    def __init__(self, variables, tree_type='drizzle'):
        self.logging = loggingManager(variables)
        if variables['verbose']:
            self.logging.verbose("Initializing system manager...")

        self.skip_keys = [ 'code_tree'
                         , 'ld_lib_paths'
                         , 'port_manager'
                         , 'logging_manager'
                         , 'environment_reqs'
                         , 'env_var_delimiter']
        self.debug = variables['debug']
        self.verbose = variables['verbose']
        self.env_var_delimiter = ':'
        self.no_shm = variables['noshm']
        self.shm_path = self.find_path(["/dev/shm", "/tmp"], required=0)
        self.cur_os = os.uname()[0]
        self.cur_user = getpass.getuser()
        self.workdir = os.path.abspath(variables['workdir'])
        self.testdir = os.path.abspath(variables['testdir'])
        self.datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(variables['testdir'],'dbqp_data'))
        self.top_srcdir = os.path.abspath(variables['topsrcdir'])
        self.top_builddir = os.path.abspath(variables['topbuilddir'])
        self.start_dirty = variables['startdirty']
        self.valgrind = variables['valgrind']
        self.gdb = variables['gdb']
        self.manual_gdb = variables['manualgdb']
        self.randgen_path = variables['randgenpath']

        # we use this to preface commands in order to run valgrind and such
        self.cmd_prefix = '' 
        self.port_manager = portManager(self,variables['debug'])
        self.time_manager = timeManager(self)
        # Make sure the tree we are testing looks good
        self.code_tree = self.get_code_tree(variables, tree_type)

        self.ld_lib_paths = self.join_env_var_values(self.code_tree.ld_lib_paths)

        # Some ENV vars are system-standard
        # We describe and set them here and now
        # The format is name: (value, append, suffix)
        self.environment_reqs = { 'UMASK':'0660'
                                , 'UMASK_DIR' : '0770'
                                , 'LC_ALL' : 'C'
                                , 'LC_CTYPE' : 'C'
                                , 'LC_COLLATE' : 'C'
                                , 'USE_RUNNING_SERVER' : "0"
                                , 'TOP_SRCDIR' : self.top_srcdir
                                , 'TOP_BUILDDIR' : self.top_builddir
                                , 'DRIZZLE_TEST_DIR' : self.code_tree.testdir
                                , 'DTR_BUILD_THREAD' : "-69.5"
                                , 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : self.append_env_var( 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
                                                                         , self.ld_lib_paths
                                                                         , suffix = 0
                                                                         , quiet = 1
                                , 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' : self.append_env_var( 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'
                                                                         , self.ld_lib_paths
                                                                         , suffix = 0
                                                                         , quiet = 1
        # set the env vars we need
        # self.process_environment_reqs(self.environment_reqs)

        # We find or generate our id file
        # We use a uuid to identify the symlinked
        # workdirs.  That way, each installation
        # Will have a uuid/tmpfs workingdir
        # We store in a file so we know what
        # is ours
        self.uuid = self.get_uuid()
        self.symlink_name = 'dbqp_workdir_%s_%s' %(self.cur_user, self.uuid)

        # initialize our workdir

        # check for libtool
        self.libtool = self.libtool_check()

        # See if we need to do any further processing for special
        # options like valgrind and gdb
        if self.debug:
    def __init__(self, variables, tree_type='drizzle'):
        self.logging = loggingManager(variables)
        if variables['verbose']:
            self.logging.verbose("Initializing system manager...")

        self.skip_keys = [ 'port_manager'
                         , 'logging'
                         , 'code_manager'
                         , 'env_manager'
                         , 'environment_reqs'
        self.debug = variables['debug']
        self.verbose = variables['verbose']
        self.port_manager = portManager(self,variables['debug'])
        self.time_manager = timeManager(self)

        # environment manager handles updates / whatever to testing environments
        self.env_manager = environmentManager(self, variables)

        self.no_shm = variables['noshm']
        self.shm_path = self.find_path(["/dev/shm", "/tmp"], required=0)
        self.cur_os = os.uname()[0]
        self.cur_user = getpass.getuser()
        self.rootdir = variables['qp_root']
        self.workdir = os.path.abspath(variables['workdir'])
        self.testdir = os.path.abspath(variables['testdir'])
        self.datadir = os.path.join(self.rootdir,'qp_data')
        self.top_srcdir = os.path.abspath(variables['topsrcdir'])
        self.top_builddir = os.path.abspath(variables['topbuilddir'])
        self.start_dirty = variables['startdirty']
        self.valgrind = variables['valgrind']
        self.valgrind_suppress_file = variables['valgrindsuppressions']
        self.helgrind = variables['helgrind']
        # helgrind implies --valgrind
        if self.helgrind:
        self.gdb = variables['gdb']
        self.manual_gdb = variables['manualgdb']
        self.randgen_path = variables['randgenpath']
        self.randgen_seed = variables['randgenseed']
        # there may be a better place to put this...
        self.innobackupex_path = variables['innobackupexpath']
        self.xtrabackup_path = variables['xtrabackuppath']
        self.tar4ibd_path = variables['tar4ibdpath']
        # We add tar4ibd to PATH if defined
        if self.tar4ibd_path:
            self.env_manager.set_env_var( 'PATH', self.env_manager.append_env_var( 'PATH'
                                                           , os.path.dirname(self.tar4ibd_path)
                                                           , suffix=0

        self.wsrep_provider_path = variables['wsrepprovider']

        # we use this to preface commands in order to run valgrind and such
        self.cmd_prefix = '' 

        # We find or generate our id file
        # We use a uuid to identify the symlinked
        # workdirs.  That way, each installation
        # Will have a uuid/tmpfs workingdir
        # We store in a file so we know what
        # is ours
        self.uuid = self.get_uuid()
        self.symlink_name = 'qp_workdir_%s_%s' %(self.cur_user, self.uuid)

        # initialize our workdir
        # Some ENV vars are system-standard
        # We describe and set them here and now
        # The format is name: (value, append, suffix)
        self.environment_reqs = { 'UMASK':'0660'
                                , 'UMASK_DIR' : '0770'
                                , 'LC_ALL' : 'C'
                                , 'LC_CTYPE' : 'C'
                                , 'LC_COLLATE' : 'C'
                                , 'USE_RUNNING_SERVER' : "0"
                                , 'TOP_SRCDIR' : self.top_srcdir
                                , 'TOP_BUILDDIR' : self.top_builddir
                                , 'DRIZZLE_TEST_DIR' : self.testdir
                                , 'DTR_BUILD_THREAD' : "-69.5"
        # set the env vars we need
        # self.process_environment_reqs(self.environment_reqs)

        # use our code_manager to handle the various basedirs 
        # we have been passed
        self.code_manager = codeManager(self, variables)

        # check for libtool
        self.libtool = self.libtool_check()

        # See if we need to do any further processing for special
        # options like valgrind and gdb
    def __init__(self, variables, tree_type='drizzle'):
        self.logging = loggingManager(variables)
        if variables['verbose']:
            self.logging.verbose("Initializing system manager...")

        self.skip_keys = [
            'port_manager', 'logging', 'code_manager', 'env_manager',
        self.debug = variables['debug']
        self.verbose = variables['verbose']
        self.port_manager = portManager(self, variables['debug'])
        self.time_manager = timeManager(self)

        # environment manager handles updates / whatever to testing environments
        self.env_manager = environmentManager(self, variables)

        self.no_shm = variables['noshm']
        self.shm_path = self.find_path(["/dev/shm", "/tmp"], required=0)
        self.cur_os = os.uname()[0]
        self.cur_user = getpass.getuser()
        self.rootdir = variables['qp_root']
        self.workdir = os.path.abspath(variables['workdir'])
        self.testdir = os.path.abspath(variables['testdir'])
        self.datadir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'qp_data')
        self.top_srcdir = os.path.abspath(variables['topsrcdir'])
        self.top_builddir = os.path.abspath(variables['topbuilddir'])
        self.start_dirty = variables['startdirty']
        self.valgrind = variables['valgrind']
        self.valgrind_suppress_file = variables['valgrindsuppressions']
        self.helgrind = variables['helgrind']
        # helgrind implies --valgrind
        if self.helgrind:
            self.valgrind = self.helgrind
        self.gdb = variables['gdb']
        self.manual_gdb = variables['manualgdb']
        self.randgen_path = variables['randgenpath']
        self.randgen_seed = variables['randgenseed']
        # there may be a better place to put this...
        self.innobackupex_path = variables['innobackupexpath']
        self.xtrabackup_path = variables['xtrabackuppath']
        self.tar4ibd_path = variables['tar4ibdpath']
        # We add tar4ibd to PATH if defined
        if self.tar4ibd_path:

        self.wsrep_provider_path = variables['wsrepprovider']

        # we use this to preface commands in order to run valgrind and such
        self.cmd_prefix = ''

        # We find or generate our id file
        # We use a uuid to identify the symlinked
        # workdirs.  That way, each installation
        # Will have a uuid/tmpfs workingdir
        # We store in a file so we know what
        # is ours
        self.uuid = self.get_uuid()
        self.symlink_name = 'qp_workdir_%s_%s' % (self.cur_user, self.uuid)

        # initialize our workdir

        # Some ENV vars are system-standard
        # We describe and set them here and now
        # The format is name: (value, append, suffix)
        self.environment_reqs = {
            'UMASK': '0660',
            'UMASK_DIR': '0770',
            'LC_ALL': 'C',
            'LC_CTYPE': 'C',
            'LC_COLLATE': 'C',
            'USE_RUNNING_SERVER': "0",
            'TOP_SRCDIR': self.top_srcdir,
            'TOP_BUILDDIR': self.top_builddir,
            'DRIZZLE_TEST_DIR': self.testdir,
            'DTR_BUILD_THREAD': "-69.5"
        # set the env vars we need
        # self.process_environment_reqs(self.environment_reqs)

        # use our code_manager to handle the various basedirs
        # we have been passed
        self.code_manager = codeManager(self, variables)

        # check for libtool
        self.libtool = self.libtool_check()

        # See if we need to do any further processing for special
        # options like valgrind and gdb

    def __init__(self, variables, tree_type='drizzle'):
        self.logging = loggingManager(variables)
        if variables['verbose']:
            self.logging.verbose("Initializing system manager...")

        self.skip_keys = [
            'code_tree', 'ld_lib_paths', 'port_manager', 'logging_manager',
            'environment_reqs', 'env_var_delimiter'
        self.debug = variables['debug']
        self.verbose = variables['verbose']
        self.env_var_delimiter = ':'
        self.no_shm = variables['noshm']
        self.shm_path = self.find_path(["/dev/shm", "/tmp"], required=0)
        self.cur_os = os.uname()[0]
        self.cur_user = getpass.getuser()
        self.workdir = os.path.abspath(variables['workdir'])
        self.testdir = os.path.abspath(variables['testdir'])
        self.datadir = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(variables['testdir'], 'dbqp_data'))
        self.top_srcdir = os.path.abspath(variables['topsrcdir'])
        self.top_builddir = os.path.abspath(variables['topbuilddir'])
        self.start_dirty = variables['startdirty']
        self.valgrind = variables['valgrind']
        self.gdb = variables['gdb']
        self.manual_gdb = variables['manualgdb']
        self.randgen_path = variables['randgenpath']

        # we use this to preface commands in order to run valgrind and such
        self.cmd_prefix = ''

        self.port_manager = portManager(self, variables['debug'])
        self.time_manager = timeManager(self)

        # Make sure the tree we are testing looks good
        self.code_tree = self.get_code_tree(variables, tree_type)

        self.ld_lib_paths = self.join_env_var_values(

        # Some ENV vars are system-standard
        # We describe and set them here and now
        # The format is name: (value, append, suffix)
        self.environment_reqs = {
        # set the env vars we need
        # self.process_environment_reqs(self.environment_reqs)

        # We find or generate our id file
        # We use a uuid to identify the symlinked
        # workdirs.  That way, each installation
        # Will have a uuid/tmpfs workingdir
        # We store in a file so we know what
        # is ours
        self.uuid = self.get_uuid()
        self.symlink_name = 'dbqp_workdir_%s_%s' % (self.cur_user, self.uuid)

        # initialize our workdir

        # check for libtool
        self.libtool = self.libtool_check()

        # See if we need to do any further processing for special
        # options like valgrind and gdb

        if self.debug: