def updateReferences(blobs):
    for blob in blobs:
        if (blob % 100 == 0): print('R:', blob)
        hash = db.hash.get(blob)
        filename = db.file.get(blob)

        ext = filename[-2:]
        if not (ext == '.c' or ext == '.h'): continue

        tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', '-b', hash)
        even = True
        lineNum = 1
        idents = {}
        for tok in tokens:
            even = not even
            if even:
                if db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                    if tok in idents:
                        idents[tok] += ',' + str(lineNum)
                        idents[tok] = str(lineNum)
                lineNum += tok.count(b'\1')

        for ident, lines in idents.items():
            if db.refs.exists(ident):
                obj = db.refs.get(ident)
                obj = data.RefList()

            obj.append(blob, lines)
            db.refs.put(ident, obj)
def updateReferences(idxes):
    for idx in idxes:
        if (idx % 1000 == 0): progress('refs: ' + str(idx))
        hash = db.hash.get(idx)
        filename = db.file.get(idx)

        if not lib.hasSupportedExt(filename): continue

        tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', '-b', hash)
        even = True
        lineNum = 1
        idents = {}
        for tok in tokens:
            even = not even
            if even:
                if db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                    if tok in idents:
                        idents[tok] += ',' + str(lineNum)
                        idents[tok] = str(lineNum)
                lineNum += tok.count(b'\1')

        for ident, lines in idents.items():
            if db.refs.exists(ident):
                obj = db.refs.get(ident)
                obj = data.RefList()

            obj.append(idx, lines)
            if verbose:
                print(f"ref: {ident} in #{idx} @ {lines}")
            db.refs.put(ident, obj)
文件: update.py 项目: mwalle/elixir
    def update_definitions(self, idxes):
        global hash_file_lock, defs_lock, tags_defs

        for idx in idxes:
            if (idx % 1000 == 0): progress('defs: ' + str(idx), tags_defs[0])

            with hash_file_lock:
                hash = db.hash.get(idx)
                filename = db.file.get(idx)

            family = lib.getFileFamily(filename)
            if family in [None, 'M']: continue

            lines = scriptLines('parse-defs', hash, filename, family)

            with defs_lock:
                for l in lines:
                    ident, type, line = l.split(b' ')
                    type = type.decode()
                    line = int(line.decode())

                    if db.defs.exists(ident):
                        obj = db.defs.get(ident)
                    elif lib.isIdent(ident):
                        obj = data.DefList()

                    obj.append(idx, type, line, family)
                    if verbose:
                        print(f"def {type} {ident} in #{idx} @ {line}")
                    db.defs.put(ident, obj)
文件: update.py 项目: olshanov/elixir
    def update_references(self, idxes):
        global hash_file_lock, defs_lock

        for idx in idxes:
            if (idx % 1000 == 0): progress('refs: ' + str(idx), self.index + 1)

            with hash_file_lock:
                hash = db.hash.get(idx)
                filename = db.file.get(idx)

            family = lib.getFileFamily(filename)
            if family == None: continue

            prefix = b''
            # Kconfig values are saved as CONFIG_<value>
            if family == 'K':
                prefix = b'CONFIG_'

            tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', '-b', hash, family)
            even = True
            line_num = 1
            idents = {}
            for tok in tokens:
                even = not even
                if even:
                    tok = prefix + tok

                    with defs_lock:
                        if db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                            if tok in idents:
                                idents[tok] += ',' + str(line_num)
                                idents[tok] = str(line_num)

                    line_num += tok.count(b'\1')

            for ident, lines in idents.items():
                if db.refs.exists(ident):
                    obj = db.refs.get(ident)
                    obj = data.RefList()

                obj.append(idx, lines, family)
                if verbose:
                    print(f"ref: {ident} in #{idx} @ {lines}")
                db.refs.put(ident, obj)
文件: query.py 项目: ashang/elixir-1
def query (cmd, *args):
    buffer = BytesIO()

    def echo (arg):
        buffer.write (arg)

    if cmd == 'versions':
        for p in scriptLines ('list-tags', '-h'):
            if db.vers.exists (p.split(b' ')[2]):
                echo (p + b'\n')

    elif cmd == 'latest':
        p = script ('get-latest')
        echo (p)

    elif cmd == 'type':
        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        p = script ('get-type', version, path)
        echo (p)

    elif cmd == 'dir':
        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        p = script ('get-dir', version, path)
        echo (p)

    elif cmd == 'file':
        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]

        if ext in ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.h']:
            tokens = scriptLines ('tokenize-file', version, path)
            even = True
            for tok in tokens:
                even = not even
                if even and db.defs.exists (tok) and lib.isIdent (tok):
                    tok = b'\033[31m' + tok + b'\033[0m'
                    tok = lib.unescape (tok)
                echo (tok)
            p = script ('get-file', version, path)
            echo (p)

    elif cmd == 'ident':
        version = args[0]
        ident = args[1]

        if not db.defs.exists (ident):
            echo (('Unknown identifier: ' + ident + '\n').encode())
            return buffer.getvalue()

        if not db.vers.exists (version):
            echo (('Unknown version: ' + version + '\n').encode())
            return buffer.getvalue()

        vers = db.vers.get (version).iter()
        defs = db.defs.get (ident).iter (dummy=True)
        # FIXME: see why we can have a discrepancy between defs and refs
        if db.refs.exists (ident):
            refs = db.refs.get (ident).iter (dummy=True)
            refs = data.RefList().iter (dummy=True)

        id2, type, dline = next (defs)
        id3, rlines = next (refs)

        dBuf = []
        rBuf = []

        for id1, path in vers:
            while id1 > id2:
                id2, type, dline = next (defs)
            while id1 > id3:
                id3, rlines = next (refs)
            while id1 == id2:
                dBuf.append ((path, type, dline))
                id2, type, dline = next (defs)
            if id1 == id3:
                rBuf.append ((path, rlines))

        echo (('Defined in ' + str(len(dBuf)) + ' files:\n').encode())
        for path, type, dline in sorted (dBuf):
            echo ((path + ': ' + str (dline) + ' (' + type + ')\n').encode())

        echo (('\nReferenced in ' + str(len(rBuf)) + ' files:\n').encode())
        for path, rlines in sorted (rBuf):
            echo ((path + ': ' + rlines + '\n').encode())

        echo (('Unknown subcommand: ' + cmd + '\n').encode())

    return buffer.getvalue()
文件: query.py 项目: olshanov/elixir
def query(cmd, *args):
    if cmd == 'versions':

        # Returns the list of indexed versions in the following format:
        # topmenu submenu tag
        # Example: v3 v3.1 v3.1-rc10
        versions = OrderedDict()

        for line in scriptLines('list-tags', '-h'):
            taginfo = decode(line).split(' ')
            num = len(taginfo)
            topmenu, submenu = 'FIXME', 'FIXME'

            if (num == 1):
                tag, = taginfo
            elif (num == 2):
                submenu, tag = taginfo
            elif (num == 3):
                topmenu, submenu, tag = taginfo

            if db.vers.exists(tag):
                if topmenu not in versions:
                    versions[topmenu] = OrderedDict()
                if submenu not in versions[topmenu]:
                    versions[topmenu][submenu] = []

        return versions

    elif cmd == 'latest':

        # Returns the tag considered as the latest one
        previous = None
        tag = ''
        index = 0

        # If we get the same tag twice, we are at the oldest one
        while not db.vers.exists(tag) and previous != tag:
            previous = tag
            tag = decode(script('get-latest', str(index))).rstrip('\n')
            index += 1

        return tag

    elif cmd == 'type':

        # Returns the type (blob or tree) associated to
        # the given path. Example:
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /Makefile
        # blob
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /arch
        # tree

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        return decode(script('get-type', version, path)).strip()

    elif cmd == 'exist':

        # Returns True if the requested file exists, overwise returns False

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]

        dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)

        entries = decode(script('get-dir', version, dirname)).split("\n")[:-1]
        for entry in entries:
            fname = entry.split(" ")[1]

            if fname == filename:
                return True

        return False

    elif cmd == 'dir':

        # Returns the contents (trees or blobs) of the specified directory
        # Example: ./query.py dir v3.1-rc10 /arch

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        entries_str = decode(script('get-dir', version, path))
        return entries_str.split("\n")[:-1]

    elif cmd == 'file':

        # Returns the contents of the specified file
        # Tokens are marked for further processing
        # Example: ./query.py file v3.1-rc10 /Makefile

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]

        filename = os.path.basename(path)
        family = lib.getFileFamily(filename)

        if family != None:
            buffer = BytesIO()
            tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', version, path, family)
            even = True

            prefix = b''
            if family == 'K':
                prefix = b'CONFIG_'

            for tok in tokens:
                even = not even
                tok2 = prefix + tok
                if (even and db.defs.exists(tok2) and lib.isIdent(tok2)
                        and lib.compatibleFamily(
                            db.defs.get(tok2).get_families(), family)):
                    tok = b'\033[31m' + tok2 + b'\033[0m'
                    tok = lib.unescape(tok)
            return decode(buffer.getvalue())
            return decode(script('get-file', version, path))

    elif cmd == 'family':
        # Get the family of a given file

        filename = args[0]

        return lib.getFileFamily(filename)

    elif cmd == 'ident':

        # Returns identifier search results

        version = args[0]
        ident = args[1]
        family = args[2]

        symbol_definitions = []
        symbol_references = []
        symbol_doccomments = []

        if not db.defs.exists(ident):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        if not db.vers.exists(version):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        files_this_version = db.vers.get(version).iter()
        defs_this_ident = db.defs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
        # FIXME: see why we can have a discrepancy between defs_this_ident and refs
        if db.refs.exists(ident):
            refs = db.refs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
            refs = data.RefList().iter(dummy=True)

        if db.docs.exists(ident):
            docs = db.docs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
            docs = data.RefList().iter(dummy=True)

        # vers, defs, refs, and docs are all populated by update.py in order of
        # idx, and there is a one-to-one mapping between blob hashes and idx
        # values.  Therefore, we can sequentially step through the defs, refs,
        # and docs for each file in a version.

        def_idx, def_type, def_line, def_family = next(defs_this_ident)
        ref_idx, ref_lines, ref_family = next(refs)
        doc_idx, doc_line, doc_family = next(docs)

        dBuf = []
        rBuf = []
        docBuf = []

        for file_idx, file_path in files_this_version:
            # Advance defs, refs, and docs to the current file
            while def_idx < file_idx:
                def_idx, def_type, def_line, def_family = next(defs_this_ident)
            while ref_idx < file_idx:
                ref_idx, ref_lines, ref_family = next(refs)
            while doc_idx < file_idx:
                doc_idx, doc_line, doc_family = next(docs)

            # Copy information about this identifier into dBuf, rBuf, and docBuf.
            while def_idx == file_idx:
                if def_family == family or family == 'A':
                    dBuf.append((file_path, def_type, def_line))
                def_idx, def_type, def_line, def_family = next(defs_this_ident)

            if ref_idx == file_idx:
                if lib.compatibleFamily(family, ref_family) or family == 'A':
                    rBuf.append((file_path, ref_lines))

            if doc_idx == file_idx:  # TODO should this be a `while`?
                docBuf.append((file_path, doc_line))

        for path, type, dline in sorted(dBuf):
            symbol_definitions.append(SymbolInstance(path, dline, type))

        for path, rlines in sorted(rBuf):
            symbol_references.append(SymbolInstance(path, rlines))

        for path, docline in sorted(docBuf):
            symbol_doccomments.append(SymbolInstance(path, docline))

        return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        return ('Unknown subcommand: ' + cmd + '\n')
    version = argv[2]
    path = argv[3]
    p = script('get-dir', version, path)

elif cmd == 'file':
    version = argv[2]
    path = argv[3]
    ext = path[-2:]

    if ext == '.c' or ext == '.h':
        tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', version, path)
        even = True
        for tok in tokens:
            even = not even
            if even and db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                tok = b'\033[31m' + tok + b'\033[0m'
                tok = lib.unescape(tok)
        p = script('get-file', version, path)

elif cmd == 'ident':
    version = argv[2]
    ident = argv[3]

    if not db.defs.exists(ident):
        print(argv[0] + ': Unknown identifier: ' + ident)
def query(cmd, *args):
    if cmd == 'versions':

        # Returns the list of indexed versions in the following format:
        # topmenu submenu tag
        # Example: v3 v3.1 v3.1-rc10
        versions = OrderedDict()

        for line in scriptLines('list-tags', '-h'):
            taginfo = decode(line).split(' ')
            num = len(taginfo)
            topmenu, submenu = 'FIXME', 'FIXME'

            if (num == 1):
                tag, = taginfo
            elif (num == 2):
                submenu, tag = taginfo
            elif (num == 3):
                topmenu, submenu, tag = taginfo

            if db.vers.exists(tag):
                if topmenu not in versions:
                    versions[topmenu] = OrderedDict()
                if submenu not in versions[topmenu]:
                    versions[topmenu][submenu] = []

        return versions

    elif cmd == 'latest':

        # Returns the tag considered as the latest one
        # TODO: this latest tag may have just been retrieved
        # in the git repository and may not have been indexed yet
        # This could results in failed queries

        return decode(script('get-latest')).rstrip('\n')

    elif cmd == 'type':

        # Returns the type (blob or tree) associated to
        # the given path. Example:
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /Makefile
        # blob
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /arch
        # tree

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        return decode(script('get-type', version, path)).strip()

    elif cmd == 'dir':

        # Returns the contents (trees or blobs) of the specified directory
        # Example: ./query.py dir v3.1-rc10 /arch

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        entries_str = decode(script('get-dir', version, path))
        return entries_str.split("\n")[:-1]

    elif cmd == 'file':

        # Returns the contents of the specified file
        # Tokens are marked for further processing
        # Example: ./query.py file v3.1-rc10 /Makefile

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]

        if lib.hasSupportedExt(path):
            buffer = BytesIO()
            tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', version, path)
            even = True
            for tok in tokens:
                even = not even
                if even and db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                    tok = b'\033[31m' + tok + b'\033[0m'
                    tok = lib.unescape(tok)
            return decode(buffer.getvalue())
            return decode(script('get-file', version, path))

    elif cmd == 'ident':

        # Returns identifier search results

        version = args[0]
        ident = args[1]

        symbol_definitions = []
        symbol_references = []
        symbol_doccomments = []

        if not db.defs.exists(ident):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        if not db.vers.exists(version):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        files_this_version = db.vers.get(version).iter()
        defs_this_ident = db.defs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
        # FIXME: see why we can have a discrepancy between defs_this_ident and refs
        if db.refs.exists(ident):
            refs = db.refs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
            refs = data.RefList().iter(dummy=True)

        if db.docs.exists(ident):
            docs = db.docs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
            docs = data.RefList().iter(dummy=True)

        # vers, defs, refs, and docs are all populated by update.py in order of
        # idx, and there is a one-to-one mapping between blob hashes and idx
        # values.  Therefore, we can sequentially step through the defs, refs,
        # and docs for each file in a version.

        def_idx, def_type, def_line = next(defs_this_ident)
        ref_idx, ref_lines = next(refs)
        doc_idx, doc_line = next(docs)

        dBuf = []
        rBuf = []
        docBuf = []

        for file_idx, file_path in files_this_version:
            # Advance defs, refs, and docs to the current file
            while def_idx < file_idx:
                def_idx, def_type, def_line = next(defs_this_ident)
            while ref_idx < file_idx:
                ref_idx, ref_lines = next(refs)
            while doc_idx < file_idx:
                doc_idx, doc_line = next(docs)

            # Copy information about this identifier into dBuf, rBuf, and docBuf.
            while def_idx == file_idx:
                dBuf.append((file_path, def_type, def_line))
                def_idx, def_type, def_line = next(defs_this_ident)

            if ref_idx == file_idx:
                rBuf.append((file_path, ref_lines))

            if doc_idx == file_idx:  # TODO should this be a `while`?
                docBuf.append((file_path, doc_line))

        for path, type, dline in sorted(dBuf):
            symbol_definitions.append(SymbolInstance(path, dline, type))

        for path, rlines in sorted(rBuf):
            symbol_references.append(SymbolInstance(path, rlines))

        for path, docline in sorted(docBuf):
            symbol_doccomments.append(SymbolInstance(path, docline))

        return symbol_definitions, symbol_references, symbol_doccomments

        return ('Unknown subcommand: ' + cmd + '\n')
def query(cmd, *args):
    if cmd == 'versions':

        # Returns the list of indexed versions in the following format:
        # topmenu submenu tag
        # Example: v3 v3.1 v3.1-rc10
        versions = OrderedDict()

        for line in scriptLines('list-tags', '-h'):
            taginfo = decode(line).split(' ')
            num = len(taginfo)
            topmenu, submenu = 'FIXME', 'FIXME'

            if (num == 1):
                tag, = taginfo
            elif (num == 2):
                submenu, tag = taginfo
            elif (num == 3):
                topmenu, submenu, tag = taginfo

            if db.vers.exists(tag):
                if topmenu not in versions:
                    versions[topmenu] = OrderedDict()
                if submenu not in versions[topmenu]:
                    versions[topmenu][submenu] = []

        return versions

    elif cmd == 'latest':

        # Returns the tag considered as the latest one
        # TODO: this latest tag may have just been retrieved
        # in the git repository and may not have been indexed yet
        # This could results in failed queries

        return decode(script('get-latest')).rstrip('\n')

    elif cmd == 'type':

        # Returns the type (blob or tree) associated to
        # the given path. Example:
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /Makefile
        # blob
        # > ./query.py type v3.1-rc10 /arch
        # tree

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        return decode(script('get-type', version, path)).strip()

    elif cmd == 'dir':

        # Returns the contents (trees or blobs) of the specified directory
        # Example: ./query.py dir v3.1-rc10 /arch

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]
        entries_str = decode(script('get-dir', version, path))
        return entries_str.split("\n")[:-1]

    elif cmd == 'file':

        # Returns the contents of the specified file
        # Tokens are marked for further processing
        # Example: ./query.py file v3.1-rc10 /Makefile

        version = args[0]
        path = args[1]

        if lib.hasSupportedExt(path):
            buffer = BytesIO()
            tokens = scriptLines('tokenize-file', version, path)
            even = True
            for tok in tokens:
                even = not even
                if even and db.defs.exists(tok) and lib.isIdent(tok):
                    tok = b'\033[31m' + tok + b'\033[0m'
                    tok = lib.unescape(tok)
            return decode(buffer.getvalue())
            return decode(script('get-file', version, path))

    elif cmd == 'ident':

        # Returns identifier search results

        version = args[0]
        ident = args[1]

        symbol_definitions = []
        symbol_references = []

        if not db.defs.exists(ident):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references

        if not db.vers.exists(version):
            return symbol_definitions, symbol_references

        vers = db.vers.get(version).iter()
        defs = db.defs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
        # FIXME: see why we can have a discrepancy between defs and refs
        if db.refs.exists(ident):
            refs = db.refs.get(ident).iter(dummy=True)
            refs = data.RefList().iter(dummy=True)

        id2, type, dline = next(defs)
        id3, rlines = next(refs)

        dBuf = []
        rBuf = []

        for id1, path in vers:
            while id1 > id2:
                id2, type, dline = next(defs)
            while id1 > id3:
                id3, rlines = next(refs)
            while id1 == id2:
                dBuf.append((path, type, dline))
                id2, type, dline = next(defs)
            if id1 == id3:
                rBuf.append((path, rlines))

        for path, type, dline in sorted(dBuf):
            symbol_definitions.append(SymbolInstance(path, dline, type))

        for path, rlines in sorted(rBuf):
            symbol_references.append(SymbolInstance(path, rlines))

        return symbol_definitions, symbol_references

        return ('Unknown subcommand: ' + cmd + '\n')