def main(limit):
	mem = [0] * (limit + 1)
	perims = map(sum, pythagoreanTriples())
	perims = takewhile(lambda p: p <= limit, perims)
	for p in perims:
		mem[p] += 1
	return max(range(limit + 1), key=lambda i: mem[i])
def main(limit):
    mem = [0] * (limit + 1)
    perims = map(sum, pythagoreanTriples())
    perims = takewhile(lambda p: p <= limit, perims)
    for p in perims:
        mem[p] += 1
    return max(range(limit + 1), key=lambda i: mem[i])
def main():
    xs = defaultdict(set)
    for p, q, x in pythagoreanTriples():
        for r, s in xs[x]:
            for y, z in ((p, r), (r, p), (p, s), (s, p), (q, r), (r, q), (q, s), (s, q)):
                if y > z and square(y * y - z * z):
                    if all(square(n) for n in [x+y,x-y,x+z,x-z,y+z,y-z]):
                        return x + y + z
        xs[x].add((p, q))
def main(limit):
	# unwrap the box and draw straight lines from S to F
	# we see that the path is a hypotenuse
	# to get integer paths use pythagorean triples
	mem = [0] * 4
	for p, q, r in pythagoreanTriples(): # we let p, q = a, b + c or q, p = a, b + c
		for maxSide, solns in countSolns(p, q):
			if maxSide >= len(mem): # double the length of the list
				mem.extend([mem[-1]] * len(mem))
			for m in range(maxSide, len(mem)): # count this M toward larger Ms
				mem[m] += solns
		# p + q + r = p + q + sqrt(p * p + q * q) < 3*M + sqrt(5) * M
		M = int((p + q + r) / (3 + sqrt(5))) # Ms smaller or equal to this are fixed, ie no new solutions possible
		if mem[M] > limit:
			# Once we find a fixed M over the limit we should see if there is one smaller
			# I have a hunch that the one we found is the smallest but I can't prove it
			M = 1 + next(m for m in reversed(range(M)) if mem[m] <= limit) # smallest M that passes the limit
			return M
def main(limit):
    # unwrap the box and draw straight lines from S to F
    # we see that the path is a hypotenuse
    # to get integer paths use pythagorean triples
    mem = [0] * 4
    for p, q, r in pythagoreanTriples(
    ):  # we let p, q = a, b + c or q, p = a, b + c
        for maxSide, solns in countSolns(p, q):
            if maxSide >= len(mem):  # double the length of the list
                mem.extend([mem[-1]] * len(mem))
            for m in range(maxSide, len(mem)):  # count this M toward larger Ms
                mem[m] += solns
        # p + q + r = p + q + sqrt(p * p + q * q) < 3*M + sqrt(5) * M
        M = int(
            (p + q + r) / (3 + sqrt(5))
        )  # Ms smaller or equal to this are fixed, ie no new solutions possible
        if mem[M] > limit:
            # Once we find a fixed M over the limit we should see if there is one smaller
            # I have a hunch that the one we found is the smallest but I can't prove it
            M = 1 + next(
                m for m in reversed(range(M))
                if mem[m] <= limit)  # smallest M that passes the limit
            return M
def main(lim):
    # trick: generate the triples in order of increasing perimeter, check adjacent perimeters for differences
    perimeters = map(sum, pythagoreanTriples())
    perimeters = takewhile(lambda L: L <= lim, perimeters)
    return sum(sum(1 for _ in g) == 1 for _, g in groupby(perimeters))
def countPaths(M):
	maxPerim = (3 + sqrt(5)) * M
	triples = takewhile(lambda t: sum(t) <= maxPerim, pythagoreanTriples())
	return sum(countTriples(p, q, M) for p, q, _ in triples)
def main(lim):
	# trick: generate the triples in order of increasing perimeter, check adjacent perimeters for differences
	perimeters = map(sum, pythagoreanTriples())
	perimeters = takewhile(lambda L: L <= lim, perimeters)
	return sum(sum(1 for _ in g) == 1 for _, g in groupby(perimeters))
def countPaths(M):
    maxPerim = (3 + sqrt(5)) * M
    triples = takewhile(lambda t: sum(t) <= maxPerim, pythagoreanTriples())
    return sum(countTriples(p, q, M) for p, q, _ in triples)
def main(n):
	return next(a * b * c for a, b, c in pythagoreanTriples() if a + b + c == n)
def main(n):
    return next(a * b * c for a, b, c in pythagoreanTriples()
                if a + b + c == n)