def ExchangeAttribute(exchange: str, attribute: str) -> dict: """Get an attribute of the given exchange""" try: initiate_exchange = getattr(non_async_ccxt, exchange) exchange_class = initiate_exchange({ 'id': exchange, 'enableRateLimit': True }) exchange_attr = getattr(exchange_class, attribute) return exchange_attr except (ccxt.ArgumentsRequired, ccxt.BadRequest) as exception: raise BadRequest(exception) except (ccxt.InvalidOrder, ccxt.OrderNotFound, ccxt.OrderNotCached, ccxt.CancelPending, ccxt.OrderImmediatelyFillable, ccxt.OrderNotFillable, ccxt.DuplicateOrderId) as exception: raise OrderError(exception) except (ccxt.InsufficientFunds, ccxt.InvalidAddress, ccxt.AddressPending, ccxt.AccountSuspended) as exception: raise AccountError(exception) except (ccxt.AuthenticationError, ccxt.PermissionDenied) as exception: raise AuthtError(exception) except (ccxt.BadResponse, ccxt.NullResponse) as exception: raise ResponseError(exception) except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.RequestTimeout, ccxt.DDoSProtection, ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) as exception: 'Oops! Connection with {} had an issued. Will wait for 5 seconds and try to re-establish connection' .format(exchange)) import time time.sleep(5) except ccxt.ExchangeError as exception: raise ExchangeError(exception) except Exception as exception: raise exception
def cancel_order(order_id: str, exchange: str = CRYPTO_EXCHANGE, api_key: str = CRYPTO_API_KEY, api_secret: str = CRYPTO_API_SECRET, exchange_password: Any = CRYPTO_API_PASSWORD, exchange_uid: Any = CRYPTO_API_UID, test_mode: bool = False) -> Any: """Cancel a specific order""" try: if test_mode == True: url = CRYPTO_URL_TEST else: url = CRYPTO_URL_LIVE payload = {'order_id': order_id} response ='{}/cancel_order/{}'.format(url, exchange), headers=crypto_get_headers( api_key, api_secret, exchange_password, exchange_uid), json=payload) if response: return response.json() if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise BadRequest(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise InvalidCredentials(response.text) except Exception as exception: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise exception
def user_withdrawls(currency_code: str, exchange: str = CRYPTO_EXCHANGE, api_key: str = CRYPTO_API_KEY, api_secret: str = CRYPTO_API_SECRET, exchange_password: Any = CRYPTO_API_PASSWORD, exchange_uid: Any = CRYPTO_API_UID, test_mode: bool = False) -> Any: """Not in docs yet. Needs to be tested.Get your withdrawls""" try: if test_mode == True: url = CRYPTO_URL_TEST else: url = CRYPTO_URL_LIVE payload = {'currency_code': currency_code} response ='{}/withdrawls/{}'.format(url, exchange), headers=crypto_get_headers( api_key, api_secret, exchange_password, exchange_uid), json=payload) if response: return response.json() if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise BadRequest(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise InvalidCredentials(response.text) except Exception as exception: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise exception
def user_positions(exchange: str = CRYPTO_EXCHANGE, api_key: str = CRYPTO_API_KEY, api_secret: str = CRYPTO_API_SECRET, exchange_password: Any = CRYPTO_API_PASSWORD, exchange_uid: Any = CRYPTO_API_UID, test_mode: bool = False) -> Any: """get your positions""" try: if test_mode == True: url = CRYPTO_URL_TEST else: url = CRYPTO_URL_LIVE response ='{}/positions/{}'.format(url, exchange), headers=crypto_get_headers( api_key, api_secret, exchange_password, exchange_uid)) if response: return response.json() if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise BadRequest(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise InvalidCredentials(response.text) except Exception as exception: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise exception
def user_orders(symbol: str, exchange: str = CRYPTO_EXCHANGE, api_key: str = CRYPTO_API_KEY, api_secret: str = CRYPTO_API_SECRET, exchange_password: Any = CRYPTO_API_PASSWORD, exchange_uid: Any = CRYPTO_API_UID, test_mode: bool = False) -> Any: """Get all of your orders""" try: if test_mode == True: url = CRYPTO_URL_TEST else: url = CRYPTO_URL_LIVE payload = {'symbol': symbol.upper(), 'start': "", 'end': ""} response ='{}/get_orders/{}'.format(url, exchange), headers=crypto_get_headers( api_key, api_secret, exchange_password, exchange_uid), json=payload) if response: return response.json() if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise BadRequest(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise InvalidCredentials(response.text) except Exception as exception: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise exception
async def latestTrades(symbol: str, number_of_data_points: int, exchange: str, rate_limit: str) -> dict: """Get latest trades""" try: init_exchange = getattr(ccxt, exchange) exchange_class = init_exchange({ 'id': exchange, 'enableRateLimit': rate_limit }) if exchange_class.has['fetchTrades']: data = await exchange_class.fetchTrades( symbol, limit=number_of_data_points) await exchange_class.close() return data await exchange_class.close() raise FunctionalityNotSupported( "Functionality not available for this exchange.") except (ccxt.ArgumentsRequired, ccxt.BadRequest) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise BadRequest(exception) except (ccxt.InvalidOrder, ccxt.OrderNotFound, ccxt.OrderNotCached, ccxt.CancelPending, ccxt.OrderImmediatelyFillable, ccxt.OrderNotFillable, ccxt.DuplicateOrderId) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise OrderError(exception) except (ccxt.InsufficientFunds, ccxt.InvalidAddress, ccxt.AddressPending, ccxt.AccountSuspended) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise AccountError(exception) except (ccxt.AuthenticationError, ccxt.PermissionDenied) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise AuthtError(exception) except (ccxt.BadResponse, ccxt.NullResponse) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise ResponseError(exception) except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.RequestTimeout, ccxt.DDoSProtection, ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) as exception: await exchange_class.close() 'Oops! Connection with {} had an issued. Will wait for 5 seconds and try to re-establish connection' .format(exchange)) import time time.sleep(5) except ccxt.ExchangeError as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise ExchangeError(exception) except Exception as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise exception
async def MarketStructure(symbol: str, exchange: str, rate_limit: str) -> dict: """Get market structure of a symbol""" try: init_exchange = getattr(ccxt, exchange) exchange_class = init_exchange({ 'id': exchange, 'enableRateLimit': rate_limit }) data = await exchange_class.loadMarkets(True) await exchange_class.close() return data[symbol] except (ccxt.ArgumentsRequired, ccxt.BadRequest) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise BadRequest(exception) except (ccxt.InvalidOrder, ccxt.OrderNotFound, ccxt.OrderNotCached, ccxt.CancelPending, ccxt.OrderImmediatelyFillable, ccxt.OrderNotFillable, ccxt.DuplicateOrderId) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise OrderError(exception) except (ccxt.InsufficientFunds, ccxt.InvalidAddress, ccxt.AddressPending, ccxt.AccountSuspended) as exception: vexchange_class.close() raise AccountError(exception) except (ccxt.AuthenticationError, ccxt.PermissionDenied) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise AuthtError(exception) except (ccxt.BadResponse, ccxt.NullResponse) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise ResponseError(exception) except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.RequestTimeout, ccxt.DDoSProtection, ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) as exception: await exchange_class.close() 'Oops! Connection with {} had an issued. Will wait for 5 seconds and try to re-establish connection' .format(exchange)) import time time.sleep(5) except ccxt.ExchangeError as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise ExchangeError(exception) except Exception as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise exception
def ListOfExchanges(test_mode: bool) -> list: try: if test_mode: list_of_exchanges = non_async_ccxt.exchanges list_of_exchanges_with_test_mode = [] for exchange in list_of_exchanges: initiate_exchange = getattr(non_async_ccxt, exchange) exchange_class = initiate_exchange({ 'id': exchange, 'enableRateLimit': True }) if 'test' in exchange_class.urls: list_of_exchanges_with_test_mode.append(exchange) return list_of_exchanges_with_test_mode return non_async_ccxt.exchanges except (ccxt.ArgumentsRequired, ccxt.BadRequest) as exception: raise BadRequest(exception) except (ccxt.InvalidOrder, ccxt.OrderNotFound, ccxt.OrderNotCached, ccxt.CancelPending, ccxt.OrderImmediatelyFillable, ccxt.OrderNotFillable, ccxt.DuplicateOrderId) as exception: raise OrderError(exception) except (ccxt.InsufficientFunds, ccxt.InvalidAddress, ccxt.AddressPending, ccxt.AccountSuspended) as exception: raise AccountError(exception) except (ccxt.AuthenticationError, ccxt.PermissionDenied) as exception: raise AuthtError(exception) except (ccxt.BadResponse, ccxt.NullResponse) as exception: raise ResponseError(exception) except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.RequestTimeout, ccxt.DDoSProtection, ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) as exception: 'Oops! Connection with {} had an issued. Will wait for 5 seconds and try to re-establish connection' .format(exchange)) import time time.sleep(5) except ccxt.ExchangeError as exception: raise ExchangeError(exception) except Exception as exception: raise exception
def sell(symbol: str, quantity: Any, order_type: str = "market", price: Any = None, exchange: str = CRYPTO_EXCHANGE, api_key: str = CRYPTO_API_KEY, api_secret: str = CRYPTO_API_SECRET, exchange_password: Any = CRYPTO_API_PASSWORD, exchange_uid: Any = CRYPTO_API_UID, test_mode: bool = False) -> Any: """Create a sell order""" try: if test_mode == True: url = CRYPTO_URL_TEST else: url = CRYPTO_URL_LIVE payload = { 'symbol': symbol.upper(), 'quantity': quantity, 'order_type': order_type, 'limitPrice': price } response ='{}/sell/{}'.format(url, exchange), headers=crypto_get_headers( api_key, api_secret, exchange_password, exchange_uid), json=payload) if response: return response.json() if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise BadRequest(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise InvalidCredentials(response.text) except Exception as exception: logger.error('Oops! An error Occurred ⚠️') raise exception
async def getOHLCV(symbol: str, start: str, end: str, interval: str, exchange: str, dataframe: bool, rate_limit: str) -> list: """Get latest trades""" try: init_exchange = getattr(ccxt, exchange) exchange_class = init_exchange({ 'id': exchange, 'enableRateLimit': rate_limit, 'options': { 'fetchOHLCVWarning': False } }) if interval not in exchange_class.timeframes: raise InvlaidTimeInterval( "Time interval not supported by this exchange") if exchange_class.has['fetchOHLCV']: if interval in ["1d", "1w", "1M"]: converted_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%d') converted_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, '%Y-%m-%d') date_time_diff = converted_end - converted_start interval_value = {'1d': 1, "1w": 7, "1M": 30} limit = int(date_time_diff.days) / int( interval_value[interval]) + 1 since = int(converted_start.timestamp() * 1000) elif interval in ["1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h"]: converted_start = datetime.datetime.strptime( start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') converted_end = datetime.datetime.strptime( end, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') date_time_diff = converted_end - converted_start interval_value = { '1m': 1, "5m": 5, "15m": 15, "30m": 30, "1h": 60 } limit = int(date_time_diff // datetime.timedelta( minutes=1)) / int(interval_value[interval]) + 1 since = int(converted_start.timestamp() * 1000) else: await exchange_class.close() InvalidTimeInterval("Invalid Time Interval") data = await exchange_class.fetchOHLCV(symbol, interval, since, int(limit)) final_list = [] for values in range(len(data)): converted_date = float(data[values][0]) / 1000.0 new_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( converted_date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") new_list = { 'time': new_date, 'open': data[values][1], 'high': data[values][2], 'low': data[values][3], 'close': data[values][4], 'volume': data[values][5] } final_list.append(new_list) if dataframe: import pandas columns = ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'] df = pandas.DataFrame(final_list, columns=columns) df['datetime'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['time']) df.set_index(['datetime'], inplace=True) del df['time'] await exchange_class.close() return df await exchange_class.close() return final_list raise FunctionalityNotSupported( "Functionality not available for this exchange.") except (ccxt.ArgumentsRequired, ccxt.BadRequest) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise BadRequest(exception) except (ccxt.InvalidOrder, ccxt.OrderNotFound, ccxt.OrderNotCached, ccxt.CancelPending, ccxt.OrderImmediatelyFillable, ccxt.OrderNotFillable, ccxt.DuplicateOrderId) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise OrderError(exception) except (ccxt.InsufficientFunds, ccxt.InvalidAddress, ccxt.AddressPending, ccxt.AccountSuspended) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise AccountError(exception) except (ccxt.AuthenticationError, ccxt.PermissionDenied) as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise AuthtError(exception) except (ccxt.BadResponse, ccxt.NullResponse) as exception: exchange_class.close() raise ResponseError(exception) except (ccxt.NetworkError, ccxt.RequestTimeout, ccxt.DDoSProtection, ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) as exception: await exchange_class.close() 'Oops! Connection with {} had an issued. Will wait for 5 seconds and try to re-establish connection' .format(exchange)) import time time.sleep(5) except ccxt.ExchangeError as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise ExchangeError(exception) except Exception as exception: await exchange_class.close() raise exception