers = ['alert.occurred', 'alert.sensor', '', 'alert.src.ip', 'alert.dst.ip', '', 'malware.names'] event.__fireeyeIDs__ = [x[''] for x in results] with open("%s.%s" % (event._baseFilePath, 'fef'), 'w') as orf: orf.write("%s\t\t%s" % (headers[0], '\t'.join(headers[1:]) + '\n')) print("\n%s\t\t%s" % (headers[0], '\t'.join(headers[1:]))) print('-'*120) for log in results: entry = [] for header in headers: if header in log: if 'malware.names' in header: if isinstance(log[header], list): entry.append('|'.join(log[header])) else: entry.append(log[header]) else: entry.append(log[header]) else: entry.append('') orf.write('\t'.join(entry) + '\n') print('\t'.join(entry)) mac = '' if event.ip_address == results[0].get('alert.src.ip', ''): mac = results[0].get('alert.src.mac', '') elif event.ip_address == results[0].get('alert.dst.ip', ''): mac = results[0].get('alert.dst.mac', '') if mac and '84:78:ac' not in mac: event.setAttribute('mac_address', mac)
def execute(event): print('Checking Splunk for events...'), sys.stdout.flush() sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) if not event.adHoc: if hasattr(event, 'mac_address'): event._include = 'EndPointMACAddress="%s"' % (event.mac_address.replace(":", "-")) cirtaDT = epochToDatetime(event.cirta_id.split('.')[0]) timedelta = ( - earliest = timedelta - event._daysBefore latest = timedelta + 1 + event._daysAfter if earliest >= 0: earliest = '+' + str(earliest) if latest >= 0: latest = '+' + str(latest) log.debug('DT="%s" cirtaDT="%s" timedelta="%s" daysBefore="%s" daysAfter="%s" earliest="%s" latest="%s"' % (event._DT, cirtaDT, (event._DT - cirtaDT).days, event._daysBefore, event._daysAfter, earliest, latest)) query = '''search index=cisco_ise earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | table _raw''' % (earliest, latest, event._include) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = print('Done') if not results: log.warn("No Infoblox events exist in Splunk") return raw = [x['_raw'] for x in results] with open('%s.%s' % (event._baseFilePath, confVars.outputExtension), 'w') as outFile: for row in raw: outFile.write(row + '\n') event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=raw) print('\nChecking Splunk for Hostname and MAC...'), sys.stdout.flush() query = '''search index=cisco_ise earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | eval timedelta = abs(_time - %s) | sort 0 timedelta | where isnotnull(AD_User_Resolved_Identities) | rex field=AD_User_Resolved_Identities "(?<user>.+)@" | head 1 | rename NetworkDeviceGroups AS network_device_groups Location AS location EndPointMatchedProfile AS device_type AD_Domain as domain | table user network_device_groups location device_type domain''' % (earliest, latest, event._include, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = [x for x in] print('Done') '''
def execute(event): print('\nChecking Splunk for events...'), sys.stdout.flush() sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) if not event.adHoc: if hasattr(event, 'ip_address'): event._include = 'src="%s" OR dest="%s"' % (event.ip_address, event.ip_address) cirtaDT = epochToDatetime(event.cirta_id.split('.')[0]) timedelta = ( - earliest = timedelta - event._daysBefore latest = timedelta + 1 + event._daysAfter if earliest >= 0: earliest = '+' + str(earliest) if latest >= 0: latest = '+' + str(latest) query = '''search index=fortinet earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | table _raw''' % (earliest, latest, event._include) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = print('Done') if not results: log.warn("No Juniper events exist in Splunk") return raw = [x['_raw'] for x in results] with open('%s.%s' % (event._baseFilePath, confVars.outputExtension), 'w') as outFile: for row in raw: outFile.write(row + '\n') event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=raw) sid = sp.getLatestSID() print('\nChecking Splunk for user...'), query = '''search index=juniper earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | eval timedelta = abs(_time - %s) | sort 0 timedelta | where isnotnull(user) | head 1 | table user''' % (earliest, latest, event._include, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) results = print('Done') if results and 'user' in results[0]: event.setAttribute('username', results[0]['user'].lower()) else: log.warn("Warning: unable to pull Fortinet user from Splunk") print('\nChecking Splunk for surrounding events...'), query = '''search index=fortinet earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | eval timedelta = abs(_time - %s) | sort 0 timedelta | search type=utm | head 500 | eval uri = coalesce(hostname, dstip) + url | dedup uri | head 50 | sort 0 -_time | table _time srcip user status uri''' % (earliest, latest, event._include, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) query = '''search index=fortinet type=utm earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | regex url!="\.jpg$|\.png$|\.gif$|\.crl$" | eval timedelta = _time - %s | eval position = if(timedelta < 0, "before", "after") | eval abstimedelta = abs(timedelta) | sort 0 abstimedelta | dedup hostname url | streamstats count AS row by position | where row <= 25 | eval uri = coalesce(hostname, dstip) + url | sort 0 _time | table _time srcip user status uri''' % (earliest, latest, event._include, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = print('Done') if not results: log.warn("Warning: unable to pull surrounding Fortinet events from Splunk") return if hasattr(event, '_vturls'): event._vturls.extend([x['uri'] for x in results]) else: event._vturls = [x['uri'] for x in results] print('')
def execute(event): def normMV(prompt, result, field): if result.get(field): value = result[field] if isinstance(value, list): if len(set(value)) > 1: return ", ".join( getUserMultiChoice( prompt, "Selection", list(set(value)), numCols=1, default=[value[-1]], allowMultiple=False ) ) else: return value[0] elif value: return value return "" sp = Splunk( host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME, ) if not sp.connected: log.warn( "FireEye initializer requires the Splunk API, please ensure your Splunk instance is available for API connections" ) exit() if hasattr(event, "fireID"): event.setAttribute("fireID", prompt="FireEye ID", header="", force=True) else: event.setAttribute("fireID", prompt="FireEye ID", header="FireEye Initial Indicator") event.setAttribute("alertID", event.fireID, force=True) event.setAttribute("alertType", "FireEye", force=True) query = """search index=fireeye earliest_time=-60d | spath output="alert_id" | spath output="alert_id_mv" "alert{}.id" | eval alert_id = coalesce(alert_id, alert_id_mv) | spath output="alert_product" alert.product | spath output="alert_product_mv" "alert{}.product" | eval alert_product = coalesce(alert_product, alert_product_mv) | spath output="alert_sensor" alert.sensor | spath output="alert_sensor_mv" "alert{}.sensor" | eval alert_sensor = coalesce(alert_sensor, alert_sensor_mv) | spath output="alert_occurred" alert.occurred | spath output="alert_occurred_mv" "alert{}.occurred" | eval alert_occurred = coalesce(alert_occurred, alert_occurred_mv) | spath output="alert_src_ip" alert.src.ip | spath output="alert_src_ip_mv" "alert{}.src.ip" | eval alert_src_ip = coalesce(alert_src_ip, alert_src_ip_mv) | spath output="alert_src_mac" alert.src.mac | spath output="alert_src_mac_mv" "alert{}.src.mac" | eval alert_src_mac = coalesce(alert_src_mac, alert_src_mac_mv) | spath output="alert_dst_ip" alert.dst.ip | spath output="alert_dst_ip_mv" "alert{}.dst.ip" | eval alert_dst_ip = coalesce(alert_dst_ip, alert_dst_ip_mv) | spath output="alert_dst_mac" alert.dst.mac | spath output="alert_dst_mac_mv" "alert{}.dst.mac" | eval alert_dst_mac = coalesce(alert_dst_mac, alert_dst_mac_mv) | spath output="alert_name" | spath output="alert_name_mv" "alert{}.name" | eval alert_name = coalesce(alert_name, alert_name_mv) | spath output="malware_names" "alert.explanation.malware-detected.malware{}.name" | spath output="malware_names_mv" "alert{}.explanation.malware-detected.malware{}.name" | eval malware_names = coalesce(malware_names, malware_names_mv) | search alert_id="%s" | table alert_occurred alert_product alert_sensor alert_id alert_src_ip alert_src_mac alert_dst_ip alert_dst_mac alert_name malware_names""" % ( event.fireID ) print("\nChecking Splunk..."), sys.stdout.flush() results = print("Done") try: result = except (StopIteration): log.warn("Error: unable to pull FireEye ID event details from Splunk") exit() event.setOutPath(event.fireID) product = normMV("Product", result, "alert_product") sensor = normMV("Sensor", result, "alert_sensor") printStatusMsg("%s - %s" % (product, sensor)) occurred = normMV("Occurred", result, "alert_occurred") if "T" in occurred: timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(occurred, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: timestamp = occurred.split("+")[0] srcIP = normMV("Source IP", result, "alert_src_ip") srcMAC = normMV("Source Mac", result, "alert_src_mac") dstIP = normMV("Destination IP", result, "alert_dst_ip") dstMAC = normMV("Destination Mac", result, "alert_dst_mac") secondaryName = normMV("Secondary Alert Name", result, "malware_names") name = normMV("Alert Name", result, "alert_name") signature = "%s %s" % (name, secondaryName) """ if isinstance(malwareNames, list): secondaryName = ', '.join(getUserMultiChoice('Secondary Alert Name', 'Selection', malwareNames, numCols=1, default=[malwareNames[-1]], allowMultiple=False)) else: secondaryName = malwareNames """ # Note the utc offset for the US will always be -x so by adding the offset you are adding a negative, i.e. subtracting # This is very important for accurate time conversion. You should always add the offset if the time is in UTC and # subtract the offset if the time is local. If the reverse makes more sense to you, event._absUTCOffsetTimeDelta # is available # Also note, setEventDateTime is called twice to initialize utcOffsetTimeDelta then adjust. event.setEventDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) event.setEventDateTime(event._DT + event._utcOffsetTimeDelta) print("\nLocal Timestamp Source IP Destination IP Signature") print("-" * 80) print("%-20s %-16s %-16s %s\n" % (event._DT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), srcIP, dstIP, signature)) event.setAttribute("Event_Date/Time", event._DT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) if "CMS" in product: event.setAttribute("ip_address", prompt="IP Address") else: ans = getUserInWithDef("Track source or destination (s/d)", "s") if "s" in ans: if srcIP: event.setAttribute("ip_address", srcIP) else: event.setAttribute("ip_address", prompt="\nIP Address") # if srcMAC: # event.setAttribute('mac_address', srcMAC) elif "d" in ans: if dstIP: event.setAttribute("ip_address", dstIP) else: event.setAttribute("ip_address", prompt="\nIP Address") # if dstMAC: # event.setAttribute('mac_address', dstMAC) else: event.setAttribute( "ip_address", prompt="IP Address", default=ans, description="Neither the source or destination was chosen, please confirm.", ) print("") event.setAttribute("description", prompt="Description", default=signature) event.setDateRange()
def execute(event): print('Checking Splunk for events...'), sys.stdout.flush() sp = Splunk(host=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD, port=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PORT, username=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_USERNAME, password=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_PASSWORD, scheme=SPLUNK_SEARCH_HEAD_SCHEME) if not event.adHoc: if hasattr(event, 'ip_address'): event._include = 'src="%s"' % (event.ip_address) cirtaDT = epochToDatetime(event.cirta_id.split('.')[0]) timedelta = ( - earliest = timedelta - event._daysBefore latest = timedelta + 1 + event._daysAfter if earliest >= 0: earliest = '+' + str(earliest) if latest >= 0: latest = '+' + str(latest) log.debug('DT="%s" cirtaDT="%s" timedelta="%s" daysBefore="%s" daysAfter="%s" earliest="%s" latest="%s"' % (event._DT, cirtaDT, (event._DT - cirtaDT).days, event._daysBefore, event._daysAfter, earliest, latest)) query = '''search index=infoblox earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | table _raw''' % (earliest, latest, event._include) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = print('Done') if not results: log.warn("No Infoblox events exist in Splunk") return raw = [x['_raw'] for x in results] with open('%s.%s' % (event._baseFilePath, confVars.outputExtension), 'w') as outFile: for row in raw: outFile.write(row + '\n') event._splunk.push(sourcetype=confVars.splunkSourcetype, eventList=raw) print('\nChecking Splunk for Hostname and MAC...'), sys.stdout.flush() if event.adHoc: query = '''search index=infoblox earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | stats first(hostname) AS hostname first(src_mac) AS src_mac''' % (earliest, latest, event._include) else: query = '''search index=infoblox earliest_time="%sd@d" latest_time="%sd@d" %s | eval timedelta = %s -_time | where timedelta >= 0 | sort 0 timedelta | stats first(hostname) AS hostname first(src_mac) AS src_mac''' % (earliest, latest, event._include, datetimeToEpoch(event._DT)) log.debug('''msg="raw event query" query="%s"''' % query) results = [x for x in] print('Done') if results and 'src_mac' in results[0]: event.setAttribute('mac_address', results[0]['src_mac'].lower()) else: log.warn("Warning: unable to pull Infoblox MAC from Splunk") if results and 'hostname' in results[0]: event.setAttribute('hostname', results[0]['hostname'].lower()) else: log.warn("Warning: unable to pull Infoblox hostname from Splunk") print('')