parser.add_argument('-i','--id', dest='eventid', help='Output data in EHDF format') args = parser.parse_args() if args.limitContributor is not None: contriblist = checkContributors() if args.limitContributor not in contriblist: print 'Cannot restrict to contributor %s, as it is not in the list of valid contributors.' for c in contriblist: print '\t%s' % c sys.exit(1) eventlist = getPhaseData(bounds=args.bounds,radius=args.radius,starttime=args.startTime, endtime=args.endTime,magrange=args.magRange,catalog=args.catalog, contributor=args.contributor,eventid=args.eventid) if not len(eventlist): sys.stderr.write('No events found. Exiting.\n') sys.exit(0) for event in eventlist: if args.limitContributor is not None: if not event.eventcode.startswith(args.limitContributor): continue if args.format == 'isf': text = event.renderISF() elif args.format == 'ehdf': text = event.renderEHDF() print text
def main(args): eventid = radius = args.radius #does the bayesloc folder exist? if not os.path.isdir(BAYESDIR): print FOLDER_ERROR sys.exit(1) bayesbin = os.path.join(BAYESDIR,'bin',BAYESBIN) ttimes = glob.glob(os.path.join(BAYESDIR,'ttimes','ak135.*')) if not os.path.isfile(bayesbin): print FOLDER_ERROR sys.exit(1) if not len(ttimes): print FOLDER_ERROR sys.exit(1) bayesdb = os.path.join(BAYESDIR,BAYESDB) # if startOver and os.path.isfile(bayesdb): # os.remove(bayesdb) #does the database exist - if not, create it if not os.path.isfile(bayesdb): db = sqlite3.connect(bayesdb) cursor = db.cursor() createTables(db,cursor) else: db = sqlite3.connect(bayesdb) cursor = db.cursor() #Delete selected list of events if args.delete: nevents = deleteEvents(db,cursor,args.delete) print '%i events deleted from the database.' % nevents sys.exit(0) #Return some stats about the current database if args.stats: nevents,nstations,narrivals = getStats(cursor) print 'Your database contains information about:' print '\t%i events' % nevents print '\t%i stations' % nstations print '\t%i picks' % narrivals sys.exit(0) eventinfo = getPhaseData(eventid=eventid) if not len(eventinfo): print 'Could not find event %s in ComCat. Returning.' sys.exit(1) #get the information about the input event eventinfo = eventinfo[0] eventlat =[0]['lat'] eventlon =[0]['lon'] eventtime =[0]['time'] if eventtime < args.begindate or eventtime > args.enddate: fmt = 'Event %s (%s) is outside the time bounds you specified. %s to %s. Exiting.' print fmt % (eventinfo.eventcode,eventtime,args.begindate,args.enddate) sys.exit(1) tnow = datetime.utcnow() eventfolder = os.path.join(BAYESDIR,'events',eventid) if not os.path.isdir(eventfolder): os.makedirs(eventfolder) # eventlist1 = getEventData(radius=(eventlat,eventlon,0,radius), # starttime=args.begindate, # endtime=args.enddate,catalog='pde') eventlist = getEventData(radius=(eventlat,eventlon,0,radius), starttime=args.begindate, endtime=args.enddate,catalog='us') #eventlist = eventlist1 + eventlist2 if args.count: fmt = 'There are %i events inside %.1f km radius around event %s (%.4f,%.4f)' print fmt % (len(eventlist),radius,eventid,eventlat,eventlon) sys.exit(0) #check to see if event has already been located - if so, stop, unless we're being forced if not args.force: sql = 'SELECT id,code,rlat,rlon,rdepth,rtime FROM event WHERE code="%s"' % eventid cursor.execute(sql) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is not None and row[2] is not None: print 'Event %s is already in the database. Stopping.' % eventid sys.exit(0) priors = getEventPriors(eventlist,cursor) stations,arrivals,newevents = getProcessedData(eventlist,db,cursor,ndays=NWEEKS*7) fmt = 'In database: %i stations, %i arrivals. %i events not in db.' #print fmt % (len(stations),len(arrivals),len(newevents)) missing_stations = [] for event in newevents: phasedata = getPhaseData(eventid=event) if phasedata is None: continue if not len(phasedata[0].magnitudes): continue newstations,newarrivals,ms = insertPhaseData(phasedata[0],db,cursor) stations = dict(stations.items() + newstations.items()) arrivals += newarrivals missing_stations += ms print 'After searching online:' fmt = 'In database: %i stations, %i arrivals. %i missing stations.' print fmt % (len(stations),len(arrivals),len(missing_stations)) stafile = 'station.dat' stationfile = os.path.join(eventfolder,stafile) f = open(stationfile,'wt') f.write('sta_id lat lon elev\n') for stationcode,stationvals in stations.iteritems(): slat,slon,elev = stationvals f.write('%s %.4f %.4f %.3f\n' % (stationcode,slat,slon,elev)) f.close() arrfile = 'arrival.dat' arrivalfile = os.path.join(eventfolder,arrfile) f = open(arrivalfile,'wt') f.write('ev_id sta_id phase time\n') for arrival in arrivals: eid,scode,phase,time = arrival f.write('%i %s %s %.3f\n' % (eid,scode,phase,time)) f.close() prifile = 'prior.dat' #?? priorfile = os.path.join(eventfolder,prifile) f = open(priorfile,'wt') f.write('ev_id lat_mean lon_mean dist_sd depth_mean depth_sd time_mean time_sd\n') for prior in priors: evid,plat,plon,pdepth,ptime = prior f.write('%i %.4f %.4f 0.0 %.1f 0.0 %.3f 0.0\n' % (evid,plat,plon,pdepth,ptime)) f.close() #write the config file configfile = os.path.join(eventfolder,'bayesloc.cfg') config = CONFIG.replace('BAYESLOC',BAYESLOC) config = config.replace('EVENTFOLDER',eventfolder) fcfg = open(configfile,'wt') fcfg.write(config) fcfg.close() #Run the BayesLoc program #change to the eventfolder cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(eventfolder) bayesbin = os.path.join(BAYESLOC,'bin','bayesloc') cmd = '%s %s' % (bayesbin,configfile) print 'Running command %s...' % cmd t1 = # process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # for c in iter(lambda:, ''): # sys.stderr.write(c) res,stdout,stderr = getCommandOutput(cmd) t2 = if not res: print 'BayesLoc command "%s" failed. \n%s\n%s.' % (cmd,stdout,stderr) sys.exit(1) else: dt = ((t2-t1).seconds)/60.0 print 'BayesLoc command was successful - took %.1f minutes.' % dt os.chdir(cwd) resultfile = os.path.join(eventfolder,'output','origins_ned_stats.out') f = open(resultfile,'rt') f.readline() eventlist = [] fieldlist = ['lat','lon','depth','time','rlat','rlon','rdepth','rtime','mag','nevents'] nevents = len(priors) + len(newevents) for line in f.readlines(): parts = line.split() eid = int(parts[0]) lat = float(parts[1]) lon = float(parts[2]) depth = float(parts[3]) time = UTCDateTime(float(parts[4])).datetime efmt = 'UPDATE event set rlat=%.4f,rlon=%.4f,rdepth=%.1f,rtime="%s",nevents=%i WHERE id=%i' equery = efmt % (lat,lon,depth,time,nevents,eid) cursor.execute(equery) db.commit() query = 'SELECT %s FROM event WHERE id=%i' % (','.join(fieldlist),eid) cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() eventlist.append(dict(zip(fieldlist,row))) f.close() #make a map of all the relocated events fname = makeMap(eventlist,eventlat,eventlon,eventfolder) print 'Relocated events: %s' % fname #tell the user what happened with the relocation fmt = 'SELECT lat,lon,depth,time,rlat,rlon,rdepth,rtime,nevents FROM event WHERE code="%s"' query = fmt % (eventid) cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() lat,lon,depth,time,rlat,rlon,rdepth,rtime,nevents = row time = UTCDateTime(time).datetime rtime = UTCDateTime(rtime).datetime if rtime >= time: dt = (rtime-time).seconds + ((rtime-time).microseconds)/float(1e6) else: dt = (time-rtime).seconds + ((time-rtime).microseconds)/float(1e6) dd,az1,az2 = gps2DistAzimuth(lat,lon,rlat,rlon) dd /= 1000.0 print 'Event %s was relocated using %i events.' % (eventid,nevents) print 'Starting: %s (%.4f,%.4f) %.1f km' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),lat,lon,depth) print 'Relocated: %s (%.4f,%.4f) %.1f km' % (rtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),rlat,rlon,rdepth) print '%.1f km (%.1f degrees), %.1f seconds' % (dd,az1,dt) cursor.close() db.close()