def test_undefined_in_group_eval_eleven(topo, test_user, aci_of_user): """ Aci will not allow access as description is there with the user entry which is not allowed in ACI :id: 4cfa28e2-7841-11e8-8117-8c16451d917b :setup: server :steps: 1. Add test entry 2. Take a count of users using DN_DM 3. Add test user 4. add aci 5. test should fullfil the aci rules :expectedresults: 1. Entry should be added 2. Operation should succeed 3. Operation should succeed 4. Operation should succeed 5. Operation should succeed """ Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add( "aci", '(targetattr=*)(version 3.0; aci "tester"; allow(all) not( userattr = "description#GROUPDN");)' ) user = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL) user.add("description", [ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL, GROUPH_GLOBAL]) conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM) # Test that not(UNDEFINED(attrval1)) user1 = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL) with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS): user1.add("sn", "Fred1") assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('cn') user.remove("description", [ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL, GROUPH_GLOBAL])
def test_undefined_in_group_eval_eight(topo, test_user, aci_of_user): """ Aci will not allow access as Group dn is not allowed so members will not allowed access. :id: 26ca7456-7841-11e8-801e-8c16451d917b :setup: server :steps: 1. Add test entry 2. Take a count of users using DN_DM 3. Add test user 4. add aci 5. test should fullfil the aci rules :expectedresults: 1. Entry should be added 2. Operation should succeed 3. Operation should succeed 4. Operation should succeed 5. Operation should succeed """ Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add( "aci", '(targetattr=*)(version 3.0; aci "tester"; allow(all) groupdn != "ldap:///{} || ldap:///{} || ldap:///{}" ;)' .format(GROUPH_GLOBAL, GROUPA_GLOBAL, ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL)) conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER3_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM) # test UNDEFINED in group user = UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL) with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS): user.replace("description", "Fred") assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'scratchEntry'
def test_passwordexpirationtime_attribute(topo, _add_user): """Regression test for bz1118006. :id: 867472d2-473c-11ea-b583-8c16451d917b :setup: Standalone :steps: 1. Check that the passwordExpirationTime attribute is set to the epoch date :expected results: 1. Success """ Config(topo.standalone).replace('passwordMustChange', 'on') epoch_date = "19700101000000Z" time.sleep(1) user = UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'uid=pwadm_user_1,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}') user.replace('userpassword', 'Secret123') time.sleep(1) # Check that the passwordExpirationTime attribute is set to the epoch date assert user.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordExpirationTime') == epoch_date Config(topo.standalone).replace('passwordMustChange', 'off') time.sleep(1)
def test_gecos_directoryString_wins_M2(topo_m2, request): """Check that if inital syntax are IA5(M2) and DirectoryString(M1) Then directoryString wins when nsSchemaCSN M2 is the greatest :id: 2da7f1b1-f86d-4072-a940-ba56d4bc8348 :setup: Two suppliers replication setup :steps: 1. Create a testuser on M1 2 Stop M1 and M2 3 Change gecos def on M2 to be IA5 4 Start M1 and M2 5 Update M2 schema so that M2 has greatest nsSchemaCSN 6 Update testuser on M2 and trigger replication to M1 7 Update testuser on M2 with gecos directoryString value 8 Check replication is still working 9 Check gecos is DirectoryString on M1 and M2 :expectedresults: 1. success 2. success 3. success 4. success 5. success 6. success 7. success 8. success 9. success """ repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX) m1 =["supplier1"] m2 =["supplier2"] # create a test user testuser_dn = 'uid={},{}'.format('testuser', DEFAULT_SUFFIX) testuser = UserAccount(m1, testuser_dn) try: testuser.create( properties={ 'uid': 'testuser', 'cn': 'testuser', 'sn': 'testuser', 'uidNumber': '1000', 'gidNumber': '2000', 'homeDirectory': '/home/testuser', }) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass testuser.replace('displayName', 'to trigger replication M1-> M2') repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) # Stop suppliers to update the schema m1.stop() m2.stop() # on M1: gecos is DirectoryString (default) # on M2: gecos is IA5 schema_filename = (m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") try: with open(schema_filename, 'w') as schema_file: schema_file.write("dn: cn=schema\n") schema_file.write( "attributetypes: ( NAME " + "'gecos' DESC 'The GECOS field; the common name' " + "EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match " + "SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch " + "SYNTAX " + "SINGLE-VALUE )\n") os.chmod(schema_filename, 0o777) except OSError as e: log.fatal("Failed to update schema file: " + "{} Error: {}".format(schema_filename, str(e))) # start the instances m1.start() m2.start() # Check that gecos is IA5 on M2 schema = SchemaLegacy(m2) attributetypes = schema.query_attributetype('gecos') assert attributetypes[0].syntax == "" # update M2 schema to increase its nsschemaCSN new_at = "( dummy-oid NAME 'dummy' DESC 'dummy attribute' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2307' )" m2.schema.add_schema('attributetypes', ensure_bytes(new_at)) # update just to trigger replication M2->M1 # and update of M2 schema testuser_m2 = UserAccount(m2, testuser_dn) testuser_m2.replace('displayName', 'to trigger replication M2-> M1') # Add a gecos UTF value on M1 testuser.replace('gecos', 'Hélène') # Check replication is still working testuser.replace('displayName', 'ascii value') repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) assert testuser_m2.exists() assert testuser_m2.get_attr_val_utf8('displayName') == 'ascii value' # Check that gecos is DirectoryString on M1 schema = SchemaLegacy(m1) attributetypes = schema.query_attributetype('gecos') assert attributetypes[0].syntax == "" # Check that gecos is DirectoryString on M2 schema = SchemaLegacy(m2) attributetypes = schema.query_attributetype('gecos') assert attributetypes[0].syntax == "" def fin(): m1.start() m2.start() testuser.delete() m1.schema.del_schema('attributetypes', ensure_bytes(new_at)) repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) # on M2 restore a default 99user.ldif m2.stop() os.remove(m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") schema_filename = (m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") try: with open(schema_filename, 'w') as schema_file: schema_file.write("dn: cn=schema\n") os.chmod(schema_filename, 0o777) except OSError as e: log.fatal("Failed to update schema file: " + "{} Error: {}".format(schema_filename, str(e))) m2.start() request.addfinalizer(fin)
def test_gecos_mixed_definition_topo(topo_m2, request): """Check that replication is still working if schema contains definitions that does not conform with a replicated entry :id: d5940e71-d18a-4b71-aaf7-b9185361fffe :setup: Two suppliers replication setup :steps: 1. Create a testuser on M1 2 Stop M1 and M2 3 Change gecos def on M2 to be IA5 4 Update testuser with gecos directoryString value 5 Check replication is still working :expectedresults: 1. success 2. success 3. success 4. success 5. success """ repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX) m1 =["supplier1"] m2 =["supplier2"] # create a test user testuser_dn = 'uid={},{}'.format('testuser', DEFAULT_SUFFIX) testuser = UserAccount(m1, testuser_dn) try: testuser.create( properties={ 'uid': 'testuser', 'cn': 'testuser', 'sn': 'testuser', 'uidNumber': '1000', 'gidNumber': '2000', 'homeDirectory': '/home/testuser', }) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: pass repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) # Stop suppliers to update the schema m1.stop() m2.stop() # on M1: gecos is DirectoryString (default) # on M2: gecos is IA5 schema_filename = (m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") try: with open(schema_filename, 'w') as schema_file: schema_file.write("dn: cn=schema\n") schema_file.write( "attributetypes: ( NAME " + "'gecos' DESC 'The GECOS field; the common name' " + "EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match " + "SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch " + "SYNTAX " + "SINGLE-VALUE )\n") os.chmod(schema_filename, 0o777) except OSError as e: log.fatal("Failed to update schema file: " + "{} Error: {}".format(schema_filename, str(e))) # start the instances m1.start() m2.start() # Check that gecos is IA5 on M2 schema = SchemaLegacy(m2) attributetypes = schema.query_attributetype('gecos') assert attributetypes[0].syntax == "" # Add a gecos UTF value on M1 testuser.replace('gecos', 'Hélène') # Check replication is still working testuser.replace('displayName', 'ascii value') repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) testuser_m2 = UserAccount(m2, testuser_dn) assert testuser_m2.exists() assert testuser_m2.get_attr_val_utf8('displayName') == 'ascii value' def fin(): m1.start() m2.start() testuser.delete() repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2) # on M2 restore a default 99user.ldif m2.stop() os.remove(m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") schema_filename = (m2.schemadir + "/99user.ldif") try: with open(schema_filename, 'w') as schema_file: schema_file.write("dn: cn=schema\n") os.chmod(schema_filename, 0o777) except OSError as e: log.fatal("Failed to update schema file: " + "{} Error: {}".format(schema_filename, str(e))) m2.start() m1.start() request.addfinalizer(fin)