def process_image(img_file, draw=False, drawsteps=False):

    img_src = cv2.imread(img_file, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    w = img_src.shape[1]
    h = img_src.shape[0]
    img_src, invdim = lkd.rescale(img_src, scale_percent=50)
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    thres, _ = cv2.threshold(img_grey, 20, 200,
                             cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, img_grey = cv2.threshold(img_grey, thres - 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    org = np.array([int(img_grey.shape[1] / 2), int(img_grey.shape[0] / 2)])
    ret = lkd.process_image_center(img_src,
    org = np.array(
        [int((ret[0][0] + ret[2][0]) / 2),
         int((ret[0][1] + ret[2][1]) / 2)])
    ret = lkd.process_image_center(img_src,
    ret = np.multiply(ret, invdim, out=ret, casting='unsafe', dtype=np.int32)
    # print(img_file)
    return ret, w, h
def process_image(img_file, draw=False):

    img_src = cv2.imread(img_file, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    w = img_src.shape[1]
    h = img_src.shape[0]
    img_src, invdim = lkd.rescale(img_src, scale_percent=50)
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    thres, _ = cv2.threshold(img_grey, 20, 200,
                             cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, img_grey = cv2.threshold(img_grey, thres - 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    ret = 0

    cv2.imshow("GREY", img_grey)

    ret, _, _ = lkd.get_borders_from_grey_smear(img_src, img_grey, draw=draw)

    if ret is not None:
        if draw:
            minr = lkd.get_scaled_rect(ret, percentage=-4)
            maxr = lkd.get_scaled_rect(ret, percentage=7)

            lkd.drawimg(img_src, [ret], red=maxr, green=minr)
        ret = np.multiply(ret,
    # print(img_file)
    return ret, w, h
def get_borderboxes_intervals(img_src):
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    vhist_grey = np.average(img_grey, axis=1)
    glimit_grey = np.min(vhist_grey) + np.average(vhist_grey) * .25
    bvhist_grey = thresbinv(vhist_grey, glimit_grey)

    # bvhist_grey = np.insert(bvhist_grey,0,[0])
    bvhist_grey = np.insert(bvhist_grey, len(bvhist_grey), [0])
    ranges = []
    prev = 0
    # cvopen = False
    cvec = None
    maxvlen = 0
    for idx, l in enumerate(bvhist_grey):
        if prev != l:
            if cvec is None:
                cvec = [idx, idx, 0]
                cvec[1] = idx - 1
                cvec[2] = cvec[1] - cvec[0] + 1
                if maxvlen < cvec[2]:
                    maxvlen = cvec[2]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
                cvec = None
        prev = l
    ret = [[f[0], f[1]] for f in ranges if f[2] < maxvlen]
    return ret
def get_grey_otsu_bw(img_src):
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    _, img_bw = cv2.threshold(img_grey, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    thres, _ = cv2.threshold(img_grey, 20, 200,
                             cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, img_otsu = cv2.threshold(img_grey, thres - 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

    return img_grey, img_otsu, img_bw
def process_single_file(img_filename, theta=0.01,minvert=4, maxvert=20,scale_percent=20,show=True):
    img_src = cv2.imread(img_filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    img_prefilt = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    # img_prefilt = img_process.copy() 
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_prefilt, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret = process_single(img_src, img_grey, imgfilename=img_filename, theta=theta, minvert=minvert, maxvert=maxvert, scale_percent=scale_percent, draw=show)
    if show:
    return ret
def process_image(img_file, scale_percent=50, draw=False, drawsteps=False):
    ret = None
    img_src = cv2.imread(img_file, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    w = img_src.shape[1]
    h = img_src.shape[0]
    img_src, invdim = lkd.rescale(img_src, scale_percent=scale_percent)
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(img_src)
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    thres, _ = cv2.threshold(img_grey, 20, 200,
                             cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    _, img_grey = cv2.threshold(img_grey, thres - 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    bbxes, mainbox = get_borderboxes(
        img_src)  # get paintboxes and paper-tissues if they exist
    if bbxes is not None:
        cv2.drawContours(img_grey, bbxes, 0, color=0,
                         thickness=-1)  # blacken them

    if mainbox is not None:  # alternative: blacken everyting
        img_grey, _ = lkd.blacken_outside_shape(img_grey, mainbox)

    if draw:
        lkd.drawimg(img_grey, [], label="GREYBLACKED")

    sdraw = draw

    shrinkrect, _, _ = lkd.process_image_shrink_boxdetect(img_src,

    ret = shrinkrect

    lim = max(img_grey.shape)
    if ret.min() < 0 or ret.max() > lim:
        ret = np.array(
            [[0, 0], [img_grey.shape[1], 0],
             [img_grey.shape[1], img_grey.shape[0]], [0, img_grey.shape[0]]],
        # minr = lkd.get_scaled_rect(ret, percentage=-7)
        maxr = lkd.get_scaled_rect(
            ret, percentage=7)  # 7 magic number by try and error

        # blacken out detected rectangle outer parts wit an offset of a certain percentage (see above)
        outerinv = np.zeros(img_grey.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        outerinv = cv2.drawContours(outerinv, [maxr],
                                    0, [255, 255, 255],
        img_grey = cv2.bitwise_and(img_grey, outerinv)

        ret = get_optimized_rect(img_src,

    draw = sdraw

    if draw:
        lkd.drawimg(img_src, [ret], green=ret)
    # print(img_file)
    ret = np.multiply(ret, invdim, out=ret, casting='unsafe', dtype=np.int32)
    return ret, w, h
def get_borderboxes(img_src):
    """Returns boxes of upper and lower objects besides the main white middle area
       this removes paintboxes and papertissues from the given sample pictures.

       For concept illustration please see
    img_pref = lkd.prefilter_colors(
        img_src)  # ditch greens and fingers as usual :D
    img_grey = cv2.cvtColor(
        img_pref, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # standard grayscale works best
    vhist_grey = np.average(img_grey, axis=1)  # average every horizontal line
    glimit_grey = np.min(vhist_grey) + np.average(
    ) * .25  # we cant consider zero as bottom line but need to check the minumum
    # and need some offset to the "bottom" so by
    # looking at the sampled data 25% of the average gave good results in most cases
    bvhist_grey = thresbinv(
        vhist_grey, glimit_grey
    )  # we cant use any grey scale value but need a binary representation tissue/paintbox/painting = 1 "background" = 0

    bvhist_grey = np.insert(bvhist_grey, len(bvhist_grey),
                            [0])  # insert dummy zero at the beginning

    ranges = []  # collection of intervals
    prev = 0  # previouse signal value zero or one
    cvec = None  # current interval
    maxvlen = 0  # longest interval

    # go top down over the values - every continuous block of ones will be returned as a 'range' of the indexes (picture lines/rows)
    for idx, l in enumerate(bvhist_grey):
        if prev != l:  # change from 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0
            if cvec is None:  # 0 -> 1
                cvec = [idx, idx, 0]  # start new box with start current index
            else:  # 1 -> 0
                cvec[1] = idx - 1  # close open box with end of previous index
                cvec[2] = cvec[1] - cvec[
                    0] + 1  # calculate length so we can remove the longuest (which should be the drawing in the picture)
                ranges.append(cvec)  # append to range collection
                if maxvlen < cvec[
                        2]:  # if this is the longes block we have seen?
                    maxvlen = cvec[2]  # remember the length                   # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
                cvec = None  # reset
        prev = l

    ret = [
        [  # return a rectangle shape with the width of the src image (clockwise orientation)
            [0, f[0]],  # upper left corner                   
            [img_grey.shape[1], f[0]],  # upper right
            [img_grey.shape[1], f[1]],  # lower right
            [0, f[1]]  # lower left
        ] for f in ranges if f[2] <
        maxvlen  # for every range block that is smaller than the longest (which should be the drawing in the picture) 

    retmaxa = [
        [  # return a rectangle shape with the width of the src image (clockwise orientation)
            [0, f[0]],  # upper left corner                   
            [img_grey.shape[1], f[0]],  # upper right
            [img_grey.shape[1], f[1]],  # lower right
            [0, f[1]]  # lower left
        ] for f in ranges if f[2] ==
        maxvlen  # for every range block that is smaller than the longest (which should be the drawing in the picture) 

    retmax = None
    if len(retmaxa) > 0:
        retmax = np.array(retmaxa[0], dtype=np.int32)

    return np.array(ret, dtype=np.int32), retmax