def test_auth_pep(self): rules_to_prepend = """ pep_resource_resolve_hierarchy_pre(*A,*B,*OUT,*E,*F,*G,*H){ *OUT = "THIS IS AN OUT VARIABLE" } pep_resource_resolve_hierarchy_post(*A,*B,*OUT,*E,*F,*G,*H){ writeLine( 'serverLog', '*OUT') } """ corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') filename = "test_re_serialization.txt" lib.make_file(filename, 1000) self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f --metadata ATTR;VALUE;UNIT " + filename) out_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'THIS IS AN OUT VARIABLE', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + filename) print("counts: " + str(out_count)) assert 1 == out_count
def test_acPostProcForPut_replicate_to_multiple_resources(self): # create new resources hostname = socket.gethostname() self.admin.assert_icommand( "iadmin mkresc r1 unixfilesystem " + hostname + ":/tmp/irods/r1", 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating") self.admin.assert_icommand( "iadmin mkresc r2 unixfilesystem " + hostname + ":/tmp/irods/r2", 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating") corefile = os.path.join(lib.get_core_re_dir(), '') with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file( '\nacPostProcForPut { replicateMultiple( \"r1,r2\" ); }\n', corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 # add new rule to end of newrule = """ # multiple replication rule replicateMultiple(*destRgStr) { *destRgList = split(*destRgStr, ','); writeLine("serverLog", " acPostProcForPut multiple replicate $objPath $filePath -> *destRgStr"); foreach (*destRg in *destRgList) { writeLine("serverLog", " acPostProcForPut replicate $objPath $filePath -> *destRg"); *e = errorcode(msiSysReplDataObj(*destRg,"null")); if (*e != 0) { if(*e == -808000) { writeLine("serverLog", "$objPath cannot be found"); $status = 0; succeed; } else { fail(*e); } } } } """ time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(newrule, corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 # put data tfile = "rulebasetestfile" lib.touch(tfile) self.admin.assert_icommand(['iput', tfile]) # check replicas self.admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-L', tfile], 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [' demoResc ', ' r1 ', ' r2 ']) # clean up and remove new resources self.admin.assert_icommand("irm -rf " + tfile) self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc r1") self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc r2") time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279
def test_api_plugin(self): rules_to_prepend = """ pep_rs_hello_world_pre(*INST,*OUT,*COMM,*HELLO_IN,*HELLO_OUT) { writeLine("serverLog", "pep_rs_hello_world_pre - *INST *OUT *HELLO_IN, *HELLO_OUT"); } pep_rs_hello_world_post(*INST,*OUT,*COMM,*HELLO_IN,*HELLO_OUT) { writeLine("serverLog", "pep_rs_hello_world_post - *INST *OUT *HELLO_IN, *HELLO_OUT"); } """ corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') self.admin.assert_icommand("iapitest", 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', 'this') pre_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'pep_rs_hello_world_pre - api_instance <unconvertible> that=hello, world.++++this=42, null_value', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) hello_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'HELLO WORLD', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) post_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'pep_rs_hello_world_post - api_instance <unconvertible> that=hello, world.++++this=42, that=hello, world.++++this=42++++value=128', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) assert 1 == pre_count assert 1 == hello_count assert 1 == post_count
def test_iquota__3044(self): myfile = 'quotafile' corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): rules_to_prepend = 'acRescQuotaPolicy {msiSetRescQuotaPolicy("on"); }\n' time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 for quotatype in [['suq',self.admin.username], ['sgq','public']]: # user and group for quotaresc in [self.testresc, 'total']: # resc and total cmd = 'iadmin {0} {1} {2} 8000'.format(quotatype[0], quotatype[1], quotaresc) # set high quota self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'irepl -R {0} {1}'.format(self.testresc, self.testfile) self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'iadmin cu' # calculate, update db self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'iquota' self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split(), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', 'Nearing quota') # not over yet cmd = 'iadmin {0} {1} {2} 40'.format(quotatype[0], quotatype[1], quotaresc) # set low quota self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'iquota' self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split(), 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', 'OVER QUOTA') # confirm it's over lib.make_file(myfile, 30, contents='arbitrary') cmd = 'iput -R {0} {1}'.format(self.testresc, myfile) # should fail self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split(), 'STDERR_SINGLELINE', 'SYS_RESC_QUOTA_EXCEEDED') cmd = 'iadmin {0} {1} {2} 0'.format(quotatype[0], quotatype[1], quotaresc) # remove quota self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'iadmin cu' # update db self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'iput -R {0} {1}'.format(self.testresc, myfile) # should succeed again self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) cmd = 'irm -rf {0}'.format(myfile) # clean up self.admin.assert_icommand(cmd.split()) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279
def test_acPostProcForPut_replicate_to_multiple_resources(self): # create new resources hostname = socket.gethostname() self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin mkresc r1 unixfilesystem " + hostname + ":/tmp/irods/r1", 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating") self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin mkresc r2 unixfilesystem " + hostname + ":/tmp/irods/r2", 'STDOUT_SINGLELINE', "Creating") corefile = os.path.join(lib.get_core_re_dir(), '') with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file('\nacPostProcForPut { replicateMultiple( \"r1,r2\" ); }\n', corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 # add new rule to end of newrule = """ # multiple replication rule replicateMultiple(*destRgStr) { *destRgList = split(*destRgStr, ','); writeLine("serverLog", " acPostProcForPut multiple replicate $objPath $filePath -> *destRgStr"); foreach (*destRg in *destRgList) { writeLine("serverLog", " acPostProcForPut replicate $objPath $filePath -> *destRg"); *e = errorcode(msiSysReplDataObj(*destRg,"null")); if (*e != 0) { if(*e == -808000) { writeLine("serverLog", "$objPath cannot be found"); $status = 0; succeed; } else { fail(*e); } } } } """ time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(newrule, corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 # put data tfile = "rulebasetestfile" lib.touch(tfile) self.admin.assert_icommand(['iput', tfile]) # check replicas self.admin.assert_icommand(['ils', '-L', tfile], 'STDOUT_MULTILINE', [' demoResc ', ' r1 ', ' r2 ']) # clean up and remove new resources self.admin.assert_icommand("irm -rf " + tfile) self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc r1") self.admin.assert_icommand("iadmin rmresc r2") time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279
def test_client_server_negotiation__2564(self): corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): client_update = { 'irods_client_server_policy': 'CS_NEG_REFUSE' } session_env_backup = copy.deepcopy(self.admin.environment_file_contents) self.admin.environment_file_contents.update(client_update) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file('\nacPreConnect(*OUT) { *OUT="CS_NEG_REQUIRE"; }\n', corefile) time.sleep(2) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 self.admin.assert_icommand( 'ils','STDERR_SINGLELINE','CLIENT_NEGOTIATION_ERROR') self.admin.environment_file_contents = session_env_backup
def test_re_serialization(self): rules_to_prepend = """ pep_resource_resolve_hierarchy_pre(*A,*B,*OUT,*E,*F,*G,*H){ writeLine("serverLog", "pep_resource_resolve_hierarchy_pre - [*A] [*B] [*OUT] [*E] [*F] [*G] [*H]"); } """ corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') filename = "test_re_serialization.txt" lib.make_file(filename, 1000) self.admin.assert_icommand("iput -f --metadata ATTR;VALUE;UNIT " + filename) auth_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'user_auth_info_auth_flag=5', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) zone_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'user_rods_zone=tempZone', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) user_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'user_user_name=otherrods', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) mdata_count = lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'ATTR;VALUE;UNIT', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) output = commands.getstatusoutput('rm ' + filename) print("counts: " + str(auth_count) + " " + str(zone_count) + " " + str(user_count) + " " + str(mdata_count)) assert 1 == auth_count assert 1 == zone_count assert 1 == user_count assert 1 == mdata_count
def test_iput_bulk_check_acpostprocforput__2841(self): # prepare test directory number_of_files = 5 dirname = self.admin.local_session_dir + '/files' corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" # files less than 4200000 were failing to trigger the writeLine for filesize in range(5000, 6000000, 500000): files = lib.make_large_local_tmp_dir(dirname, number_of_files, filesize) # manipulate and check the server log with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') rules_to_prepend = ''' acBulkPutPostProcPolicy { msiSetBulkPutPostProcPolicy("on"); } acPostProcForPut { writeLine("serverLog", "acPostProcForPut called for $objPath"); } ''' time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is committed #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is committed #2279 self.admin.assert_icommand(['iput', '-frb', dirname]) assert number_of_files == lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'writeLine: inString = acPostProcForPut called for', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) shutil.rmtree(dirname)
def test_rule_engine_2309(self): corefile = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/" coredvm = lib.get_core_re_dir() + "/core.dvm" with lib.file_backed_up(coredvm): lib.prepend_string_to_file('oprType||rei->doinp->oprType\n', coredvm) with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') rules_to_prepend = ''' acSetNumThreads() { writeLine("serverLog","test_rule_engine_2309: put: acSetNumThreads oprType [$oprType]"); } ''' time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 trigger_file = 'file_to_trigger_acSetNumThreads' lib.make_file(trigger_file, 4 * pow(10, 7)) self.admin.assert_icommand('iput {0}'.format(trigger_file)) assert 1 == lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'writeLine: inString = test_rule_engine_2309: put: acSetNumThreads oprType [1]', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) assert 0 == lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'RE_UNABLE_TO_READ_SESSION_VAR', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) os.unlink(trigger_file) with lib.file_backed_up(corefile): initial_size_of_server_log = lib.get_log_size('server') rules_to_prepend = ''' acSetNumThreads() { writeLine("serverLog","test_rule_engine_2309: get: acSetNumThreads oprType [$oprType]"); } ''' time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 lib.prepend_string_to_file(rules_to_prepend, corefile) time.sleep(1) # remove once file hash fix is commited #2279 self.admin.assert_icommand('iget {0}'.format(trigger_file), use_unsafe_shell=True) assert 1 == lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'writeLine: inString = test_rule_engine_2309: get: acSetNumThreads oprType [2]', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) assert 0 == lib.count_occurrences_of_string_in_log( 'server', 'RE_UNABLE_TO_READ_SESSION_VAR', start_index=initial_size_of_server_log) os.unlink(trigger_file)