def main(): mentors_data = Mentors() mentors_data.load(options.mentors) tasks = Tasks([], mentors_data=mentors_data, issues_dir = options.issues_dir) tasks.load(options.task_list) categories = tasks.categories difficulties = tasks.difficulties templ = Template(filename=options.template, output_encoding='utf-8') output = templ.render(tasks=tasks, categories=categories, difficulties=difficulties) with open(options.output_file, "w") as f: f.write(output)"")"File '%s' is generated." % options.output_file)
def main(): tasks = Tasks([]) tasks.load(options.task_list) if "Id" not in tasks.fieldnames: print "It seems that the column with issues-id 'Id' is not filled." print "Run '' firstly." sys.exit(1) for task in tasks: _id = task.Id if not _id: logging.warning("The task #%s has no issue_id. Skipped." % task.Key) continue val_is_inserted = None if task.has_key('is inserted'): val_is_inserted = task['is inserted'] if ((val_is_inserted=="True") or (val_is_inserted=="False")) and not options.check_all: logging.debug("The information about inserting comments for the task #%s (issue %s) is present already. Skip" % (task.Key, _id)) continue val_is_inserted = (False, True)[val_is_inserted=="True"] new_is_inserted = task.check_if_comment_is_inserted() if new_is_inserted==None: logging.warning("Can't check whether the comment is inserted for the task #%s (issue %s)." % (task.Key, _id)) continue task['is inserted'] = ("False", "True")[new_is_inserted] tasks.extend_fieldnames(['is inserted'])
def main(): if options.recreate and os.path.exists(options.output_file): a = raw_input("Are you sure you want to delete '%s' file? : yes/[no] > " % options.output_file) if a != "yes": options.recreate = False if not ask_create_dir(options.output_file, False): sys.exit() mentors_data = Mentors() mentors_data.load(options.mentors) source_tasks = Tasks([], mentors_data=mentors_data, issues_dir = options.issues_dir) source_tasks.load(options.task_list) if os.path.exists(options.output_file) and not options.recreate: update_tasks = Tasks() update_tasks.load(options.output_file) update_tasks.update(source_tasks) else: update_tasks = source_tasks for task in update_tasks: _id = None try: _id = task.Id except: pass if not _id: _id = task.serach_issue_id() if _id: task["Id"] = _id update_tasks.extend_fieldnames(['Id'])
def main(): config = load_config_file() tracker = SympyIssueTracker(config) tracker.login() il = tracker.get_issues() tasks = Tasks([]) tasks.load(options.task_list) if "Id" not in tasks.fieldnames: print "It seems that the column with issues-id 'Id' is not filled." print "Run '' first, then '' to check" sys.exit(1) for task in tasks: _id = task.Id if not _id: logging.warning("The task #%s has no issue_id. Skipped." % task.Key) continue val_is_inserted = None if task.has_key('is inserted'): val_is_inserted = task['is inserted'] if (val_is_inserted=="True") and not options.check_all: logging.debug("The comment for the task #%s (issue %s) has appearantly been inserted already. Skip" % (task.Key, _id)) continue if val_is_inserted == None: continue # check it again in web _is_inserted = task.check_if_comment_is_inserted() if _is_inserted == True: logging.warning("For issue #%s the comment for task %s is already added" % _id) if (val_is_inserted == "False") and _is_inserted == False: # collect tasks of this issue, where 'task.is_inserted==False': _new = tasks.by_issue_id(_id) if _new: message_list = [] for t in _new: message_item = """%s """ % (t.Title, t.Key) t['is inserted'] = "True" message_list.append(message_item) message = "".join(message_list) print print "For issue %s ( this comment will be added:" % (_id, _id) print print message print # insert comment if options.simulation_off: a = raw_input("Insert comment? y/[n] > ") if a=="y": tracker.add_comment(_id, message) print "Added." else: logging.warning("Tasks for issue #%s are not found" % _id) tasks.extend_fieldnames(['is_inserted'])