def create_cloudformation_template_init_buckets3(): # Create Header for the YML stack = dict(AWSTemplateFormatVersion='2010-09-09', Description='Bonfire project S3 bucket', Resources={ "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketName": "bonfire-bucket-{}".format( Utils.generate_random_word(10)) } } }) return stack
def check_sns_topic(topic_arn_list, category): # Dict of the topic resources topics = [] topic_resources = [] for topic_arn in topic_arn_list: subscriptions = None # Check if the topic arn has any suscription if type(topic_arn) is dict: topic = list(topic_arn.keys())[0] subscriptions = list(topic_arn.values())[0] topic_arn = topic if type(topic_arn) is str: topic_arn = topic_arn # If arn resource exist query #'Checking if the SNS topic exist: {}'.format(topic_arn)) if topic_arn.startswith('arn'): _sns_topic_ref = topic_arn else: #'SNS topic "{}" doesn\'t exist and will be create'.format(topic_arn)) _sns_topic_name = "{0}-sns-topic-{1}".format( category, Utils.generate_random_word(5)) # Update topic name with the correct _sns_topic_name_ref = _sns_topic_name.replace("-", "") _sns_topic_ref = "!Ref {}".format(_sns_topic_name_ref) sns_topic_resource = { _sns_topic_name_ref: { "Type": "AWS::SNS::Topic", "Properties": { "DisplayName": topic_arn, "TopicName": _sns_topic_name } } } # Add resources topic_resources.append(sns_topic_resource) SetupLogger.logger.debug( 'SNS Topic {} added to Cloudformation Template.'.format( _sns_topic_name)) # Add topic ref topics.append(_sns_topic_ref) # Check if any suscriptions exist if subscriptions is not None: for subscription in subscriptions: _suscription_name = "{0}-suscription-{1}".format( category, Utils.generate_random_word(5)) # Update topic name with the correct _suscription_name_ref = _suscription_name.replace("-", "") subscription_resource = { _suscription_name_ref: { "Type": "AWS::SNS::Subscription", "Properties": { "Endpoint": subscription["Endpoint"], "Protocol": subscription["Protocol"], "TopicArn": _sns_topic_ref } } } # Add resources topic_resources.append(subscription_resource) return {'topics': topics, 'resources': topic_resources}
def create_cloudformation_template_alerts(alert_yml_data=None): print("[plugin: AWS] Creating cloudformation alerts template") """ _aws_account = None _category = None _sub_category = None _monitoring_system = None _environment = None sns_topic = None _namespace = None _alarm_name = None _alarm_description = None _threshold = None _evaluation_period = None _period = None _metric_name = None _statistic = None _ok_action = None _alarm_action = None _dimensions = None _treat_missing_data = None _severity = None """ _action_enabled = True _comparison_operator = None # Create Header for the YML stack = dict(AWSTemplateFormatVersion='2010-09-09', Description='Monitoring alert stack', Resources={}) # Query all categories inside the yml alert file for category in alert_yml_data: # Must use _category = str(category) # Get Monitoring System for monitoring_system in alert_yml_data.get(_category): # print 'Monitoring System:', monitoring_system _monitoring_system = str(monitoring_system) # Check if the monitor tool is AWS if _monitoring_system == "AWS": _account = str( alert_yml_data[_category][_monitoring_system]['Account']) # Add the description of the stack stack[ 'Description'] += " for {} category, generated by bonfire project".format( _category) # Check if the SNS Topic exist _sns_topic_list = check_sns_topic( alert_yml_data[_category][_monitoring_system]['SNS'], category) for sns_resource in _sns_topic_list['resources']: for key, val in sns_resource.items(): stack['Resources'][key] = val # Loop for each cloudwatch alert definition for name, alert in alert_yml_data[_category][ _monitoring_system]['Cloudwatch'].items(): _namespace = alert['Namespace'] _sub_category = alert['Subcategory'] _environment = alert['Env'] _metric_name = alert['MetricName'] _alarm_description = alert['Desc'] _severity = alert['Severity'] _threshold = alert['Threshold'] _evaluation_period = alert['EvaluationPeriods'] _period = alert['Period'] _statistic = alert['Statistic'] # _ok_action = list(SNS_TOPICS_LIST['topics']) _ok_action = list(_sns_topic_list['topics']) _alarm_action = list(_sns_topic_list['topics']) _dimensions = alert['Dimensions'] _insufficient_data = list(_sns_topic_list['topics']) if str(alert['Comparator']) == '>': _comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanThreshold' elif str(alert['Comparator']) == '<': _comparison_operator = 'LessThanThreshold' elif str(alert['Comparator']) == '>=': _comparison_operator = 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold' elif str(alert['Comparator']) == '<=': _comparison_operator = 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold' _alarm_name = "-".join([ _category, _sub_category, _environment, _metric_name, _comparison_operator, str(_threshold), str(_evaluation_period), _severity ]) # Check if the variable TreatMissingData exist try: _treat_missing_data = alert['TreatMissingData'] # I should improve this .... except Exception as e: _treat_missing_data = 'missing' _alarm_name_cloudformation = (_alarm_name.replace( '-', '').replace('_', '').replace( '.', '')) + Utils.generate_random_word(4) stack['Resources'][_alarm_name_cloudformation] = \ {"Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm", "Properties": {"ActionsEnabled": _action_enabled, "AlarmActions": _alarm_action, "AlarmDescription": _alarm_description, "AlarmName": _alarm_name, "ComparisonOperator": _comparison_operator, "Dimensions": _dimensions, "EvaluationPeriods": _evaluation_period, "Period": _period, # ExtendedStatistic = 'String', "InsufficientDataActions": _insufficient_data, "MetricName": _metric_name, "Namespace": _namespace, "OKActions": _ok_action, "Statistic": _statistic, "Threshold": _threshold, "TreatMissingData": _treat_missing_data } } SetupLogger.logger.debug( ('Alarm {} added to Cloudformation Template.'.format( _alarm_name))) # Write template to file stack_name = "{0}-{1}-alerts-stack".format(_account, category) stack_file_path = os.path.join(_path_deployment_plugin, stack_name + ".yml") print("[plugin: AWS] '{0}' stack created in directory '{1}'". format(stack_name, stack_file_path)) write_cloudformation_template_to_file(stack, stack_file_path)