def step_impl(context, fildername,hostname): cmd = "mkdir {0}".format(fildername)"sed cmd is :{0}".format(cmd)) if hostname.startswith('dble'): ssh = get_ssh(hostname) else: ssh = get_ssh(hostname) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) assert_that(len(stderr) == 0, "create filder content with:{1}, got err:{0}".format(stderr, cmd))
def step_impl(context,result,hostname): cmd = context.text.strip() if hostname.startswith("dble"): ssh = get_ssh(hostname) else: ssh = get_ssh(hostname) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd)"execute cmd:{0}".format(cmd)) stderr = stderr.lower() assert stderr.find("error") == -1, "execute cmd:{0} error:{1}".format(cmd, stderr) setattr(context,result,stdout)
def impl_step(context, host, pattern, resultName): if host.startswith('dble'): ssh = get_ssh(host) else: ssh = get_ssh(host) oscmd = context.text.strip() rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(oscmd) assert_that(len(stderr) == 0, 'expect no err ,but: {0}'.format(stderr)) results = list(set(re.findall(pattern, stdout))) assert_that(len(results)), "regular matching result is empty""regular matching result:{0}".format(results)) setattr(context, resultName, results)
def step_impl(context, filename, hostname): cmd = "rm -rf {0}".format(filename) ssh = get_ssh(hostname) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) assert_that( len(stderr) == 0, "get err {0} with deleting {1}".format(stderr, filename))
def step_impl(context, path, hostname, exist_or_not): ssh = get_ssh(hostname) cmd = "find " + path rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) logger.debug("rc:{0}, stdout:{1}, stderr:{2}\n".format(rc, stdout, stderr)) assert (exist_or_not == "not exist" and stderr != "") or (exist_or_not == "exist" and stderr == "")
def get_zk_meta_on_zkCli_sh(context, path, info): # zk_method : zk cmd means : ls ,get, rmr, set, config ... can run help on for more info # /dble/cluster-1/conf/sharding # info is function name such as:enum_func # hostname is dble-1 ,dble-2,dble-3 cmd = "cd {0}/bin && ./ get {1}|grep '{2}'".format( context.cfg_zookeeper['home'], path, info) # node = str(hostname) cmd_ssh = get_ssh("dble-1") rc, sto, ste = cmd_ssh.exec_command(cmd) func_name = [] assert_that(sto, not_(empty()), "sto is not empty and it is : {0}".format(sto)) LOGGER.debug("the sto is empty : {0}".format(sto)) outcome_dict = json.loads(sto) LOGGER.debug( "add debug to check the result of executing {0} is :sto:{1}".format( cmd, outcome_dict)) assert_that( outcome_dict, has_key("function"), "we have a key named function and they are:{0}".format(outcome_dict)) LOGGER.debug("{0} function is : {1} ".format(path, outcome_dict.get('function'))) func_list = outcome_dict['function'] for func_obj in func_list: if func_obj.get('name'): LOGGER.debug("{0} function is : {1} ".format( path, func_obj.get('name'))) func_name.append(func_obj['name']) else: LOGGER.debug("there are no keys named name in {0} ".format(path)) LOGGER.debug("we find function name are : {0}".format(func_name)) return func_name
def step_impl(context,btraceScript,host): sshClient = get_ssh(host) isBtraceRunning = check_btrace_running(sshClient,btraceScript)"isBtraceRunning:{0} before try to stop {1}".format(isBtraceRunning,btraceScript)) if isBtraceRunning: stop_btrace(sshClient, btraceScript)
def step_impl(context,hostname,num=None): cmd = context.text.strip() ssh = get_ssh(hostname) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) stderr = stderr.lower() assert stderr.find("error") == -1, "execute cmd: {0} err:{1}".format(cmd,stderr) if num is not None: assert int(stdout) >= int(num), "expect {0} less than result {1} ,but not ".format(num, int(stdout))
def step_impl(context, filename, hostname): ssh = get_ssh(hostname) for row in context.table: str = row["key"] num = row["occur_times"] cmd = "grep \'{0}\' {1}|wc -l".format(str, filename) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) assert_that(stdout == num, "expect the occur times of \"{0}\" is {1} in {2},but the actual value is {3}".format(str, num, filename, stdout))
def step_impl(context,flag,dirname,hostname): strs = context.text.strip() strs_list = strs.splitlines() ssh = get_ssh(hostname) for str in strs_list[1:]: cmd = "find {0} -name {1}".format(dirname, str) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) if flag == "not": assert_that(len(stdout) == 0, "expect \"{0}\" not exist in dir {1},but exist".format(str, dirname)) else: assert_that(len(stdout) > 0, "expect \"{0}\" exist in dir {1},but not".format(str, dirname))
def check_text(context,flag,filename,hostname,checkFromLine=0): strs = context.text.strip() strs_list = strs.splitlines() ssh = get_ssh(hostname) for str in strs_list: cmd = "tail -n +{2} {1} | grep -n \'{0}\'".format(str,filename,checkFromLine) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) if flag =="N": assert_that(len(stdout) == 0,"expect \"{0}\" not exist in file {1},but exist".format(str,filename)) else:#default take flag as Y assert_that(len(stdout) > 0, "expect \"{0}\" exist in file {1},but not".format(str, filename))
def step_impl(context, host1, role, host2, oscmd='cd /usr/local/mysql/data'): user = '' password = '' port = '' if host1.startswith('dble'): node = get_node(host1) if role == "admin": user = node.manager_user password = node.manager_password port = node.manager_port else: user = node.client_user password = node.client_password port = node.client_port else: node = get_node(host1) user = node.mysql_user password = node.mysql_password port = node.mysql_port ip = node.ip if host2.startswith('dble'): ssh = get_ssh(host2) else: ssh = get_ssh(host2) sql_cmd_str = context.text.strip() sql_cmd_list = sql_cmd_str.splitlines()"sql list: {0}".format(sql_cmd_list)) for sql_cmd in sql_cmd_list: cmd = '{5} && mysql -h{0} -u{1} -p{2} -P{3} -c -e"{4}"'.format( ip, user, password, port, sql_cmd, oscmd) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd)"execute cmd:{0}".format(cmd)) stderr = stderr.lower() assert stderr.find("error") == -1, "execute cmd: {0} err:{1}".format( cmd, stderr) time.sleep(3)
def step_impl(context, filename): # remove file in behave resides server if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # remove file in dble cmd = "rm -rf {0}".format(filename) rc, stdout, stderr = context.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) assert len(stderr)==0, "rm file in dble fail for {0}".format(stderr) # remove file in compare mysql dble_node_ssh = get_ssh(context.cfg_mysql['compare_mysql']['master1']['hostname']) rc, stdout, stderr = dble_node_ssh.exec_command(cmd) assert len(stderr)==0, "rm file in compare mysql fail for {0}".format(stderr)
def step_impl(context,hostname,num=None,rs_name=None): cmd = context.text.strip() ssh = get_ssh(hostname) if rs_name is not None: param_value = getattr(context, rs_name) assert param_value, "expect parameter not found in {0}".format(rs_name) cmd = cmd.format(param_value) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) stderr = stderr.lower() assert stderr.find("error") == -1, "execute cmd: {0} err:{1}".format(cmd,stderr) if num is not None: assert int(stdout) >= int(num), "expect {0} less than result {1} ,but not ".format(num, int(stdout))
def step_impl(context, node, target_file, host_name): sshClient = get_ssh(host_name) cmd = "cat {0}".format(target_file) rc, sto, ste = sshClient.exec_command(cmd) tree = ET.fromstring(sto) nodeXml = eval(node) tag = nodeXml.get("tag") targetNodes = tree.findall(tag) targetNodes_filtered = get_node_by_keyvalue(targetNodes, nodeXml.get("kv_map")) assert len(targetNodes_filtered) > 0, "can't find {0} in xml {1}".format( node, target_file)
def step_impl(context,file,host): sshClient = get_ssh(host) retry = 0 isFound = False while retry < 5: time.sleep(2) # a interval wait for query run into cmd = "cat {0} | grep '{1}' -c".format(file, context.text.strip()) rc, sto, ste = sshClient.exec_command(cmd) assert len(ste) == 0, "check err:{0}".format(ste) isFound = int(sto) == 1 if isFound: context.logger.debug("expect text is found in {0}s".format((retry + 1) * 2)) break retry = retry + 1 assert isFound, "can not find expect text '{0}' in {1}".format(context.text, file)
def check_cluster_successd(context, expectNodes): if not hasattr(context, "retry_check_zk_nodes"): context.retry_check_zk_nodes = 0 context.check_zk_nodes_success = False realNodes = [] cmd = "cd {0}/bin && ./ ls /dble/cluster-1/online|grep -v ':'|grep -v ^$ ".format( context.cfg_zookeeper['home']) cmd_ssh = get_ssh("dble-1") rc, sto, ste = cmd_ssh.exec_command(cmd) LOGGER.debug( "add debug to check the result of executing {0} is :sto:{1}".format( cmd, sto)) sub_sto = re.findall(r'[[](.*)[]]', sto) LOGGER.debug( "add debug to check the result of sub_sto is :{0}".format(sub_sto)) nodes = sub_sto[0].replace(",", " ").split() LOGGER.debug("add debug to check the result of nodes is:{0}".format(nodes)) for id in nodes:"id:{0}".format(id)) hostname = "dble-{0}".format(id) realNodes.append(hostname) if (expectNodes == realNodes): context.check_zk_nodes_success = True if not context.check_zk_nodes_success: if context.retry_check_zk_nodes < 10: context.retry_check_zk_nodes = context.retry_check_zk_nodes + 1 time.sleep(10) check_cluster_successd(context, expectNodes) else: "The online dbles detected by zk do not meet expectations after 10 times try,expectNodes:{0},realNodes:{1}" .format(expectNodes, realNodes)) delattr(context, "retry_check_zk_nodes") else: delattr(context, "retry_check_zk_nodes")
def step_impl(context, host): sshClient = get_ssh(host) kill_query(sshClient, context.text, context)
def step_impl(context, path, hostname): ssh = get_ssh(hostname) cmd = "rm -rf " + path rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) logging.debug("rc:{0}, stdout:{1}, stderr:{2}\n".format( rc, stdout, stderr))
def restore(self): # if "restore_sys_time" in self._scenario.tags: # utils.restore_sys_time() # # if "aft_reset_replication" in self._scenario.tags: # utils.reset_repl() # if "restore_network" in self._scenario.tags: params_dic = self.get_tag_params("{'restore_network'") logger.debug("params_dic is: {0}".format(params_dic)) if params_dic: paras = params_dic["restore_network"].split(",") # paras = paras.split(",") else: paras = "" logger.debug("try to restore_network: {0}".format(paras)) for host_name in paras: logger.debug( "the value of host_name is: {0}".format(host_name)) cmd = "iptables -F" ssh = get_ssh(host_name) rc, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) assert_that( len(stderr) == 0, "restore network with command:{1}, got err:{0}".format( stderr, cmd)) if "restore_view" in self._scenario.tags: params_dic = self.get_tag_params("{'restore_view'") if params_dic: paras = params_dic["restore_view"] else: paras = {} for host_name, mysql_vars in paras.items(): if host_name.find('dble') != -1: mode = "user" else: mode = "mysql" for k, v in mysql_vars.items(): list_value = filter(lambda x: x, v.split(",")) view_value = "" for value in list_value: view_value = view_value + "{0}.{1},".format(k, value) query = "drop view if exists " + view_value sql = query[:-1] #delete the last ',' # logger.debug("the sql is: {0}".format(sql)) execute_sql_in_host(host_name, {"sql": sql}, mode) if "restore_mysql_service" in self._scenario.tags: params_dic = self.get_tag_params("{'restore_mysql_service'") if params_dic: paras = params_dic["restore_mysql_service"] else: paras = {} logger.debug("try to restore_mysql_service: {0}".format(paras)) for host_name, mysql_vars in paras.items(): logger.debug( "the value of host_name is: {0}".format(host_name)) for k, v in mysql_vars.items(): if v: mysql = ObjectFactory.create_mysql_object(host_name) mysql.start() if "restore_global_setting" in self._scenario.tags: params_dic = self.get_tag_params("{'restore_global_setting'") if params_dic: paras = params_dic["restore_global_setting"] else: paras = {} logger.debug( "try to restore_global_setting of mysqls: {0}".format(paras)) for mysql, mysql_vars in paras.items(): query = "set global " for k, v in mysql_vars.items(): query = query + "{0}={1},".format(k, v) sql = query[:-1] #delete the last ',' execute_sql_in_host(mysql, {"sql": sql}) if "restore_mysql_config" in self._scenario.tags: params_dic = self.get_tag_params("{'restore_mysql_config'") if params_dic: paras = params_dic["restore_mysql_config"] else: paras = {} logger.debug( "try to restore_mysql_config of mysqls: {0}".format(paras)) for host_name, mysql_vars in paras.items(): sed_str = "" for k, v in mysql_vars.items(): sed_str += "/{0}/d\n/server-id/a {0}={1}\n".format(k, v) mysql = ObjectFactory.create_mysql_object(host_name) mysql.restart(sed_str)